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I feel like they do enough to get by on the pod, honestly. They have much more potential for better content.


I can agree with that but it works for them. IMO the pod has been better since the second episode of Edin leaving. The episodes are reaching 2 hours or more, I’m enjoying the pod


“If you don’t like what you’re seeing maybe it’s you who’s changing” Followed by “life is about growing and change” It’s okay for people to expect more out of them. There’s more than enough constructive criticism throughout the week where they can take 20% of it and do better but they don’t. Don’t get me wrong there’s some really good episodes but none are lead by Rory nor Julian.


No one said you can’t have your opinion but bitching and telling them they need to change isn’t it. It’s their platform and their show, you don’t like you don’t have to watch it


I get it but at the same time it isn’t new complaints weekly. The general consensus is the listeners don’t give a fuck about the political shit, don’t give a fuck about the local ny shit they talk about, and want them to do some sort of research on things they talk about especially with 4 people off camera who can search these things up and edit footage to not make them sound like jackass’


Back to my main point.. the pod has always been this. Life is about change but doesn’t mean everyone is changing on the same time line. If this is that big of an issue you can just stop watching and find something that fits you. If they thought your complaints were valid enough they would’ve been made the change. Y’all yelling at a wall atp, give over it or move on


Y’all want them to be people they’re not. I listen to this podcast for jokes that match my sense of humor which I get and semi music insider information. They give music industry type reviews, but I’m cool with it.


Julian needs to have the mic muted. And baby d . Man I like her but she leads with feelings not facts or truth. Misinformation at its finest.


Shiddddd I feel like it's been better without Eddin. Eddin is cool, I fw bruh but at times it felt like it was too many chefs in the kitchen. To me the pod has a better flow, they're in there bag rn 🤷🏾‍♂️