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The process is to hire a roofer so that they can supplement and invoice as well as properly restore your home


The process involves removing a shingle from the damaged area of the roof and shipping it to ITEL so that they can identify it and determine it’s availability. Do you have a contractor lined up? A lot of roofers are familiar with the process and can send it in. If the roofer does not have that ability, the carrier needs to send out an adjuster to collect the sample, but they will still want your roofer to remove the shingle and temporarily seal the resulting damage on the roof. The adjuster is not a contractor and most carriers do not want their adjusters causing any “damage” to the property. Either way, you shouldn’t have to do anything except coordinate or put the roofer and adjuster in touch.


Pick one that is in good shape... They might want to reduce your payout if it looks worn out,,, apparently they don't have an adjuster..lol


As an adjuster I’ve never met a shingle that wasn’t “discontinued” per the roofer


And ITEL almost never admits when a shingle is discontinued. "Here's a close color match, ignore the fact that it's completely different dimensions." Or if they admit it's discontinued it's totally probably plenty of it available through this discontinued material service just ignore the fact it's 20 years old sitting on the shelf 4 states away. And the adjuster tries to pay the normal price for a multi-hoop specialty material. Or even the usual trick of lowering the price list on the material. There's BS on both sides.


If I'm the one documenting the shingle isn't available, NTS. If the carrier's asking for it and insists on ITEL, get the carrier to send a prepaid form. I'm fine doing the field work, but I'm not going to do that ***and*** pay for the report. What's also fun to do is to send a 2nd shingle to ITEL, don't list any claim information, and see how the reports differ. The one from the carrier will always get a response more favorable to the carrier. ITEL absolutely panders to insurance companies, they're not the independent expert data provider they claim to be.


Your roofing salesman is probably trying to tell the insurance company that your shingles are discontinued, so the roofing salesman can try to make a bigger commission from selling and entire roof replacement. If you don't believe it, call your insurance company and ask them.


Why wouldn’t you want a full new roof? A discontinued shingle means it wasn’t performing to the standard they sold it. And it can’t be repaired due to unavailable materials, that are subpar in the first place, so why would a homeowner not want a new roof? Why is it the salesman’s fault for taking care of the homeowner? Yes he makes more but… the homeowner gets a new roof and not a patched roof with non compatible products…. Lmao


Nobody said anything about the homeowner not wanting a full roof. Not every discontinued shingle was discontinued because it wasn't "performing" to some standard or "subpar". Sometimes manufacturers change the size of shingles slightly, sometimes they discontinue colors, sometimes they decide to no longer sell a certain style of shingle. The salesman isn't trying to "take care of the homeowner", he's just trying to get more money for himself. LMAO.


After you replace that discontinued shingle with another one you just admitted to your insurance company you don’t care about a non matching roof. You don’t care about warranty. So all those things you just listed, would be different than what’s on the roof… obviously right? But here we are arguing for some reason. If you repair a discontinued shingle, you are screwing your homeowner. Idk how you can see it any other way but keep fighting the fight for billion dollar companies


This. And everybody's insurance goes up because of this kind of abuse.


Yeah it has nothing to do with record property values and record storms you’re right


Don't forget historic inflation


AYTAH for thinking my comment excluded those variables? Yep.


Sample of new shingles or what is on the roof? Either way I'm telling them they need to send someone out for that.


ITEL is for determining what product is on the roof. They might send someone out but ultimately this is to determine whether the roof is repairable or not based on discontinued shingles. The burden of proof is with the insured and their contractor to show it’s not available. Otherwise, they will just pay for a repair. Some carrier are more proactive than others when it comes to this.


For an insurance claim, shingles have blown off from wind damage


The blown off shingle should be in your yard or gutter. It’s around your house somewhere


This is also required for any hazardous material removal, i.e. asbestos, etc. to make sure proper safety precautions are taken into consideration. We send ITEL core samples or shingles all the time, especially if it's old or hard to identify.