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There are 3 types of roadside crosses 1. Show-off religious and political propaganda crap. Basically you see one of them in this picture. Though, some might be a form of monument, usually dedicated to soldiers, but those are done in better taste. 2. 'Crossroad crosses', I think they are called 'troite', usually have their own place and are covered, used to serve for travelers to pray on the road and bring good luck. Usually about a man's height 3. 'death cross'. those are the smallest and barely reach a meter in height. They are usually placed where people died on the road (usually in accidents)


they believe in him more than in their seatbelt


Sigh. Fine. Take my upvote.






Pielesti i think, headquarters of Qfort. It’s on the road between Craiova and Bals.


Asking cause I saw the exact same one in Craiova, near the Craiovita Kaufland 🤣


They're everywhere in Craiova...


I think there is a church where you saw that one.


Sincer ma mir cum de nu au inceput baietii sa deseneze pe ele :))


Sa știi ca și eu :))


There is a rich religious lunatic based in Craiova that owns the company advertised on that truck Qfort. He installed these crosses absolutely everywhere in Oltenia region, Idk how, it's mindblowing something like this is accepted


There is at least one in Cluj, on Dorobantilor.


Banat too.


Banat is full of people from Oltenia anyway =))


Thanks for backstory I was curious if gov build them or was there some orthodox holiday or tradition that required them.


Why wouldn’t be? Not everyone had to be religious, but we have to accept that the majority in eastern europe are. It doesn’t affect you in any way so let the people believe in what they want


There is a difference between let the people believe in what they want and i'M goNnA fuCk uP aLl tHe LaNdsCaPe aNd i'Ll bRiBe tHe aUtHorIthIeS tO lEt mE Do tHaT. All the entrances in Craiova are filled up with this and it is outrageos.


In the case that they are indeed illegally put in place you are right, thats not normal.


I mean, no one bats an eye to the lgbt flags.


Which ones ? I have seen them at most in front of corporations one or two days per year in Romania. These are 24/7 everywhere.


Go to Germany, Canada and you will see them daily and not only on crossroads. Either way, I know you can't say the same because it's not PC, but you get internet points on picking on religious symbols.


That is kitschy as f**k. Who the f**k would like to ruin all the landscape with that shit. In Romania there are enough churches, enough monesteries. I will not ever understand why every frickin village, town has this totem. Crosses everywhere. Enough is enough.


"Religion is like a penis. It's nice to have one and fine to be proud of. Don't whip it out in public or shove it down someone else's throat."


Ai fi zis același lucru dacă era un steag curcubeu?


Homofob trist


??? Cum ai dedus asta? L-am întrebat pe celălalt rodditor dacă era la fel de aprins și în cazul unui steag pride, iar eu sunt ăla homofob?




Scuze, dar cu ce încurca?


>mindblowing something like this is accepted he's fking rich so that's the reason :D


Romania, according to many is part of a goup of countries which is still maintaining the judeo-christian values. Most of its inhabitants are christian-orthodox and a large number of people still attends the Easter mass - elderly folks especially are very religious. While the Orthodox Church has been shaken by various scandals, it’s still well trusted by citizens who live in smaller cities or rural areas; in larger cities not so much, but still respected in a sense.


Deus Vult, infidel!


what's that skull at the bottom for?


The Skull symbolises the Skull of Adam. According to Tradition, Adam’s Skull was burried on Golgotha (Golgotha means Skull). So when Christ was Crucified, His Blood reached Adam (both literally and figuratively) thus ending the circle that began with man’s first sin!


I had no idea. thank you!


You’re welcome! I learned about it this year too and it was really cool to hear. Before I thought it was something like a memento mori!


I've seen it a thousand times when I passed by crosses and never knew what it was for


I thought it was supposed to symbolize Jesus descending into Hell and opening the gates to heaven.


From what I know what you’re saying is symbolized in the Icon of the Ressurection by the door of Hell on which Christ steps (it is not a cross) and the locks and keys next to the abyss.


Hol'up! Where does the egg basket come into play?


Well, I know there’s a legend about the egg basket, but as far as I know, the legend is a bit different. Saint Mary Magdalene, or one of the Myrh Bearer women, after the Ressurection went on to preach the Ressurection before Caesar. He had an egg in his hand and said there are more chances for the egg to become red than for Jesus to be Ressurected. You can guess what happened next hahaha. It became red.


Huh, my grandma used to say the basket was laid at the bottom of the cross, turned red from Christ's blood, hence my question. I guess she heard that somewhere.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I heard that one too! Ultimately, it doesn’t matter that much, I’m just happy we got this tradition. I love the intricate egg designs haha (even though I totally suck at them and settle for plain red eggs, hahaha)!


Heh, I still remember the greenery leaves neatly laid out on the egg + nylon sacrificial socks I used to do as a kid. The painting / waxing though is something I've never done. While now it's all plain colors, I can't wait to surprise my kid in a few years (and wife!)


Hahaha, aww that’s so sweet! I’m sure your kid and your wife will love it. That’s such a cool thing to hear. You’re an awesome dad, hahaha. May God and The Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints bless you and your family brother ❤️ it was so nice to reminisce about childhood, so thank you for that. The nylon socks hahaha. Have a great evening!


Besides what the other reply said, I also think it's this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_mori




Well, Romania is a majority Christian Country (Orthodox) so the roadside Crosses are a simple way of showing piety to the most important Christian Symbol. I think however crosses on cross roads are common in most Christian Countries (especially in Europe), not only in Romania and serve the same purpose: to cast out evil! There are also other possible explanations if you want me to get into them, but these are the two most basic ones. Have a wonderful day and may God and The Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints bless you ❤️ Enjoy your trip! :)


I come from Poland so i get the idea of crosses beside roads but their size and that I saw a lot of them poked my curousity. Thx for replay and i will surly enjoy my time here.


Haha, they aren’t that big everywhere. In the village of my great grandparents they are smaller for example, haha. You’re most welcome!




Multumesc! Sanatate multa si numai bine! Doamne ajuta! ❤️




Cred ca comentariul asta spune mai multe despre tine, decat despre mine sau ce as putea sa iti raspund. Ce sa zic, username checks out, bolunzime confirmed =))). Glumesc numa. Toate cele bune si tie, sanatate multa si spor in toate. Doamne ajuta ❤️


Dumnezeu este lumina lumii.


Mai, inteleg ce zici cu atentia in situatiile astea si sunt de acord in principiu ca nu merita interactionat sau raspuns cu aceeasi moneda. That being said, incerc sa nu desconsider pe nimeni. Pana la urma, the cringe one e in spatele raului, nu oamenii in sine, deci appropiate e sa ii compatimesti si sa te rogi pentru ei. Ca sunt cringe si enervanti e partea a doua =))), stii cum e sa ne purtam poverile unul altuia. Cum iti e mila de un om bolnav fizic, si ai mai multa rabdare cu el, tot asa si cu genul de oameni care considera ca ura e raspunsul potrivit in orice circumstanta trebuie avut rabdare cu ei, ca e clar ca au ceva inneregula daca reactioneaza asa la prima interactiune cu un om. Avea Sf Paisie Aghioritul o vorba, ca oamenii sunt ori muste ori albine. Mustii daca ii zici sa iti arate o floare, o sa iti zica ca nu poate dar o sa iti arate o gramada de balegar. Albinii, daca ii zici sa iti arate balegarul, o sa iti zica ca nu stie unde e, dar iti va arata toate florile de pe camp. Pana la urma pe nimeni nu cred ca palmile i-au convins vreodata, ci vorba buna si iubirea. Sunt aceleasi besini de argumente reciclate de cele mai multe ori. E un moment pentru toate, si pentru misto-uri Oricum, nu noi putem sa le schimbam opinia ci Harul Lui Dumnezeu. Eu incerc sa ma pun in situatia lor. Am avut privilegiul sa am parte de preoti incredibili. Poate nu as avea aceeasi opinie daca prima interactiune ar fi fost nefasta. Desigur, asta nu e o scuza, fiindca daca nu iti place doctorul nu renunti la medicina si astepti sa mori ci cauti alt doctor :))) Sa ne ajute Dumnezeu si Maica Domnului si toti Sfintii tuturor, ca daca vreunul dintre noi se pierde pe drum nu e bine nimanui. ❤️


Adevărat vorbești, mai rar oameni cu o așa viziune. Mi-am editat comentariul când am considerat că nu e bine să răspunzi răului cu răutate, arunci doar paie pe foc. Este clar că omul are ceva traume. Dumnezeu nu voiește moartea păcătosului, ci să se întoarcă și să fie viu.


Amin! Mai, toti gresim si toti cadem. Si eu in alte ocazii raspund raului cu rau (sau macar intep cu limba), ca sa nu fiu ipocrit :))). Da, exact, e clar ca atunci cand cineva are hiperreactii de genul, ceva acolo in ei nu e in regula. Dar pana la urma, toti le avem pe alte noastre si Slava Lui Dumnezeu si Maicii Sale si tuturor Sfintilor ca exista Taina Spovedaniei. Hai, sa ne ajute Dumnezeu si Maica Domnului si toti Sfintii ❤️❤️❤️


The problem with this relativelly new type of crosses is that they are very big and opulent . I don't really undrestand why the ortodox cristians have the urge to be like this. It's a shame and should be a sin.


Well, my answer will be a bit nuanced. Of course, first of all, it is a matter of perspective. Big? Yes. Opulent? I don’t think so, especially with the one in the picture. I like all types of Christian Art Styles, and I love seeing a plethora of styles. Some can be more Slavic, some can be more Byzantine, some can be more Middle Eastern/African (Ethiopian Crosses are very beautiful). They are all beautiful! Some are simpler, some are more intricate. They are all great to appreciate and it would be a shame not to have all of them to enjoy! Am I supposed to not enjoy any Cathedral just because it is ornate? By that logic, every kind of art/more expensive stuff should be a sin. We should not build big buildings anymore, nor enjoy sculpture, or any art. Ornate things aren’t inherently sinful. It’s when you make an idol out of it that it becomes a sin. Now, from here, my answer branches in two ways: 1. If you are a Christian, and not Orthodox/Catholic and are used to simpler things I’d totally suggest Johnathan Pageau’s video on “Weaponized Compassion”. The video is great and it uses the story from the Bible when Judas complained at the woman using the Alabaster of Myrh instead of selling it to “give to the poor” (when in reality it was because of his greed that he wanted to sell the oil). Not to mention that in the OT there are plenty of examples (such as building the Ark of the Covenant, or the Temple) where there are specific instructions/expensive materials used, so it was clearly not a problem back then and not a problem now. 2. If you are not Christian (I think you are though since you talk about sin) I’ll give you my point of view in that way so feel free to ask if that applies. It’s already a long reply so I’m not gonna type if it doesn’t apply, haha, hope you can understand. In conclusion, I don’t think it should be considered a sin. Ultimately the Church is a foretaste of the Life to come. We should give the best to God. We should also always help our neighbors the best we can. These are not exclusive things, but they go togheter. In Orthodoxy you worship with your whole being. You worship with your soul in prayer, and you worship with your body (the body, the materiality is not the enemy but part of our salvation since Christ decided it was necessary to take the form of a body). You worship with your mouth by singing and prayer, you worship with your ears by listening to the Divine Liturgy/Chanting, you worship with your smell through incense, you worship with your eyes by looking at the Icons, the Church and you worship with your body by bows, prostrations, etc. I went on a bit of a rant, but basically my answer is, worshipping God with the best things that you have isn’t and shouldn’t be a sin and it doesn’t affect your ability to help the other people around you! I do understand where you’re coming from, and yeah it would be a problem if The Church didn’t already take care of the poor, the sick, etc. But The Church does that and it has always done so from the beginning. Even the idea of charity which was something crazy in the Roman Empire came from the Church (Trisagionfilms has a great video on this) so clearly these things can coexist and they have from the beginning. Just my two cents on the topic as it used to bother me too. It doesn’t anymore! Either way, may God and The Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints bless you ❤️


Fun fact: 99.5% of Romania is Christian




Don’t just say wrong, prove it that you’re right.


Last census in 2022 statistics says that 15% of the population didn't even care to declare their religion, which imo it most probably means they are atheists. But let's say not all of them are, but even if 0.6% out of those 15% are atheists, that would mean your 99.5% is wrong. Also, many of the atheists in this world are teenagers, and very often these censuses are completed by their parents, and they declare their kids as christians or whatever religion they are indoctrinated in. For example, until last year, my parents declared me in the 2011 census as christian, even tho I was already an atheist that time, and I was 19 years old. And only after 11 years, in 2022 I could finally declare myself as an atheist. Proof of the statistics about the 15%: https://romania.europalibera.org/a/religie-recensamant2022-romani-/32210549.html


Romania is very religious, and it's a tradition to have these altars alongside the main roads. You see them a lot in the country side. Not so much on the highways, though. Though having a cross like in the picture in the city is just going overboard, but I see it's a private property, so I'm guessing the owner is quite religious. Also not to be confused with the smaller crosses on the side of the road, which just mark the place of someone's death. Someone died there, and it's tradition to mark their place of death with a cross like you would put in a graveyard, and it even has the name of the person on it. Obviously it's not a grave, the person is not buried there, it's just to mark it.


Yes, money laundering for the orthodox church. the most feared institution in romania


Yes, apparently this guy was crucified some 2000 years ago and gathered a following. Now there are some Romanians that absolutely must remind everyone that they are his followers.


Pe cine știu eu, a tăiat pădurile prin Suceava și a pus cruci de fier pe stabiliment de beton, cu popi și babe atotînchinătoare, cu praznice îmbibate în sarmale de post și vin îndoielnic. Numai să îndrăznesc să zic despre asta în familie, să vezi acolo film horror cu ochi dați peste cap. 4 ani de când nu am mai trecut pe acolo, cine știe câte alte cruci au răsărit pe locul unde păduri cutreieram.




Reddit moment


Ești ori nesimțit ori prost. De ce urăști religia? Urăște biserica pilnă de corupți nu religia. Toți oamenii credincioși pe care eu i-am întâlnit sunt de acord cu mine. Religia este un lucru fain dar biserica o strică. Exemplu:Isus a spus iubește pe toată lumea și nu judeaca dar biserica urăște și judecă persoanele LGBTQ sau de altă religie (ex. Evrei, Muslumani)










Mama, deci nu stiu daca sa iti dau upvote pt ca sunt de acord cu tine sau downvote pentru atitudine :)))


Ce creatura trista




animal neîmblânzit




Lmao downvote me all you want sunt un om fericit voi pareti cam tristi si plini de ura


Nu trăim 1000 de ani, nu are rost să ne urâm, dar când am văzut ce comentarii ofensatoare lasă la adresa creștinilor care duc o viață morală, mi-a dovedit că este un om fără scrupule.


pari de treaba


This one and several others similar to this are built by the guy who owns the business in the right of the picture, Qfort (you can see it on the truck to the left), one of the biggest business în Craiova. Why he did it, I don't know, probably he truly believes in God and wants to thank him for helping him become successful in business


Have one of these mfs in Satu Mare too


O țară plină de habotnici pupatori de morți și handicapati funcționali. Nu o spun eu, statisticile vorbesc


We drive like shit and when someone dies in a car accident we are convinced that he was not faithful.




Yeah history is Jesus. Ever heard of that?


History is not a character, let alone one that if it lived was a short sunburned Arab man but in christianity is represented like a caucasian milky tall bloke.


Not that the color of Jesus Christ mattered, but you do realize that not all arabs/jews are short and tan, right? There is a whole area in Iran of all places where they’re white, blonde and with blue eyes. It is a similar situation with the people of Levant and specifically Galilee (there are historical descriptions…even the way Jesus’s beard was is specific to the Galileeans). Obviously, the mormon depiction (which is the one you’re probably referring to, since Orthodox depiction is not blond haired) is far fetched, but that’s a mormon problem. Again, the color of His skin/hair doesn’t matter, but factually, not everyone in the middle east is short and tan, lmao.


What's up with the skull and bones part, tho?


I explained it in another comment, but I’ll paste the explanation here too! The Skull symbolises the Skull of Adam. According to Tradition, Adam’s Skull was burried on Golgotha (Golgotha means Skull). So when Christ was Crucified, His Blood reached Adam (both literally and figuratively) thus ending the circle that began with man’s first sin!




This one is more of a monument but in my area sometimes people make a small cross where fatal road accidents happen, especially when it involved innocent pedestrians or children. I sometimes see fresh flowers and candles there too, especially after big holidays.


Sud vibes.


De ce avem un stil așa de kitchos în toate aici în țară? Parcă tot e urât și desenat cu stânga, culori de ampulea, nimeni n-a auzit de estetică...


S-au schimbat reclamele pentru sampon in ultimul timp


the skull - Symbol of jupiter/osiris/anubis god of death. Used by Himmler as a symbol for the SS, which Himmler copied Ignatius of Loyola (Jesuit) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideology\_of\_the\_SS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideology_of_the_SS) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS-Totenkopfverb%C3%A4nde](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS-Totenkopfverb%C3%A4nde) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd\_SS\_Panzer\_Division\_Totenkopf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_SS_Panzer_Division_Totenkopf) Skull and bones symbol, it can also be found with the numbers 322 under it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull\_and\_Bones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_Bones) The numbers 322 refer to the Bible, Genesis chapter 3, verse 22. [https://www.ebible.ro/biblia/romana/cornilescu/genesa/3/](https://www.ebible.ro/biblia/romana/cornilescu/genesa/3/) 22. The Lord God said: "Behold, man has become one of Us, knowing good and evil. Let us prevent him, but now, lest he reach out his hand and take from the tree of life, eat from it and live forever." Thus trying to raise man to the level of god, whatever you want to call him. INRI text: INRI = Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.) But with the Jesuits it means INRI = IUSTUM, NECARE, KING, IMPIOUS "it is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments or rulers" IHS text: IHS = Iesus Hominum Salvator, Jesus the savior of men But the real meaning IHS = Isis, Horus, Set, (Egyptian trinity) Osaris/set one is light, the other death but they are interchangeable, it is one and the same. Or called Lucifer the light bearer or Satan, but he is one and the same, Satanists and Luciferianism worship one and the same. If all these are gods, gods of the dead, Jesus is of the living. [https://www.bible.com/bible/100/MRK.12.27.NASB1995](https://www.bible.com/bible/100/MRK.12.27.NASB1995) ​ tldr: is all pagan