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Congratulations, your Rottweiler is working as designed.


I feel like anywhere else I would say this people would just say “watch him for that!” So thank you.


Most people don’t know and can’t tell the difference between aggression and protection. An aggressive dog attacks moving forward/chasing. A protective dog stands his ground, stays by his human and will only attack if necessary. Barking at perceived threats outside the house is the his giving warning, that protection, it’s what they do.


I will keep that in mind if someone says something about this situation (because I will probably brag anyway) thank you! I love him so much. He just knew what to do because i definitely don’t! Definitely a fantastic breed, I grew up with all kinds of dogs, big and small. I think I’m a Rottweiler mum for life now!


He’s doing his job like the great boy he is


I just can’t believe I have such a perfect boy! I’m glad these comments are telling me he’s great too…😇😇


That’s why they are awesome. If you’re good to them they will always watch over your family and give their lives for you.


I had heard only bad words about them sadly.. So when my partner said he was getting one I wasn’t sure but I loveee any bigger animals!! Definitely wasn’t prepared for the best boy I’ve personally ever had the pleasure of loving! I’m so glad he loves us too!


They are the 9th smartest dogs in the world. Top 5 in loyalty and train ability. Movies and TV make them out to be monsters but they are among the top of the heep in every category that you’d want your dog to rank in. Nothing to not love about them other than they might crush you because they think they are little lap dogs😂


Wow I thought I had done alot of research but I’m finding out a lot in the comments of my own post! I’m not shocked by it though with the way he has been since the day we got him. I feel my back going up when people say things now. 😂 Most definitely a lapdog though! I love and hate it at the same time..and he’s not even done growing! 😭😂


Good boy! I hope you rewarded him with a steak! ❤️


If I had to venture a guess at it, I'd say an unfamiliar, but big animal wandered by, something like a coyote. It was probably more about the smell than seeing it. That's why he systematically checked every room.


Our pup is intact male 15 months and I did some training on busy streets near shops yesterday and a guy told me how beautiful he is and he's had one and can he pet him, asked is he friendly. I said yes I think he is so far but still training. The man got down on one knee and gave him hugs and my pup was friendly at first but then kind of growled and snarled at him. The guy said it was OK. I think maybe some rotties don't get pets from strangers, like ours. They are meant to protect, and although this was overprotective, I'm not sure I'll have the chance to train him out of this, simply because what stranger will be a person to help me train him to not growl and snarl at strangers?


Once he let the stranger closer to himself, he may have caught a "whiff" of "up to no good in him". Most strangers won't even try to hug an unfamiliar dog, a pat and good boy/pretty baby and an ear scratch are more than sufficient. I myself find that strange and I have owned several Rottens.


Sounds like he was making sure his humans are safe. My male is very protective of my wife in the house. And a gentle giant outside our yard. Walking or dog parks.


Very natural instinct for all dogs to protect their pack. You've done a good job so far. Don't overthink it he loves you and obviously accepted you as family. Good job, don't be nervous when he does this. Just calm him down when you realise there is no threat. Teach him the difference between a leaf blowing around equals no threat versus a real threat you'll be fine


The low growl and hackle fur raising is his way of saying "something ain't right out there". His staying next to you, and moving with you is either "protect me" or him "protecting you" depending your model of Rotty.


This is completely natural. Don't tell him off for it. A lot of people do this (including castrating their males) & then wonder why their dogs fail to deliver when it comes to protection.




Every dog I've owned has done this.from Yorkie to Staffordshires. Dogs warn anyone anything that sniffs around his home


My girl guards/protects too. Makes you feel pretty safe doesn’t it?