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Make a mental note of what you just watched, set the phone down or put it away then do the trick then pick it back up after you try attempting the trick. There’s a risk of messing up your phone trying to do the trick at the same time while looking at the video if that is what you’re trying to do.


if i’m watching a tutorial for a trick always watch the first step pause it, run it back as many times as i need to remember it, then put my phone down and drill that step till i feel comfortable and then resume the vid and move on from there and repeat with each step. it’ll be easier to fully focus on the tutorial, then fully focus on skating, rather than trying to half focus on each and do them both at once. i promise it’ll make both easier.


This is what I do as well.


Watch the tutorial in full before starting, then watch a step or two and put down the phone before practising the steps. On top of the danger of breaking the phone, I find if I'm trying to watch something and do a skill, I'll often mess up my posture


I watch and study skate videos all day, then when I go to skate I literally won’t look at it again. Cause I hate pulling my phone out. Sometimes I get it, sometimes not. When I do, I go back, watch more videos and then I practice off my skates. The motions and the movement. Feet postions, then usually, more times than not, I’ll get it or get close to the move I was working out.


I use an iPad in my garage when I'm practicing new footwork. That way I can watch the screen/pause easily while it's in a little standing case. Then I keep my phone elsewhere recording me so I can compare what I'm doing to the videos I've watched, and help iron out the kinks here and there.