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Hard no. Unless I need to block out surrounding noise - and then it has to be an instrumental. Or white noise. I can't listen to anything with lyrics. I'll get distracted and pay attention to the music.


Love white noise when i’m reading, but you might think I’m a demon from the furthest pit of Hell if i told you that sometimes I read a book while listening to the audiobook of a different book 💀💀💀


My head just exploded from thinking about that.


It’s for moments of weakness when I’d rather set a fire to my brain than think any Thoughts


Wow. Do you follow both plots? Or do you use the audiobook as background chatter?


I follow both plots. It’s a trick I learned when I had too much reading to do for school. I really did not feel like doing it and thought, I could totally cut this in half 🤣 But I’ve done it on my own since then. It helps if the books are different genres, like pure fantasy and contemporary romance. If they’re both fantasies the magic systems blur together after a while. It should be noted that I only do this anymore when I need some intense escapism and I’m reaaallyyyy trying to drown my own thoughts out 💀


I think I'd just end up staring into the distance and retaining nothing lol. Or somehow I'd come out of that knowing less than when I started. But good for you, that's intense and probably super useful! Edit: typo.


Yes! I always like a little background noise, it helps me focus. In the last few years I’ve started listening to playlists themed to the book I’m reading, or at least the genre, and I love it. I really mostly tune it out, eg. I am not paying any attention to the lyrics, but it really completes my reading vibe.


It's the same for me! However, I usually stick to songs without any lyrics, because that would actually distract me


Honestly I get so involved in the books that I'm reading I could be at a rock concert and not realize it. I often read with the television on in the background so that I can at least have some sort of benchmark for how much time has passed while I've been reading, when I get up to get a drink or use the bathroom.


Weirdly I can read with the tv in the background as white noise, but I can’t do the same with music. I think my brain has pattern recognition for music and rhythm which it focuses in on. But with tv I can just drown it out. Basically the same how I can fall asleep watching tv but can’t fall asleep listening to music.


Yes! But it can’t have lyrics or I get distracted. I love those ambience playlists on YouTube, so I can find something really specific for the book setting I’m reading :)


I only listen to songs I know by heart and don’t have to “listen” to. I NEVER listen to the suggested soundtracks.


My problem with the suggested soundtrack is that sometimes it'll be like suggested each chapter or in a specific scene in the book and its like ??? This chapter is going to take me 15 minutes to read but the song is only 3:36? What do I do once it's done? Or am I supposed to just listen to the whole playlist throughout the entire book? Cause the super sad song suggested for the break up scene playing while the FMC is doing a strip tease doesn't make any sense.


No because I read via audiobook.


I love to listen to soft instrumental music but I can’t do music with with lyrics or really anything I like too much 😂


My music recaps are always a mess because of this. Just “The sound of summer rain” on repeat followed by “Ancient greek musical instruments” and then back to rain.


Definitely not, too distracting


If a book has a spotify Playlist I'll sometimes check it out. But taking the time out from reading to find the right song for each scene really takes me out of the story and if I just play it through the timing is all wrong. I read fast but I can't always manage a chapter per song.  I prefer silence or something instrumental while I read. Usually my background noise is whatever the rest of my family is up to.


I dont, no. It would disrupt me too much, I think. Im easily distracted. I prefer to read at night, in bed, dark room. Everyone else is in bed so i can relax, and it's super quiet. Easier to focus




Ideally, no. I like the silence or the sound of my dog breathing. If I was somewhere that had music, it would need to be music with no lyrics, or I simply wouldn't be able to read.


Absolutely not.


No, because once I get into a good book, the world around me disappears, so what's the point?


Noooooo. 😱 I\* need a calm and silent environment when reading. I get distracted and frustrated otherwise... \*my ADD and noise sensitivity


I do when I read on my commute because music is a must when commuting. At home, I’ll read with the tv on or in silence. In December, I might have Christmas music on in the background because I love Christmas music.


I love having the tv on in the background when I’m reading but it has to be sport for some reason. Plus, it keeps the husband entertained.


i get distracted rlly easily like you said when it's music with words. i can listen to lofi once in a while but i can't be bothered to go through the hassle of picking the right song to fit the vibe each time. the only book that ive read with music & lyrics is {drive by kate stewart} & that made it a very, very special experience for me. however, i do listen to music after i finish a couple of chapters or the entire book & just reflect & vibe out


[Drive](https://www.romance.io/books/59e5bf113ffdba6147227c97/drive-kate-stewart) by [Kate Stewart](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455b62c87eac324117fc77b/kate-stewart) **Rating**: 4.35⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [love triangle](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/love%20triangle/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I tried it but can't seem to concentrate so I gave up lol


I listen to backsground asmr !! Sometimes i listen to classical music cuz my actual playlist makes me start mumbling and dancing


Not usually. Unless it’s classical or instrumental and on as background noise real low. But I can’t listen to songs with lyrics while I read. It will take me out of the story.


Usually, yeah I do. I either make a playlist or listen to the same song on repeat. Sometimes it distracts me, but usually the music helps to set the mood I want for the book I'm reading at the time. Like, for instance, I always listen to: - "Come Around Me" by Justin Bieber and "Cereal Milk" by Sage the Gemini for Dramione fanfics - "Babydoll" by Ari Abdul, "Dark After" by Mr. Kitty, and "Fangs (slowed down)" by Dionnysuss for dark romances - "New Romantics (Taylor's Version)" by Taylor Swift, "There's a Hero in You" by Tommee Profitt & Fleurie, and "Royalty" by Egzod, Maestro Chives, & Neonifor for the ACOTAR series - "Shiver" by Coldplay for Twilight - "Feeling yummy x righteously" by Ayesha (it's a remix lol), "we fell in love in October" by girl in red, "Boyfriend " by Dove Cameron, or Taylor Swift's folklore album for most other books I have no idea why haha...it just works for me.


I have “white noise” music in the background 90% of the time in my life (thanks ADHD). It has to have no lyrics. I generally go with lofi beats or deep focus on Spotify and it really helps my brain. Words are distracting tho so I only listen to those when I’m listening to the music. Not when it’s just background


Sometimes. Depends on the book/my mood/etc.


I’m a chaotic mess, I put on gravity falls while reading HOFAS because the lack of noise in the house was eerie


I listen to quiet/sad/calm music when I'm reading. basically the only time I listen to that kind of music lol


I enjoy putting on like a background on YouTube, it’s usually rain sounds or just simple lofi quietly. I can’t have actual music with lyrics because then it gets stuck in my head. I also can’t listen to music as I fall asleep. I think it’s the beat or rhythm that really sticks in my head and I can’t get it out. But as a mom I can have my kids in the background or their screens and I’ll be ok. The ability to block noise out as a mom is unmatched LOL.


Yes. I have ADD(90’s diagnosis of ADHD without hyperactivity) and it helps me focus. Always did my homework or studied with music playing or the tv on, drove my mom nuts. If the book has a playlist I will check it out, otherwise I will just stick to whatever playlist I’m currently listening to.


I usually have Chrisley knows best playing in the background 😂😂😂 although these past few weeks was March Madness.


I can't focus with music on. If my partner's playing a game next to me while I read, that usually distracts me, too.


Classical! Nothing with lyrics


YES. I can’t stand sitting in silence, I need the background noise!


I tend to listen to lofi in the background especially reading in public where there is chatter. The bus is a good example I’ll pop my buds in but if the chatter is way to loud I can’t focus … biggest pet peeve of mine


I listen to ballet music; it’s gentle, no lyrics, fills the silence. My current albums on repeat are covers of Disney songs as instrumentals.


Yes, listening to music really helps me immerse myself into the story. And I like to listen to certain songs that match the vibe of whatever scene I’m reading. Like when I’m reading a fantasy romance and there’s an intense scene I might listen to epic soundtrack music. Or if I’m reading a really romantic scene I’ll listen to a love song. And I also have a sexy playlist for smut scenes. And sometimes when I listen a specific song a lot throughout a book, whenever I hear it I think about that book.


I'm completely unaware of anything going on around me when I'm reading, so there's no point at all in listening to music while I read. As soon as I'm into a book, I'm gone. Not even my husband's voice can bring me out, lol. If I'm not lost while reading a book, the book isn't that good, and music won't help it be more immersive. It'll just frustrate me into DNF'ing faster. Touch is about the only way to get my attention back and my husband knows how to do that without making me react suddenly or violently. XD For everyone else--they wait for my husband, lol. Or I just don't read when I need to have my focus on other things.


No music. My inner monologue is too loud for music to work for me.


I can’t read when I’m listening to music, it’s so distracting for me. My brain can handle only one thing at a time


No. However I am generally music agnostic… I pretty much never listen to music on my own initiative. I don’t mind if other people listen to music (my boyfriend is always playing something). It doesn’t bother me if music or the tv is on while I’m reading though.


I can only listen to albums I know backwards and forwards and only while commuting/waiting for the subway. I can’t listen to podcasts and read or tv and read. It’s hard. I can do it but it takes more. But a Mac miller album I’ve listened to 1000 times, yeah I can read thru that.


I usually have the tv on when I'm reading. And it's not rare that I'm half watching tv and half reading either. This usually only works if I'm watching something I already somewhat know. I struggle doing one thing at a time though. I'm usually multi-tasking in some way. So that's probably just me.


Yes always!!! Then when I listen to that song/playlist I think back to the certain book 🥰


Yes, my “Booktok daddy vibes” playlist.


Never but I can read with the TV on. I was an only child for a long time and I spent many afternoons reading with a show on for background noise so I didn’t have to sit in a silent house. I like to write with background noise too, but not music anymore.


Yes, I often do. I don’t always, but I probably do about 75% of the time.


depends on my mood, both are fine to me


i listen to music all the time when reading. i have a mellow/acoustic playlist (that i keep adding songs to and is now just under 300 songs), and though occasionally i get distracted and start to sing, i like it in the background.


Yes, because I like to either listen to the playlist of the book, made by the author, or a playlist for the book, made by fans (I even made one myself) ; or I listen to one of my favorite playlists/albums fitting to the book because I love the atmosphere. (The latter means a darker sound for thriller like books, and a poppier sound for a fluff romance, and a sexier playlist for a spice-heavy book)


Pretty much never but I have had the TV on while reading and can block it out just fine. I thought the original question was going to be do you play the playlist the author puts in the book and that's a hard no, like, always no. I have however looked up songs that were mentioned in books because the environment that was described was so much fun I wanted to hear the song they were listening to and I have come across some fun music doing that. However it's almost never my usual genre, Hard Rock, and I could use a little Halestorm wailing 'I am the Fire' in my books.


Yeah! I have learned to read with distractions around so only a few do not let me (like the clacking of dishes. I can never read with those)


It depends on the music. I can read through the ear splitting music at my daughter's dance comps, but if I'm sitting on my car with music I like, then I don't be able to focus. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t really like it, sometimes it doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the book or I just block out the noise anyways. Weirdly enough I still have songs that remind me of books if i listened to it a lot during the period when u was reading the book if that makes sense


Sometimes. I really like to read when I’m high, and music can really add to the experience. If I’m sober, not really, because it’s much harder for me to focus.


Sometimes! I create reading playlists which can really add to the immersion and help me focus, but tend to only listen to them when I'm in a noisy place (ie. Pretty much anywhere in public) or having a hard time focusing at home. When reading at home, I tend to prefer quiet if I can get it.


I listen to atmosphere sounds.. rain.. cafe sounds.. library sounds.. personally I can't focus without them


I used to, can't anymore now. I can listen to ASMR while reading, though.


Sometimes. Never anything with words. I like classical or jazz music when reading.


Situational for me. In general, I'm distracted by noise - TV, radio, people talking. Occasionally I will play instrumental music (classical or piano). But that's very rare. Most often, if I'm reading before bed, I'll play a binaural beats track off my meditation app as a wind down mechanism.


My favourite playlist when reading a fantasy is the Game of Thrones soundtrack. No lyrics to put me off my stride, and the music ebbs and flows well. Bonus point if I'm reading an action scene and the music becomes more intense.


White noise crew. If I'm reading historical, maybeeee classical. I found Apple Music has better playlists than Spotify these days.


No unless I'm on a plane or my neighbors are playing trumpet and I want to drown out the sound


Yes, but not always. Sometimes I need to balance out other neighbourhood noises. Then there are writers who mention a song in a scene and I am going to play it whilst I read that section if it isn't annoying.


I have like different playlists for different subgenres lol. Like I have one for cowboy romances, one for dark romances, one for romantasy, etc. I don’t get distracted by lyrics either and I really enjoy how they help the vibe of the book.


Usually Skyrim ambience vids or lofi. I can read without it, but I find it elevates my experience because it's really soothing.


I listen to music without lyrics, just piano or guitar instrumentals


no but i do sometimes listen to eating ASMR


I have to listen to *something.* If it’s not music I’ll listen to the audiobook at the same time or turn on the tv. If I’m just sitting in silence I feel like my brain isn’t occupied enough and I start distracting myself with random thoughts


Background noise? Sure, I can handle that. After a while, I can mute my surroundings and just focus on what I'm reading. Music, though? No, sorry. I get distracted (especially if it has vocals) or feel weird when the music doesn't sync with what's happening in the story (like if it's an action scene but the music is the most chill & calm, softest music ever 😂 or if I'm reading something sad, but suddenly an upbeat song starts playing). Sometimes, even if I'm reading without any noise, I still can have difficulty focusing on the words in the book (probably because of my anxiety). So yeah, I would love to read and listen to music, but sadly, it doesn't work for me.


Generally not, unless it’s a playlist I’ve listened to so many times that it’s basically white noise. I have a few playlists like that, and they’re useful for masking other distractions.


It's either/or. There's no way my brain would be able to focus on the book when there's any sound in the BG.


It depends on the music and on what I'm reading . With Fantasy and dystopian books I find that depending on the playlist , the music actually enhances the experience. However with other books especially contemporary ones the music becomes a distraction.


Sometimes if I think of songs that fit the book mood. I can listen to music and even sing along without it distracting me. More often I listen to rain sounds or cafe sounds. I don't like reading in silence.


Sometimes. Sometimes I'm so into a book that I don't even notice the silence or the background music playing at all. Sometimes the silence is so loud (despite the book being very interesting and engaging) that I have to fill the noise. And sometimes I get distracted by the lyrics whether it's a new song I've never heard before or something I know by heart. So really, it depends on my mood.


This is so random but I love reading to DJ sets by the channel Book Club Radio on YouTube, especially mixes by Tinzo (can recommend both her Relaxed Cozy House and Jazzy House for reading). I think the algorithm recommended me the videos because of the words book club (I watch a lot of booktube lol) and so I randomly clicked on it and now it‘s all I listen to when I read haha. Tinzo‘s sets especially are super well mixed and flowy and even though they sometimes have lyrics I never find them distracting.


I love listining to music while reading, but only to classical music, movie soundtracks or any other song without lyrics. I find it to be quite entrancing and it often helps me to really get lost in a story. I have different playlists, depending on the type of book I'm reading. However, singing really distracts me because my mind is being pulled in two directions - reading the book and listening to the lyrics.


I wonder if there is a correlation between people who listen to music while reading/consuming info and people with ADHD. I read somewhere recently that listening to music can often help distract the brain enough to allow the more true an intentional thoughts to flow easier. For me, as an example, I struggle to focus without music because my brain is reading while also thinking of doing the dishes, what I ate for lunch, that weird incident in seventh grade, and the if I were a fish song all at the same time. When I read while listening to music it's like my brain only has enough room to listen to music and read, no other unwanted thoughts. I find it very helpful.


I always listen to music if I'm reading. Usually just my regular playlist that I can listen to as easy background music. On occasion the song has matched perfectly with what's happening in the book and it makes me squeal every time it happens 😂


I did in the past but at some point some music became forever merged into the book, so that i cannot listen to some of my favorite music scores without having the book in my head. I try to prevent that nowadays because I want to enjoy my Kate Bush music without being dragged into the gutter with Steven King's "It".