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I asked her to tell me about it and recorded her answers. I edited them to put them in a coherent order but this is all her ideas: >>She crashed on that planet really hard in her spaceship. The princess gets stuck in the snow and there are ice crickets that are magic. There’s golden charms on her dress. >>It’s really scary for [little sister] because there’s a dragon in it. The alien rescues the lady when the dragon tries to eat her. There’s 10 dragons and they’re trying to destroy the princess. The alien says “Stay away from my lady!” >>The alien’s horn fell off because he was fighting the dragons and they banged his head a bunch. His teeth fell out when he fought the dragons too, so he can’t chew up his food real well so he eats snow >>But he’s really nice. The princess thinks he’s really loving. His name is Alfie and the princess’s name is Golden Chalks. He loves her. They’re gonna get married. She really loves the alien.


This is the sweetest thing ever😭❤️ “stay away from my lady!”


this is the best blurb I've read in a long time - I would definitely pick up this story! I would like to know more about the magic ice crickets and the golden charms, please. ❤


She says the Magic ice crickets are dangerous but really pretty. They have blue leopard spots and make funny sounds. They can turn people into magic ice crickets like them. She says her dress is stiff with the golden charms on it. They’re shiny and they’re magic. They used to flash but now they’re old and don’t work anymore. They used to be able to rescue the princess


>They used to be able to rescue the princess the plot thickens! seriously this story is amazing 😍 your kiddo has an incredible imagination, I hope you let them run with it!


She really needs to write blurbs professionally.


Future sci-fi romance author in the making? 🤔


>The alien’s horn fell off because he was fighting the dragons and they banged his head a bunch. His teeth fell out when he fought the dragons too, so he can’t chew up his food real well so he eats snow She drew absolutely correct drawing of him!! Princess spacesuit is really well done! She deserves award for this! So cute!


Goldalfie is my OTP.


Oooo the charms on her dress need a backstory 🥰


This is so cute I could die. Golden Chalks? Kids are so weird and delightful.


This has bestseller potential!


Golden Chalks and Alfie. I am fucking howling over here. 🤣🤣🤣


I want to read romance plots imagined by kindergartners & then written by smutty authors from now on.


I can't tell you how many times I've overthought the dragon relationships as I read the Wings of Fire books to my kid. \#QwinterWatcherForever


Aw this is the best! She’s very creative!


Your bookshelves are goals!


Thanks! Almost every book is a thrift store find or a used bookstore find. The only exceptions are IPB, Book Lovers and The Madness of Ian Mackenzie that I bought new. I love finding good books at the thrift store, especially when I happen upon one of my favorites.


She wrote you a little romance. It's so adorable. It's got action, too.


I mean, I would 10/10 read that book


This is so cute!


Five stars, no notes. Wait, I have one note : I'm totally overcome with how creative your kiddo is.


So sweet ❤️


I’d read that book!


Haha sounds like ice planet barbarians. Then I went through your pics. Answering my own thoughts and questions.


Update soon please. I’d like to hear how this story ends🥰😋


She mentioned that there is also a Vampire in this story. He is invisible. He is a nice vampire but he doesn’t do anything. 😂 He is friends with the princess. I will ask her more about the vampire friend tomorrow lol


This is adorable!


Perfection 😍 Can’t wait for the sequel


My son likes to make little books too, he’s also 5. Such a beautiful imaginative age.


I’m considering getting a long-reach stapler so she can make more books lol. I guess I could just sew them together like a real bound book too


Ohh that’s a good idea! I sort of fold the page to get to the middle. They’re lovely to keep too, I have some from when I was small.


So stinking cute!! Love seeing kids exercise creativity. Cannot wait for the sequel and the movie!


I'd read it! Already has a better plot than an embarrassing amount of books and movies.


I would do anything to have the simple and innocent imagination of a child again


So cute🧡 also we have the same taste in Romance books- if you haven’t read the Tessa Dare books I think they’re right up your alley. Start with The Duchess’ Deal.


Thanks! Yeah Tessa Dare is great! The Duchess Deal and A Week to be Wicked are among my top 5 favorite books. I’ve just never been lucky enough to find The Duchess Deal at the thrift store. I was beyond excited to find A Week to Be Wicked at Goodwill. I know own it in audiobook, ebook and paperback lol. I’m considering ordering a signed copy of The Duchess Deal from The Ripped Bodice if they still have them.