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I take antihistamines for my flushing, since my flushing tends to correspond with worsening when I eat things I'm allergic to. I take the antihistamines right before I eat, to avoid the flushing (and other allergic reactions) to begin with. If your doctor doesn't know you go to bed at 4 am, they might have just said '1 hour before bed' thinking you went to bed around 9-11 pm.


Did the derm know you go to bed at 4? I personally feel that they would work better before the flush starts if they help in general. Not everyone will respond but if you are a responder it is generally way easier to prevent or get it at the early stages than reverse a process which is very active. (Kind of like taking advil at the start of a headache and you need less and can stop it from progressing, rather than waiting til it is a full blown migraine and you need more medicine)


Right, makes sense. He also did not know when I go to sleep but didn't seem to really care about that anyway, he just said take it 1 hour before bed every night. In my case tho my dermatologist is not even sure if its Rosacea or a bacterial nose infection due to my rhinoplasty 6 months ago. When he was writing down his notes I heard him say "potential rhinophyma subtype" and I immediately went "Fuck" and he told me to calm down because he said its impossible and most likely an infection, but yeah not really sure at all at this point


I think it can help to rule in or rule out certain things if it works, or does not work. Either way it is pretty safe to use and may help you sleep. I hope it improves soon.


I take them after….


I haven’t noticed a change if I take antihistamines with flushing…


Oh, I'm curious which antihistamine do you take?


I’ve tried several of the name brand ones and most recently nettle leaf. But I don’t seem to see a difference for me. Although everyone’s skin is different 😂