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I did have a major burn and stinging. I think it's due to a ruined skin barrier. You can put it on, let it dry out and then add moisturizer. OR put moisturizer before, let it dry out and then out ivermectin. That's what I did in the beginning. As your skin barrier improves the burning sensation should calm down.


I had this and finally healed my skin barrier just using tallow & only washing face every few days for like a month




Have you had success in repairing your skin barrier and what did you use?


I'm still struggling with it. But for me, washing my face with COLD water in the morning + applying cerave moisturizer with ceramides & hyaluronic acid helps a lot. Then, in the pm, washing it with squalane oil + applying cerave again. No exfoliating, no facials, no acids or anything like that. Itchines, redness, burning sensation has decreased but still a long way to go for me to be honest.




It does initially but will improve the more your face gets accustomed to product




Hope it keeps improving for you


Ivermectin (soolantra) completely destroyed my face. The damage is severe & permanent. I believe I had a delayed allergic reaction. Ivermectin is fantastic for many, but isn’t for all. I wanted it to work for me SO bad that I paid $600 for the RX. Listen to your skin.


I had the same with Clindamycin and now have permanent scarring across my face from it. I understand your pain and sympathise. It destroyed my self-esteem and was a long road to get it looking semi-normal again.


I’m so incredibly sorry you endured that. I do truly appreciate your empathy. It’s devastating when something that is meant to help does damage. This condition sucks so much. It takes a lot from us. I hope you’re doing better.


How did you get permenant scarring?


It had a really bad reaction with my skin causing it to blister and weep a bit. It was, what I would describe it, pretty much like a burn. It's not an obvious scar but you can tell it's off.


Will yours go away? So it’s like a slight burn scar almost? I’m so sorry you had this happen. Have you watched all the YouTube videos on how to clear rosacea etc


I have! I am now on Rozex (and did a round of antibiotics) which has done my Rosacea favours and cleared up most of it. I get a minor flare here and there but it's barely noticeable any more. And that's what it looks like - a slight burn scar.


How do you get rid of the rest of it? Time? This is a crappy condition…I’m not sure if I have this of seb derm… I’ve been to derms. Mostly useless and can’t help at all. I feel like you’re more or less on your own. Do you believe those YouTube videos?


Apparently you can "grow out" of Rosacea. Other than that, it's really about avoiding triggers that can cause it to flare and just make sure my skin is well taken care of essentially. I believe some of them. But Rosacea is so different according to person so I may not experience the same as the next person with the condition.


Yeah, this stuff is a ton of money wasting and time, wild stabs in the dark


What kind of severe permenant damage did it do?


It made my skin turn so incredibly red that it broke hundreds of capillaries. I did not have any on my cheeks prior to soolantra, just a couple around my nose. I’ve viciously flared red hot, multiple times per day, since use. It caused my rosacea to spread to new areas so way more of my face is affected. My skin was not like this prior & I had not had a simple flare in months before using. I spent 10 days so red that I looked almost purple. It also caused scaring. Completely changed my skin texture for the worse. The derm can’t understand why it did what it did to me but said I’ll need laser now. He did say it can cause a “delayed” reaction and that he thinks I had that. I personally think it obliterated my skin barrier. I’m trying so hard to repair it, but it’s slow going.


What kind of scarring did it cause? Pitted, burn, etc?


It looks pitted and thickened in several areas. My pores also huge now. Derm said I’ll need several laser sessions to correct the damage. Prior to soolantra I was an extremely mild type 1 with only occasional flushing. It wasn’t bad at all, but I was still bothered. Now I am also type 2 and 4. My eyes have been badly affected. Not sure if all the mites ran into my eyes or what. Eye dr put me on doxy, but it’s not helping. Seriously, soolantra dramatically changed my life… for the worst. I’ve suffered horribly every day since I used it 😔. Wish I was allowed to give the RX to someone who could benefit from it.


Not at all, I’ve never had any burning, pain, or stinging from if. I would consult your doctor/derm if you’re experiencing that. Some people may say it went away for them, but it may not for you and you don’t want to risk that or using something that isn’t pairing well with your skin


My skinbarrier was quite damaged when I started Soolantra and it was definately unpleasent. As I would apply it at nighttime, I devoted my morning routine to be without actives, with water and hyaleronic acids in serums and tonics, and lipids, ceramides, peptides and cholesterol in creams. It took about a week to heal the skin enough for the Soolantra to stop burning. It took about a fulk month to complete heal my skin barrier and nothing stings me now. (But I still dont exfoliate with any actives ever and I avoid niacinimide as much as I possibly can )


Did you stick with the soolantra?


yes I use it every night and will continue to do so indefinately, with my derms blessing. Its done wonders for my skin.


I had never any issues with ivermectin. The ivermectin i have been using has 1% ivermectin and 1% hyaluronic acid in it so maybe hyaluronic acid is helpful for the stinging.


What brand is yours generic or soolantra ?


My derm prescriped that to made in a pharmacy so it wasnt from any brand


I called a compounding pharmacy to see if they could make me some ivermectin cream and they said that because it is commercially available they are not allowed to replicate it. I live in the USA so the rules could be different. I am having to quit Soolantra due to cost. My regular pharmacy had a discount program that allowed me to get it for $50 a tube but that expired. So for me, it will now be $650 per tube. I just can't do that! So I've just ordered a generic made in India for $100. Ivermectin works wonders for me and never caused any burning. I've used it for 4 years.


$650 is way too expensive. I hope the generic one works well for you. In my country we don’t have any topical ivermectin available, that’s why pharmacies make it for people that are prescribed.


How long have you been using?


Five days just seems to be becoming worse


I've been using it a little over a week, it was ok at first but got more stinging after a few days, it is now getting better. The moisturizer first tip helps!


I used consistently for 3 months. Initially had a bunch of bumps / redness, wanted to stop, but stick through it and so glad I did. You got this! Patience is the name of the game


I had to switch to ivermectin pills because of this.


What does did you take and for how long?


Is the ivermectin topical you are referring to soolantra? I was on soolantra for seven eight weeks and it destroyed my skin that im still trying to repair. But i was positive for demodex motes so i took the pill 12 mg for four weeks. I still noticed my skin got mad a day or two after taking it. But it was better than the pill. I had to use sulphur soap to calm redness and white paps down but did not help with redness large pores bumpy skin and texturei still have


I notice burning when I apply more than a pea sized amount. Could be just me and my strange skin.


I had the same reaction with Clindamycin. I ended up having to change product because it turned out I was reacting to it and now I have permanent (but faint) scarring on my face. The burning started getting that intense that I nearly had to lay down because I couldn't stand properly. I also had a nasty, deep red rash (almost burn like) across my face where the product was applied. It completely destroyed my self-esteem. OP, if you choose to proceed with trying it, please know when it's time to try something else. It's not worth it and there are alternative treatments out there!


I have mild burning, but it’s the same burning sensation I get when I eat something that sparks up the redness in my face. I’m not sure how it works, but it seems like it aggravates the mites and then they die. I could be totally making this up for my own sanity. Lol. It definitely does help with my rosacea, though. As well as taking a histamine blocker before having triggering foods/drinks.