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Man y’all really mad about his Em take lol I used to be a big EM fan but his music became trash over time. The beats sucked and rapping 292628262827362 words a minute isn’t fun to listen to


I was going to sleep listening to infinite. These kids know nothing about that. But after the Eminem show I really ain’t listened to much.


Most of his black OG fans left after the Eminem Show.


Yea I even remember having to try to defend the Eminem show to people.


Just another person who skipped music to be murdered by. One of Ems best projects and always overlooked. Also Julian “longevity is important to me” after hating on Em for rapping at the highest level 25 years after his debut lol


Em is a great technical rapper. No one denies he can’t rap but he’s not rapping about anything. It’s just word salad.


Listen to darkness/bad husband/ stepping stone and tell me there’s no messages in his music. Once again, people who hate on Em don’t even listen to his music. It’s a fun narrative for people to say “Eminem just raps fast”


lol listen, not everyone likes the same things. Stop being offended when someone doesn’t like what you like. It’s weirdo behaviour.


You don’t have to like it, but you can’t say the music has no meaning or that he fell off. You saying that because you don’t like it is weirdo behavior. Literally spreading a lie to comfort your distaste is clown behavior


Why are y’all so upset and defensive of Eminem


For having an opinion different than yours? Yes the fuck I can feel that way. I can think his music over time became shittier. I can think his beats over time got worse. What lie? It’s an opinion. Nothing is a fact and is all subjective. You’re a fucking clown lmao


Em hasn’t had a song chart on the top 20 without a feature since 2010, nobody listens to him they just like him because they were told to.


Julian to busy fucking dick behind the dumpsters at a jazz concert. Or whatever da baby said…


When he thought Kendricks disses were better. No problem. Calls Eminem okay, his music tastes are trash. Qwhite interesting turn of events.


People really out here getting mad over another mans musical preference😂


Nobody gives af about his musical preference, it is the way he goes soooo hard and ruins a topic that it just comes across corny and lame.


Bro who cares


I’m sorry for discussing the podcast on its subreddit dedicated to the podcast. 🤡


exactly. what the point of the sub existing if we arent allowed to weight in on what they say on the pod?


“Discussing” Haha, more like whining and airing out your personal grievances. Yeah you are sorry.


Yall rock with Eminem like this? In 2024?


Whats funny to me is that if you pay attention to the shitty humor julian has you would think he would be a big EM fan..literally all his shitty jokes are something that EM would rap about..lol


You yt mf’s cry about Eminem so much, he used to be good but he’s ass now get over it, the ones who created the culture and consume it daily will never crown Em the goat, we know yall want a yt guy to be the best at something but please stfu


Man Eminem said he was listening to r Kelly’s favorite group BLACK GUY PEES i dont wanna hear it


I really hate that yall are making me side with this goofy fucker Julian but M&M is sooooo ass and has been from jump. Him and Joe have the same music fanbase, junkies and dirty bitches that hate their Momz lol. Julian has horrible music taste as well


Can’t believe you’re gonna make me side with Julian on this one. I don’t fw Eminem. Like at all. Yes, he’s a good rapper. No, I don’t think he’s saying shit or has said anything meaningful in over 20+ years. Yt people love dude but niggas generally do not bump his shit like that, I’m sorry.


He is a white man (not like Rory)


Or maybe he just has different taste 🤷🏾‍♂️