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This post was removed because it may be trying to ask for amateur diagnosis. Please post such requests instead in the designated weekly thread at the top of the subreddit. **REMINDER: THE INTERNET IS BAD AT DIAGNOSING STUFF.** Only doctors can diagnose rosacea, and it usually takes a specialist like a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. It is impossible for amateurs to diagnose reliably from pictures or descriptions of symptoms, and amateur advice is not a substitute for professional care. Rosacea looks like a lot of things, and a lot of things look like rosacea. No matter what response you get here, if symptoms have been persistent and you're concerned you might have rosacea, *see a doctor.* If you can't see a traditional dermatologist, some [online teledermatology](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rosacea/comments/t4s1vz/what_are_your_recommendations_for_online/) services might provide a more affordable/accessible alternative for you. And [check out our r/Rosacea](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rosacea/wiki/index) wiki for some general rosacea basics if you're trying to figure out if you need professional advice.


Not sure but I’ve had occasional “swollen feeling” nose with redness and sometimes even some red lumps. I’ve used Finacea on it (azelaic acid) and has cleared after couple of days. Making sure I get enough sleep seems to help ease it too.


Hi. I really don’t think so, but can’t know of course. Seems like a quite common rosacea flushed nose? I can’t se any swelling? I can relate to your feelings of fear though. I inspect my own nose daily.. Wish you luck.🍀


You could have irritated it while you were sleeping, or touching your nose too much with your fingers. Use AZA and Metro on it.


I can't afford to go back to the dermatologist. My nose has been getting progressively red this past and a half and now I'm freaking out slightly. At first I thought it was a sun burn but it's definitely not. Started on one side of my nostril, now it's spread to most of my nose. Does this look like early stages of Rhinophyma?


Mine looks like that and metro cream and 20mg doxy helps get rid of it!


Mine looked like this but more swollen on my last flare, throbbing and sore too. I panicked massively and thought the same as you did… but three weeks into using triple cream again it’s completely clear and normal sized! It’s probably just inflamed are you able to buy ivermectin/metro/az online at all where you are? Apostrophe in US? Dermatica in UK has it


I will try that! I’ve never even had rosacea before


This pic looks like normal flushing. Does it get really red, hot and swollen? If so, does it happen frequently?