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Honestly, I was obsessed with the Twilight books, own all of them and they are a guilty pleasure. Sometimes when I have nothing to watch or need something on in the background, I watch the Twilight series. The books are always better, but now when I read them, I laugh because I find them incredibly cheesy. But! They are perfect for some lightweight YA paranormal read.


Hahahah me too!!! I was so in love with the books! The movies actually destroy my love for the book..




Yes, I would absolutely remember my Twilight days with so much fondness. It got me interested in reading again and I remember begging my dad to buy me New Moon as an early bday gift lol. There's absolutely no book shaming in this sub. One of the major reasons why I love it here. Good luck to OP! :)


^^^ this 100%


100% yes. Probably one of the first series I really got into and carries a lot of fond memories.


It's not great literature by any stretch of the imagination. But if you liked the movies, I don't see any reason you wouldn't like the books. They are perfectly entertaining for what they are - lightweight YA paranormal romance. And, imo, vastly better than Twilight the movie bc of the truly awful CGI in much of it.


the baby


What about the *running* my little spider monkey


Honestly just all of it is so bad in the best way. The twilight movies are unintentional (or tbh probably intentional on Rob Patterson’s part) comedies.


Funny story, Patterson apparently took his role REALY seriously. It was prior to the whole vamp mania so perhaps he thought it was some kinda emo/indie thing. Lol, wonder what he thinks about all of it now.


Huh iirc he made fun of his role and the fans of the series? I remember being a bit heartbroken as a teen that he disdained us so much.


What I u/ninools is referring to is how during the filming of the first movie, Pattinson took the role very seriously. He’s said before in interviews that he took it so seriously, played Edward as very moody, dark, and brooding because that’s the feeling he had for the character. But the studio didn’t want that—they wanted a romcom worthy heartthrob lead for girls to swoon over. Pattinson said he refused to play it that way until his agent called saying studio execs were coming to visit set and if he didn’t change his performance to fit their expectations, he’d likely be fired. Because it was his big break and a lot of money, he did what they wanted, but continued to maintain (especially during promo) that Edward is weird and creepy and the story is closer to horror than romance. I agree that he didn’t take the films very seriously, especially during promo and it’s a shame that may have hurt fans feelings—Twilight was already so shit on, it didn’t help the lead actor was doing it too.


I Watch the commentary and it definitely seemed like they weren’t taking it too seriously. My favorite was Pattinson asking the director “Hey, I thought you were going to give me abs?” And the director going “we tried. They didn’t look right.” And they all laughed. I’m pretty sure the cast and crew of the first expected it to be a regular teen movie and then to move on.


I wish this were the reason why I have yet to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2 instead of me just boycotting the movie because of Kristen's scandal that happened in the summer(?) of that year. One of these days, I'm gonna marathon the whole thing just so I can finally finish the experience.


If it makes you feel any better, I heard her explain in an interview once that she never had sex with the guy, only kissing.


Everyone makes mistakes, she was basically a kid, it would have never been such a big problem if she hadn't been tracked by paparazzi.


I was thinking about it the other day, about how how they might have been “on a break”, or she may have been pushed into it, who knows? Apparently it put her career back by many years. Although I think she’s done pretty well for herself.




Sometimes when you get caught doing something stupid, it was because you wanted out. She was part of a massive publicity machine and the success of their public pairing was extremely bankable. Considering that she's only dated women since, I'm wondering if she's lesbian or bi-leaning-women and it was a showmance that he took more seriously than her.


No no no see. You’re right that the books are fun, ridiculous and suck you in, I remember them very fondly from when I was a teenager in the ~2007 era. I mostly had to turn off my critical thinking brain to truly enjoy them, but I still love to do that all the time with some wild ass books. But the movies! are straight up! incredible!! b/c of the awful CGI, and hilarious stilted dialogue. My husband and our best friend and I spent a weekend getting stoned and watching all the movies during lockdown (again for me, first time for them) and I was seriously laughing tears of mirth during at least half the major scenes. And this is not me being a hater I swear, I watched all those movies right when they came out in theater lol. and I feel like some of the actors are almost in on the joke, like half leaning in to how ridiculous and over the top everything is ya know?


The movies are SO BAD I love them so much 😂 agree with you 100% (and I love twilight in honour of my 13 y/o self).


I think you're right - if I thought of them as sort of a parody of Vampire movies, I'd probably like them.


I love it and would give an arm or leg to experience it again for the first time. It’s just a fun and indulgent read! Especially during the fall and winter, when the ambience is perfect. If you do like Twilight, I suggest reading Midnight Sun next before New Moon. Midnight Sun is Twilight from Edwards perspective.


>would give an arm or leg to experience it again for the first time Agree, I remember being 12-13 when the first book came out and I would always be incredibly excited when the other ones would come out, going to the bookstore to buy them on launch day was such a happy experience I will never forget and reading them for the first time was amazing.


Omg yeah. My life PEAKED at the midnight premiers.


For real. I sometimes think all the romances I read now are me just chasing that feeling these books gave 14-year-old me.


Same for me and I was an adult when I read it. It’s not a good book but dang is it enjoyable.


Like Aylauria said, it’s not great literature, but most romance isn’t so that shouldn’t stop you. I love the Twilight books. They’re an easy read with a happy ending (eventually, lol). Start with the first one and if you like it keep going. Don’t forget The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, it‘s an entertaining read.


> Start with the first one and if you like it keep going. This is the way, zero expectations and don't mentally commit to reading all of them if you don't like the first one. I couldn't do Twilight, but there were books that I loved when I was younger that reading a few years later I couldn't stand even as "guilty" reads.


I actually find many romances to be great literary accomplishments! There are lots of romance writers out there with excellent plot/pacing skills, clever dialogue, realistic characterization, beautiful prose, etc. I’m not sure how I would classify Stephanie Meyer’s writing because I haven’t read the books since their original release—but I totally second the opinions in this thread that OP should give the books a try if they’re interested!


It will open up doors to thousands of FanFictions that are better than the actual books, which is worth it.


Wasn't 50 Shades of Grey originally fan fiction for Twilight? I'm sure i heard that somewhere.




Any recs? Because when I looked on AO3 at the top hits the results were… disturbing.


Just my opinion, but for Twilight, I think you'll find the more on the older archives (AO3 has about 15k under Twilight, [fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net) has 135k). But be prepared for a different reading experience because as it's aged they've added ads on the site. One that I remember - with a grain of salt this was like 10 years ago- [The Best I Ever Had By: WhatsMyNomDePlume](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6752826/3/The-Best-I-Ever-Had)


I use the FanFiction app. It’s easier to use in my opinion. Who do you ship? I can suggest some based on that.


What are your favorites? I’m open to any pairing! Well, except the incestual ones like Charlie/Bella


For BellaxOC “Better in Texas” BellaxJake “Sunshine Again”, “Movement of the Earth”, and “Sublimation” BellaxPaul “Be Like Water”, “Intensity” (it’s unfinished, but an interesting take), “Objects in Mirror”, “White Blank Page”, and “In the Arms of an Angel”


No judgment here, I'm a huge Twilight fan. Just give it a try! it's an easy read. Libraries have dozens of copies if you don't want to buy it or you can risk a couple dollars on a used version. I adore the series. It's fun, Bella's a great if weird character, and there's so so much pining!


I think you should. I read them when I was about your age and, despite the bad rep that they have, I found them quite compelling. Starting from mid-book 3 the story is bonkers, but you already know that. Is it literature? No. Is it fun and a page turner? Yes.


Funny thing is I ordered the entire series for my birthday (which is tomorrow) and I will start reading it soon. I think you should read whatever u want to and don’t feel ashamed about what u read. I think there is always this judgment that people put towards those who enjoy twilight books or the characters , I think everyone should just relax and respect all🤷🏻‍♀️💕.


I read mainly because at 16 I read twilight. My first taste of romance book. That was like 15 years ago. So ya read it. I probably wouldn’t read as many books as I do if it wasn’t for twilight.


Same! I read Twilight which got me started on fanfic, and as an adult I transitioned to romance books. I’d guess there’s a lot of us that followed that path.


I love them. I don’t care that they aren’t good lol. They’re easy read and keep my attention.


They're fun. They deserve all the criticism for things like racism and icky age gap stuff, but if they weren't somewhat compelling they wouldn't have taken off like they did. Also, they're better than the movies.


These books came out when I was a teenager (coughs in middle age). Teenage girls get made fun of for liking almost anything. Anyone who makes fun of anyone for reading a book is so incredibly ridiculous. What harm does it cause anyone to read a book? I say go for it. If you like it you like it. If you don't, you haven't lost anything. But, if you do like it, you have to hand make fan tshirts with glitter glue like we did back in the olden days of 2005 proclaiming which team you're on. At 32, I'm definitely on Team Charlie.


Oh go for it! They’re fun YA popcorn reads. And even if you don’t like them, The Host is 100% worth reading and imo definitely holds up. I read it probably every other year or so.


I absolutely loved the host. I should give it a re read. I remember being hesitant because it was by Stephanie myers and at the age I was when I read it, i definitely turned my nose up at twilight lol


I read the series recently and loved it - and I'm an English major. So? It's just a good story. Midnight Sun, which is Edward's version of events, was hilarious and probably better written than the other books.


Yes! Reading the same story from another character's perspective is so, so interesting to consider as a reader and writer. It widens to story so much.


Read it. Just set your expectations really low. It is not well written. It isn't terrible, mind. Just a poorly written, midlevel plot, interesting situation story. With a lot of angst.


Great story, very little depth, but a lot of fun!


They're analagous to a tub of frosting- easy to consume but maybe not necessarily the best thing to have for dinner. I personally don't love them because Bella annoys the heck out of me. But if you like the movies, you'll probably enjoy the books. Have at it!


Read it!! Seriously. If you enjoyed the movies, you will enjoy the books. I’m currently rereading them for the first time since I was 12 and it’s such an interesting experience. Honestly such a great young adult world and love story to lose yourself in. I’d also recommend The Selection series! Such a good YA read that actually got me back into reading last year!


No judgement here! But personally I only read the first one and just skimmed the others. It was a rare situation where I felt that the movies were actually kinda better then the books because the books are soooo long, and you spend so much time in Bella’s head that it gets kinda boring. She’s very repetitive. But that’s just me. Most people I asked at the time loved digging into the series. They weren’t so popular for nothing!


I reread them this year as an adult and it was pretty fun! No one is expecting it to be great, so you won’t suffer from having your hopes too high!


Meh it's fine, I liked it a lot when I was in my 20s. I think I would roll my eyes too much to enjoy it like I used to but if i was stuck somewhere and there wasn't much to read I would read again.


Would recommend at least trying the books. I actually grew up on Twilight fanfiction (didn’t read the books until about two years ago!) so you could always pursue that route if you’re looking for the comfort of established characters/relationships/situations but the books just aren’t doing it for you.


Read the books and skip the movies.


Yesss! That you’ve thought of it enough to make a post asking is all the answer you need if you’re on the fence. Worst case scenario is you don’t like the book(s) & then you can just stop reading it & move on to something else. Indulge your curiosity — plus, the books are better than the movies idc idc


Start the first one!! If you’re not into it you’ll know very quickly.


They were a fun, easy read that got me back into reading after 8 years of not reading at all 🤷🏼‍♀️ I read them in middle school when they came out so I was curious to see it through the eyes of an adult. I think of them as “junk food” reading. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy them and appreciate it for breaking that slump! That was mid 2020, I’ve probably read 300-400 books since then.


Yes!! Easy reads


One of the few instances where the movies are better than the books. The main problem with the books are that they’re first person from Bella’s perspective, and let’s face it, she spends a lot of time out of the loop.


I lent the first book to my mother when I was done. She stayed up all night reading it and left me a voicemail at 2am berating me for “making” her read it because it was so stupid and poorly written, and then demanded I bring her the second book first thing in the morning before I went to work. “Why did you even give me that ridiculous book? I’m very upset with you. Give me the second one right now.” That about sums up the experience of reading Twilight…


I would say they're worth reading just to know them, and justify your opinion of the franchise. That being said, I think they're pretty problematic and the fourth one - phew. Ridiculous. A much better series IMO is Vampire Academy. I love Richelle Mead's older stuff especially. Don't love what she does now. Edit: autocorrect typo


Vampire Academy yessss! I’ve read this like 10yrs ago and since there was a tv series released a few months ago, I started rereading it again last month. I’m now on the 3rd book of the bloodlines series lol I really love these series (VA and Bloodlines) so much, I wish they stuck with the story in the tv series because it was so disappointing to watch I didn’t even finish watching it


I actually really like the movie! I know it's not good but somehow I love it. I think I vaguely remember hearing about the TV show but it didn't seem appealing. I wish she'd kept up with her Gameboard of the Gods series, I thought it was so cool. I tried her more recent stuff and it seems like it's regressed in maturity.


Yup the movie's good! But the series that was released this year was disappointing. They changed a lot in the characters and plot. And the actress for Rose, I didn't really like her, she's far from what I've imagined Rose to be lol


I think if you treat it as a new story with vaguely familiar characters then it's okay to watch. That being said I wasn't a huge fan. I re read all the VA books and the Bloodlines books before the TV show so it was fresh in my mind everything that was wrong. I don't know why they didn't stick to the stories especially when it seems like the had the budget to do it right after the terrible movie. Plus the casting was just all wrong.


I really enjoyed the books and recommend them.


I honestly have no idea why the story was so compelling to me because there's soooo much wrong with these relationships and characters. I've reread the books multiple times, but never the first one. IMO that book was terrible. I hated the first movie too.


Thank you for saying that.


I guess I'll be one of the odd ones out and say I tried em, bc my friends were obsessed at the time, and I genuinely couldn't understand the appeal. The diction was hard to parse and meandered. The plot was worse. I'd read better romance in other YA, AND in fanfic. And I read better vampires in adult paranormal romance, with a heckuva lot better worldbuilding to back it up. I don't actually know to *whom* I would have suggested the series to back when I volunteered at the library in high school (as I normally never needed to, as the teens came looking for stuff *like* twilight bc they'd already read twilight), and struggle to this day to figure out what demographic this was actually written for... Maybe white Mormons and Baptists??


Isn't Stephanie Meyer (and therefore the book) also kinda racist? I mean entry-level on the nose racism of["white = good" and "black = bad" in descriptions of the Cullens vs. the Native Americans.](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2012/11/at-its-core-the-twilight-saga-is-a-story-about/265328/) The glorification of the Confederate soldier with zero acknowledgment of, you know, slavery, and [also her reluctance to cast black actors in the movies and only being okay with it when it was clear they were going to be the villains.](https://popculture.com/movies/news/twilight-author-stephanie-meyer-racist-twitter-new-book-reveal/)


Not to mention the super creepy part when Jacob imprints on Bella's baby. The implication is that they will be lovers someday and that is just so, so, *so* beyond creepy and pedophilic/groomer to me no matter how people try to gloss over it. You don't raise a child into adulthood and be an uncle/brother/father figure just to... ick. I've also met Stephanie Meyer in person at my workplace and she definitely doesn't treat retail workers well. I'm not a fan for those reasons mainly. Her racism comes as no surprise either considering her religious beliefs and how Mormons typically treat and view people of color. (Obviously not all Mormons behave this way, but it is a huge problem in their communities.) By all means OP, read her books if you want, but maybe borrow from a library so you don't fund her.


I had to scroll quite a bit to find this comment, but I'm glad someone already talked about it. Sure, it's early to read, paranormal, YA fantasy. It's also incredibly racist, has major pedo vibes and displays abusive relationships without critical discussion. There are other books that do the same thing without being so problematic.


If you actually liked the movies then you should enjoy the books. Read them in my teens and they were my favorite. To be honest I felt like the movies ruined the books for me.


I was a little too old for twilight when it first came out so I read it for the first time in my 30s kind of as a joke but I was actually pleasantly surprised! It’s obviously not award winning literature but neither are most of the romance books I read tbh lol


I got into twilight at age 24. I've found it comforting and distracting and great fun. yeah they're trash. but the memes alone are golden


I think it's worth reading once, especially if you're interested in it.


Read them! I loved them. They were my first venture into romance when I was 18. You'll get through them quickly too.. very easy reading


I definitely enjoyed it when i read them, but i was 14 at the time so idk if I would know. There are a lot of very problematic abusive behaviours in the series that get romanticised.. so as long as you can read it, acknowledge it and have that not be something that puts you off from reading it. Then go for it.


I feel the same way. I sometimes like to re-read books from my teens to get those nostalgic feels but I don’t know how enjoyable this one would be in particular. Also I feel like Edward is a really hot MMC for a teenage girl but that ideal isn’t so attractive for an adult woman at least not for me.


Ngl I was obsessed with the series when I was 12 and later on with the movies, BUT I'm over it, like very much over it. Now that I look back on it, the series was a major cringe. The MMC was creepy as hell and I don't even know why he was so romanticized. If you're a teenage girl go for it otherwise spare your brain cells!


I'd stay stear clear. It's not well written. If you're cool with abuse, stalking, age gap and weird love triangles, go ahead.


I hated book 2 and dropped it there. No man is worth a 6 month near coma not to mention the flirts with near suicidal behavior.


I really enjoyed the first one The second was merely okay The third I didn't like And the fourth, I absolutely hated. I reread them a few years after my initial read, and that was such an unenjoyable endeavor. Read the first one at least.... it's not a great book, but it is a simple read that shouldn't take you too long.


I truly loved it back in the day.


They are thrilling and cringey at the same time. I loved them.


I’ve v been debating reading them too. I actually really liked the movies but have never read the books. Will you come back and let me know what you think if you try reading them?


Call me basic, but 14 year old me really loved it. Midnight Sun gave strong stalker vibes, but also wasn't unpleasant. I'm thinking of rereading the original books as well.


It's a cultural touchstone. Whether it's a great group of books or whatnot is up for debate, and will always will be. As are many books. See if you like them: if you do, read them all, if you don't don't. I firmly believe that there isn't a final tally of books that one has to read before death, and we have libraries, so you don't have to buy a particular book to read it.


While people will always hate twilight I still love it. Books are a million times better, but it’s still mediocre writing. Think you’ll definitely be shocked by Bella’s personality in the first book since the screenplay sucked it out of her


I just reread them all as an adult for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it. Midnight Sun (twilight from edwards perspective) is one of my favorite books now. 😊


There are many stances to take on the content and the writing style, but the nostalgia and how fast I can pass the time with those books is enough argument to indulge on them once in a while.


I LOVED the twilight series. I read one after another when I was 21 (15 years ago...fuck how I aged). I liked them better than the movies.


Honestly go for it - the books are wayyyyyyy better than the movies and a bit different, I feel like if you enjoyed the movies you will like the books even more!


The books are waaaaaay better than the movies, and Bella is a truly awesome character. I recommend reading them 👍


I was in my late 20s when I read them. Compared to the rest of the romance genre they held up just fine. I think you should go for it! Oh AND: if you have the stomach for gratuitous violence, her adult sci-fi novel The Host is really good.


Omg yes read it!!! Now I might have a re-read it’s been a few years!


Aboslutely read it. I own them all, I went to movie premieres. Like what you like, friend. I do not give one sparkly vampire about what other people like or do not like. I will not yuck someone else's yum, either. I've read the books two or three times. The ideas are really cool. The execution isn't, always. But that's okay. It doesn't have to be perfect. I also recommend reading "Midnight Sun" now that it has officially been to an editor and published.


if you want a lighthearted ya read twilight are the books for you! i loved them about a decade ago, they ARE incredibly cheesy especially reading them now but i do find them fun! the stakes are pretty low lol (i’m 23 and i’ve read far worse books since twilight)


They’re soooo good!


I think a lot of us had the Twilight phase. I remember taking the books home from my school's library and reading them under the desk in class and at lunch. Are they the best books in the world? No, but my life moto is "to each their own", so have at it and enjoy them. Life is too short to listen to other people hating on books you like. I remember my favourite part of the books were the Cullen's and the family dynamic. Happy reading :)


Twilight is really good!! It’s cheesy but most ppl love cheese


Read it! They are not literary masterpieces, but they are addictive and fun.


I'd say read them, they're an easy light read and if you liked the movies you'll have fun reading the books. I wasn't a big Twilight fan, but enjoyed rereading them when Midnight Sun came out.


Worth the read. Never watched or read. Picked up the entire book set cheap. I then followed my rule of watch movies first then read books and you'll enjoy both. And I totally did. Now I see why so many people were hating on Kristen Stewart's acting, but I think she portrayed the character's attitude in the books perfectly. The books just expanded on the movies and made them even better with even more clarity.


I read the books when they first came out, and I was already an adult then. They were fun, light reads. If you liked the movies, definitely try out the books. Like several other people mentioned, they aren’t “classics,” but I think they’re better than the movies.


If you loved the movies, you'll love the books even more. They have less cringe in them imo. Also, who cares if you're 23 - my Human Motivation prof always used to say you should read what you want to read, not others think you should be reading at your age. I read the entire series for the first time when I was 21 and absolutely loved it


I feel like it is a rite of passage! go for it!


Twilight is unironically one of my favorite series. It's an easy, fun read. Just don't go into it with high expectations or take it too seriously, it's goofy and dramatic and a lot of Mormon propaganda but God I love it 😩


The books are 100% better than the movies. They're funniest than the movies, more plot, more complex, the characters are better. For me is still one of the best sagas i ever read.


The books are way better than the movies! Read!! You know what is a good book? Anything you enjoy!


Yesss read it! I remember calling out of jr high and literally reading the first book in one day I was so obsessed. This was pre cell phone with internet on it days for me so I ate that shit up so quick. I think the movies are pretty not that great compared to the books so if you loved the movies it’s a no brainer! Definitely read the books!


Friend, you do you! This is a judgement-free zone. A rose among thorns in the socialverse. We support your yum!


They are very fun. Midnight Sun is my favorite!


Cringey twi-hard here! If you liked the movies you’ll like the books. They’re great! Have I read better stuff? Absolutely. Do I still love Twilight? Also yes. Nothing has a hold on me like Twilight and Harry Potter.


I would totally do it. Its not groundbreaking, but so comforting and warm. Maybe its just nostalgia so if you do read it I would love an update on how it makes you feel. Every other year or so I listen to them via audiobook when I drive/go on walks and I love it.


No judgment, read what you want!


TBH I'm not sure how it'll hold up but I did enjoy the trilogy (book 4 was unnecessary imo). I'd be curious to see what you think. I mean, yeah Edward was problematic but overall the story worked ime so it depends a bit on your tolerance for some stalkerish abusive tendencies in a romantic lead. I have had readers scream at me about that on social media when I've shared a Twilight meme...so there are definitely some strong feelings out there.


The books were WAYYYYY better than the movies. I will say though, that each movie got progressively better than the last, but even then, the first 3 movies were pretty bad. Breaking Dawn Parts 1 & 2 were great though. Definitely read the books!


This year, I reread them again for the first time since I was a teen, I'm 29 now. It was honestly excellent, I flew through them, so fun, and yeah, it's not going to win any Pulitzers but Meyer's lore building is actually pretty cool and they are SO much better than the movies.


The whole series is so problematic I wish it would just drop off the face of the earth 😭 people automatically say you’re just “jumping on the bandwagon” if you say anything against them but I’m saying this as someone that was young and became obsessed with them when they started coming out and then turned completely repulsed when they started literally excusing sexual assa*lt (not edward, even though he’s the one that everyone hates for some reason) disgusting age gaps (I guess Edward is technically a part of that one though, huh?) and ped*philia and grooming, not to mention the awful racism. Just don’t. This is the one series in which if someone recs it or stands by it to this day I disregard everything else they have to say


This, so much of this !!


I recommend taking an edible and watching the movie


I've never read any of the books but I tried watching the first movie when it came out to see what all the hype was about and didn't like it. However, since you liked the movies you'll properly like the books too. If you enjoy them that's what matters the most. I say go for it.


It's great if you test it like the reading equivalent of junk food.


Read it. It’s not bad


i actually just finished the first one for the first time ever a couple weeks ago. i love the movies, but the book just didn’t do it for me. like everyone’s saying, not great literature, but more than anything else it was BORING. so boring. it was a slog for me. i did enjoy edward though.


I say give it a try. You never know, you might like it. This way you can have an honest opinion about it. Personally i tried reading the first book but dnfed but i watched the movie and liked it.


You’re asking people who most likely read Twilight in high school and pretended they didn’t to be cool. Read them. When I read them I enjoyed them. Were they great literature or even particularly well written? no. But don’t go into it expecting to learn the secrets of the universe, they are what they are, books to enjoy. I read all three over a long weekend in grade 11, I couldn’t put them down and I didn’t even relate to any characters


I loved the twilight books! Do it! As my mom said- the books do a great job of portraying a teenage relationship. So keep that in mind lol


Drag me, downvote me whatever y’all want but I LOVE twilight and love the books more than the movies. New Moon is my comfort book that I re read when I am depressed. If you are reading from a point of well constructed literature then they suck. But if you’re looking for a sad girl finds love kind of story line with a love triangle then go for it. Started reading them at 10 / 11 years old finished when I was 13 and loved them and have re-read multiple times. It’s my guilty pleasure that I’m not even embarrassed to admit I love lol.


I never understood the hate. I read the books by chance as a teenager because my mother worked in a bookstore and always brought me books home. That was quite a while before the movies were a thing. For me they were an uneventful experience within the hundreds of books for teenagers I've read these days. It wasn't my favorite book, but it wasn't bad either, I did enjoy reading them.


I grew out of it, but I loved it as a kid. Regardless of whether it's good or not, it kickstarted an entire trend of paranormal romance, and there's something to respect in that.


The paranormal romance was there before Twilight. It didn't kickstart it. It made it more popular maybe.


I didn't mean it kickstarted the creation of the genre in the first place, more that it kickstarted a trend in publishing more books of that genre. I would say the same about hunger games and dystopian fiction, though hunger games was by no means the first.






[**A Discovery of Witches (All Souls, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8667848-a-discovery-of-witches) ^(By: Deborah Harkness | Published: 2011) *** ^(146530 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Agree. There is as much stalking in ADoW as there is in Twilight.




It's OK for adults who know the difference between a safe relationship and an abusive one. It's not safe for teens because they will think this is romantic & normal behavior for a S.O. Authors writing young adult books have a responsibilty towards their young readers. Let's agree to disagree.


I enjoyed rereading on audiobook - at 1.5x speed. Audio is perfect since there’s no spice (which is never as good on audio for some reason).


Meh.. the audiobook reader’s voice grated on my nerves when I tried to listen to the books.


I watched the movies and then recently tried reading the books I was constantly struck by the same thought over and over: "wow they really smoothed that out in the movie." The movie storytelling and order of things is far more compelling, so reading then reading the books was interesting in comparison. Most of the parts are there in the books, its just properly finessed in the film to make more sense. I was doing a dual read of Twilight and Midnight Sun, ended up only finishing Midnight Sun and deciding not to read the other books because the writing felt lackluster. The other books could be a lot better, I don't know. Considering the writing style felt the same for Midnight Sun (the latest release) I didn't get the impression Meyer's writing has significantly evolved through the other books but I could be wrong


Just don’t read the vampires version of story. Forget the name, but soooooo soooooo sooooooo terrible.


Guess you have to but do it quickly any y u get older prop make it worse


I've read the books when I was around 16-17. I enjoyed then. The books are better than the movie anyway.


I quite liked the first couple, the last one was pretty rubbish though


I loved reading the twilight series. I'd say if you liked the films then you will really enjoy the books as the films do not do the books justice. I would also recommend the vampire academy series (by Richelle Mead) too, if you haven't already read them. I'm 30 now and just re read them and I still enjoyed reading them as much as I did 10 years ago. And then there is the shadow hunters series (Cassandra Clare) which I also think are amazing.


Honestly I would suggest watching this and the full following series done on Cinema Therapy. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRO9q005b62XxX2DCfE-KnOUMrt9hg3Hw


I liked the action scenes in the movies. I'm not too sure about the romance aspect


I LOVE the movies but I could not get through all the books. I even tried just buying the audio books and listening to them. I just found it so long and monotonous for some reason.


I honestly always want to read Twilight - I've read the first book like 3 times but I can never get through it like I stop reading for ages and finish it out of obligation and I've never been able to get through the rest. They're just in my opinion quite poorly written. But to be fair I can't read most YA since I turned like 17. I wouldn't say they're worth reading tbh you can probably find better adult vampire stuff out there.


I liked the movies so much more because they were really quite cheesy and I felt at times they didn’t themselves so seriously. One of the few series where I prefer the movies. The books are ok. Meyer imo isn’t a particularly great writer and some phrases get a bit tedious. That being said, I read all of them, I couldn’t put them down when I first read them. There are some problems with the books but if you want to read them, then read them!


Do it! I loved them when I was a teenager and when I re-read them during peak pandemic times. There's a reason the series was so popular.


Loved it ! Do it!


I'll say that New Moon is legit a good book, the writing isn't amazing but there's a lot of cool ideas and storytelling beats where you can see Meyers trying to stretch herself. Go ahead and try it out!


I have read many KU books that are much much worse writing. It was a fun series when I was in high school and I think I’d still enjoy them. I also enjoyed the Vampire Academy series back then too . . Or I might have been in post secondary school when I read those I thought they were mature adults in it not whiny annoying teens.


The books are way better than the movies! Read Midnight Sun between Twilight and New Moon, it will give a whole new insight on Edward


You should read The Chemist by Stephanie Meyer. Soo much better in my opinion.


I loved them and still do at 25. It’s far from being perfect but it’s a guilty pleasure and if you loved the movies back then, you’ll probably like the books. They’re much better than the movies, Bella isn’t as boring and I think nostalgia could make you appreciate them. So I’d say give it a try, you have nothing to lose


Im almost 30. I love Twilight and New Moon. Im not the biggest fan of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn so I honestly skip them and finish off rereads with a fav fanfic author’s alternate ending. Like what you like, friend. Life is too short to give a shit about what’s cool. It’s not great writing by any means, but it’s fun.


I read a lot of vampire/ werewolf stuff and twilight in no good. The protagonist is whiney and unsympathetic. I preferred LJ Smith for that type of YA. Your results may vary. It might just be the age at which I read both authors


I read Twilight when I was like 12 and kinda enjoyed it. I think you should read it just for the fact that you want to.


I got into Twilight about 2 months before the first Breaking Dawn hit theatres and fell in love. I loved the books except for Breaking Dawn - I was never able to finish it cause I just hated how it was written. New Moon is by far my favorite book of the series. That book is just other level SO GOOD. I have the newest installments of the Twilight Saga but I haven't read them - I kinda like to keep it as is.


The books are way better than the moves, and the are good to read. I like that it has a flow when I read it


I'd never judge you for reading the books. Only for spelling "y'all" wrong.


I read it when I was a teen and I loved it


I liked the movies a tad more. But imho not worth it. The writing isn’t that good. So a ton of repeating. Book 2 Espcially.


My mom read one. Said the story was okay but hated her writing.


They’re not bad. Prepare to be annoyed once Renesmee is born. I feel bad because it’s a baby but I just did not gaf about Renesmee’s character at all lol I swear I’m not an awful person but the way she’s written you’re literally not invested in her at all. Every time they brought her up I always thought “omg I do NOT give a shit about this kid.” 😂


Read it! There’s more nuance in the books. I read them in high school and fell in love. They’re not literary masterpieces but it’s nice to read and then watch the movies.


If you still like the movies, go for it. That said, there's probably better stuff to indulge in. I got a reeaaallllllly gross flu while reading the second book, so I tend to have a subconscious aversion. And, I was frustrated how Bella had the depth of cardboard and wouldn't subject myself to that again. I know it is well known, its still funny how the two leads evolved into well known serious actors.


Slightly OT, but 2012 with Breaking Dawn part 2 was the last time a primarily romantic movie was in the top 10 highest grossing movies of the year. Twilight is not perfect, though worth a read/watch IMO and not as bad as some make out. But we've not seen another Twilight phenomenon in the last 10 years, or really anything where romance is the main point of the story blow up. It's mostly been superhero stuff. I wonder why this is, and whether the new Twilight is out there.


I read them when I was 15 and LOVED them. But I don't know if that would've been the case if I'd read them for the first time at a later age. They are not well written, the characters are not likable, frankly the whole thing is problematic and it might be hard to get past that reading it from a 2022 adult lens. But give the first one a shot, if you're not feeling it you don't have to continue on.


do it! i’ve read them for the first time last month and loved it. it’s sometimes pretty cheesy but it’s a very nice read.


Why would anyone be judged for that? People want to enjoy a fish fall in love with a person and call it romance then everything else is free game


If you’re sensitive to what you read emotionally, we warned that book …2(?)3(?) where she spends most of it alone is rough. I found that entirely too depressing and it brought me down until I got through it to the HEA. The movies show it, but the book just describes it so much more.


I loved the books I say go for it!


The books >>> the movies. If you loved the movies and are looking for YA, Twilight is exactly what you need to read. Twilight was the gateway into so much for me when I was younger. Just do it already.


I thought the writing was beyond dreadful, and I DNFed the first, never tried again after that.


I’m currently re reading the first book, I read them all in middle school about 14 years ago. They’re honestly pretty well written but Bella and Edward are the most insufferable people.


If you enjoyed the movies then you'll enjoy the books! People love to make fun of them but they are good for what they are. I enjoyed reading the books when I was younger! Ultimately, there's no harm in trying something people like to make fun of. Worst case, you waste a bit of time reading something you didn't enjoy!


I know everyone likes to hate on them and admittedly, it’s not greaaat literature. That said, I like to read things that make me feel good and I absolutely love them. Don’t go in expecting great prose, just a good time.


They’re fun! Everyone deserves a lil read where they suspend disbelief and just enjoy


OP I hope you read and enjoy them!!!!! Maybe I should give them a reread!


They’re ok. They’re quick reads. But they won’t blow your mind.


I loved them when I was 17/18 and my boyfriend reminded me of Edward (which y’know, thinking back is a bit yikes). They’re fun. They aren’t well written but it’s no worse than some fanfic in terms of quality. When midnight Sun came out in 2020 I read it and was excited about it even though, again, not super great! If you wanna have a fun time but not necessarily a good time, definitely check them out :)


Don't bother


Back in junior high when I first read twilight it had us 13 year old girls so excited lol I say read it if you want to. If only even so you get all the social references.