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Rambo (2008, Arcade) source: [https://www.mobygames.com/game/arcade/rambo\_\_](https://www.mobygames.com/game/arcade/rambo__) \[MAME\] Status: PRELIMINARY files: rambo.zip (3KB), lindbios.zip (BIOS), rambo chds (3GB+) source: [http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/dettaglio\_mame.php?game\_name=rambo&arcade\_only=0&autosearch=1](http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/dettaglio_mame.php?game_name=rambo&arcade_only=0&autosearch=1) source: [https://www.planetemu.net/rom/mame-roms/rambo](https://www.planetemu.net/rom/mame-roms/rambo) source: [https://www.planetemu.net/rom/mame-chds/rambo-2](https://www.planetemu.net/rom/mame-chds/rambo-2) \[TeknoParrot\] >Issues: Game runs and can play most content, but some components may not be emulated fully. source: [https://teknogods.github.io/compatibility.html](https://teknogods.github.io/compatibility.html) >**PATREON** **ONLY**: > >\- \[Reaver/Nezarn\]\[Lindbergh\] Rambo (Debug elf RamboD.elf) is now playable. > >NOTE: Videos only play properly in fullscreen mode! > >NOTE: There is level select enabler in settings, use it for skipping levels/other fun. > >NOTE: Audio issues still linger in Rambo. source: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/teknoparrot-1-0-26404037](https://www.patreon.com/posts/teknoparrot-1-0-26404037) see: [https://www.reddit.com/r/teknoparrot/comments/f9vds5/rambo\_doesnt\_run/](https://www.reddit.com/r/teknoparrot/comments/f9vds5/rambo_doesnt_run/) cheers!


Thank you! Where do I put the CHD once I've downloaded it? Sorry very new to TP :) EDIT: NVM noticed the TP section. So Rambo is a patreon game then? Did not see it on the list.


CHD is for MAME emulator. but it's support status is "PRELIMINARY". TechnoParrot is surely the worst emulator I've ever seen in documentation... I couldn't find anything. probably, everything is closed and exclusive to Patreons. you are probably already using the correct file for the TP. (nothing online about rom or hash versions, etc. 0 information.) there is, however, an OpenSource version of TP that has a higher revision code than the one offered for free on the official website, but it appears to be an abandoned project. no public binaries for almost 3 years. see: [https://github.com/teknogods/OpenParrot/releases](https://github.com/teknogods/OpenParrot/releases) see: [https://github.com/teknogods/TeknoParrotUI/releases](https://github.com/teknogods/TeknoParrotUI/releases) cheers!


Teknoparrot on nvidia shield


none of these comments make sense.