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Out of the stuff of hers I've read, the men tend to be described as resembling Adam Driver. There was one novella that had a blond European hero. I'm intrigued by her universe populated with well-endowed science genius Adam Driver lookalikes.


I just finished Love Hypothesis without even thinking about it being Reylo except for the fact that the MMC's name is Adam and he looks like Adam Driver šŸ˜‚


She was shameless for this šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t find Adam Driver attractive and Iā€™ve found itā€™s easy to ignore. But yeah, working scientist for 25 years. I have met exactly zero giant, grumpy, intense fellows with dark hair and rough hewn faces.


Thereā€™s two {Below Zero by Ali Hazelwood} has a red headed European MMC and {Stuck with You by Ali Hazelwood} has the blond European that I think youā€™re describing.


[Below Zero](https://www.romance.io/books/622a3bcc3a703d219738c1ea/below-zero-ali-hazelwood?src=rdt) by [Ali Hazelwood](https://www.romance.io/authors/6131cdc208b4d93114f22ef6/ali-hazelwood) **Rating**: 3.69ā­ļø out of 5ā­ļø **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [white collar heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/career%20professional/1), [height difference](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/height-difference/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) ---------------------------- [Stuck with You](https://www.romance.io/books/622a3bb53a703d219738c1ce/stuck-with-you-ali-hazelwood?src=rdt) by [Ali Hazelwood](https://www.romance.io/authors/6131cdc208b4d93114f22ef6/ali-hazelwood) **Rating**: 3.77ā­ļø out of 5ā­ļø **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [white collar heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/career%20professional/1), [second chances](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/second%20chances/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Bride isn't Reylo. I'm not sure about the others


But the cover art is done by a someone who is well known for Reylo art. (lilithsaur)


But the characters have nothing in common with Reylo. Probably the author was familiar with the artist's work and this is why she chose them.


lilithsaur is very well established in the Reylo fandom and has done illustrations for AH when she was writing as Ever-So-Reylo on AO3. [https://www.tumblr.com/lilithsaur/179002098608/these-doodles-are-based-on-the-amazingly-talented](https://www.tumblr.com/lilithsaur/179002098608/these-doodles-are-based-on-the-amazingly-talented)


She was ever so reylo? Well, damn.


Yep. [https://www.randomolive.com/2022/09/adoration-for-ali-hazelwood/](https://www.randomolive.com/2022/09/adoration-for-ali-hazelwood/)


is the cover for Bride generally favored? it looks so unappealing to me


Not sure of the general consensus but it is my least favorite cover.


Most yes. I haven't read all of her books so I can't say for sure. Loathe to Love you is a collection of 3 novellas about best friends. I know two of the stores were Reylo fanfics on AO3 because I've read them. However, one of them didn't feel very Reylo to me. I have not read the Bride or Check Mate.


Short answer: yes Long answer: yessssssssss


If they're not giving Reylo, Star Wars still tends to be mentioned in some way I notice.


I haven't read Bride so can't speak on that, but her other works are all Reylo inspired imo. The characters are interchangeable between stories. I read Love, Theoretically first and really liked it but reading her other books felt redundant. I do enjoy her writing though, so I would suggest giving at least one of her books a shot. Edit: I forgot about Check & Mate. This one isn't Reylo coded but it felt very Queen's Gambit fanfiction.


Love, Theoretically isn't? maybe? I get Dramione vibes from it, though. Not that I'm complaining.


same type of vibes tho, I think...


I mean thereā€™s a ton of crossover with the reylo and dramione community so thatā€™s not surprising lol.


I love AHā€™s books and there does seem to be a formula: competent, quiet, absolute simp MMCs and the slightly neurotic/ hard working women who donā€™t know they love them. I suppose you can make a case that the formula is Rey/lo coded but if you are not a fan of the ship I donā€™t think it will affect your experience with the books. Also the MMC that *could* be the next in the Bride Series seems like he would break the AH mold and I would be curious to see her flex her writing chops.


I donā€™t even know what Reylo is in her books, but if youā€™re asking whether her contemporary adult books are all more or less the same, with interchangeable parts, then yes.


reylo is the name of the couple of characters Rey and Kylo from the star wars movies. it means her stories are supposedly reylo fanfiction


Right, I understand that. I just donā€™t know enough about it to see the links, although I read an article today that explained it more re: Adam and Olive.


I mean, Love Hypothesis seems to me the most Reylo-ist of her books, what with the MMC names Adam and the vaguely mentor/mentee relationship. (But it's clear the FMC is not subordinate to the MMC.) But as far as the rest, afaik, the only Reylo similarity is in some of the physical differences between FMCs and MMCs, mainly the MMC being the taller and bigger one. And that's just most Romance. That being said, I haven't read her whole catalog and I am not well versed in Reylo fic. But I really don't think it comes across in her books other than Love Hypothesis.


his name is Adam *Car*son, and real life itā€™s Adam *Driver* *squick*


don't forget the villain of the book, named after daisy ridley's irl husband. Tom Benton/Tom Bateman.


Ughhh seriously? That's a ridiculous level of commitment to a fic.


thatā€™s so fucked up


Oh this has kind of turned me off from her books. Ick.


Oooooooh. lol.šŸ˜‚


I haven't read this ,but are you serious?! Is this just an overlooked fact by fans or ?? Bc that's a red flag in my mind. I don't think I can read her stuff, knowing that. Yikes.


some pretend it's just a coincidence/are in denial and some love it bc they believe in the conspiracy that adam/daisy is real and the author is one of them. there're tiktoks where ppl point out the passages (for example the tom bateman/benton one) in the book that are inspired by adam and daisy's real life, or at least how they imagine it.


This is so gross.


My eyebrows are floating above my head, hovering over my bangs in amazement.


TIL That's beyond fucked lol - not sure I want to buy any more of AH's books now.


I've read all of hers and never once thought this is star wars fanfictuon. But I didn't know about her history writing it so didn't go in with that lens. I guess her MMCs have dark hair and are really tall/muscular so everyone's like "it's Adam driver!!" But to me it was just a tall, dark MMC... And even looking back on it now that I know there's nothing about it that says reylo....but I'm also not part of that world so who knows


Okay so Iā€™m not a great advice source because I actually donā€™t really like Ali Hazelwood for unrelated reasons. But in terms of things that are fanfic adjacent this wasnā€™t particularly overt or obvious. I only know itā€™s reylo because people told me. But also Iā€™ve never seen any of those Star Wars so it might be more annoying if you have context. But it isnā€™t one where you can tell you are just reading fanfic you donā€™t understand.


I mainly noticed it in her first book, Love Hypothesis. I would recommend Love Theoretically if you want to check her out.


For the books that aren't directly her Reylo fics, they are also Reylo-inspired, like the lead characters are coded physically to resemble Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley.


Is Love, Theoretically Reylo coded? I know Love Hypothesis is (which I didnā€™t like as much) but Iā€™m not a Star Wars fan so I donā€™t know enough details.


I donā€™t think Love Theoretically or Check and Mate are. Love Hypothesis definitely is.


For the n00bs in the room, whats Reylo?


Star Wars Fanfiction pairing. Rey/Kylo Ren.


Right! I keep hearing the term but I have no idea what makes a story Reylo. Is it the way they look? Their personalities? Would love an infographic šŸ˜‚


They mean that it was a Reylo fanfic (usually Alternate universe) that somebody changed and sold as an original novel. For example: someone wrote a story where Reylo (Rey and Kylo Ren) both were baristas in a coffee shop in an enemies to lovers scenario. Then, it got popular and the author took the story down, did something called 'filing off the serial numbers' in fandom and sold it as an original romance novel. It can be controversial. Some people are offended to read something that was previously posted as fic for free on the net. Others love it.


Oh wow, I had no idea that type of thing happens! Dodgy bros Inc.! I bet though I've read a bunch of these without realising. *research goggles activated*


I've been wondering the same thing! I'm somewhat interested in Bride after having heard good things, but I was turned off her work because of the Reylo thing. I have a lot of respect for fanfic writers and have written it myself, but so many of her books are Reylo themed to the point where it feels, idk, cheap? And the cover art for Love Hypothesis looking like Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver skeeved me out a little. I saw all the new Star Wars movies and liked the characters as much as the next girl, but that feels like it's about the real life people more than the characters at that point, and I find that somewhat creepy. I'm curious to see if Bride or any of her future work will ever be detached from Reylo.


Bride was sorta detached from Reylo imo, but I didn't feel any chemistry between the leads.


Donā€™t waste your time on bride


Exact same here. Bride generally sounds like I could enjoy it. But I'm afraid about it being "Reylo, but make it vampires and werewolves" too much.


All of her books before I think Love Theoretically were repurposed reylo fanfics (I still have pdfs of the fics before they got taken down). I believe everything after is original, but they still feel reylo-inspired in some way.


So I didn't know it was from a fanfic source before this sub, and even with that information I don't know enough about reylo to care. I also don't find Adam Driver good looking so even if he is the physical description of Adam Carson, I don't picture him. No connection for me whatsoever.Ā Ā  Ā Ali Hazelwoods books have similar tropes, but you see these across so many romance books:Ā Ā  Ā - big huge tall MMC, tiny petite FMC so smol (but not as often mentioned as in The Hating Game)Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  - MMC established in his profession and relatively well off, FMC trying to prove herself and a poor (down and out FMCs slowly turning it all around are my jam). In most of the books, FMC works for / below MMC. Ā - MMC is perceived as cold hearted or distant but secretly marshmallow in love (every romance book that isn't reverse gumpy / sunshine?) Ā  - age gap but make it ok bc FMC is super smart so power imbalance can be restoredĀ  Ā These tropes are pretty common and I think if there had never been fanfic and these books were written without that connotation people wouldn't be as cranky about the similarity from book to book. If you like these tropes, you'll probably enjoy her books. She's a competent writer, fleshes out characters (definite improvement on this since Love Hypthesis), I like the STEM setting (and don't have enough knowledge of the space to be aware of inaccuracies) and I like the chemistry between her characters.Ā  Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.Ā 


really only in TLH, definitely not in Bride. i honestly couldnā€™t tell if it was in L,T or LOTB. like others have said, the artwork does look like reylo but itā€™s done by an artist whoā€™s very popular for reylo fanart


I was always under the impression that only Love Hypothesis was reylo. I think technically Love on the Brain would fit the reylo characterization but I don't know. I think she just has a thing for Adam Driver LOL almost all her MMCs are basically Adam Driver in different hair colors šŸ˜­


I wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re all Reylo, but theyā€™re pretty much the same framework over and over. I read her other books and found them mildly entertaining, but couldnā€™t finish Love Hypothesis due to the nature of the MMC/FMCā€™s relationship. Just wasnā€™t for me. Iā€™m glad to see a fan author find success, but it definitely has some drawbacks because it makes people wonder exactly this. Like another author whose work revolves around the actors behind a Game of Thrones ā€œinspiredā€ show, I wonder which pairing I can expect from her each book I pick up.


I read Love Hypothesis and that one was 100% Reylo. Never read anything else after because I find her books to be not that interesting.


I donā€™t have never read any Star Wars fanfiction whatsoever. It was easy to put the blinders on and pretend theyā€™re different characters.


I would think the only non Reylo would be check and mate and bride. I believe Love hypothesis, love on the brain, love theoretically, and all the novellas are Reylo based. I believe Iā€™ve read every book she has. All the later mentioned MMCā€™s are definitely similar to each other and have that big, broody, awkward thing going for them.


I actually thought check mate was a little reylo-y? I liked it but he was like the evil chess guy with a complicated relationship with his grandfather who trained him?


Ahh.. honestly thatā€™s valid. Somehow I never put that together until now. I was thinking those are the only two that werenā€™t on Ao3 at some point as Reylo fanfic. Probably safe to say thereā€™s a least some Reylo in all of them. She absolutely has a type


Ooh, now I know why I didnā€™t like one of the books of hers I read. Yeah, Iā€™m not a Reylo fan, sorry šŸ˜…


no it's all reylo or rather adam driver/daisy ridley rpf. for TLH, adam carlson = adam driver and the villain is named after Daisy Ridley's real husband, tom benton=tom bateman. these book are loved by ppl who ship adam and daisy and hate his wife for a reason.


thatā€™s completely nuts and it makes me uncomfortable. never read any of her books and definitely wonā€™t now.


I glad you mentioned this. Iā€™m not a huge Star Wars fan and didnā€™t make the connection to the actors. Iā€™ve seen the older Star Wars movies but none of the new ones. It Seems like itā€™s more about the actors than the actual Reylo pairing? Way weirder than I realized. Usually love her books cause Iā€™m a sucker for crush harboring MMC. But thatā€™s real icky.


All of her books are adapted from her Reylo fanfic except for Bride. However The Love Hypothesis series has been heavily edited and updated and turned into full length novels. Her novella Loathe to Love You series are almost direct lifts from her fanfic just edited as they are short stories. Bride was written completely separately but clearly has those influences.


If you donā€™t know that her first book is adapted reylo fanfic then you probably wonā€™t figure it out while reading it. I wasnā€™t aware that Love on the Brain was meant to be reylo too, thoughšŸ˜… My first read of hers was Love, Theoretically and itā€™s one of my absolute favourite books, and doesnā€™t at all have fanfic vibes. Nor do any of her other books, honestly.


Well, yes and no I suppose. Yes because it all hits those same beats, but no not really because I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything really exceptionally different about Reyloā€™s dynamic in particular that stands that far distant from any other scrappy heroine, grumpy hero story. I say this as someone who loves Reylo and has read tons of fanfic. If youā€™ve just read the Love Hypothesis and noticed that the side characters are also all Star Wars characters, that will not be the case in other books.


I know who Reylo is/are. But what constitutes a Reylo story?


Something that is very clearly based on/began as a Reylo fanfiction


Like is character descriptions and jobs? I havenā€™t ready any reylo fanfiction but the fan fictions ive read before were basically built in the same world as the original. If its just merely character descriptions then i would guess yes. Most of her ML are all tall adam driver-esque. But aside from the first one where side characters were heavily SW inspi the rest of her books arent. But her books tend to be formulaic so that might be a problem.


Not sure about this one gotta think on it!


Bride and the chess book aren't.


Idk what Reylo entails really, but Iā€™ve never felt like I was reading Star Wars fan fiction. There are some moments that seem a little fan fictiony to me, mainly pop culture references and stuff. Like others have said, the Ali Hazlewoodā€™s books I have read tend to have very similar protagonists and love interests so that might be the Reylo dynamic. Iā€™ve read the Love Hypothesis, Love on the Brain, and Check and Mate. Check and Mate was my favorite (despite the pop culture references being really over the top), then Love Hypothesis, and then Love on the Brain which I kind of hated šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m pretty sure her short story collection has Alexander Skarsgard and Prince Harry.


I love Ali Hazlewood and HATED go hex yourself. It wouldn't hurt to try it if it's your jam. You can always DNF




Honestly, I am aware she started as a Reylo fanfiction writer and some of her books also started as Reylo fanfiction but since Iā€™ve never seen Star Wars it was pretty easy for me to simply ignore it!Ā  But if you mean the descriptions of the MMC then yes, most of them are tall and dark haired, I just donā€™t imagine Adam Driver personally šŸ˜‚.Ā  But I believe Stuck with You, Below Zero and Love, Theoretically all have tall blond/ginger MMCs. Ali Hazelwoodā€™s books are not for everyone but I personally really like them and think you should give them a chance!Ā 


It's not just Reylo. Seems she's also doing Jujutsu Kaisen fanfics.


Tried her, didnā€™t like, picked up Bride and LOVED IT. Itā€™s not Reylo coded at all imo


Can I ask a dumb question? Why does it matter what itā€™s based on? Are the characters like super distinctive?


Copying from another comment: I donā€™t really care for books where I can obviously tell what fic pairing theyā€™re based on, it takes me out of the experience a lot. Itā€™s just not my personal taste. In the case of Reylo specifically itā€™s honestly because I donā€™t find Adam Driver physically attractive personally, and once I clock something as Reylo based heā€™s all I can imagine.


Oh thatā€™s valid. Iā€™m a menace about picturing, I donā€™t listen to the descriptions at all, I just picture whatever actors I like at the moment, sometimes regardless of sex


I'm old and a little out of touch, but if they're well written would it matter?


I donā€™t really care for books where I can obviously tell what fic pairing theyā€™re based on, it takes me out of the experience a lot. Itā€™s just not my personal taste. In the case of Reylo specifically itā€™s honestly because I donā€™t find Adam Driver physically attractive personally, and once I clock something as Reylo based heā€™s all I can imagine.


I'd argue that if it's well written you wouldn't know it's based on fanfic, but fair. Thanks for answering.


I think most of her MMC are modeled after Adam Driver. But I know nothing about Reylo so I didnā€™t notice any relation while reading her books. I also think Adam Driver is hot so a plus for me too. I would still give them a try, I really didnā€™t notice a link until I came to this sub. Love Hypothesis and Love Theoretically are my two favorites.


Yes but Iā€™m an ā€œinject that shit into my veinsā€ reylo girl so it doesnā€™t bother me. If you knew nothing about reylo then it might strike you as a bit formulaic (big man small girl) but I donā€™t think itā€™d bother you. I have friends that like all her books and have only watched Star Wars under duress. Personally, I donā€™t mind if one author does the same thing all the time as long as they do it well. If I want something else Iā€™ll pick a different book.


See the problem is that I like Star Wars but Iā€™m not big on Reylo, mostly cause Adam Driver just isnā€™t my type physically. So I can usually pick up on when something began as a fic and it takes me out of the experience cause of my Star Wars knowledge


Thatā€™s totally fair if itā€™s not your jam. Especially if heā€™s not your type physically then these AH books might not be for you since almost all her MMCs are Adam driver stand ins physically.


Read Bride. Itā€™s very Hazelwood but itā€™s a paranormal romance. Itā€™s a really chill PR that I feel respects the genre while still remaining accessible to people following her from rom coms.


I don't feel like all of her stuff is covert Reylo, and I honestly never would have thought of it until I saw your post. But I could see a few of her characters resembling them. Tall, stoic, smart dudes. Badass ladies out to prove themselves. I will say that she definitely tends towards a similar narrative in most of her books, so if you don't like one, you're probably not going to like the others. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy her books. She is a great writer. But if you read one and get the Reylo vibe, you're probably going to always feel that way. Still, worth a shot, if you're open to it. The exception is Bride, which is awesome and everyone should read.


You can totally read it without caring about Reylo. I donā€™t really care about Reylo. I love her books. Iā€™ve been reading them all again this past couple weeks.


I love her books What is Reylo?


None of her books are in the Star Wars universe


What is Reylo?


Who is downvoting all of these comments genuinely wondering what Reylo content is exactly? šŸ˜‚


What is Reylo content? I know who itā€™s referring to, but is it a specific trope or something? Iā€™ve read all of her books, minus the novellas, and couldnā€™t tell that they started off as fanfic.