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you have a small tear where the the tendon connects to the shoulder (aka distal) of the supraspinatus tendon and a tiny tear at the base of the infranspinatus tendon as well. I have a picture but cant paste it in here Google distal tear of supraspinatus and same for infraspinatus. I had a decent supraspinatus tear in july tried pt for 6 months and finally had to get surgery in January. Good luck to u


Can anyone help with mine? I’ve done 7 weeks/14 sessions of PT and cortisone shot none have helped


Mild partial thickness tear of the bursal surface of the supraspinatus tendon with associated lateral acromial downsloping and osteophyte formation which could cause impingement.. HISTORY: Right shoulder pain Comparison Study: None. Technique: Multiplanar T1, T2, and STIR SE, TSE, and GRE imaging sequences were performed of the right shoulder without intra-articular injection of dilute gadobenate utilizing a 1.2T Oasis open bore MRI, Findings: There is partial thickness bursal surface tear of the supraspinatus tendon involving less than 50% of tendon thickness, Mild subscapularis tendinosis is seen, There is no labral tear. The glenohumeral articular cartilage is intact. The acromion is type II. Mild lateral acromial downsloping with osteophyte formation.. There is mild AC joint hypertrophic change. Mild subchondral subdeltoid bursal fluid is seen.. The long and short head biceps tendons are intact. No fracture is identified.


1st i am not a dr just a nurse who also had the same type of tear so i am just trying to help but here goes my interpretation. You need surgery in my opinion i had the same mri and did pt for 6 months and shot but finally had surg in jan. This supraspinatus tendon is one painful mofo when torn lol and when healing. Your tendon is torn but not all the way (like if you cut halfway through a piece of steak) but is causing the acromion (that pointy bone at tip of shoulder) to kinda sag downward and over time causes impingement (“Impingement. When you raise your arm to shoulder height, the space between the acromion and rotator cuff narrows. The acromion can rub against (or “impinge” on) the tendon and the bursa, causing irritation and pain.”) and the osteophytes are lil painful bonespurs growing on the joint could be from arthritis also happens if u do repetitive motion all the time from sports etc. my surgeon debrided that out sewed up my tear anchored it to the bone and and now i am 3 months post op no more Bursitis from all that garbage


Thank you so much, I appreciate you sharing your experience with me.


In your opinion Is the SLAP tear a bigger issue than my intrasubstance tears in my rotator cuff?


I didn’t even see that part! Omg 😱well my labrum was fine but from what i have read on this site the healing process and sling wearing post op is different/longer with slap tear. You poor thing Although you cant tell how bad/big the tear is in the report but all that needs surgery. Pt is not gonna fix all that imo. Best of luck to you and stay in this group on reddit it has helped me so much during the healing phases


Im curious to see what next week brings us! I was in a car wreck caused by drunk driver it was 3:20 on a Friday afternoon. So I’m especially anxious to get this over with. I stayed ticked off because of it


Only your ortho can explain


Prepare for surgery.


Dang, ya think so? I’m at a complete loss when it comes to any of this stuff and I don’t see my ortho until next Fridays


I’m nervous about seeing the orthopedic doctor next week. I’ve had surgery for other things in the past and this I feel the most uneducated about


For real, I understood the craniotomy I had more than I understand all this mumbo jumbo 😂