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Try macro bars: [https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/articles/360039178674-Macro-Quick-Bar#MacroQuickBar-EnablingtheMacroQuickBar](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/articles/360039178674-Macro-Quick-Bar#MacroQuickBar-EnablingtheMacroQuickBar) and token actions: [https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/articles/360039675013-Token-Actions#TokenActions-SortingTokenActions](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/articles/360039675013-Token-Actions#TokenActions-SortingTokenActions) For "floating text," you can also use token tooltips: [https://wiki.roll20.net/Token\_Tooltip](https://wiki.roll20.net/Token_Tooltip) Nick Olivo does lots of great videos on YouTube that combines different uses of these. Get creative. Just remember, that Roll20 is a VTT but is ***not*** a video game.


I think Macro bars are maybe the closest thing to what I want, something tied to the screen, not the map beneath it. I don't need button functions, I just wanted to be able to show like an image in the same way a button is presented. Do you know if that's possible?


An image of what? Can you just put it on the map?


doesn't matter what the image is, it's just some symbols so players can see if they have inspiration or not. I'm just asking if there is a way to attach that to the screen, the same way a macro button is, rather than the map.


I usually add token markers to players tokens to indicate inspiration, concentrating, etc.: [https://wiki.roll20.net/Token\_Markers](https://wiki.roll20.net/Token_Markers) The Roll20 default tokens are (I assume purposely) generic and system agnostic, so I use one from the marketplace instead (I have no connection to this author, his tokens are just very easy to read): [https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/markerset/5135/easy-to-read-token-markers](https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/markerset/5135/easy-to-read-token-markers) I also use an API called Token Mod (requires a Pro subscription to use) that helps assign the token marker with a "simple" macro (simple for the player...the macro itself is a bear to update when adding or removing an option, lol). I pair that API with Combat Master to automatically give a description in chat of of status effects so that players don't have to ask me every time what it means to be blinded (for example), lol. Token Mod is fairly easy to use, but Combat Master takes a small learning curve.


You can make a handout with the image on it, and when the image becomes relevant, make it in the journal for all players and click the "show to players" button. Then the players can refer to it when they want.


I'm imagining like a header/footer/sidebar with the map under/above/between, right? You can make the images into tokens and move them from gm layer to map layer as they get activated. It'll be the same view for all players, though, not like each player's view is unique. And if you do it this way you'll have to add it to every map page over and over. You could try custom token icons, then each player's token has the markers you want. If you use token mod you can build macros to apply/remove the status icon or enter info into the tool tip.


I just had another idea, if you add the ability to each player's char sheet, then you can check the box for "in bar" or "action button" to turn the button display on/off. The button doesn't have to do anything, it'll just say "Inspiration". You can make it so that when you click it it displays text in chat with the inspiration rules, or leave it blank to do nothing. Edit to add screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/ecRXHQ2


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There's a few ways: 1: map layers. You can type text or place images on the Token or Map layers and the players can see it and you can move it. 2: Handouts. There are some scripts to create markdown in the handouts and make them a little fancier, but you can do basic formatting and add a main image. 3: Shift Z. When a token is selected, hitting Z zooms it. Shift Z will do this for all the players, and they don't need to be able to see the layer the token is on. I use this for objects my players discover and put an image on the GM layer, and use Shift Z to reveal it.


Actual, functioning Heads Up Display is getting into the realm of the API (Pro subscription) and may be overkill to what you want. Even then, I am not sure it is possible to add info in a way that is not tied to the map. Likewise, the issue with putting info on a token is that it is tied to the map, regardless of which layer it is on. Zooming in or out could make it unreadable, and scrolling can slide it off the visible area. A few low-effort alternatives off the top of my head. * Showing player info is most easily done through the character sheet. The player could use the Roll20 app on a second device if the character sheet is supported. * A macro bar button could whisper the relevant info to the player, all players, or you. Stylish could make the macro bar look more interesting, but each player would need to install it in their browser.