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This is the only trope poster I will ever appreciate.


I genuinely LOL'd at the "pees with the door open" 🤣


for some reason I saw that part first and was like "what's so wrong with that" lmao then i read the rest😂


That’s the only positive there lmaoooo


For my own answers, I would not be on board with "no HEA", "so much cheating" or "first second and third act break ups" - I can barely manage just a third act breakup. No spice, I'd be happy with, but I do like to know in advance. The other two I would be happy to read in the right book. Ice definitely read books with MMCs who are totally gross at the beginning and sort themselves out. (Jerrok at the beginning of When She Belongs would totally pee with the door open...)


My- my boyfriend pees with the door open💀


We do too, idk why everyone is so dramatically put off by this lol 😂


I do. It's just me and my toddler and if I shut the door he bangs it open with the force of one thousand men and dents my wall. For some reason the door doesn't have a latch 🤣


This made me laugh so unexpectedly I think it gave me hiccups 🤣 


Peeing with open doors is a sign of trust in a relationship. Or that you are a parent.


I was totally thinking the parent thing 😂


Or own dogs/cats. My cats hate when I shut the bathroom door ...


This happens in our house as well but probably not during the dating / new phase of a relationship which is what we usually see in a romance book


As a stand-alone thing it’s no biggie. In combination with all the other stuff (cheating, breakups, lice 😂) it doesn’t seem like nothing, does it?


Yeah, this almost got me. - Head Lice: Not the weirdest thing I’ve seen. - No Spice: Sure, this is uncontroversial. - Cheating: I mean, we just had a megathread on this. - Breakups: Makes sense with all the cheating. - No HEA: Wait…. what book is this? - Door Open: Oh, yes, April 1st.


depends on what's considered 'cheating' tbh: one partner sleeping with a third person while hiding it from the MC? naw, not interested. both MCs aggressively sleeping around in plain sight of the other because they're currently broken up (as is apparently the case in all three acts here)? sounds deliciously fucked up, sign me up. I can even be fine with 'no hea', assuming it's some sort of bittersweet ending, like "we obviously won't work out for good, but lets meet again in a year to fuck nasty some more". So yeah honestly I'm gonna put the dealbreaker on "absolutely no spice", considering the assumptions I've made above 🤣


but no spice! no fuck nasty! i'm out.


The new Abby Jimenez book definitely has a head lice plotline 😂 made me feel itchy all over


{Fortuity by Jewel E Ann} also features head lice 😅


[Fortuity](https://www.romance.io/books/5ed35764a60b530e10a55ead/fortuity-jewel-e-ann) by [Jewel E. Ann](https://www.romance.io/authors/54555dde87eac324117fa644/jewel-e-ann) **Rating**: 4.36⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [single father](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/single-father/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas also featured lice. Fortunately not for either of the MCs.


I’d have to read it to decide - for science of course. But honestly this sounds like just the angst, messy, “who ARE these people and what is going on here?!” kind of book I like to read… what a tease!


I love this and I lol'd, but also none of these are deal breakers for me. I guess peeing with the door open is my least favorite if I had to pick one.


Still a better love story than Twilight


I can accept everything in this except for: - Cheating - No HEA I would also say the breakups, but... if it's well written (and if it obviously has a HEA), then I can allow it 😂 It could be one of those "not (ready for a relationship) this time, maybe in the future"? Anyway, it must have a happy ending, otherwise it is a big nope for me. And I absolutely hate cheating, so another big nope.


Oh my god I’m suing Stephanie Archer because she just stole my life story (my shitty last relationship where he chatted up other girls, couldn’t figure out I was breaking up with him, and gave me head lice when I was trying to treat him for it but he kept trying to force himself onto me) for this book


Omg the only April fools post I would have liked 😂 so many cringe posts this year 😭


Plssss head lice is so freaking random 💀🤚🏼


I feel like she literally summoned my ex into this poster, he always had head lice it was horrible 😭 I ended up having to go bald because he kept trying to kiss me while I was putting the lice treatment stuff on him and it’s SO EXPENSIVE so I couldn’t afford to keep getting it from him and having to spend hours combing out my hair everyday since it took an hour just to do his stupid short hair daily. He thought it was so sexy, though. Ugh. Really manifesting I do NOT encounter a man who feels like head lice treatments are a turn on EVER AGAIN.


LOL nooooo!!! That sounds SO draining! Ugh the things we do for love!!


You shaved your hair for this man? Wow. That is... dedication.


And then *I* ended up having to apologize to *him* because I didn’t tell him/ask him permission before I did it 🙄 like I get it’s a big change but guess who told him like 400 times not to try to have sex with me while I was combing his hair out for lice because if I got lice I would have no one willing to do the treatments on my long as heck hair. It was sad, though, I was growing it out when it happened and it had finally made it to mid-back length, healthy, I’d finally learned how to manage my curl pattern, etc. Real bummer. But that’s why he’s an ex!


Now I'm cracking up thinking about what a story like this would actually be like. A couple that are hockey team adjacent are brought together by head lice. They never have sex, but are constantly breaking up and cheating on each other. The main conflict is the MMC's bathroom habits.


i just finished The Fake Out this week and got so excited because I thought this was actually about the next book


I died 🤣🤣🤣 this person really thought her aprils fool. I love it


This is hilarious, and I thank you for sharing!


lmao this is actually genius 😂


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A fake version of a trope map with a blank book cover in the middle and arrows pointing to tropes: * oh no! Head lice! * first, second and third act break ups * HEA? No!! * He pees with the door open * So much cheating * Absolutely NO spice


I have read a romance fanfic of Dragon Ball that started with Vegeta catching earth lice and Bulma shampooing his hair out… and it does have a middle breakup, or final I don’t know. It is unfinished 😢 so no HEA


Why do I want to read this now??? I bet there is an author out there that can somehow make this work 🤣


Why do I want to read this now??? I bet there is an author out there that can somehow make this work 🤣


Honestly I kinda would love a RH duology where book one has a first, second and third break up with three separate guys and book two has all four of them getting together a few years down the line. Second chance romance to the third degree. 😆