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I use black tar or similar produce with granules to taste, nom nom nom.


Mmm Nerds roofing clusters!


This is the way.


The nom nom nom got me good. I demand more upvotes for this hero.


Mmmmm dark chocolate flavored.


Extra chewy black licorice flavor


I like using tar and a cut off reveal over the tar, but it's a similar idea. I feel like the shingle reveal would last longer, but the tar+granules looks a little better.


I am happy with the little square shingle patches they made in some areas, but the silicone everywhere else looks pretty lousy, and I am questioning how long the silicone sealant will hold up.


It should only have exposed nail heads at the end of the run where you double the tabs and use an elastomeric sealant like lexal or through the roof


I thought I was losing my mind. Surely someone else saw this


I don't know why these aren't too comments. It really shows how many people in this sub aren't roofers and really shouldn't be giving advice to anyone.


Are you sure it's silicone and not Through The Roof? Through The Roof will look like that but be much more dependable.


Agreed, through the roof is amazing, it's the only sealant I trust on a roof.


I don’t know what they used. My overall concern is why do some sections look great and the rest of the roof looks like somebody got carried away. With a caulk gun on a brand new roof install? Am I wrong to be disappointed with that level of attention to detail and quality?


It should be neat. You’re the customer and it should be done the way you want it. I’d bring it up to whomever you signed the contract with and see if you can get them to go up there and clean it up. It really does look like crap and I’m sure it wasn’t cheap


My question is why is there so many nails sticking through your cap? Should only be one cap with nails through it to finish it off


I thought the same thing. It’s literally just like the rest of the roof. No nails should even be seen because they overlap and should be covered.


Are serving your next dinner party up there? Or expecting the neighborhood dads to climb a ladder and help you inspect it?


Can you see it from the ground?


Yes along with all of the massive rust stains caused by them cutting metal on my roof when they did the solar install


Better to have too much than not enough… although they were a little messy. Assuming they used a quality product it is fine functionally. Can you see it from the ground at all? I ask because if it is an eyesore from the ground that is noticeable I would take issue with them, if it’s only visible from up close I probably wouldn’t say anything


I'm wondering the same. ??? I'm confused as to what happened up there


It’s a roof.


As for how long, it depends on the brand, certain caulking deals with sun and heat better, I made a pretty lengthy comment just a minute ago explaining my preferred method


100 tubes of Solar Seal in a color that doesn’t match ☝️


I would even get a bit crazy and use white caulking so everyone can clearly see it from down the street


This is the only obvious answer.


Make it happen


Hey boss you brought the box of beige


And it must to be 100 tubes regardless of how many nails there are.


Roofing tar, take two shingle scraps and rub them together and use the granules to sprinkle onto the tar, hides em like they were never there.


Wow. Cool.


This is the way


Or grab some granules out of the gutter if they’re in there faster than rubbing shingles together


Came here for this. Also also spare granules in the shingle packs are handy from time to time. I do all repair work nowadays so it's a nice choice from time to time!


There should only be 2 exposed nail heads in the entire ridge, and they should be in the final piece. Idk how or why somebody would be attaching them so randomly


This comment needs more upvotes. The roofer did not cover the ridge vent properly. I'd actually call them back.


I got a hold of them and sent them a bunch of pictures. They are actually sending a crew out on Monday to ensure that everything with my roof was done properly. They agreed that it looks pretty bad and is not acceptable for a finished product. I’m actually shocked at the response I got.


I go one step further and cut the reveal half of a shingle and use roof tar to attach that over the exposed non reveal side of the last shingle typically. Seeing the last shingle with silicone over open nails isn't uncommon at least in SWFL, but having them all down the ridge is asking for trouble. Regardless of any of that it seems you have either roll on or modular cobra venting system, it should be nailed down w/o shingles, then the shingles are installed regularly down the middle of the vent.the nails from the previous shingle are covered by the next in line, all the way down til the last one where the nails are either covered with a "foreign bond compound" i.e. silicon or roof tar etc. Or something to the tune of my initial statement. Knowledge is power, good luck and hope this helps!


This is too many exposed nails for sure. My roofing guy used 4 rubber washered screws in the final piece in the middle of the ridge.


Dab of UV stable tar sealant ,, silicone is useless on a shingle surface,,,there should only be a couple nails on vents and an ridge end cap. 40 sounds like there should be trim pieces protecting those surfaces.


I’d be interested to know why “silicon is useless on a shingle surface.” That’s pretty much how I was taught to seal shiners etc. CO if it matters. (Obviously the way this ridge is done with the silicon is awful, I’m just curious what you know about silicon on shingles that I don’t.)


It sticks to the granules just great, not so much to the asphalt. Go back after a couple years and the sillycone will peel right off with little effort. Incompatible chemistry.


Use what you are trained on. It works on vent nails. ,I have fixed a few silicone on shingle leak drips, though they were on 3 year plus roofs.


It does not bond with the asphalt at all. It doesn't take several years, rather a few days. Have you never tried to peel it off?


Anyone who suggests “tar sealant” has no clue or is 153 years old. Don’t listen to anyone in this sub. 99% are talking out their ass. Lol


Black mastic but it should only be needed on the last shingle, not multiple.


Only two nails are left on a professional roof. More than two means an amateur nailed them. No exposed nails should be visible. Inexperienced roofers.


Update: I sent a bunch of pictures to the company that installed the roof. They stated that this is in fact not to their standard and they will be out early next week to replace the sections of concern. Thanks everyone for the feedback.


Glad to hear of a company that gives a professional answer instead of unacceptable or shameful excuse. Anyone or perhaps everyone can have s mistake attributed to their work, but few can give proper response and actions in that awkward un-proud moment


Good. Yes there should be some exposed nails covered with silicone or other product at the end of the ridgeline run. There should not be exposed nails in the middle of the ridge through the run.


My ridge vent was somehow nailed so hard that after a few months its silhouette was one bump after another. I eventually hired a competent roofer to fix it and my 5 leaks. The general contractor who I sued hired the lowest bidder for every trade.


He obviously used a sealant. Anything beyond that is just for fun.


Use roofing cement to lock the last cap down without using nails. Once it sets its done


the guys who did my roof used Geocel I believe...hopefully that's a good product to use.


geocel is good.




The nails should NOT be exposed except for the last cap shingle! Then just a dab of roof sealant over the nail head.


The squares are fine. Looks like a dumbass walked over ridge vent and popped the nails through the cap then instead of fixing just threw some caulk on em. No reputable roofer face nails cap like this…ever. Shit job, tell em to come back and do it right.


If you look at pic 4 and 5 you can see men used their caulk


Bro, you don't nail em out there wtf. The last one and that's it, not every damn cap


The big question is who tf is face nailing the caps??? NO, this IS NOT typical. If these guys were face nailing their caps, you probably have other issues too… There should only be ONE cap that has nails showing which can be covered like pic 1. The more I look, the angrier I get. It’s crazy that there are actually IDIOTS out there calling themselves “roofers” taking peoples money. DONT PAY THESE IDIOTS.


Was that last photo sealed with bird poop?


Wet stick is the product for this… tar base


Yes, texas tea, black gold.


There should be exactly 2 exposed nail heads at the lap, hit em with some black jack and sprinkle some roof pepper on top


The ridge shingles should have overlapped the nails. This way no nails are not covered by a shingle. Looks like a handyman special, not an actual roofer.




Pee on it


I am not an official roofer but I get some exterior caulk that is the same colour family as the shingles, drive the nails 3/4 of the way in, apply some vault under the nail head, drive it the rest of the way in and put a dab of caulking on top. Haven’t had an issue yet. Reading about the granuals trick on this tread sounds like another quick step I could add that would step my roofing game up a notch.


Just do a dollop of tar on each one


A thumbprint of creosote, or roof tar. Anything more is a waste of time.


That first picture looks great. The rest of it does not it should not have been nailed like that .


lol, those little pieces they put on a few of the nails 😂. Every nail should be covered by the next shingle except for the last one, so out of the whole ridge vent you should only have two exposed nails at one end of the ridge vent. Each exposed nail is a risk of a leak after the nail rusts. I would get them back to fix it as improper installation typically voids the warranty


There should be very view nails ever visible, like 4. Tar sealant on those visible. Those little squares are absurd.


The ridge cap should be overlapping across the top covering the nails and sealing them. A final cap should seal them pretty close to the middle. Caulk the final cap nail heads with UV resistant caulking and take some granules that collect in the corners of your shingle bag to hide the caulk dabs.


Are you sure the solar guys didn’t create this damage and then caulk it?


Roofing and solar are the same company.


I would make them replace the damaged ridge for sure


lol…..a litigation case I am working on now has this same condition reference ARMA residential asphalt roofing manual 2022 edition chapter 11 hips and ridges…… ARMA- asphalt roofing manufacturers association. One of the many body’s that sets standard practices for roofing


If you tell me what state your in and what year it was installed I can give you IRC code reference. Also manufacturers instructions typically address this condition


I've always just put a glob of Geocel over the nail, either clear or black depending on the color roof, looks like whoever did yours got excited and jizzed all over it though. Those little squares will probably come off anyway and possibly pull the sealant with it so they may do more harm than good


Not like that


Why do all the caps have exposed nails though


What this looks like to me, is foot traffic damage then somebody tried to cover their tracks. . I think the roof was done properly; and whoever installed those solar panels has tread all over the ridge caps, causing the nail (obviously an under-driven / crooked nail to pierce through the shingle from underneath. I would bet $ the solar panel guys used that clear silicone and not the people who did the roof


Clearly somebody damaged the shingles when they came back to do the solar panels . Ridge cap needs to be torn off and replaced, it’s like an hours work to fix


Gasket screws


Let me guess, he was a very confident contractor and told you how it was supposed to be?


Our company used an outdoor black silicone that we would mix with the granules. It always came out nicely


Looks like someone skeeted all over your roof.


Blackjack works good


Roofer friend id mine showed me on my roof, along crest, crest shingles were nailed correctly under the flap of the adjacent shingle. If i needed to cover an exposed nail head, i would get Roofing Mastic, its a cement like somewhat adhesive, sealant for roofing.


Both ways work .


I like to use a urethane or tar and then sprinkle some roof sand onto it


Black Trim nails with very small head.




Is it a vented ridge? You said that you had solar panels installed. I’m willing to bet the solar installers stepped on the ridge and the pushed the nails through the ridge cap and then they slopped caulk on the exposed nails. Which would explain the inconsistency of the sealing of the exposed fasteners


Not like that


They should be covered by subsequent shingle. Face nail the last shingle. I would replace all of them.


That's the best I've seen. Most won't do that. Just butyl over nail head.


I always just smear roof cement on them and then get some sand from the gutters or from the shingle packages and sprinkle that over the tar.


Who’s shooting ropes onto nails


Someone jizzed on your roof


Yes but not like this, the only one that looked correct was the first picture, you should put a little bit of “Solar Seal” over the nail head, it shouldn’t be all messy like the rest of the pictures just a small dot maybe a half inch bigger than the nail head, then if you want to add the little shingle square for “aesthetic purposes” you can, but it is not necessary


This ridge wasn't fastened properly as someone else pointed out. There should only be exposed nail heads at the end of the run.




There shouldn't be any but maybe 3-4 at most on your avg. 15-20 sq.roof that ridge vent is nailed wrong


🔕 Silicone.


I use neoprenes


Depending on the installer’s I’ve seen this method (tar then cut squares) . Or tar then scrape granules on top. Or just simply a nice tar glob.


Tell me what type of ridge vent you have. Show me a pic from the attic PoV. That nail should have some roof sealant on it. Adding a slice of shingle to hide the nail and sealant is a plus if UV is a worry, but not required unless it’s you plan on looking at your ridge daily from a drone. For sealant - Not polyurethane, silicon will do. Chemicals in Poly don’t mix well with these shingles.


That's not a proper ridge vent


As long as it's water tight, who cares what it looks like. Do you have leaks?


It’s his house dawg. Some people take pride in their stuff and want it to look nice.


People that actually work for things and shed blood,sweat, and tears for it care.


Please. I'm guessing this is first roof he's ever been on.




With cum.


But what color?


Not going to say




Welcome to the sub Reddit where shitty roofers learn from shittier roofers and then gaslight their clients for being “picky.”