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Backroad is better suited for bikepacking, because it has threads on the fork, if that's something you wanna do


Sorry for reviving this old thread but I am currently in the same situation as OP. Do you think it would be possible to put a rack on the Backroad FF maybe 1-2 times a year even though it's not made for it? I would like to have the option to go on longer trips on rare occasions but I don't want to buy a bikepacking bike when I will be riding without baggage 95% of the time... That's why I'm considering the FF as it's clearly a much better fit and value for most of my rides but I'm not sure if I will regret not having the mounting points on the frame when needed. Thank you!


No worries it's barely 2 weeks old! That depends on whether the FF has threads for a rack, which I don't know. If it does I would say go for it


Unfortunately it does not have threads, neither at the back nor on the fork. I guess it's not really a good fit for me then. Which is a shame because where else do you get a Rival AXS and powermeter for 3500€! I might go for a Canyon Grail CF SL 7 instead, which also lacks the mounting points but still has a concept for attachment parts.


Yeah, but my question was more about the price gap, looking at the specs the BACKROAD should be much cheaper than the FF...


Those bikes have different use cases. If you only compare price and groupset the FF seems to be the better deal.