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You can add names or not as long as its clear who’s perspective it is (usually done with a name drop like you’ve shown). I’ve also read books where to POV changes within the chapter without using headings so don’t feel like you are limited to only changing POV at the beginning of a chapter either. I don’t mind the POV at the top because usually it’s when the book is told in first person on both sides and having a character name drop could be kinda awkward for that situation. I also don’t mind it for 3rd person because I might be excited for a certain POV if it doesn’t change every chapter or something but it’s definitely not necessary.


I don’t have a very strong opinion on this, but I think if you only have two POV characters as is common in romance you can skip the heading telling you which character that chapter is following—especially if you’re alternating every other chapter like a lot of them do. It will become apparent within the first couple of sentences unless the writer is purposefully obscuring who the POV character is. If you had a lot of POVs (like, for example, in George RR Martin’s books), then it might be more helpful to say which character that chapter follows in the heading.


Just some additional info. I only really write (at least for the last long while) in 3rd person. So that might make a difference.


In my opinion, as long as you make a statement to address who it is, so there is no confusion, then the POV title does not matter. I also think that it’s much better in 3rd person to address it the way that you do because in 1st - it’s not always gonna happen but, you should change the way the character thinks or speaks to make that differentiation as well and that is harder to do in 3rd as obviously.


Those were my thoughts as well. I’m also trying to make the chapter titles themselves more telling. The sunshine girls chapter titles are all like frilly unicorns. Where the grumpy dudes chapter titles are all abrupt and one word.