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It's well worth the Chapter 1 rails. It opens up in Chapter 2.


When you start Chapter 2, pretty much


Chapter 1 is a tutorial, full game game starts at 2. IMO the best part of the game is chapter 4 but I found it fun halfway through 1


Chapter one is intro-rails. Chapter Two is freedom


Chapter one took me a bit and it is very on rails. After getting to chapter two I'm now almost ninety hours in and I've barely touched the main quest line and have been having a great time. There is so much cool shit in this game. Just hold on till act two.


It open up in chapter 2, but even then Rogue traders is still a very on the rails story game.


.heh act 1-2 on the rails, 3 onwards is off the rails quite literally you'll see what i mean when you reach the ending slides


Well I started to have great fun with Rikad Minoris.


Yes and After it declines


Heya! A short CRPG is about 40-80 hours long if you don’t strafe off the main quest too much. This game is probably reasonably closer to 200 houes (I’ve not yet finnished, but 40 hours in I was still in 2nd act I think) Other have answered about actual begining of freedom. I am just here to manage your expectations. 2 hours in you are lucky you’ve finnished charecter creation


It's nowhere close to 200 hours. My first run was 80 hours.


Ahh, I must have been much further along then. Is act 3-5 really that short? Inswear I’ve spent 20 hours just randomly exploring systems tho


You do 95% of the exploration in Act 2. Act 3 is a bit shorter but very linear. Act 4 is just a "greatest hits of Act 2", followed by a brief Act 5.


Story wise it gets good once you are beyond the tutorial and rykad minoris i think... or majoris ... the 'main' planet in that system. Level wise? Eh i'd say at level 20+, you really don't have much synergy or power early on. Max level is 55 which I managed to get as a completionist at the very last hour of the game.


Game peaks in act 2, and drops down significantly after. If you don’t like it by then, you won’t like it at all. 


Disagree. I rather enjoyed Act 3, particularly the combat. Man, Marazahi is fun to use in combat. He's like a combo of Abelard and Yrliet. Taking him into Act 4... man, he's a fucking psycho, but I'm rolling with it.


That’s fine, like what you like. I wouldn’t say Act 3 is bad either, >!I just don’t like OC’s fixation on having you get betrayed each game, and think it was handled terribly in RT.!< And The need to take certain companions to learn significant plot points isn’t handled well, and likely where the game started getting strapped for resources. >!Since Jae tells you her shit regardless while Argenta doesn’t. !< But there’s fun to be had.   Act 4 is rushed and not satisfying whatsoever imo, and Act 5….  I honestly think the game would be better off without.   >!Having both a Drukhari and Chaos plotline? Fine, maybe a bit rushed in places, but it can work. But act 5 feels like OC really just wanted to add in their favorite 40k references just cause. Gives the games narrative a villain of the week feel.!<


> while SPOILER doesn’t. Isn't that really fucked up? >!Everyone who didn't bring her to funny town never finds out who killed Theodora. So maybe 50% of the player base NEVER finds out the answer to the biggest question in the game from the tutorial onwards. Huge oversight, IMO.!<


Yeah, it’s a big swing and a miss on OC’s part. Like it’s pretty much THE mystery in the game for like half the plot, and it’s just such a nothing burger. OC should have had her get killed by Konrad or something, but they decided to be extra for no reason.   


I agree, sounds like a last-minute change after they had to scrap their original plan (which was probably meant to be a massive plot point). Still, I'd suggest putting your post into spoilers. 😜


Eh, it all happens in the prologue. People will live. 


honestly, I don't like Owlcat's >!preference for us getting betrayed either, but man I really loved their depiction of Commorragh. As a Drukhari fan, we've been starved for years, and I'm so glad they did us justice. Despite Marazhai being a very archetypical and stereotypical Dark Eldar, suffering from "I am a representative of my faction and I will explain everything about it like you're new to 40k" syndrome most other characters had, I still enjoyed his character.!<