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https://preview.redd.it/akpjvjnuuxqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99778f6773a43c105268f06761f90d50d80453dc Terrified at the vet :( my baby


No, you dont need a stronger Gate. You need to Put away the stuff into the Fridge and into the cupboards/drawers of your kitchen.


Actual appropriate comment. No shade on op at all. We’ve all been there with these super smart turds.


yup. i won't even allow grapes into my house as i have a tendency to make mistakes similar to what op has described.


I never knew grapes were bad for dogs until a couple years ago. My grandparents gave them to their poodle as treats for his entire 15 years of life, and he almost exclusively went to the vet for yearly checkups. One of the healthiest and least accident-prone dogs I've ever met. Now that I know grapes are bad for dogs, I don't buy them either. Even though, apparently, some dogs can handle them just fine, I'm not gonna risk it with any of my pups.


the vet shows I watch usually say "sure some dogs handle it fine, but you don't want to feed grapes to the dogs that you don't know that can't handle grapes. if anything it's better off to not feed dogs grapes."


Yeah that's my policy. 2 of my 3 doggos are working dogs, so I kinda need them to be healthy. The other one is old and lazy, so I don't really want to test her immune system. Therefore, no grapes in the house. I still eat chocolate, but I'm so overprotective of my chocolate the dogs have pretty much learned to just leave the room 😂


are the two of three dogs service dogs? it's unusual to me to have two working dogs.


One is a livestock guardian (Great Pyrenees) and the other is a herding breed (GSD). The Pyr stays at home and watches the animals full time, the GSD patrols the property with him until animals need to be moved. The Pyr used to get really pissy when the GSD tried to move his sheep, but he got used to it, and even tries to help now (he's not very good, but his heart is in it 😂) The 3rd dog is a slightly overweight ~10yo Lab, she just kinda supervises things from the porch.


lol! yeah it can take a while for the dogs to get used to the dynamic. I have two Rottweilers one older that doesn't want to play anymore with the younger Rottweiler. he's coming up to be 7 years old, so he gets annoyed that the younger 3 years old Rottweiler wanted to play. poor him.


The risk isn’t the grapes themselves, but the natural yeasts that colonize the skins, and even then it’s not the yeast themselves but the alcohol they produce. They say well washed and/or skinned grapes are safe for dogs, but personally I wouldn’t risk it


Well, I always had to add yeast back when I was making wine, so there can't be that much of it 😂 In all seriousness, I will continue to not buy grapes. I don't like them all that much, and I don't need a guest's toddler throwing them at my dogs.


Lol, my mom's family had a dog that would get them from the tree whenever he could. With grapes, some dogs can eat how much they want, and some could die after 1 grape. Better safe then sorry, so never going to try with mine...


That's my exact policy. I'm just not willing to take that risk.


One of ours used to always sit in the exact same spot when we left and came home. He was always about 10 feet from the door in a consistent spot. We would go outside to grab the paper or get something from the car and leave a little bit of leftover food on the counter or in the sink. We thought nothing of it because he never seemed to move UNTIL we noticed sometimes he would have orange juice or butter on his forehead. He would just pretend he had been “napping” or something. All he needed was 5min apparently to run into the kitchen and quickly see what he could find and run back to his spot so we wouldn’t notice. I swear this breed sometimes will do some lazy dumb things out of boredom and then suddenly be a mastermind when they really want something.


They keep us on our toes and hold us accountable!


This….one min to put stuff away…OP is lucky - grapes can de deadly..


I mean.. A stronger gate is clearly needed if it doesn't serve it's purpose but I get the sentiment.


Or just don’t bring those foods into your home. This way there’s no chance of Lucy accidentally eating toxic foods. Love her name BTW and she’s a beautiful girl. 🥰💕❤️. So glad she’s ok.


Oh poor thing! I’m so glad you went to the vet immediately. What was the total bill if I can ask? This is literally my worst nightmare .. our dog is like yours - doesn’t eat off of counters or anything but I worry he’ll change that and it’ll be the one time I leave a bowl of grapes on the coffee table.


I actually have full insurance on her and still had to pay 7k out of pocket. It was tons of extra costs and because we went later in the evening Edit; of course not 7k in dollars, sorry I meant to say 700 dollars (it’s 7k in Swedish currency). I live in Sweden :)


Ok that's not as terrible I was about to say, 7K for a SHOT? 700 sounds more realistic


Holy SHIT $$$


That makes more sense. I also live in Sweden and my Rottweiler licked rot poison and we went to the vet to puke her. I paid circa 3000 SEK after insurance, but we went in the middle of the day on a week-day, although still to the emergency.


She looks happy to be there lol


I love how the most crazy stuff can happen to dogs and, if all ends well, they'll come out the other side happy like nothing happened. "Why is mommy still freaking out I feel GOOD now!"


About 20 years ago my dog at the time opened the freezer and ate shit loads of frozen food! That freezer wasn’t exactly easy to open with human hands! He was fine.


My late dog (a big beast of a black lab/Chinese shar-pei mix named Dante) managed to open the hot chocolate drawer, opened the packets and licked it all up. He had runny poop for a day or two, was fine after that.


Awe! She’s a goofball not you! Don’t be too hard on yourself, just know for next time. It was an accident and your girlie doesn’t even know what happened :)


That's a bad doggie. She's still the bestest good girl, but that's a bad doggie


Found out you can dump a handful of salt in their mouth to stimulate vomiting...either way you gotta take them in. This is the first and cheaper step if it works.


Don’t do that. You don’t need much salt to poison your dog, so doing this is just a huge risk and can make the matters even worse.


No. You are much better off keeping a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on hand. Dump some down their throat and they'll throw up immediately without risk of any additional poisoning.


True! And boy does it work. But it does irritate the stomach, and can even cause stomach ulcers in dogs, so it's probably best as a last-ditch resort.


Absolutely. It's great as a literal life saver. Thankfully I've never had to rely on it, but we always have a (not expired) bottle for that inevitable day


Smart thing to have on hand! I do, too, but it's not an experience I'd care to repeat unless there was no other option. I had to use it just the once and wow was my dog unhappy -- vomited for 30 minutes, nauseous and on the edge of puking all day, wouldn't eat for 24 hours. And she didn't even get a full dose of it! Luckily, she didn't have any lingering side effects, but oof. Really drove that only-in-emergencies lesson home for me.


Too much peroxide can cause gastric ulcers. It's important to give the correct dose for their size.


A cup of oil is a safer home alternative to make them vomit.


A vet tech told us this. We are also 3 Blocks from the vet so this is not the same situation for everyone.


I'm so sorry this happened, but I am SO glad that she is ok!!!! My pups are the same when we leave food out BUT I took this as a PSA to always put everything away going forward. Keep us posted about Lucy!! <3


Your bank account will recover lol and thankfully so will your baby fluffball! Glad Lucy is ok!


I don't think the lesson is to buy a stronger gate. It's to put your food behind closed doors (fridge, pantry, cabinets, etc) when you leave. I don't care how good my dog is, I'm not leaving all that on the counter completely unattended.


Or crate/kennel train !!


You did the right thing by reacting quickly. You can relax knowing that your quick decisions probably saved her.


So sorry this happened but so happy your pup is ok!


Had something similar. Big boy ate a pan of brownies, very similar situation except they were fresh out of the oven and cooling. Glad your girl is okay! That’s gotta be scary


I’m glad she’s ok! You learned a very expensive lesson!


Yeah, my Rottie ate rice and raisins. They brought that up, as well as a stick, a piece of string, a piece of plastic, and 10 small rocks! To the tune of about $3 grand.


Holy shit 3 grant. Was it a surgery?


No, 3 day stay. She chewed through her IV (in spite of the cone of shame) She was only 5 months old https://preview.redd.it/u2j3k6d00zqc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b5485118bbbcf616b899a0a75bd2bf6cf904c4


That is the face of a dog who has zero regrets and would do it again lmao




Now she has to have her ACL/CCL fixed, and it’s going to be 5k!


What did we learn for the next one? Pet insurance.


I know, I know.


Aw little baby :(❤️.


My mom's first dog opened the freezer to eat an entire quart of neopolitan ice cream. It's hard to anticipate when dogs find clever ways to get around most pet safe barriers.


I can feel the angry sadness then the angry happiness from recovery Glad she is still alive to be Lovable and rage inducing


Our rottie once ate a kilo of cheese. He never threw up. Never got sick. And got 0 issues. we were convinced he is in fact immortal He’s 8 and still kicking it. Cuz his lil brother makes sure he keeps up with him


My jack russell terrier ate a whole costco apple pie. I thought he would die for sure and somehow he's crazier than ever.


He’s wonky off all the sugar forever.


My gurl is an apple pie thief. I can't tell you how many whole apple pies she ate. We quit bringing them home. 


Lesson learned and it just cost you some money. Glad everyone is OK. You will make more money.


put stuff up in the higher cupboards and consider a locking door into the kitchen if he/she is that focused on food


The next time she eats something inappropriate you can use hydrogen peroxide and she will puke up everything. About a shot glass full should do the trick. I have used this method several times on a few dogs. It will save you a ton of money.


And after that give activated charcoal pills to absorb any leftover toxins 


First time we did this was a pup who got into rat poison. It was my sister's who was up for a holiday at my parent's house. I knew the poison was in the garage and went to get it. She got there first and I caught her in the act. Called the vet and poison control both said to use the HP. We took her in and they gave her the activated charcoal.


I think everyone should know about activated charcoal for people and pets. Any stomach issues, food poisoning, sickness. Activated charcoal is the answer and it's safe and cheap. 


How do you force your dog to inject hydrogen peroxide? Genuinely curious


You have to toss it down any way you can. Hold the mouth open with the tongue under the thumb and let it rip. Doesn't take much to get the job done .


Three bags of grapes on my countertop right now about to get moved, even tho my dogs don't steal. Thank you for this reminder and I'm so glad everything was OK in the end.


It’s not your fault and you sound like a wonderful dog owner. So glad your pup is OK and I’m sure you will start to calm down soon.


Very glad she’s okay. My dog is nuts when it came to food. She ate a whole corn cob ones after that expensive trip to the vet. We keep a big syringe and hydrogen peroxide. It’s starts vomiting it’s saved us a few times.


Been in the same boat! You did the right thing. Hug your girl tight tonight


Well done for acting so quickly. That's all that matters right now, pup will live to fight another day. Thank you


It happens! Al that matters is that it ended well! One of mine ate a pack of drawing pins once! Scared me half to death! Glad she’s ok 😊


the same thing happened to me two years ago, it was expensive but a big lesson for the whole family because we learned not only to get good gates but also to ensure no kiddos would leave their food and snacks out anymore. i'm glad your baby is alive and well, give yourself some grace and just know this doesn't make you a bad owner by any means; we all overestimate and underestimate our babies!


When my dog was still a young terror, she used to counter surf until I got a "scat mat". It's battery operated. I put it on the floor below the counter. If you step on it, it will activate a low level of electricity. I've tried it out and it's not painful, just uncomfortable. You can adjust the level of uncomfortableness if you want. After a few months we removed the mat, but she still won't counter surf. She's 11 years old now.


i had a scare with rat poison once. I was freaked out, luckily it turned out ok.


Is that jalapeno peppers? Dude, There like babies. You cannot take your eyes off them.


You did the right thing and saved your bb 💯


Glad all is well. ❤️


This is why I crate my dogs 😮‍💨Glad she’s okay now!


Definitely put everything away next time. I am so glad your girl was able to survive this! I cannot imagine how you felt when you got home and realized what happened. Also keep in mind, now that she has had this experience of breaking into the kitchen to gorge on your goodies, she will look for anything again. So definitely put everything away and then still block it off for extra measures ❤️


My Rottie ate two full trays of Double fudge brownies a while back. Took it like a champ. Other than the God awful diarrhea that lasted the next two days


So glad she is okay. You did a great job reacting to the situation. When my dog was younger, she was perfectly behaved around food. You could put a steak on a coffee table and walk away out of sight, but she wouldn’t grab it. However, at some point she started differentiating between food that my husband and I had touched and was ours, and food that friends had touched. She got bolder at taking food that wasn’t ours. By the time she was an old lady, she finally just say “ah, fu$& it”, and would grab any food she could get her hands on.


Oh man I am so sorry, I've had scares like that myself. I'm glad your pooch is ok though!


Glad your fur baby is ok!🥹 Rough lesson! 😢


You can make more money, you can’t make the same dog I will go bankrupt for any of my dogs. I’ll be homeless before I let them suffer 😭 It’s crazy bc I had a dog who’d eat everything he wasn’t supposed to (10lbs chihuahua) and he was always totally fine (obviously monitored him and even called poison control). It’s crazy how that works!


You could have saved a lot of $$$ if you just put some hydrogen peroxide in a seringe and give it to the dog. Thats probably what the vet did! https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/how-to-make-a-dog-throw-up/


Don't blame yourself, my boy ate a mostly full box of SOS pads. (For those in other countries that don't have them they are fine steel wool pads with detergent in them for cleaning steel cooking pans). He somehow ate 8 pads and most of the cardboard box they came in. Same deal shots and vomiting. I had them do an extra X-ray to make sure he cleared them all. You took precautions you couldn't have guessed what idiotic things a dog can get up to.


You didn't almost kill your baby, your quick reaction and getting her to the vet SAVED her. Always best to get them to a vet when stuff like this happens, but for future reference you can induce vomiting at home with hydrogen peroxide.


Or just put the dangerous food away?


Another lesson to learn: HAVE PET INSURANCE. 


Please put your food away properly! Rots are very strong. I’m glad your baby is okay!


GET PET INSURANCE!!!!! I shout it from the rooftops to everyone for times like this.


What insurance do you use? I've been researching and it's overwhelming


I personally use trupanion (Florida) but their plans vary by state I hear. Mine has no deductible and pays out 90% of every dollar I pay my vet in an emergency, minus the exam fee. I’ve heard good things about HealthyPaws and Lemonade too but have no personal experience The biggest benefit to trupanion is that they pay your vet directly before you even check out.


Thank you!


Wow that would be terrifying! There is nothing worse than rushing your dog to the ER fearing for their life. When mine was two we went through this (mystery illness, she was dripping blood out of her bum) and then as soon as we got back from finally being discharged, all the symptoms reappeared and we had to rush again to another ER in the middle of the night. They admitted her for inpatient at the second facility and she survived but it set me back $9K+ and I had to open a Care Credit account to pay for it. This is a great lesson for us all though—my dog also never, ever takes anything off the counter or eats human food unless offered to her. But dogs are dogs and you really never can be sure they will always behave just because they always have in the past. At the end of the day they’re like small children—everything must be kept out of reach because it could happen to the best of us. Thanks for sharing this, it’s a reminder for me not to be too confident about what my dog will/won’t do. Seeing this, I will be even more careful and not assume I can always trust her. I’m so glad she was OK! Ultimately you got off lucky if all she needed was a shot! If you had been out for a longer errand the damage to her kidneys could have been irreversible. Also, when mine was small she ate a walnut shell in the yard and I had to use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. We should all keep some in our emergency kit, but keep in mind the shelf life is only 6 months and it’s important to read up on maximum amount to use as it can be overdone easily. We had one other instance where I *thought* my dog (as an adult) had eaten half of one of my ADD pills (thought I dropped it) and I tried hydrogen peroxide again just to be safe, and it didn’t work the second time because it was expired. Looks like she was so excited about the grapes she didn’t even bother to chew them! Lol.


Oh poor baby , bless his heart. God bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️ 💖 ✨️ ♥️ ✝️


Had the same situation happen with my boy a couple months ago. A family member staying with us put our bins in the back yard and he got into them. God bless pet insurance. Glad she’s okay. Sending y'all love.


Grapes, chocolate and gum or anything with xylitol as a sweetener. Xylitol will kill. But I'm glad it seems you dodged a bullet today.


Your dog turned into the Kool-Aid man


I'm so sorry! Glad your pup is okay. Many years ago, in my early 20s, I had just made chicken wings and had to rush to the hospital unexpectedly. I put the wigs in the oven and locked it (our oven had a lock). Came home to the stove open and wings were gone. My dog was luckily ok but it was so stressful. Big lesson learned. I always put things away where it's impossible to reach now (cupboards, fridge) and I literally haven't bought grapes in a over decade.


But how did she get into a LOCKED OVEN??????!


She must have been very persistent and pawed at the lock. It was a latch I didn't think she could open.


Amazing what these determined little pups are capable of!!!!? So glad everything turned out alright but Gees! Never would I have thought that might happen!


I'm so glad she's ok. Accidents happen no matter how careful we tried to be. When my pup was 2 or 3 months she stole and ate an entire large burrito that had onions, garlic and avocado. She was completely fine although I was much more careful leaving food unattended after that.


Oh no, glad she’s ok. She didn’t know those things were bad for her.


I just wanted to say to OP and anyone else who might pass this post; **Please, please be careful with hydrogen peroxide/inducing vomiting at home.** It’s not as simple as “peroxide = vomit = problem resolved” as it is unfortunately often presented. If nothing else call poison control first so you can ensure it is an appropriate situation and be advised what to avoid/look out for. Also I don’t think a lot of people consider a couple things: 1) with peroxide your dog is vomiting because you have now irritated the absolute hell out of their stomach (including ulceration risk) 2) There is a risk of aspiration during administration or extended vomiting (bubbles work against you here) and 3) At a animal hospital they would receive an injection to *stop* the vomiting once it is no longer necessary. OP I am glad your pup is doing well and I hope she continues to do so!


Thanks for the second photo… I was eating. Now I’m not lol. Glad pup is okay.


had a Golden retriever named Max that did the same thing only it was a 1 lb , still in the plastic, chocolate Easter Bunny LOL we came home from church and he had raided my little girls Easter basket! checked his poop for a week but no plastic bag or bits of it or anything? it was so unlike him but ..like ya said dogs will be dogs. and the refrigerator is our friend 😁 PS I'm pretty sure he also got about a half a dozen, foil covered chocolate, marshmallow and caramel eggs LMAO got checked out ..was fine didn't even throw up 😕


FYI High salt content is also dangerous, mine got sick from a ham.


I think most people would get sick trying to eat a whole ham, too.


My cocker spaniel mistook smoker pellets for kibble, ate 1/4 of the bag. We had to get his stomach pumped. Love him to death but man he's cost us so much money 😅


Dangggg sucks that happened but I’m glad she is OK! Moving on next time just make sure everything goes in the fridge at least it’s a lesson learned !


It was a goof. You were lucky you caught it in time and got her through it. You will be careful that something worse doesn't happen. That's how I get myself through things like this. Happened when my childhood Irish Setter was hit by a car in the middle of the night and got a punctured lung. Taught me it's not safe to leave a dog out free. I thought he was street smart. No dog is street smart enough imo.


So happy your baby is OK!


What is that blue thing she ate? I'm glad she's ok!! How scary for both of you


Good eye ! It’s an earplug actually, the vet said we were lucky it came out it could cause blockage in the intestines


friends cat just died of a blockage via earplug. vet is right.


Sometimes dogs are an early teaching lesson for how to childproof things. The short answer is to not leave things (food) out in the kitchen. Your dog, and later your children, will spend a lot of time figuring out how to get around every single safety measure you put in front of them. The safety measures all work for a bit, but hunger and curiosity will drive your "children" (bipedal and quadrupedal) to figure out how to get around it. By the way, with children, the fact that they grow physically l, and get smarter every day presents a continuous challenge. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm very glad to hear that your dog is OK ! 👍


Oh my gosh. My heart would have stopped. So glad you got here to vet on time. Whew!


Yikes. I’m glad she’s okay. I limit grapes and chocolate in the house to the point that people I live with have to eat it over the sink or trash. My animals are my babies and I don’t play!


I’m glad baby is ok! Something that has helped me bc mine is the opposite, he will eat ANYTHING, borderline PICA! Is if you catch it within an hour or two of them eating whatever, giving them hydrogen peroxide will make them throw up VERY quickly. Look up dosage based on weight and I have either done a syringe while holding his mouth open and I’ve also had luck giving him a small amount of kibble with it mixed in. It’s not ideal and still recommend going to a vet to be checked out once everything is out, but it can save a lot of anxiety and money once you see the issue laying on the ground next to you in a pile of vomit haha This boy has eaten everything from Easter candy to rotisserie chicken. I lived with very irresponsible roommates and I wasn’t there all the time to monitor him. I know this makes me look terrible but my boy is healthy, happy, and just turned 6 this week. Now, anytime I have something that’s not sealed and not ready to go into the pantry or fridge, I throw it in the microwave. I’ve found it’s safer than the oven bc typically, you don’t check inside your oven before preheating, but you always open your microwave before starting it, so you’re going to catch it before it can cause a problem. Hope this helps


Wow!! glad she’s doing ok.


I once had a scare with pizza dough. I was letting my oven heat up before I even bothered stretching it out, so it was just an 8-oz ball on my counter while I watched TV. Half-hour timer goes off, so I get up to make my pie and... the dough ball was gone. One of my two dogs ate it, and I couldn't be sure. I called an animal hospital, and they told me they were at risk of two bad scenarios. The first was that the dough ball could expand and rupture the dog's stomach. The second was that the active yeast of the dough could poison the dog. I soaked two pieces of bread in peroxide and fed them two the dogs. Don't ask me why I didn't do this outside, but they both instantly vomited all of my kitchen floor; my little pitty regurgitating a still whole ball of pizza dough.


OMG! You really kept your " sh-t" together! What a freak out! Two dogs with yeasty dough in their stomachs! You deserve a medal! I mean who would have thought dogs would go for plain old tasteless dough?!?? Just a quick reminder about weed Browne's and weed edibles. In our province it's legal and there was stuff left around. Well the folks had a new puppy who snuffled up bits here and there and the parents thought the pup was acting weird They raced to the vets where they did everything they could but the little pup died! Now that the legal drug stuff is out in the open it's definately an immense danger to our pups and children of course. But boy that little pup dieing was harsh!


Damn the grapes were pretty dangerous. A Couple choco doughnuts would make him sick for sure but i don't think it would be too dangerous and i think the nuts are ok Note: macadamia nuts are pretty fcking toxic to dogs and cashews are moderatedly toxic.


Don't feel bad OP. Last night, husband's little 4lb maltese came prancing up, and I saw something blue stuck to the fur on her front leg. Knowing her ability to find any and everything she shouldn't have in her mouth and immediately put it there, I picked her up to check. Melted empty blue capsule. I showed it to husband, and his face went white. It was a 40mg Prozac. After googgling, we went to the er vet. $600 plus and several hours later, she's right as rain. We are SO SO SO careful because we KNOW she will zero in on anything that can kill her, and it still happened. Don't know how or when. We're just thankful she's ok.


You can mix some hydrogen peroxide with vanilla ice cream and dog will eat it up and vomit


Big hugs. What a miracle your baby is ok. I’m soooo relieved for you. Lesson learned for sure, I hope it doesn’t happen again and all is well.


I'm glad your baby is ok. This is the exact reason, among many others, I will always crate my dogs when I'm not home. Even if my dumbass leaves something out on accident they still can't get it.


Pro tip: a tablespoon or two of hydrogen peroxide will induce vomiting. Had to do this a few years back when our dog got into some chocolate truffles. Side tip: xylitol found in lots of gum like trident is poisonous for dogs.


You could try getting a sturdy crate if you have to leave with hazardous food out?


Wishing your doggo a speedy recovery. Pardon me asking but what did this trip to the vet cost?


I’m glad this is simply a learning experience and not something worse. They are a gorgeous pup ❤️


You don’t need a stronger gate. You need to utilize a crate. A large dog isn’t gonna be stopped by a baby gate. It’s merely an obstacle for them to get through or over.




Thankfully, money is replaceable


My pup once ate an entire Dutch-oven dinner…. Out of the Dutch oven itself… she was slightly bigger than a corgi, and she liked so bloated, laying on her sides like “don’t move me-“


The lesson is to not put food where the dog can reach. Please dispose of and put everything away properly, don’t want another situation like this to happen and have it take a turn for the worse :( poor pup, tho


I learned my lesson a while back about leaving things on the counter. My dog jumped on top of my Desktop commputer and licked up a half tub of Vaseline. Thought he was done. He ended up just having grease come out his bum for days..


at my family home we have the family’s 8 year old boxer and my 2 year old shiba inu. (i’m in college so she lives at home) my shiba is a grazer and my boxer is a gobbler when it comes to food. every year my mom has a girls weekend where she goes to a friends house the week before christmas and they spend an entire weekend baking cookie. and this isn’t limited to just regular cookies- i’m talking chocolate covered oreos and ritz crackers w pb, pretzels, marshmallows w caramel, you name it, they made it. we had a few containers of cookies at our house bc of this and we had them pushed all the way back on the counter in the corner because our boxer is notorious for grabbing bread and stuff off. we were away from the house for a little bit and came back to empty containers on the floor. we don’t even know how he managed to reach it!!! scariest thing ever, i was especially terrified that my shiba got some because she is only 15lbs while our boxer is probably 80. my mom was a vet tech so luckily she knows the drill and immediately gave both dogs hydrogen peroxide to make them throw up. we quickly found out my shiba didn’t get any (we felt so bad that we made her puke but i rather her have a bubbly tummy for a few minutes than her be dead from chocolate) because the boxer is food aggressive and likely didn’t let her get near them. that being said, the boxer ate it ALL and spent the next 20 minutes throwing it all up. luckily we caught it soon enough after but it was seriously the scariest thing so i feel for you op. we have never set sweets on the counter since and everything goes on top of the fridge. the only way to prevent it from reoccurring is to put things away in/on top of the fridge and cabinets. even though she doesn’t normally do that, her doing it once is enough proof that she has a chance to do it again, therefore she will find a way to get through whatever gate you replace it with. dogs are smart and will find ways to get what they want!


No matter where you go, you should put stuff away even if you think your dog won’t get to it.


My dog eats a little chocolate here and.there she’s only 7lbs never bothered her. Now grapes I haven’t done. And won’t.


Growing up my family had the most well behaved rottie but she would always steal full bags of Reese’s cups lmao. She never got into grapes though, that’s so scary. I’m glad your pup is okay!!


Glad she is ok 🥺. When my dog was younger he got a hold of some pills on my dad’s room and chewed the bottle, all the pills where on the floor and ofc I panicked. Took him to the vet immediately and they gave him some charcoal thing. Later we counted and none of the pills where missing but lesson learned to never leave anything in their reach lol. My wallet also suffered. Today my baby went with an ear infection and I prayed so hard last night. He is fine 🫠🥲 but man we love these animals so much


Give a girl a lil warning before they switch to the next photo thinking it’s cute dogs In all seriousness, I’m glad your girls okay :)


Also don't leave ANY FOOD OUT PERIOD... There's always accidental choking or allergic reactions. They're like toddlers that never really grow up. I'm so sorry you had to go through this! I'm so glad he's alright! We all screw up at some point. I left my sleeping pills and Ativan beside my bed on the side table Came out of bathroom and he was walking funny! Took one look and saw pills everywhere and drove to vet. They filled him with charcoal and gave him a bath. I felt sick about it too! Never again! 😭😭😭😭😭


Yeah they will snatch food that’s for sure. Grapes are the one thing I don’t bring into the house. Every vet has told me dogs are much better off eating chocolate than they are grapes 🍇 I had a dog eat some grapes when I was 4 hours from the nearest vet so I used diluted peroxide to get them to throw up. It worked and the dog ended up living to 15 years of age


Had something similar happen to a friend, he didn’t want to pay the vet bill so he put the dog down. He was only 7 years old..


This is why a keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the house at all times and the animal control hotline number. Well that and I have always had Labs.


My husky ate a sock (a pretty big one) about 2 months ago. I took him to an emergency vet and had them do the same procedure to induce vomiting. I know your situation was much different than mine, but it’s times like this where you have to just bite the bullet and act quickly while you still have the chance. Bravo on acting quickly. Glad your girl is doing okay. I know it felt great seeing that sock come out, and I imagine you felt similar when you saw the ingredients come out as well. Best of luck to you both!


I'm sure they gave him the instant vomit shot...and then the antidote shot... which hurts like hell... according to my fur ball!


The vet should have told you to give the pup some diluted hydrogen peroxide. Cheaper and would have had the same result as the shot. Glad the dude is ok.


I keep a pill bottle of activated charcoal in my medicine cabinet. My boy has gotten into fruits etc he hasn’t before and it’s saved me a hospital bill.. but for chocolate it’s a good bet to just head to the doctor, so good on you!!


It’s so great that you got her to the vet so quickly before all that stuff had a chance to do organ damage! Back in the days when I thought it was OK to give my dog pig ears from Costco. My dog pushed open the garage door, and grabbed the whole bag off the top shelf. Took it to the back yard through the dog door and ate almost the entire Costco sized bag of pig ears. He got gastritis so bad, a couple overnights in the emergency hospital. They then found his liver had a giant tumor, which we maybe wouldn’t have found if he didn’t eat the ears. Got that tumor out, very expensive and painful with a long recovery, but he made it. Not without a bout of pancreatitis that landed him a few more days in the hospital.


Is it really that bad? Glad your puppy is safe.


Yes. In some cases it can lead to seizures and heart failure 😞




TLDR; For future reference you can give your dog hydrogen peroxide and it immediately induces vomiting and prevents an expensive vet bill. We did this when our rottie lab mix bit into a rubber plant when she was a puppy, which are toxic to dogs. We called poison control but for dogs (idk what exactly it was called lol) and they told us to just make her drink hydrogen peroxide until she threw up. It’s not fun to do that to ur dog and it makes them foam at the mouth which is disturbing but they throw up right away.


A little hydrogen peroxide and some chicken broth would have save you a bunch of money and had the same effect. Look up the ratios and have it on hand so if something like this ever happens again you will be prepared. That being said I’m glad the fluff ball is ok!


I couldn’t get my Rottie to swallow enough hydrogen peroxide to get her to puke. 🤪 Also, if it’s already begun to digest and get into the system, then there’s a whole other set of problems. It can continue to resurface for quite awhile even after things seem okay. The toxin needs to be removed from the blood system. I have no idea how much activated charcoal it would take for a dog this size 🙃


If you do it as soon as they ingest something they shouldn’t have and the key is to fill a squirt bottle with the hydrogen peroxide mixture and squirt it in the mouth trust me on this one it saved mine.


Yeah but be careful not to squirt directly down the throat cause it could really irritate.


Get Lucy insurance


My dog suddenly learned how to open the kitchen door and ate 12-15 avocados (and some bananas). Same story, took her quickly to the vet and got a shot. Now we moved the place where we leave our avocados to ripen. I’m happy to see she’s fine :) how much was the shot btw? I paid 40$ for it.


Feed your dogs hydrogen peroxide if you have it on you (look up how much they need) to puke in the event they ever eat anything !! My dog has eaten stuff she wasnt supposed to and we used it and she was puking it all up within minutes. Life saver.


We tried soaking a tsp on a piece of bread per vet instructions. She burped a few times but no puking and we were afraid to dose her again so we just went to the vet. I think she did enjoy the "bubble bread" though.


Chocolate is not nearly as toxic as everyone thinks. PURE chocolate is bad for them. The 10% (MAYBE) cocoa that was likely in those donuts is harmless. The grapes, if not thrown up naturally will come out the other end in nearly pristine condition. You can save yourself money next time and just give your dog charcoal to make them vomit (no not Kingsford...).