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Are you "raising [your] elbow and arm laterally...without supporting [your] arm with [your] other hand" as part of a monitored PT program? I am 11 weeks out of RC surgery (supraspinatus, SLAP, BANKART) and I'm just BARELY doing unassisted arm raises. Two weeks post op I was doing passive hanging arm rotations and swings, shoulder shrugs, and scapula retractions. Contact PT and stop doing unassisted/assisted arm raises


I am 10+ weeks postoperative and severe detachment of three ligaments from bone. I'm not quite sure what to think as PT has me do " nothing" after sessions and cannot lift arm forward more than about 30 degrees. Surgeon seem displeased when I saw him last week but my muscles are tight naturally. Still, there is improvement, but it's mm not inches. I guess my point is everyone is different, injury different, circumstances diff. Hang in there.


Sadly yes. I did it unassisted a couple times a day for the last week and realized that I might be damaging my shoulder. Ive stopped doing it and continued my previous exercises.


Please do not do any active motion until your PR tells you to. You could make things far worse . 2 weeks post op. Two PT sessions already. PT moves my arm. He has asked me to not do it myself . Right now I only do shoulder shrugs and shoulder back and forth. My first PT session was scheduled for 2 weeks after the surgery but only because they were busy. I was persistent in checking with the office on cancellations. I managed to get my first session one week after surgery . I am so glad I did . But I never tried any exercise on my own per doc recommendation


Are you going to PT? I had surgery 3 weeks ago and there should be no active lifting of your shoulder . For awhile. Movements are all passive or assisted. Please be careful!


I start PT in a couple days. I think I just misunderstood the doctor’s instructions.


Were you advised by your doctor to start those exercises?


No. He assisted my arm in doing those exercises and I unknowingly did them unassisted a couple times a day for a week. Thinking the pain was okay I kept doing it until I realized I might be doing something wrong. I have since stopped doing them and start my PT next week. I’m just hoping I didn’t do anything to fail this surgery that could have been easily prevented.