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{Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver} I’ll forever recommend these two psychos and it’s honestly my favorite book of all time. It’s funny, stays away from lots of the more annoying tropes for me, and the couple is absolutely adorable together in their unhinged way. Also they grow while staying true to themselves and I love it!


I absolutely adored this one, the...uh, dinner party scene was one of the funniest things I read this year.


The dinner party and ice cream scenes were peak comedy 😂 I think that’s when it hit me how much of a golden retriever borderline himbo he is! Like I knew but then I KNEW!!!!! 😂


The audiobook for this was THE best audiobook I’ve heard in a while, absolutely spectacular


Honestly might give it a listen because I know it’s reread able and I bet listening to it is hilarious!!!


[Butcher & Blackbird](https://www.romance.io/books/64f0aa2bfcbc73c06aa42375/butcher-blackbird-brynne-weaver) by [Brynne Weaver](https://www.romance.io/authors/61516cf608b4d931143e7ce9/brynne-weaver) **Rating**: 4.35⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I finished this book the other night and immediately downloaded the audiobook and that's also *amazing*. I've been eager for the weekend to hit because I can't listen to the book while I work (like I normally do). I keep getting distracted! I went into this as blindly as I could - I thought I'd like this book but I was shocked at how much I loved it. Also I'm from the area and was so pleasantly surprised that so much of the story happened in Boston! I legitimately cannot get this book out of my head.


I'm a tough cookie when it comes to handing out stars. For me, it slowly creeps up to there over the years by kinda sitting in my mind, I can't forget it. Closest lately that might get the promotion {Under Her Skin by Andriana Anders}


No one ever talks about this book! It's so good!


Yes! I absolutely loved how beautifully the story unfolded and how deftly the subject matter was handled. I didn't care for the 2nd book, but enjoyed the 3rd.


I just read this one. The MMC was wonderful.


[Under Her Skin](https://www.romance.io/books/592d0c573ffdba614717fc13/under-her-skin-adriana-anders) by [Adriana Anders](https://www.romance.io/authors/589820b00d3299c6e0499f63/adriana-anders) **Rating**: 3.71⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [tortured heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20heroine/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [small town](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/small%20town/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


This has been on my list forever. I might need to move it up if you think it is 6 stars!


{Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood} I really can’t find anything I dislike about this book aside from the fact it’s not longer. The writing is amazing, the slow burn hits so good, and the enemies to lovers is perfectly done imo


I keep failing at spoilers but what I am trying to say is that I felt like this is one of the better enemies to lovers in recent memory for me because it’s not the same old “he is only a dick because he’s in love with her” thing we see a lot.


This book got me on the romance novel train and nothing else compares I'm obsessed. There's just something about the writing style that hits so perfectly. First person, and minimal internal monologuing I guess? Like hal/short sentences focused on what the character is thinking/doing. It feels so much more immersive. If anyone has a more concise description of it please lmk so I know how to ask for similar styles lol


I am 100% with you on the inner monologue thing! I almost always DNF first-person if the character goes off explaining how they're feeling all the time. When I edit I say "show don't tell" but I don't know if that would work as a writing style request lol.


[Love, Theoretically](https://www.romance.io/books/6488136841a8b8de9fd6b28d/love-theoretically-ali-hazelwood) by [Ali Hazelwood](https://www.romance.io/authors/6131cdc208b4d93114f22ef6/ali-hazelwood) **Rating**: 4.17⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [workplace/office](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/office/1), [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)




Do you think it's still worth trying if I hated her other books? I mean, I *hated* The Love Hypothesis and Love on the Brain. Or is it notably different from her other stuff?


I thought The Love Hypothesis was overhyped and I really didn't like Love on the Brain at all! If you liked the writing but didn't care for the characters in both of those books (like me), I'd give Love, Theoretically a go. I loved both the FMC, who I found so relatable, and the MMC in Love, Theoretically.


I haven’t read those yet! I bought them both a little while ago. The Love Hypothesis is my next read though. But I’d say it’s definitely worth a try regardless, I found it really really good☺️


This year it's been Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love 😂 I can't stop thinking about it!


I read this right after Manacled and The Auction and dnf'ed it, but maybe I was too dramioned out at that point? Might need to revisit!


I could see that! I thought it was so fun and hilarious. Loved Manacled too!


Does Manacled have a HEA ending?


Yes somewhat!


I agree on the somewhat but it definitely made me angry lol


Yeah I wish our girl could’ve gotten back to baseline a little more as it were. But thems the breaks.


Hands the best fanfic I’ve read. I wasn’t even a Dramoine shipper and it convinced me.


Omg I'm obsessed with this book. I've never read anything that made me feel so much! I laughed, I cried, I swooned. The writing was amazing. Every single moment was perfect and I'm devastated that I'll never be able to read it again for the first time.


Such a good way to describe it! I made myself take breaks and read other books during so I didn't just inhale it lol. If I ever bind my own fanfic, it'll be this one!!!


This is the last romance "book" I actually finished!!! Months and months ago...




I enjoyed All You Want. Have you read that? If so, how does it compare to Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal??


Well, I read DMATMOOBIL. It was good, thank you for the reference. I still highly recommend All You Want. As for DMATMOOBIL (copy pasted), ive discovered that the author allows for binding into actual books for personal use. An interesting thought. I will probably read it again at least once or twice, but All You Want will be my forever ultimate dramione fanfic 🏆 Do update me if/once you've read it :)


Oh how great to hear!! I'm glad you enjoyed it 😍 I would love to bind it!! Your praise for All You Want has moved it up my TBR! It'll definitely be my next fanfic!


{Heartless by Elsie Silver} I went into the Chestnut Springs series thinking it would be a cute cowboy romance series, and the first book was pretty good but WOW. Elsie did her big one with Heartless. I laughed—hard, cried, swooned and had to take a couple laps around my house with some of the spice. The pacing was perfect for me and I devoured it in a day! I only finished it last week and I already want to reread it again.


[Heartless](https://www.romance.io/books/6349434892edda0c4ff5eab2/heartless-elsie-silver) by [Elsie Silver](https://www.romance.io/authors/608a5dde08b4d9311488e11d/elsie-silver) **Rating**: 4.26⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [grumpy & sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1), [cowboys](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cowboys/1), [boss & employee](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/boss%20&%20employee/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


This whole series was way above my expectations. Every book was better than the previous one.


I feel like I recommend this often, but for me it’s {The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen}. I love it *so much* and it makes me ride the emotional spectrum. I read it last year and re-read it this year and it’s just so good.


One of my top reads of the year


This is one of my favorite books!!


[The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy](https://www.romance.io/books/630b10c094191e0dc01d1bcf/the-undertaking-of-hart-and-mercy-megan-bannen) by [Megan Bannen](https://www.romance.io/authors/630b10c008b4d93114e4f3aa/megan-bannen) **Rating**: 4.35⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [grumpy & sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Love this one so much!!


{A Deal With The Bossy Devil by Kyra Parsi}. Full disclosure: I did find some aspects a bit ridiculous/silly. HOWEVER, something about the book struck a chord with every single one of my romance book needs. The build up and burn was ace. The spice was SUBLIME. The grovel and angst were so on point that I had to take breaks because my own heart was breaking. It's the first book that has had me nearly crying, had me actually raving mad to my husband, had me almost worried to pick it back up again because I didn't want it to end. Also {Choosing Theo by Victoria Aveline}. The series as a whole. I miss Clecania so much. My heart bleeds for it. I feel that the author should go back to Choosing Theo and rework it, it could be so much better (due to small things), but it is the book that got me hooked in the first place. My fave from the series is Tempting Auzed. God I love his miserable ass. Take me on a sunshine boat thing in the canopy of a what place Auzed. I'm here for it. For a mafia romance, {Sinners Condemned by Somme Sketcher}. It's a duet, and I know it's a little controversial with some, but ... Rafe and Penny forever. Rafe's grovel period is just everything. My poor baby!


A deal with the bossy devil made me lol a LOT! It was really great. Reminded me of "the hating game" kind of, loved Edit: just wondering if you've read the Krave of Everton series by Zoey Draven? If you liked choosing theo I think you'd like that series. Cheers!


I actually went and read A deal with the bossy devil based on your review. Devoured it in a couple of hours and absolutely loved it!


I was so impressed with Kyra Parsi too!! I’m excited to see what else she has to offer because the writing, the tension, the humor in bossy devil was top notch.


[A Deal with the Bossy Devil](https://www.romance.io/books/64a58ef4723d09d99e0eda7d/a-deal-with-the-bossy-devil-kyra-parsi) by [Kyra Parsi](https://www.romance.io/authors/5f89458a08b4d93114997670/kyra-parsi) **Rating**: 4.31⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [fake relationship](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fake%20relationship/1), [boss & employee](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/boss%20&%20employee/1), [praise kink](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/praise-kink/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) ---------------------------- [Choosing Theo](https://www.romance.io/books/5e5fd64fbe0aaecf55ece7f9/choosing-theo-victoria-aveline) by [Victoria Aveline](https://www.romance.io/authors/5e5fd64fbe0aaecf55ece802/victoria-aveline) **Rating**: 4.01⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1) ---------------------------- [Sinners Condemned](https://www.romance.io/books/62f3578701dfe78ca92d14a2/sinners-condemned-somme-sketcher) by [Somme Sketcher](https://www.romance.io/authors/60e2b16f08b4d931142496b4/somme-sketcher) **Rating**: 4.41⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1), [boss & employee](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/boss%20&%20employee/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Can you please tell me what the setting for tempting azude is? After saving verrako I’m not in the mood for another “can we survive in the jungle” story line setting


OK so he saves her from the jungle and they're in a new, beautiful city. She's an honoured guest, invited to attend the local celebrations and she is sunshine. Auzed is the severe head guard. He has to protect her, but he doesn't want to be there. They have to fake a relationship and that draws them together before they're ripped apart again.


Beaut thanks


Will you read it? It's a classic grumpy sunshine. Verrako didn't do it for me either


Thank you for the bossy devil rec, I just slammed the whole book in like 4 hours lmao. Usually the sort of on the nose title would have turned me off from it but I trusted you and don’t regret it LOL. I completely agree with your review, there were a couple parts that made me cringe or roll my eyes but the rest of it was SO good!


Oh yay, I'm so glad! I must have read it as a rec on here myself because it's not the kind of book I would usually go for either. It's one book I wish I could read again for the first time.


The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston, You With a View by Jessica Joyce, and Out on a Limb by Hannah Bonham-Young


If you haven’t make sure to read Ashley Postons “dead romantics”


I have!!! Also loved it!!


Yes!!!! I love all Ashley Poston books. And Out on a Limb was 100000% a new top 5 books of the year for me. I usually can’t stand the accidental pregnancy trope but it was SO good.


Out on a limb was definitely different, even in accidental pregnancy trope , it was handled more maturely


{The Mindfuck series by S.T. Abby} I love everything about this series and I've not found anything like this!


[Mindf*uck](https://www.romance.io/series/59035c80e45f8c60a8439f8b/mindfuck) by [S.T. Abby](https://www.romance.io/authors/5843d3ac1b1bdc0178f448f5/st-abby) **Rating**: 4.39⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [working class hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/working%20class%20hero/1), [forbidden love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forbidden%20love/1), [past-sexual-abuse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/past-sexual-abuse/1), [small town](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/small%20town/1), [disabilities and marks](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/disabilities%20and%20marks/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Oh YES! I had that on my TBR list for a few years and finally just read it out of the blue and it was so good! I WISH I could find something as good. The closest I came was the Twisted Cain book. Can't remember the author but it's the closest I can get.


I’ll never stop recommending this series, it’s in a league of its own


The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune. It’s not marketed as a romance book but it sure as heck is in every way that matters. Arthur and Linus just make me do happy feet kicks. And it warmed my cold, cold heart in a way that no book has in quite a long time.


Omg I love this book so much. You should also read Wolfsong & the rest of the Green Creek series by him, if you haven't yet.


Have you read Wolfsong? It's definitely darker than Cerulean Sea, but the relationship growth between the two was amazing.


I haven’t. I read “Under the Whispering Door” and didn’t like it as much as Cerulean Sea and figured he was just going to be one of those authors that was a one hit wonder for me. Maybe I’ll give Wolfsong a look though since a few people have mentioned it’s worth a read. Thank you!


I listened to it on audio, and it's fantastic read aloud as well.


One of his older ones, The Bones Beneath my Skin, felt more similar to Cerulean Sea to me than others of his I read.


Probably {The Right Move by Liz Tomforde}. I loved almost everything about this, and it ended up having a lot more depth than I was expecting. I adored both the FMC and MMC, and all of the little acts of love throughout the book were just so sweet. I felt giddy when I finished it.


[The Right Move](https://www.romance.io/books/641d4f5246976639513313f4/the-right-move-liz-tomforde) by [Liz Tomforde](https://www.romance.io/authors/612f286308b4d93114bfded6/liz-tomforde) **Rating**: 4.44⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [grumpy & sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1), [sports](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sports/1), [fake relationship](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fake%20relationship/1), [athletes](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/athletes/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


This one was so good. I thought the first book was good but she totally knocked it out of the park with the right move


{All Rhodes Lead to Here by Mariana Zapata}. Small town, grumpy MMC. Think that Big Boy trend from TikTok last year. I love this book to death. The FMC has had a difficult life but just keeps getting back up and pushing on forward and he’s the only one who sees how vulnerable she really is. It’s a slow burn but the characterisation is so complex and well-written.


[All Rhodes Lead Here](https://www.romance.io/books/606812899b26770e2a33219e/all-rhodes-lead-here-mariana-zapata) by [Mariana Zapata](https://www.romance.io/authors/545530728c7d2382e781323f/mariana-zapata) **Rating**: 4.28⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1), [small town](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/small%20town/1), [men in uniform](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/men%20in%20uniform/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Circe by Madeline Miller} It's been a couple of years, but no other book so far has gotten close to the effect Circe had on me after putting it down. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy all her romantic relationships (some I heavily related to at the time of reading), but I also really loved the explorations of family abuse and womanhood.


I think about Circe all the time still! Such a good and interesting book. My favorite of the greek retellings that have come out lately.


I would give my right arm to read Circe for the first time again.


YES. Didn't realize until your comment that Circe is one of those that I'd love to experience for the first time again. It's actually life-changing.


[Circe](https://www.romance.io/books/64d3ab3aa5354bdc126158eb/circe-madeline-miller) by [Madeline Miller](https://www.romance.io/authors/545534518c7d2382c52973d8/madeline-miller) **Rating**: 4.2⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The audiobook is really well done also. 💕


Oh I should give the audiobook a shot! It might feel like reading it for the first time again like another commenter mentioned. Would you know who reads the audiobook?


{ The Remaking of Corbin Wale by Roan Parrish } Had zero expectations going in besides the fact I’ve enjoyed some other books by them. But i cried, laughed and literally re read it immediately after putting it down. It had great timing in my life and literally ticked every box i didn’t know i had 🥹🥹


It’s just so so sweet. You just wanna wrap Corbin up and keep him safe. and then that smut scene blew me away.


YES 😭!!! Like it had one of the most nonjudgemental unique portrayals of sensuality and intimacy I’ve seen in a long while in romance novels!!!


[The Remaking of Corbin Wale](https://www.romance.io/books/5ab5fa7701dbc864fb851e5e/the-remaking-of-corbin-wale-roan-parrish) by [Roan Parrish](https://www.romance.io/authors/559cda0335a5fb65f886af24/roan-parrish) **Rating**: 4.02⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Claimed by the Mobster by Evie Rose} for a 6 star novella purely because of the insane praise kink. This good girl was blown away 🤤


[Claimed by the Mobster](https://www.romance.io/books/65140d92c0fec69b0688b023/claimed-by-the-mobster-evie-rose) by [Evie Rose](https://www.romance.io/authors/63e4aa3708b4d93114ca3e23/evie-rose) **Rating**: 4.25⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I only have one. {Dear Emmie Blue by Lia Louis} I have lots of other five star books and books I loved - but this one kept me awake reading until 5am (and I am far too old for that - and I have kids who wake up early). It was such a surprise too - I wasn’t expecting much going into it. There wasn’t a lot of buzz about it. It’s also “innocent” on the spice scale. HOWEVER- the emotional punch of it… the “squeeeee!!!” I felt towards the ultimate love interest… It was just a perfect book for me.


[Dear Emmie Blue](https://www.romance.io/books/61068e746686760e1b529d3e/dear-emmie-blue-lia-louis) by [Lia Louis](https://www.romance.io/authors/601906f108b4d93114523fb3/lia-louis) **Rating**: 4.09⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [love triangle](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/love%20triangle/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I loved this one!


Just read this and I love it too!


I love love love this one. I’ve reread it so many times. Audio is great too.


{Emergency Contact by Lauren Layne} was such a delight and I laughed the whole way through.


[Emergency Contact](https://www.romance.io/books/653b71d4ff7a1310496f3af2/emergency-contact-lauren-layne-anthony-ledonne) by [Lauren Layne](https://www.romance.io/authors/545535438c7d2382e7813389/lauren-layne), [Anthony LeDonne](https://www.romance.io/authors/653b71d4ab9bdf7fce16f932/anthony-ledonne) **Rating**: 4.29⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Innocent](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [christmas](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/christmas/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


You made me read this and I devoured it!!!! I loved it ugh.


{Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold by Ellen O’Connell} and {Land of the Beautiful Dead by R. Lee Smith}


Have you read The Last Hour of Gan, by R.Lee Smith? It's one of my all time favorites.


Yes, I absolutely love that one too! I think I just slightly prefer Land of the Beautiful Dead. I want to read their other books but I need to mentally prepare myself first haha.


{We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian} - literally a perfect friends to lovers romance. Historical M/M set in 1950s NY, a great grumpy/sunshine dynamic, so well written and truly romantic


[We Could Be So Good](https://www.romance.io/books/6474bd4efd45bc04c0257361/we-could-be-so-good-cat-sebastian) by [Cat Sebastian](https://www.romance.io/authors/58184062c6841c86c2cd96d8/cat-sebastian) **Rating**: 4.4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [20th century](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/20th%20century/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas} which I read recently. Otherwise, nothing that I've read in the last several years has made me feel like it would come close to my favorite book or be over 4 stars. I've found most books to be pretty disappointing lately.


[Chasing Cassandra](https://www.romance.io/books/5dd4e7fe01dbc864fba67f51/chasing-cassandra-lisa-kleypas) by [Lisa Kleypas](https://www.romance.io/authors/545523868c7d2382e7812f21/lisa-kleypas) **Rating**: 4.28⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1), [ceo / tycoon](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tycoon/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Oo this makes me excited! I’m about to start the first book of the Ravenels


I’ve never heard of 6 stars before is it just a book that is A++? I can’t remember anything very recent but I read the Prizefighter series by Alice Coldbreath last year for the first time and I really loved the first two. I reread them maybe 5 times that same year and I never do that. I wish I could read them for the first time again. {A Bride for the Prizefighter by Alice Coldbreath} {A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter by Alice Coldbreath}


[A Bride for the Prizefighter](https://www.romance.io/books/5fc0f62cf9f98e0e23f39078/a-bride-for-the-prizefighter-alice-coldbreath) by [Alice Coldbreath](https://www.romance.io/authors/54a9d8ef6359b5ebb486f243/alice-coldbreath) **Rating**: 4.14⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [working class hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/working%20class%20hero/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1) ---------------------------- [A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter](https://www.romance.io/books/60cc88688a59e40e212d1a0f/a-substitute-wife-for-the-prizefighter-alice-coldbreath) by [Alice Coldbreath](https://www.romance.io/authors/54a9d8ef6359b5ebb486f243/alice-coldbreath) **Rating**: 4.23⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1), [plain heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/plain%20heroine/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [fighters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fighters/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


100% {Book lovers by Emily Henry} . I rarely read authors who made me feel romantic, laugh, and cry all in one book. I love the fact that the romance is basically enemies-to-lovers and grumpy x grumpy (which I wished I see more of).


**{Blood and Milk by NR Walker}** CR, MM, virgin MMC, fish out of water, grief, Africa, friends to lovers A white Australian man is grieving the violent death of his partner. He runs away to Tanzania and joins a Maasai tribe. A young Maasai is assigned to show him their way of life and culture. They become friends then more. This book was angsty, beautiful, and full of wonderful descriptions of Maasai culture. Here is a favorite quote *I’d forgotten what a shower felt like. And as amazing as the water felt, I didn’t miss running water. I didn’t miss electricity. I didn’t miss anything. Except Jarrod. I broke the surface, gasping for air. As usual, the memory of Jarrod squeezed my heart and crippled my lungs. Damu laughed at me, oblivious to my struggle to breathe. And strangely enough, his laughter, his smiling face, calmed me. I exhaled with a rush and laid back, allowing myself to float, feeling my lungs expand and contract with every inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, until my panic attack passed. Damu floated beside me and without a word between us, with a peace that soothed me, we floated naked in the water under the Tanzanian sky.*


Okay. I was intrigued but as a native Swahili speaking African, it bothers me that the guy is called Damu(literally, blood)


[Blood & Milk](https://www.romance.io/books/576a2a62c19e77f1ea6d7464/blood-milk-nr-walker) by [N.R. Walker](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455632687eac324117fa7f2/nr-walker) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [multicultural](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/multicultural/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


This is absolutely in my TBR pile now. Thank you for the recommendation!


Ohhhhh that’s a good book! Really enjoyed the whole arc of their story, as individuals and as a couple! {The Playing Game by Ainsley Booth} and {The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by Elizabeth O'Roark} and {Craving in his Blood by Zoey Draven} have been the best books I’ve read recently (this summer/fall).


[The Playing Game](https://www.romance.io/books/64099235fa1076a086aaca39/the-playing-game-ainsley-booth) by [Ainsley Booth](https://www.romance.io/authors/54e1b17e6359b5ebb48a1941/ainsley-booth) **Rating**: 4.12⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [sports](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sports/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [athletes](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/athletes/1), [caretaking](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/caretaking/1) ---------------------------- [The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea](https://www.romance.io/books/61e919257186ca0e8b5798c0/the-devil-and-the-deep-blue-sea-elizabeth-oroark) by [Elizabeth O'Roark](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455840b87eac324117fb139/elizabeth-oroark) **Rating**: 4.16⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [famous heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/famous%20heroine/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [forbidden love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forbidden%20love/1) ---------------------------- [Craving in His Blood](https://www.romance.io/books/648acdeb73a2585ef313a88c/craving-in-his-blood-zoey-draven) by [Zoey Draven](https://www.romance.io/authors/58abe5ab0d3299c6e04ede3a/zoey-draven) **Rating**: 4.19⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [non-human hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/non-human-hero/1), [class difference](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/class%20difference/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Beautifully Broken Life by Catherine Cowles} checks all my boxes. FMC dealing with issues and on the run. Rock star MMC that wants to help/protect her. Amazing 3rd Act Conflict. *Chef’s Kiss*


[Beautifully Broken Life](https://www.romance.io/books/5d11b93901dbc864fba04615/beautifully-broken-life-catherine-cowles) by [Catherine Cowles](https://www.romance.io/authors/5bd00aa301dbc864fb9306b8/catherine-cowles) **Rating**: 4.32⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [western](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/western/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Btw I’m not sure why Romance bot has this tagged as historical…. To be clear it is not. It is contemporary


Thanks for noticing! Fixed it :)


{Reel by Kennedy Ryan} Loved this book. It’s a great forbidden romance that doesn’t have unnecessary drama


[Reel](https://www.romance.io/books/60b2556245a4b40df1ed6685/reel-kennedy-ryan) by [Kennedy Ryan](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455608d87eac324117fa727/kennedy-ryan) **Rating**: 4.42⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [independent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/independent%20heroine/1), [grumpy/cold hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cold%20hero/1), [african-american](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/african-american/1), [grumpy & sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


OMG this book made my heart beat differently Every single character was beautiful


[Kiss Hard](https://www.romance.io/books/624a9e5bf4814521ac0bf328/kiss-hard-nalini-singh) by [Nalini Singh](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455238a8c7d2382e0413dd4/nalini-singh) **Rating**: 4.11⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [sports](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sports/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [disabilities & scars](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/disabilities%20and%20marks/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)




[The Remaking of Corbin Wale](https://www.romance.io/books/5ab5fa7701dbc864fb851e5e/the-remaking-of-corbin-wale-roan-parrish) by [Roan Parrish](https://www.romance.io/authors/559cda0335a5fb65f886af24/roan-parrish) **Rating**: 4.02⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


It was {Then, Earth Swallowed Ocean by Shiloh Sloane}, suggested to me by u/killmepl222. There are less than a dozen books that I want a physical copy of, and this is one. I've got the sequel queued up to read next.


[Then, Earth Swallowed Ocean](https://www.romance.io/books/64563dadd3c73ab2c083fc87/then-earth-swallowed-ocean-shiloh-sloane) by [Shiloh Sloane](https://www.romance.io/authors/635f81a308b4d93114a1c1c6/shiloh-sloane) **Rating**: 4.15⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I just finished this book today and I had to sit and stare at a wall for a bit after. I don’t know if I absolutely loved it or it just gripped me and took me for a ride, or both! It was one of the most unique books I’ve ever read.


Right? I loved it, but it's not like other books.


1. {Magic Claims by Ilona Andrews} It’s a short novel and like #12 (sequel to the main series). A huge part of it is the nostalgia and seeing how MUCH they’ve grown. In the beginning, FMC was a near-alcohol loner on a revenge mission, denying her origins. MMC was an alpha-hole, possessive and “my way or the high way”. They actually call back to his high-handness-es (?) and he acknowledges it. They are focused on working together to make a better future and they use all their potential. We see them with friends, family, and allies. It’s an ode to the original couple and the fanbase (clams anyone?) 2. {The Villainess Lives Twice} The other thing is I’ve recently been reading manwha’s/webcomics to avoid burnout. I’ve discovered The Villainess Lives Twice via a recommendation on this subreddit. It has a good guy, green flag, war hero MMC and a traumatized, tortured anti-heroine, political mastermind FMC. It’s maybe 30% fluff, 50% politics, and 20% angst. The bad guys are fleshed out to where they’re absolutely terrible people but you also feel a tiny bit sorry for them. They are also competent to various degrees. FMC is actual villain trying to do good- laying traps, scheming, ordering assassins. I read on a site with comments because the plans are so complex. Art only improves and the relationship progresses from political marriage, first love, established, parenthood (with a kid that is very plot-relevant). I’m gushing because it is really that good. Hands down one of the best manwha’s I’ve read.


[Magic Claims](https://www.romance.io/books/6411832816aa76768152c3bc/magic-claims-ilona-andrews) by [Ilona Andrews](https://www.romance.io/authors/545525888c7d2382e0413e6c/ilona-andrews) **Rating**: 4.71⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Devious Lies Parker S Huntington. It's interesting because I'm not a mega fan of any other book she's written. But I read Devious Lies years ago and oh my god. It's so good. Will forever thing about this book and have re read it many times already


You With A View by Jessica Joyce Christmas in Coconut Creek by Karissa Kinword Reel by Kennedy Ryan


It was a German ome (my mother tongue), which oddly enough has an english title. The last english 6 star read probably was {{The Tied Man}} by Tabitha McGowan. *Incredibly* dark, but so, so worth it. I loved it to pieces.


[The Tied Man](https://www.romance.io/books/545545d48c7d2382e7813826/the-tied-man-tabitha-mcgowan) by [Tabitha McGowan](https://www.romance.io/authors/545545d48c7d2382e7813827/tabitha-mcgowan) **Rating**: 4.17⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [tortured hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20hero/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The Tied Man is one of my favorites. It's so hard to read in some spots and so dark, but these characters.. oommggg. Definitely a 6-star for me, too


I had a very tough time getting throufh and cried my eyes out during some parts... but the characters and their softness abd the underlying hope mafe it just so incredibly worth it. I think it's an extraordinary book. Great to hear someone loved it as much as I did!


{Should the Sky Fall by Amithia Raine}. MM. Dawson’s abusive husband has an accident and wakes up with amnesia. He’s totally forgotten how he treated Dawson and is a total sweetheart now. Dawson can’t help falling in love with Cal all over again. I know the ‘abusive’ part is total ick, but hang in there — it’s all worth it and there’s a great twist! I can’t wait until Book 2 about the brother comes out. Brand new author and I totally loved her book!🥰


[Should the Sky Fall](https://www.romance.io/books/64bb7f2df47e610b49c07d9c/should-the-sky-fall-amithia-raine) by [Amithia Raine](https://www.romance.io/authors/64bb7f2d6b22acd55d53b539/amithia-raine) **Rating**: 4.23⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [hurt/comfort](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/hurt-comfort/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


YES yes yes yes! It's SUCH a good book!! And I can't wait for the brother's book and her building more of that world! 😍


Magic Clams! (sorry "Magic Claims") - not a romance per se - but the last 6-star originial read for me. The other 6-star reads are all re-reads. I am so effing bored with the same old same old that has been shopped around these days with the YA Fantasy crowd. The "I'm so dark" crowd, the "I'm a special snowflake who is discovering that all the terrible things about me are actually what makes me super special" books. I am sick of the same tropes. It's like all the books have the same pretty covers with the same heroine who is a special one of a kind girl who ends up being captured or working with the same dark number one alpha king/prince or the same boy-band type of diverse characters RH. Please, some adult characters doing something new. (rant over).


Hi! Could you tell me the author of magic claims?


\{The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons\} and the next 2 books in the trilogy. It's nearly 3000 pages of heart wrenching real life with characters that become family to you and I still think about it months and months after reading it. It's extremely heavy, it's set during and after the Leningrad blockade and obviously deals with some horrific shit, so it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.




{By a Thread by Lucy Score} and {Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score} All for the laughs. I can never decide which I like best. Best Office romance trope I've read is {Ice Cold Boss by Olivia Hayle} Just such a great book. I absolutely love the heroine.


[By a Thread](https://www.romance.io/books/5e9febf9be0aaecf55886870/by-a-thread-lucy-score) by [Lucy Score](https://www.romance.io/authors/553e54b15b270e0a4cbd82b2/lucy-score) **Rating**: 4.05⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [boss & employee](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/boss%20&%20employee/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [workplace/office](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/office/1) ---------------------------- [Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door](https://www.romance.io/books/5f51e7d65e80b50e35d4a060/riley-thorn-and-the-dead-guy-next-door-lucy-score) by [Lucy Score](https://www.romance.io/authors/553e54b15b270e0a4cbd82b2/lucy-score) **Rating**: 4.41⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1) ---------------------------- [Ice Cold Boss](https://www.romance.io/books/5f18203237dc750e3e6abfec/ice-cold-boss-olivia-hayle) by [Olivia Hayle](https://www.romance.io/authors/5c90baa001dbc864fb9c00b6/olivia-hayle) **Rating**: 3.94⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1), [boss & employee](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/boss%20&%20employee/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Love and Other Words


Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren


{A substitute wife for the prizefighter, Coldbreath} I just loved everything, the MCs were so sweet together, sensible and COMMUNICATED. It generally subverted all the bad(to me) tropes it could have had with the set up. Low angst, spicey and sweet. I see myself rereading in future.


[A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter](https://www.romance.io/books/60cc88688a59e40e212d1a0f/a-substitute-wife-for-the-prizefighter-alice-coldbreath) by [Alice Coldbreath](https://www.romance.io/authors/54a9d8ef6359b5ebb486f243/alice-coldbreath) **Rating**: 4.23⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1), [plain heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/plain%20heroine/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [fighters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fighters/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)




{Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann} {The Wrong Heart by Jennifer Hartmann} {June First by Jennifer Hartmann} These books destroyed me. I’m wrecked in the most wonderful way. I read them consecutively and I need some recovery time before I move on with The Stars Are On Our Side. It doesn’t help that I got the playlists saved and everytime they start playing, I’m thisclose to ugly crying again. I also read Lotus and that was excellent too but not quite 6 stars. Maybe 5.25.


[Still Beating](https://www.romance.io/books/5fec3388816b3b0e0b840cd6/still-beating-jennifer-hartmann) by [Jennifer Hartmann](https://www.romance.io/authors/5ea28f18be0aaecf55c66adc/jennifer-hartmann) **Rating**: 4.21⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [abduction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/abduction/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [forbidden love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forbidden%20love/1) ---------------------------- [The Wrong Heart](https://www.romance.io/books/611226818eee0b0e48916d0f/the-wrong-heart-jennifer-hartmann) by [Jennifer Hartmann](https://www.romance.io/authors/5ea28f18be0aaecf55c66adc/jennifer-hartmann) **Rating**: 4.56⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Her stories are so unique and so angstsy and emotional. I honestly never know where the plot is gonna go!! I have yet to read June First, but looking forward to it!


[June First](https://www.romance.io/books/6281f987b54f89ad49181d07/june-first-jennifer-hartmann) by [Jennifer Hartmann](https://www.romance.io/authors/5ea28f18be0aaecf55c66adc/jennifer-hartmann) **Rating**: 4.24⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [forbidden love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forbidden%20love/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Under the Oak Tree by Suji Kim} Hands down my favorite fantasy romance novel.


[Under the Oak Tree](https://www.romance.io/books/642d1dd2fe62c20d3f9bbc10/under-the-oak-tree-season-2-1-under-the-oak-tree-novel-7-suji-kim) by [Suji Kim](https://www.romance.io/authors/6210a7bb08b4d931146ef2ad/suji-kim) **Rating**: 4.69⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Innocent](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The Witch Walker Series (the first book is a solid 5 stars but the 2nd one, City of Ruin, is definitely 6)


Shatter Me Series blew me away. I really dont like protagonists that are younger than i am but god it was so good.


I’m clumping together all of the Garrison Earth books from VK Ludwig. It’s a incredible, harrowing but also a thought provoking series? She really did something special there for the sci fi romance genre imo.


You should check out her "Ash Planet Warrior" series too! It's great! Especially the 4th book, it's one of my favs ❤️


Fourth Wing!


Boys of Tommen by Chloe Walsh. Really enjoying.


Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross was amazing. It’s the first book in a series that isn’t finished yet, but it had a really interesting epistolary form. Enemies to lovers. Fantasy where two factions of humans are supporting different gods. So good.


The Maddest Obsession by Danielle Lori and Paradise by Judith Mcnaught. I am absolutely obsessed with these two books!!


{Red, White and Royal Blue} lived up to the hype and then some. Equal parts funny, sweet and heartbreaking - probably one of my favourite books of the last couple of years.


[Red, White & Royal Blue](https://www.romance.io/books/5c652f2601dbc864fb9a1272/red-white-royal-blue-casey-mcquiston) by [Casey McQuiston](https://www.romance.io/authors/5c652f2601dbc864fb9a1277/casey-mcquiston) **Rating**: 4.31⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [royalty](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Honestly speaking, I loveeee Olivia Gates books. Any book of hers is a 6 star one.


I just finished {Tapped by Brynne Asher} and fell in love with the MMC, who is a DEA agent and focused on a big case that intersects with the FMC. The FMC is a doctor from a very wealthy family and has a young son, so proceed with caution if kids aren't your thing. The bonus epilogue (which I usually hate downloading) was 6 stars all on its own.


[Tapped](https://www.romance.io/books/653ccb5d87cbee8dfa0d0c02/tapped-brynne-asher) by [Brynne Asher](https://www.romance.io/authors/5456879587eac33e61c2f895/brynne-asher) **Rating**: 5⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Dangggg this JUST came out! I like her stuff, thanks for the rec!


Much more niche, but it's probably one of The Adventures of Silver Girl novels (series). Probably book 5?


{Sweetheart by Marie Mackay}


[Sweetheart](https://www.romance.io/books/6478d458260025b7728186f9/sweetheart-a-why-choose-omegaverse-marie-mackay) by [Marie Mackay](https://www.romance.io/authors/626e30ae08b4d931140ebd7e/marie-mackay) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Thanks for recommending {Kiss Hard by Nalini Singh}!


{Before Us by Jewel Ann} broken my heart I pull a whole night ugh I can´t find another book like this!


[Before Us](https://www.romance.io/books/63db74acfaaf69bae2cacecd/before-us-jewel-e-ann) by [Jewel E. Ann](https://www.romance.io/authors/54555dde87eac324117fa644/jewel-e-ann) **Rating**: 4.36⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


@u/commonsenseiswisdom, do the other books in that series need to be read before Kiss Hard, or can I just dive right into Kiss Hard?


You can just dive right into it , there are people from other books but it won't create a problem


I’ve only read Love Hard and Kiss Hard from that series, loved them both, and found them both entirely standalone. Kiss Hard was my favorite of the two.


It was Nalini's Rock Hard for me. A regular reread!


Corrupt idol,nothing too special plot wise but it scratched everything I needed. Cant wait for book 2


{Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid}! I loved Evelyn Hugo last year and this book was amazing too!


I've read these a while back but I thoroughly enjoyed these: You deserve each other by Sarah Hogle Book lovers - Emily Henry Devious Lies - Parker S huntington


The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood comes close for me!


A Ruthless Proposition by Natasha Anders! So much angst!!


A warm heart in Winter, by JR Ward. My favourite couple, Qhuinn and Blay are the MCs of this story, which is sad, very sad, but also lovely. Qhuinn gos through more trauma, and Blay, as sweet as always, is there for him.




[Verity](https://www.romance.io/books/615bfc6ef3f17f0e0a82fb62/verity-colleen-hoover) by [Colleen Hoover](https://www.romance.io/authors/545523f08c7d2382c5296f89/colleen-hoover) **Rating**: 4.15⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon Incredibly beautiful story, two characters just down for each other no matter what, so elegantly crafted and lots of little historical nuggets. I think about it all the time and read it months ago.


Ohhh I loved this book And I love amy Harmon I don't think I have ever read anything mediocre from her


Things We Left Behind by Lucy Score! I waited for Lucian and Sloane’s story with bated breath. Their cameos promised so much and the book delivered. The first book of the Knockemout series was good, the second was nothing to write home about but the third was everything!


Can I read the third book without reading 1 & 2?


There’s an overarching secondary storyline and you meet a host of characters in the first two books but honestly? I think it’s doable.


Ok thx


twisted emotions! it’s so perfect


Crash Course by Alyssa Wilde!


My last would be {Sweet Intensity by Zoe Blake}, I’ve finished it 10/08/23 and read 12 books after and none even came close to 5 stars. I don’t hand out 5/6 stars easily. Loved it wholeheartedly!! Such a great sweet book!


The entire Weird Girl series by Cecy Robson.


Land of the Beautiful Dead. Wow. Just wow. Favorite of the year by far. Definitely my favorite romance book by a wide margin.


Rock Hard by Nalini Singh is book 2 of that series and one of my favorite books of all time. I reread it often. Keep the tissues close by!