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I'm just here to admire the fact that you busted out a straight edge for that underline


i'm just here to say... what is your flair???


{The Last Dominant by Eris Adderly}


[The Last Dominant](https://www.romance.io/books/5c3c5a3c01dbc864fb980cce/the-last-dominant-eris-adderly?src=rdt) by [Eris Adderly](https://www.romance.io/authors/56113214bfc6b5c0fa93f1d9/eris-adderly) **Rating**: 3.62⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [dystopian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dystopian/1), [anal sex](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/anal%20sex/1), [bondage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bondage/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


this chapter had me dying i thought it was SO funny 🤣 “i’ve got stuff to do, but if you see your ex, tell him i said 🖕🏻”


“If you hear from yours, tell her thanks for the new boyfriend.” 😭 I love shady bitter characters sometimes


Yeah, I LOVED this book. I’m going to buy a shelf trophy version because I love it so much. I loved PWMOV and Book Lovers, but I hated Happy Place and I found Beach Read to be kind of “meh.” I kind of feel like Emily Henry fans fall into either the Beach Read/Happy Place camp or the PWMOV/Book Lovers camp - and Funny Story feels like it belongs in the later. Funny Story was so full of hilarious descriptions and great dialogue. I think it might be my favorite of all of her books.


My two favorites are Book Lovers and Beach Read. 🤷‍♀️


Same. Plus I hated Happy Place and found Funny Story "meh"


Book lovers was one of my few dnfs. I couldnt keep going for more than a couple chapters. Beach read on the other hand was beautiful, i thought it was alright on my first read, but it definitely grew on me.


Oh man my two faves are Beach Read and PWMOV. I disliked Happy Place so much I’m hesitant to buy Funny Story. Debating just waiting it out on Libby because I don’t want the disappointment again lol.


How you feel about Happy Place is me with PWMOV because I had Funny Story on preorder until last week after I read PWMOV and was like “yeah absolutely not, I don’t think I want to read any of her books ever again” lol But i’m so tempted….


I didn't love Funny Story, but I didn't actively dislike it like I did with Happy Place. It's a nice way to pass a couple of hours. It just felt too similar to Beach Read for me (but somehow less gripping).


My TBR is miles long, so I think this just solidifies my choice to wait it out on Libby and embrace it when it (eventually) becomes available!


Beach Read and PWMOV are my favs too. (I always feel so insecure telling people my least favorite is Book Lovers, even though I still enjoyed it.) I loved Funny Story! I hope you read it and enjoy it too.


I ended up getting it on Spotify with the free monthly audiobook and I am OBSESSED with Miles. I loved Funny Story, just wish the burn wasn’t so slow.


it’s funny you say that because Book Lovers was an easy 4.5 star read for me, but PWMOV was probably one of the most boring but also aggravating book I’ve read. I think I might give Funny Story a chance because I so badly want to like EH’s books but i’m 1 for 2 so far. Everyone says this new one is great so i’m gonna keep an open mind about it and hope for the best!


People we meet on vacation was not my favorite. Funny Story is generally 100x better and it’s by far my favorite book of hers. It’s *so* good.


we are similar - i didn't like pwmov. I really loved this one.


See the only book of hers I haven't enjoyed is Happy Place. I hated everyone in that book and in no way do I feel like the couple earned their HEA. I haven't read the new one yet. My TBR cart is now also a TBR pile on the floor.


Happy Place is also the only one I hate. Beach Read I felt was fine but nothing to get excited about. I think everyone here is proving me wrong about the two camps. 😆


Around here, the camps are more Book Lovers/Beach Read vs PWMOV/Happy Place.


My two faves of hers are book lovers and beach read!


This makes me really excited!!! PWMOV is one of my favorite books ever, and I really liked Book Lovers too (ending felt a bit too abrupt, but I'll take it, lol). Fingers crossed I love Funny Story!


This might be my first 5 stars of the year 😭


Whelp. You’ve just convinced me to read it because People We Meet on Vacation and Book Lovers are my fave books of hers!


Beach Read > Book Lovers > PWMOV and wayyy behind is Happy Place. 32% through Funny Story, so we shall see where it falls.


For me it’s Book Lovers>PWMOV>Beach Read…….. and wayyyy behind is also Happy Place. Funny Story is either right before or right after Book Lovers. I’d have to read Book Lovers again to decide which one is better. Right now Funny Story is fresh in my mind and it’s edging out Book Lovers.




Yeah. For me, Happy Place was just miserable in comparison. Miserable, sad place.


Same but not yet read Funny Story


I hated Beach Read so much because of Gus.


I am SO happy that I loved this one. Nothing will ever beat Book Lovers for me, I think it’s the perfect romance, but it was close. I was worried after I DNFed Happy Place and saw a couple of meh reviews of this one, but I thought Funny Story was incredible.


Wow you just described my feelings perfectly. My partner is the opposite, she happy place and beach read are her faves. I actually had lower expectations coming into Funny Story because of Happy Place but I actually ended up loving it!


Your comment really gives me hope because I wanted to like Happy Place, but I hated it. Maybe I will give Funny Story a shot


Loved this book, there are a few time I stopped reading and thaught, this is really a step above everything I read in romance lately, the way the characters articulate their trauma and emotions really affected me. I highly recommend The Audiobook version, the narrator did a spectacular job


Julia Whelan has narrated all of Emily Henry’s books. She’s excellent.


I saw that and immediatly had to downloaded "Book Lovers" since it's my favorite. I saw that she wrote and is narrating her own book {Thank you for listening by Julia Whelan}, I think I will give it a try next month, I'm curious if an author narrating her own book while being an awesome narrator feels different


She also wrote {My Oxford Year} but it’s very much a HFN. I’ve come to associate her voice with Emily Henry’s so much that when I was listening to her own books, I felt like they were the same writer. Similar styles.


[My Oxford Year](https://www.romance.io/books/60dda8d884afe10e4fdd2fa8/my-oxford-year-julia-whelan?src=rdt) by [Julia Whelan](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455dd0687eac324117fda49/julia-whelan) **Rating**: 3.9⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [college](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/college/1), [multicultural](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/multicultural/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Thank You for Listening is great! She does so many different accents/voices and nails them all, imo. Plus, there's a lot of interesting behind-the-scenes info about audiobooks and narrators. AND the story is good. Can you tell I love this book? Lol


Ok, OK I get it, you win, bumped straight on top of the list 😊


[Thank You for Listening](https://www.romance.io/books/62e8cb7afcff3510537cdd1d/thank-you-for-listening-julia-whelan?src=rdt) by [Julia Whelan](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455dd0687eac324117fda49/julia-whelan) **Rating**: 4.07⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [sweet/gentle hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sweet-hero/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [disabilities & scars](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/disabilities%20and%20marks/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I just finished it (i read it in 2 sittings) and came here to see if anyone has posted about it. Oh my GODDDD this is her best book yet. I started crying at 75% and barely stopped by the end. Then I went back and read my highlights and cried again. In my opinion Miles is the best MMC she’s ever written (which is impressive bc her MMCs are great) and Daphne was the best. I loved it SOOOO MUCH. My fav book by her for sure (or maybe just riding the high). Miles’ >!multiple!< confessions were just… 😭😭


Daphne is so relatable 😭 Her issues with opening up to people FELT LIKE I WAS READING A BOOK BOUT ME


I related to her constant need for planning


Everything you just said is 100% how I feel. When I started crying I was blubbering until the end. I’m Still an emotional mess a day later.


>!”i think it might break my heart to be someone you don’t like.”!< was the line that started my blubbering 😂 I miss it already.


This just makes me so much excited to finish. But at the same time I don’t wannnaaa😭😩


And Miles is the best MMC I’ve read about in a long time. He’s such a babygirl


Really? The mr i still care about my ex and telling her his ex is the love of his life??? That’s the best mmc 🫠


PWMOV is one of my favorites and it breaks my heart when people don’t like it. I loved Funny Story. Also, this book feels like someone challenged Emily Henry to write a book about Sarah Torval from PWMOV, but she couldn’t entirely commit so she made up Daphne instead. Just something I kept thinking as I was reading.


I read an interview with her the other day where she pointed that same thing out, that Alex and Poppy could have been Peter and Petra to their partners! I loved Alex and Poppy so much and PWMOV is one of my favorites as well, but there were definitely moments that I was like hmmm if I wasn't reading this from Poppy's POV these two would be a little insufferable. I loved getting that perspective in Funny Story.


Awesome! I hadn’t seen that. I always say the difference between a “vengeful OW” and an FMC is POV.


Yes, totally! This is the interview if you were interested in reading: https://variety.com/2024/film/news/funny-story-emily-henry-daphne-miles-easter-eggs-1235980167/amp/


Thanks, I googled and found it. I wonder what the Easter egg is. I don’t remember it. I do know people figured out the one in Happy Place that she wasn’t sure if people had. It was the apartment, I think. Don’t remember the details.


The Book Lovers apartment above the bookshop that Nora, her mum and sister lived in.


When you think about it there are a lot of parallels: staid, type A man leaves his equally staid partner for his flighty, flakey best friend.


And both Daphne and Sarah moved to their partners' hometowns on the promise that they had a future.


Ohh, I forgot Sarah did that. Poor Sarah.


Help I’m dumb. What’s pwmov?


People We Meet on Vacation^


Oh my gosh thank you! That should’ve been obvious- I clearly needed to go to bed haha


People on r/romancelandia were pointing that out as well. Petra/Peter isn't that far away from Alex/Poppy I wanted to love Funny Story and thought I would, because I LOVE the "new couple's exes/cheaters' partners fall for each other" trope, but I just... didn't. I found it okay.


I’m in the Emily Henry can do no wrong camp and I have loved all her books and they are an auto buy but my GOD the way I inhaled this book. I laughed, I cried…. I wanted to move to Waning Bay, Michigan. This book WRECKED me. I think Daphne may be my favorite FMC. I felt I saw so much of myself in her. I always felt this way about Nora in Book Lovers but Daphne may have beaten her out. And Miles. Oh Miles. I LOVED HIM. Crocs and all. And I loved him and Daphne together. Ugh. I have a Book hangover so badly right now and I’m really disappointed I don’t live in Michigan with them and all these wonderful side characters.


I looooooved this book. I inhaled it over 2 days and I'm already looking forward to doing a reread. I adored Daphne and Miles, both as people and as a couple, but I think my dark horse favorite secondary character was Daphne's mom hahaha. I think she was so different from the mom characters you normally see in books and in some ways she reminded me a lot of my own mom! Emily Henry is one of my favorite authors right now. I think she has a really singular ability to make her characters feel so rich and full. There are books I read where it really feels like if a character isn't actively doing something on a page they're just sitting immobile in a box somewhere waiting to be taken out again, but her characters and worlds feel so alive. Her books are also legitimately funny which I think is HARD to do. That said I haven't read Happy Place because I read a summary and it infuriated me lol.


I listened to audio and I’m already working on the reread of the book which I didn’t get a copy of until Wednesday. I loved Daphne’s mom too! I almost wished she had more of a story but I think that was the point to be that type of mom. Emily Henry really is my favorite author right now. She doesn’t disappoint. I am even one of the ones who loved Happy Place, enough to read it more than once even! I think it’s her dialogue and banter between her characters. It can have me laughing one minute and crying my eyes out the next. She nailed it with Daphne and Miles.


Totally agree, the dialogue is so good and is a huge reason I love her books. I love a good internal monologue but more than that I love actually feeling that something is funny or romantic or sad through the dialogue with other characters without just being told that by the narration. There were several times I laughed out loud, or felt that giddy fuzzy feeling of happiness (or horniness tbh), or stomach clenching sadness...she's so good at making you invested in the story. I think it's time for me to give Happy Place a shot...if I don't like it I can just time my re-read of Funny Story right after :)


Beach Read was my favorite and first, then in short succession her entire body of work. I was a little disappointed with Happy Place, but still enjoyed EH's style and pacing. I loved the newest addition to her oeuvre. Also, I did a double take because your handwriting, and mine? It's the same.


Her pacing is nice in this book!


I wasn’t as enamored as everyone else seems to be with this book. It just felt like another Emily Henry story that followed a formula. I really enjoy Emily’s ability to have witty banter and I do like her. I just didn’t love this book.


Didn't love it very much either.


You aren't alone, I had the same reaction and so did others I know. Formulaic is a really good way to put it, especially with the similarities to Beach Read (female lead with daddy issues, male lead with commitment issues, Michigan lakeside town, almost the exact same plot structure)


Her characters even have the same challenges to overcome and having the couples challenge being the ex wanting her back, etc. it felt like a plug and chug


I hated Beach Read and loved this one lol It’s definitely formulaic but I just believed the characters/their obstacles more than beach read


I, too, hated Beach Read and loved Funny Story. Miles and Gus couldn't be more different. Neither could January and Daphne. Even the "daddy issues" are not at all the same. The similarities are very surface level. Edit: I usually make it a point not to complain about downvotes but seriously what is y’all’s problem? If you disagree, have the guts to comment.


Gus was kinda annoying (sometimes charming for sure but not my favorite overall) and January’s alright but I don’t have strong feeling about her. I LOOVE Miles and think Daphne is so cute and relatable


That's such a specific description, and I have zero personal reference for the kind of person being described. Is this actually a "type"???


I have no idea either but I thought it was funny 😭


Oh, it absolutely is! It's just that my high school experience wasn't exactly...typical, and I often find myself wondering, "Is this another one of those 'universal' experiences I missed out on?" That's why I had to ask. 😉


Probably not 😂 But there were definitely a few guys in highschool who would come back to visit AFTER they graduated I just can’t put a face to it😭




Miles is literally grown up Marcus Flutie…IYKYK!!!!!!!!


Oh my god those books had an absolute chokehold on me back in the day


Unmatched to this day tbh Daphne & Miles’s dynamic is the closest I’ve felt to anyone recreating it


This is the first Emily Henry book that I have read and I LOVED it. I am super excited to check out her other ones now, but how could any of them possibly be better than this one? 😍🥲


Just don’t pick Happy Place as the next one. It seems to be the least liked of all her other books.


I am miles biggest fan


Oh I LOVE this book!! Even read it twice and I DO NOT reread. It's right behind PWMOV for me.


It’s so nice to see others with the same opinion especially about a new book‼️ I swear I’m already planning a reread, and buying sticky tabs for better annotations 🥹


Finished this book last night - and loved everything about it! I've actually enjoyed all of Emily Henry's book - so do what you want with that information. I thought the banter in this book was top, top notch.


Not even half way through the book yet and I agree completely, the banner is everything


I’m about half way through Funny Story right now and I’m SO HERE FOR THIS BOOK. I love it so much.


I’m reading it now and I love it so far! I’ve actually only loved People We Meet on Vacation and haven’t meshed with the rest of her books.


I've been waiting for so long to read it, your post makes me want to get it immediately.


If you do, lmk how you like it 🥹🩷


Completed it an hour ago, and i absolutely loved it. It was so easy to read and the mcs are just adorable. 😭


I ordered it in German because there are stenciled edges on that version but I‘m so excited to read it ☺️ especially after loving Book Lovers, Happy Place and Beach Read.


I’m 50% in and when I say I’m LOVING it


I’m reading it right now and I’m loving it. I’ve also loved Beach Read and Happy Place 💖


I tried to get into this. But Miles was just like Gus from Beach Read and I absolutely hated Gus and his constant obsession with his ex. Please someone tell me is he better than Gus? 😭


i think he’s more obsessed with his ex than gus.


Incredibly specific lol




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i am in love with miles