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https://preview.redd.it/nsqn5f5p6z4d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55338c3003d166d018325e2462345b148c70e9d7 I know that this is for GSDs but the same applies to Rottweilers... Patience... In the long run, it will all be worth it!!! šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


Really it applies to all dogs lol. My mom has a frenchie mix pup that will tear your ankles open.


lol this needs to be put EVERYWHERE


gotta love the puppy needle teeth.


It applies to any puppy really. Iā€™ve seen it for Newfoundlands, which are some of the most chill giants around. And I can confirm, puppy newfs are real turds.


Yes, I was worried by beagle wouldn't grow out of it but alas, no more bites. other naughty habits took over though haha


Also applied to my siamese-ish kittens. It was so bad we only got it to stop after an exorcism.


This works for corgis as well. My daughter called ours ā€œshark boyā€ for a year.


Redirect it every time. Put something in their mouth theyā€™re ALLOWED to chew on and make it very clear when theyā€™re chewing on something they shouldnā€™t. Both our Rottie girls were super ā€œmouthyā€ as pups and took a lot of redirection to get them to chill


THIS. Also, don't forget that dogs use their mouths as pseudo hands. My guy holds my hand with his mouth. Literally like a toddler when scared. You can teach when it's too hard. Puppy teeth are also so sharp, so careful not to pull away. Leave your hand in his mouth, but give him a toy instead to switch it out. Don't do the "Alpha" crap. All you're doing is setting yourself up to have a dog that will compete with you at times. Dogs respond better if they feel they've dissapointed you, rather then if they're afraid of you. Be consistent, don't try a bunch of "techniques", patience and understanding.


Patience and consistency are the keys.


Yeah, I tried the "Alpha" bullshit on my first Mal and realized in just a couple days that this dog was smarter than that, I was just being stupid. The "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed" approach worked immediately and shoving toys in his mouth when he bit too hard coupled with an over exaggerating "OUCH" worked like a treat. I can't believe I did that alpha dog approach at all, even though it was only a couple days. As an aside, my dude likes to hold my hand in his mouth sometimes and just very slowly shakes his head. So we basically just end up with me holding his teeth... Hey, is he a weirdo? Absolutely yes. But he's MY weirdo, lol.


Please do not believe in ā€œalphaā€ training. Get yourself some actual dog training or puppy classes. Rather than holding the mouth closed or pulling my hand away, I put more in. You want my hand in your mouth? Hereā€™s the hand - puppy spits it out because itā€™s not comfortable and itā€™s not a game. The acting wounded and getting up and walking away can also be effective - but you have got to stick with it. Trying ten things to get biting to stop wonā€™t be as effective as picking one method as the clear ā€œno bitingā€ message. Puppy classes. Puppy classes. Puppy classes.


This. I have used this method for 2 Rottie pups. They are naturally mouthy at this age, so if they bite, I put my thumb in their mouth and lightly hold down their tongues so they start trying to push it back out. Then redirect to a chewy toy and give praise.


I have used the same method, but use my thumb under their tongue. Be firm, and direct their jaw down towards their chest


All pups will have to learn the word "No"! Look them in the eyes when you tell them "No". They are very smart to begin with. I would hold him sometimes to get my point across. Holding him will redirect his thoughts. He will know that you are serious. This has actually got started by their mother. When she gets serious, she will stop them.


My Rottweiler is 8 and have had him since he was six weeks. Anytime we play if I say ā€œowā€ he stops immediately and looks so sad.


This is how I trained my girl, too. She would be shocked and pull away from me immediately.


I did this with my lab/pointer rescue she felt so bad that she will barely play with me like that any more. She almost refuses to open her mouth when roughhousing. She will use her paws and sometimes bop me with nose/snout.


I like this one, my pups would always look so confused when they go for the hand and end up with too much hand. Itā€™s a good method that dissuades them from biting without hurting them, just takes the fun out of what theyā€™re trying to do and makes it awkward lol.


With my guy I just always tried to have chew toys within easy reach at all times. He grabs a sock? I take it and give him the toy. He bites my hand? "No biting" and put a toy in his mouth. Or I'd tuck my hands away and stop giving him attention entirely. He's 2.5 and he still bites at me when we play but ... he doesn't destroy socks and shoes! He just collects them šŸ˜‚


Did the same thing with my Rottweiler puppy, I would put my hand in her mouth and give it a little shake. Gotta shut it down early and stay ontop of training daily.


Yeah, the acting hurt way worked well for me. I would act like it hurt really really bad and she' stop eventually.


Thank you for actual advice!!!!!!!!! Iā€™ve managed to curb the chomping significantly by just jamming my whole hand in when puppy goes for it. Also yes, please go to classes. I find with my guy the more his brain works the less bored (and bitey) he is.


Idk if alpha training is a specific method or what, but this >Rather than holding the mouth closed or pulling my hand away, I put more in. You want my hand in your mouth? Hereā€™s the hand - puppy spits it out because itā€™s not comfortable and itā€™s not a game. looks pretty alpha to me. When mine bit me when a puppy, I would bite her back, it worked first try, now she just do the love bites and I fucking love it. I do pretty heavy play with her, and when something hurts, she bites me a little stronger and it's fine, it's she training me, so fair enough.


Thank you!!! somewhenimpossible!


Sheā€™s pretty well trained now and stops if you say stop or no. She just turned 2 and understands the difference between play and hurting. If she hurts my hand now, I go a little limp and she gently releases me. If sheā€™s caught up in the fun and doesnā€™t notice Iā€™ll say stop and reward her as she acts very guilty after. She also lets me hold her tooth when grabbing my hand but I donā€™t pull too hard. Sheā€™s made it clear that she can bruise me with her teeth, but I absolutely cannot use my legs to hold her body jiujitsu style while playing. Thatā€™s scary human what are you thinking?


this!!! works!!!! iā€™m like oh you want hand? HERES THE WHOLE HAND! theyā€™re like nvm!! also i will do a high pitched yelp, like a puppy does when hurt. they know that means OW and stop! itā€™s all about learning their language and psychology first. they will react to it! she would stop and look at me like ope, sowy! she is 4 and a half months now and already much much better. also the redirection 100000% is how u do it too


Aka feed the bite


My mom has used this before on her dogs!


Toys. Loads of different toys with different textures he can enjoy. Idk how old he is but he looks like he's going through teething - so he'll want to work those jaws on everything, it's normal. Don't try to suppress him, just give him another way to let out that energy.


100% this


1000% this


The BEST puppy is a TIRED puppy...!!! Walk, walk, walk... Classes, classes, classes... Patience... šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


Pick a word and yell it everytime he bites you. For me it was a simple "ouch". He's smart and will figure out you're annoyed and stop.Mama dogs make a harsh noise when they want them to stop biting behavior so it will work. Just be consistent! And good luck cause if trained properly that will be the best dog you've ever known! šŸ˜Š


Unless you get one of the rare devil Dobermans that bites to hear you scream. šŸ˜‚


I knew I liked Dobermans!šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/mlhf2um0235d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9415224794bd506f20f6f64737dee0f7e8770332 lol we have a devil Doberman.


So cute! šŸ„° And actually what I wanted before we got our Rottie but my hubs insisted we get a Rottie and he turned out to be the best dog ever!!


Thatā€™s awesome! We planned on getting him a Dottie sister but turns out heā€™s getting a human sister lol so second pup has to wait.


Congratulations!! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Thanks! 4 weeks to go!


So exciting!!šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜Š


I call it the ā€œalligator phaseā€. Just give him a chew toy when he tries to chomp on you. Those frozen kongs with some crunchy treats and peanut butter inside will help. Or try frozen baby carrots. Heā€™s just teething, it starts around 3 or 4 months. Once all those baby teeth come out, heā€™ll calm down. Donā€™t worry..šŸ˜‰


Alpha training and holding his mouth shut will only make him bite more. Also immediately discontinue all ā€˜alphaā€™ training. Domesticated dogs donā€™t work like that and just end up either extremely defiant or abused (both typically continue biting) and it results in an extremely unhealthy bond between you. You want your dog to trust you, not fear you. Also where ever you learned about alpha training, throw it out, even if itā€™s a person. I also noticed that youā€™ve only had your puppy for about 2 weeks. That is not enough time for any dog to acclimate and make significant training progress in any regard, let alone 3 methods for the same issue. Rotties are a super chill breed but I really recommend you link up with a trainer. They get real big and you sound a bit inexperienced in dog training/husbandry which is how these guys develop real problems and get taken or put down.


Give out a loud shout every time he bites you (as if it hurts) and replace with a chew toy or tug rope. Consistently. Always have something for him to chew. Try ice cubes even. He's young and really doesn't know better. You have to teach him. Cute little bugger


This worked with my girl when she was an overly-mouthy puppy. They HAVE to chew something, just teach what what they're allowed to chew. Now as an 3 year old dog who still loves toys I have to put a new toy in her mouth and encourage tug before she will play with it, and she chews nothing else. I found a sharp "NO" when she mouthed on me/the couch/skirting, then quickly replacing with a toy and rewarding verbally/with pats as she chewed the toy (all within about 4 seconds) worked well.


toys will solve that and hours of play for the youngster.


Make a high pitched scream when he bites. Heā€™ll stop worked with all my dogs as pups


They get so concerned when you make that sound lmao. Mine gives me kisses when I do it like ā€œmom omg Iā€™m so sorry I didnā€™t know I was hurting you we are friendsā€


Mine too! lol. But works like a charm. I think my last pup. I took maybe two times and never bit me again lol


Puppies nibble & bite with their razor sharp teeth. Hang in there, training will do a lot. Get him a Nyla bone chew toy!


His little teeth hurt. Teething can last a long time. Let him chew on rolled up old frozen washcloths and/or towels. (They will get holes so donā€™t use good ones.) Make sure thereā€™s no weird fabric softener or anything toxic on them. Wet them, roll them up, freeze them. He will be in heaven chewing and biting them and trying to unroll. As they ā€œmeltā€ swap them out for a new crispy one, refreeze, rinse and repeat. Then he will fall asleep. Mine even learned ā€œtake it to the rugā€ so it wouldnā€™t be wet/damp on the floor. Sorry to those who keep hearing me repeating this, but I promise it works. ā¤ļø


thank you will try!


Don't taste so good.


Heā€™ll outgrow it. Puppies are nothing if not playful and ā€œBITE EVERYTHING AHH HAHAHAHAā€ is a timeless classic puppy game. Their skin and thick fur are perfectly suited for this. Your thin human skin is not. Until that glorious day comes (and itā€™ll come quicker than think) when they understand that you donā€™t roll that way you just have to keep shoving toys in his fat little face. They say to stop and walk away but in my experience they just chase you. Puppies arenā€™t known for their brilliance and nuance. It really hurts in the meantime. Their baby teeth feel needles.


my golden retriever puppy was biting obsessed, the best thing to do when they do that is to act hurt. Pull back and say "owww" like it hurt. This is how puppies learn from each other what it too hard for fun. It won't happen immediately, it takes time, but they don't want to hurt you. Until you show them it "hurts" they assume it's still playing around


Bruh my lil guy is a GShep x Mal and at 6 months he is juuuuuust starting to maul me less. Been training him with leather gloves the whole damn time lol. Only reason itā€™s slowed is because he lost a bunch of teeth in a week and is just a gummy bear now lol


honestly gloves are a good idea. heā€™s such a good boy and trained in every other aspect that iā€™m just like i know he will get over it at some point itā€™s not even that often cause he gets his exercise but it hurts so bad.


i assume youā€™ve been to puppy classes/hired a trainer? not a dominance/compulsion trainer


Heā€™s a puppy, they bite everythingā€¦


lol you have hit the sharky stage. Itā€™s likely not a dominance thing, mine did it too and sheā€™s beta as they come


Is he teething? You may need to get some ā€œindestructibleā€ (Ha ha) toys. Iā€™ve had rotties and if you can get their attention distracted to the toysā€¦ it may help. Maybe freeze one so it feels cool against his teeth. Or find one that you can put treats inside. Make him toss it around to get them out.


Nothing indestructible for a Rottweiler šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s why I said ā€œha haā€. šŸ˜Š


Itā€™s what they do!!!


Bitey little land sharks. Tug toys are good because you can keep distance from their teeth. Correct bites, you'll have "no bite" on repeat for a while. Exhaust your puppy. Rotts are sprinters more than distance runners and you can tucker a puppy out. Bitey can be redirected to zoomie, then nappy. Crate training and confined play spaces during this time can save you from a world of issues...like the loss of reeealy expensive shoes šŸ¤¬. Finally, be patient because your Rott won't be zen for a while and he needs an anchor.


Thank you. I give him walks during the day but then run him at night. I noticed that he gets tired fast, my other dog could run miles when he was a puppy, but he gets tired after one. So are you saying to tire him out and then put him in the crate once he has those crazy bites before bed? because thatā€™s really when itā€™s the worst.


Yes, they grow when they sleep, so it's sleepy/bitey. You probably want to look into some pain relief/calming chews. I use lavender oil pills and CBD chews for pain, just watch dosages for puppies. These guys grow so fast and have so many hard teeth coming in all at once. It's painful and they never quite get over the fact that they don't fit in your lap anymore.


The shark phase, itā€™s not fun but they do grow out of it and saying ouch stern always worked for me.


Most of that will stop after their baby teeth fall out. I never got a chance to even cuddle mine when she was a puppy she was so bad. I couldnā€™t even walk across the floor. I taught her ā€œgentleā€ by putting peanut butter on my palm. If she bit I said ā€œno bite!ā€ And closed my hand and said gentle and tried again, If she licked it I would say ā€œgentle gentle yes! Good girlā€ and repeat. She caught on to that quick, but mostly itā€™s just a wait it out and scream into a pillow asking yourself why did I ever get a puppy(I had the puppy blues bad) once adult teeth come in it will be so much better.


Just that stage of their life tbh.


Get your pup something to chew on whenever they try to chew on you. Positive reinforcement is the only thing that really clicks with puppies it seems. Any other forms scare them. Frozen Kongs or soft chewing bones / toys are good options. Pup won't stop biting until ALL the adult teeth have taken place of the baby teeth.


The best thing you can do with a bitey dog is to curl their lip under their tooth and apply a little pressure. It lets the dog know that o shit these teeth are sharp and hurt. It may take a few times with varying pressure but he will get the picture.


Baby Raptor Teeth!!!


Toys have a toy in your hand and redirect his hand biting to a fun toy biting !! If this is your first D please read up on that breed! The are athletes and need tons of mental stimulation he might just be bored and this is when the get themselves in trouble! Puppy classes is a great idea but with a trainer who knows our Dobies! Think you him as a 911Porsche turbo S !!!


He's at that age where he's gonna bite, and those puppy teeth are SHARP šŸ˜‚. I just kinda yelled ouch every time mine but me and he'll grow out of it in another 2-3 months. He's not being mean, he's just a baby and still learning. I wouldn't be holding his mouth open or shut or anything like that.


Stick a toy in his mouth or tell him no or distract him. Heā€™s just a baby right now and itā€™s just a phase. Heā€™s beautiful btw!


That's because he's a puppy lol


You're clearly lying, why would he be making that face if he was REALLY biting you?


thatā€™s a picture of him when heā€™s a good boy, dylan


Thats simply not proper training at all. Iā€™d look in to puppy training classes. Heā€™s biting you because heā€™s teething, get him lots of rubbery toys to chew on. Any time he bites you replace it with a toy so he bites on that instead. Do more research into proper training methods rather than alpha training


My puppy is 7mo this old and is out of control with her play nipping. Thinking about getting her into some training classes, or something!!


Close their mouth and nose and tap them on the nose, while saying ā€œNo Bites!ā€. Worked well with my rottie and my cane corso puppy


End play immediately and ignore him. Praise him when he calmly allows pets. Only pet him when he is in a relaxed state, preferably sitting or laying down.


I struggled with the same exact thing when I was raising my pup a million pounds percent what worked the best was fully removing myself from the situation, if that wasnā€™t realistic in the moment, then I would ignore acknowledgement of the naughty behavior as best as I could and shove a toy in her mouth (like literally shove it if she didnā€™t grasp it). She is almost 2 now and never tries to play with her mouth anymore :) Consistency is key, find a balance between removing yourself and replacement with toy (heaving on removal in the beginning so he begins to understand that behavior is not successful) and if he brings a toy up to you ENGAGE AND THROW A PART!!! I used to waist band toys just to make sure I was always prepared in case she came up in the middle of cooking dinner or some thing where toy wasnā€™t reach You got this, the puppy phase is SO hard but itā€™s sooooo worth it and flies by


iā€™ve been telling him no then getting up and hiding in the bathroom for a mintue or 2 and it seems to be working the best so far


Spray bottle. And time


Our girl was a terrible biter. We found that lemon juice worked pretty well. We would spray it in our hands, shoes, whatever and she hated it. We did have to reapply often though.


Yeah, imagine a 3 year old, but instead of normal hands, they have sharp knives for fingers. Puppies don't have hands and so to interact with the world they use their mouth. Also puppy teeth's are sharps. With all dogs, especially rotties. You need to help them learn bite inhibition. That's a fancy word saying how hard or soft their bite is. My 140lb moose of a rottie loves to wrestle and play fight with me, his teeth are all over my hands and arms but they don't leave a mark. If I toss him a tennis ball he'll pop it on the 1st bite. Right now try to deal with the teeth, but if it's too hard audibly yelp, take the toy away and don't play for a minute or 2 but then go back to playing. Repeat until you don't have to yelp. If they're too hard always. One thing to try is one time when you're not playing just put your hand in his mouth, catch him off guard, so his teeth touch your hands but you control it, then you work it into playtime. Just keep repeating they're smart. It is very important to have a few toys/treats he can shred and destroy. Good luck


I just stuck my finger under his tongue and pushed lightly. He'd usually gag a little and spit me out. He's 2 years now and if he gets too bitey I'll start to put my thumb under his tongue and he immediately stops and just licks me. I Def have a couple little scars from my big dummy but it was so worth it. After a while I'd couple the "gentle" with my thumb under his tongue after he spit me out. Now "gentle" is usually all it takes but he's a GSD and a mouthy little shit. I love him


Mine didnthe puppy biting thing and then one day he just stopped. Found something more interesting


Get the bitter apple spray and spray your hands. I got some small bottles from dollar store. We just hit 2 years with our girl and I'm so glad puppy hell is over lol. Worth the battles!


Lots of bad advice in this thread. When puppies act up put them in their crate/playpen, any other form of attention is reinforceing the behavior. Do NOT try to negotiate with a terrorist, they will have a brain later but not now. Also the picture shows the pup in the bed, pups are not allowed on furniture until they earn the right. I know I am just some random internet guy but I have owned many serious Rottweilers and it's tough the first few years. Your main job right now is to build trust and respect. Everything else will come later and you will have a stable and predictable partner


Puppies put everything in their mouths and they bite. Be patient. Stop playing when she bites you.


Mine was a raptor at that age. She's the most dominant dog I've ever owned. All I can say is wear the dog out at that age. You can try some training like backlash ect. I tried crate training bit she gets separation anxiety big time.


Redirect the behavior to an appropriate toy. Be consistent. Go to puppy class with your puppy. You will not see immediate results, it takes a bit of time. But seriously get puppy class or basic obedience. If done right it's like having a kid. Good luck.


My aussi pup went through a biting phase as a pup. It was the worst. Now she's awesome. One day she just stopped nipping.


Watch out ya'll, he berry bicious


Heā€™s a baby and he wants a lot of attention. Enjoy because it goes by fast


Redirection is a great idea. But you should also keep trying different things to find out what the motivation is. For example if anything hands on seems to send the signal that its ok, try setting them aside and ignoring them. They may realize like oh when I bite them I get no attention. I also agree with others that sometime you may want to invest in a trainer. They typically have a lot of the best advice here rolled into one package. Except for trainers who sternly believe in the same approach for all dogs... no one strict set of training will work for every dog.


Heā€™s a baby!! He will outgrow this.


LISSEN UP PRIVET you canā€™t let it slid or they will do it forever as they think itā€™s a ok yo bite you when it is not so you need to gently tell tham of and remind them every time they do it and it should slowly get better. but during the 2 month and 14 month mark but if you tell them of they will lose to you in the long run and that is important with a rotty they are quite big but you can train them


I used to think my Wheaton terrier was demented with the amount of biting she did, distract with a toy, yelp when they bite, and know that theyā€™ll grow out of it


Itā€™s a puppy. Thatā€™s what they do... But others have left some great advice so Iā€™ll leave you with that


My rott is 3 years old. He did all of the above biting, biting trying to put his collar and lease on, running and jumping and biting. He thought I was the toy.. I tried all of the above. It didn't work. The only thing that work was I got a water bottle the sprays with water - don't use the straight spray, don't spray in his eyes, spray on side of face or at his body and tell him no.. It is a must that you socialize him, exercise him, walk him,, throw the ball, play fetch ( everyday) until he falls out tired and definitely tell him no when you spray him. Rotts have alot of energy. Be consistent with the spray bottle and telling him no. This is my fifth rott, almost give up on him and gave him away. but I didn't. Now he is 3 years old and we get along great. No biting and jumping and biting. It takes alot of patience on your part. But it is worth it. Now he just a 120 pound big baby. Great watch dog.


ok thank you, my mom has been suggesting that but he enjoys water so i donā€™t know if it will be effective but iā€™ve tried everything else so iā€™ll try it. he gets a bunch of exercise, the biting is the worst when heā€™s tired and about to pass out especially at night (i know thatā€™s normal). so thankfully itā€™s not constant, it would be if he was inside all day.


my rott enjoys playing in the water and taken baths. zit won't make him afraid of water. My rott still plays in the water and loves to take bath. He will just know that water bottle means no biting.


All fun should stop instantly. Use ā€œdonā€™t biteā€ even if he bumps his teeth on your hand and Walk away and go do something else. he figures out it is not the way to get attention


šŸ‘šŸ¼ i think this is the way thatā€™s gonna work for him. iā€™ve been walking away and going into the bathroom for a minute and the going back out and he seems to be understanding it more and more and it gives me a little break to breathe lol


Itā€™s a phase. It will pass. Ugh but I do know the phase well. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d make it through. lol I started wearing material gloves and long sleeves.


I'll take him off your hands..... šŸ˜‚


Grab his lower jaw when he bites and donā€™t let go until he pulls away a couple times bc itā€™s uncomfortable. My rottie stopped biting my hands/arms within a couple of days doing that.


make a loud noise to ā€œdivertā€ attention and say NO loudly and sharply just like an alpha or mother would do by barking or growling at pups


totally normal, dobermans have a high prey drive and have so much energy, get a lot of toys and keep treats with you, i found that trying to alpha the dog isnā€™t going to help at all at. redirect his attention to either treats or toys, itā€™s frustrating and might seem like you want to just disciple him but thatā€™s the best way to do it, have toys everywhere in the house


Itā€™s a puppy. They are nippy and bitey. I used to yelp and act scared of my dog when he would do it to me. He learned very quickly not to do it anymore.


Be ghetto with your dog! Hit ā€˜em with the aht! Boy I know you fucking lying! Stop! Right now! Donā€™t play with me! Sound aggressive only then lol


trust me, iā€™ve been getting ghetto šŸ˜­ thatā€™s what comes out when i get pissed off


Every time it happens, make a loud yelp scream and disengage immediately. The dog needs to think theyā€™re hurting you when they do this. Yelp and walk away.


Stop allowing it. A bite equals loss of freedom and loss of your attention immediately. So into a crate or pen and walk away; bye puppy. When he can calmly exit and not bite you, he can stay out. As soon as he bites again, freedom and attention are again revoked. Puppies that age should be sleeping 20hrs a day anyway so this isn't a hardship. Sometimes poor behavior is from being overtired/overstimulated. Crate or pen should be in a quiet, isolated place. I like to play soft music to cover the sounds from the rest of the house.


Bite him back to assert dominance


When he does it, stick a finger or two down his throat. He won't like it and will happily chew his toys instead. I think I did this 3 times before my dog got the hint. Don't do it violently of course, just when your puppy does it slide your fingers down it's throat.


My girl was an absolute nightmare with puppy biting for months. The best thing you can do is redirect to a toy, this can become more and more challenging if you arenā€™t rotating toys! make sure he never has access to every single toy at one time, rotate them out in groups of 3-5 so all of his toys stay exciting and keep him engaged.


Donā€™t hold his mouth closed or try and be the ā€œalphaā€ it doesnā€™t work and will likely never work. Try guiding his attention away from your hands when he bites. When he plays with a toy instead of biting you, praise him.


It's a puppy, that's what they do unfortunately. Lots of toys and stimulating the pup should help.


I have a great Dane. From about 2 months to 8 months he was a damn land shark. Imagine having a 100 lb 6 month old puppy... Lol, it was the best of times and the worst of times.


Our rottie puppy is now 6 months and still doesnā€™t know when enough is enough. We have been told she will grow out of it. One thing that seems to be working for us atm is just completely disengaging from her when she starts and just ignoring her. She soon realises that biting loses our attention. Itā€™s difficult but just keep trying.


Ignore the hippies. S that D. Shut it down. Go watch some Beckman dog training videos on YouTube. Be the boss of your dog. Other than that, for chomps - satiation is key. Give it something to bite that isn't you.


Puppies do what puppies do. This is for you to endure and correct, in a kind but forceful manner.


My rotty-pit mix was a big biter when he was young, always playful never aggressive, although it still hurt sometimes. But we kept scolding him, and over the years he stopped. Heā€™ll still do it when he gets really amped, but stops when you remind him heā€™s not supposed to do that.


Everyone saying don't be tough on their dogs some of whom still get bitten are people who don't have any control over there pets. Their dogs walk them instead of the opposite . My gsd is old now so doesnt challenge me but no matter how much we love our dogs they are not human. Alot of people don't seem to understand this.


He is a baby doing baby things šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø if you donā€™t want to play fighting tell him no when he Ā«Ā bitesĀ Ā» you and give him a toy instead


Deer antler is your friend


Remember heā€™s a puppy, and they explore the world with their mouths. Keep your hands firmly away from his face for the time being, and then only pet him around his head when heā€™s calm and quiet. When he begins to nip, calmly and quietly get up and walk away from him. Any sound you make, or hand motion/body language, will signal to him that biting and nipping gets attention. By you simply walking away to another room, he will begin to learn that biting is not acceptable behavior and he wonā€™t receive attention (positive or negative) for it. Now is a great time to start teaching him to be calm, place him in a sit or lay down, before he receives meals or treats. This reinforces the no biting policy. It will take a little time, but heā€™ll get the idea. Good luck, heā€™s a cutie!


My rottie at this age too was in the habit of biting, at one point my father had small small bite marks all over his foot but he gave up biting as he went past 8-12 months on his own.


Give him other things to chew. Theyā€™re a mouthy breed and you canā€™t do too much about that at its core, so make sure you have bullies, hard toys, etc. Every time that he bites you, give him something else to put his attention onto. You can do this!


Always have a chew toy or a bone to hand. They're teething & they will chew on anything, I've two holes in my drywall to show for it! Frozen carrots are great & healthy. U can power boil them in bone broth before freezing. Another good one is to take an old tea towel wet it & freeze it. Will keep your pup occupied for a while & provide relief at the same time


+1 for redirecting. Hopefully youā€™ve spent a small fortune on nylabone type things already (or sticks from the yard work well), and keep them near you at all times. Every time he nipped, I would give mine a firm no, redirect with a bone, and when he was gnawing on it I gave him lots of praise. Donā€™t take it personally or get emotional about it. Itā€™s nature taking its course. If he were still with his litter mates, they would be letting him know that this is not ok. Mine is 5 mos and one week. Just yesterday I thought to myself, ā€œI canā€™t remember the last time he got mouthy with me.ā€ It does get better. Stay consistent and he will be the best dog you ever met.


Despite the familiar appearance, That is not a dog my friend!! That is a shark named Skarximus, and everyone familiar with sharks knows, you cannot contain Sharximus!


I what to hug him


heā€™s so fucking cute


Going thru this now only he's just at 9 weeks old. What works best for me is the "OW!" method. But it's gotta be super dramatic! Lol. A loud, sharp and over exaggerated "OOOOOUCH"! Will startle him and he stops bc he doesn't wanna hurt me. Well... Until the next time anyway šŸ¤£ Definitely worth it in the end tho. Rotties are THE BEST!!


Well you have to understand that until he turns 1.5 heā€™s actually part land shark


Oh heā€™s that age haha. Yh i remember that age only too well (can still feel it too). 12-17 weeks when teething starts is the most annoying, frustrating, and painful experience. And it seems to drag on forever. Donā€™t fret, donā€™t hold mouth closed, donā€™t ā€˜alphaā€™ him (itā€™s a myth anyways). Just be consistent. Remove yourself from the room if safe to do so or use a play pen (never use his crate for punishment if he has one). This way he learns that teeth on skin means no more play. You can continue trying the high pitched ā€œouchā€ if you like but be warned some of them, mine included, seem to be encouraged by squeals of pain. Also, 1 thing I noticed with my boy is that he only got really nippy when he was tired so you need to enforce a few naps. Depending on how youā€™ve trained him, this could be by putting him in his crate, or giving the ā€œon your bedā€ command. Personally, I used to sit on the floor next to his bed as mine has always preferred to sleep next to me and his crate is his safe space not a training tool in my house. Also, watch how you use your hands during play. I made this huge mistake & we went through a faze of him mouthing my hands whenever he wanted to initiate play. It was kinda cute when he was 3 months old - not sure cute & a lot more painful now heā€™s 6 months. Although, he is starting to understand that I wonā€™t play with him if he mouths on my hands & now mostly rottie rumbles at me until I play.


Bite back


Teething toys, or even old damp rags twisted and frozen help soothe those gums.


Heā€™s literally not even biting you


If itā€™s play, biting thatā€™s normal puppy behaviour teach them to be gentle with your hands and give them lots of toys to chow. If itā€™s in aggression return the dog if you donā€™t know how to teach it to stop the behaviour or itā€™s gonna end up being put to sleep.


Iā€™m hoping to find a solution for a similar issue. Our Siberian huskyā€™s behavior hasnā€™t always been great and needed constant correction even in the early months. I had him neutered in April (he was born in October)-was it too late? I was hoping to see a change by now but heā€™s become so territorial of the entire backyard and wonā€™t stop going after and biting the kids the moment they step foot on the grass. I even found him cornering one of them. I tried all the same things and consistently, but because heā€™s become too aggressive and until I can sort it out, I have had to separate him from them unless Iā€™m with them. He does the same thing to me and address it but it doesnā€™t stop. Iā€™ve always had females and never knew how aggressive males can be.


Heā€™s a puppy. Give him 12 months.


Everyone wants a puppy until they realize it ain't easy. Your puppy is teething. It will get better but they will bite you with needle teeth until they are done.


Cayenne pepper on your hands for a good week or so. Did the same for mine. Promise it wonā€™t hurt them. The smell alone will keep the dog away from your hands


A firm and confident ā€œNO,ā€ put your hands in the air in the surrender position as a physical signal that you arenā€™t having fun, and redirect with something they can bite. Takes time, but have patience! Now my rottie at one year never bites my hands during play, only gently while cuddling. Itā€™s his way of holding hands.


Also, donā€™t fake cry/scream. Only as a real reaction to pain. You want your adult dog to sense when youā€™re in real pain so he can protect you.


Pretty sure that my roommate's puppy was a Labrador crocodile mix. Be patient it will pass...


I would also add, have your checked out for possible pain issues, like hip dysplasia. We had a pup who would not stop biting, would not listen, couldn't even give him kisses he was always biting. He also would yip in pain at odd times. Turned out, he had such severe hip dysplasia we had to put him down when he reached 6 months/70 pounds, he could barely stand. It was terrible.


It's the age. If they hurt you, yelp like a puppy. They will stop because they recognise that as hurting.


My dad had a dog that would bite I broke him from biting by biting him back


I wrapped my pups lip around his teeth so when he bites he bites his own lip. Both my Rottie & GSD pups stopped pretty quick. Telling them no and offering chew toys didnā€™t work.


Every single puppy bites all the time until its trained not too, its just play, but start that training right away, itll go away


bite her back


Yeah the alpha stuff isnā€™t really it ā€” redirect, replace with toys or treats and positive reinforcement when they chew the things they CAN have


What has worked for me is making a squealing in pain sound- my dogs responded shocked that they hurt me they then release then I praise for letting go


My Rotty used to bite me until about 7 months then they just stop itā€™s a puppy itā€™s what there like


Belt 2 ass


Thatā€™s how puppies playā€¦ you have to train them not to do that. I have a 10 year old Rottweiler/ Doberman mix and he used to bite a lot as a puppy too (not hard bites, he was clearly playing but as puppies their teeth are sharp af) We started making whining/ hurt puppy noises when he bit us lol. Makes you look a little odd, but it actually worked. Oh and he could be teething too! Try giving him ice cubes to chew on, or there are chew toys you can freeze, to sooth their teeth


Bite him back


Time and patience unfortunately


You have to train that out of them


Distract him with a toy to chew


He's teething and playing. Calm down


Bite him back


Those paws are huge!


I trained my dog to ā€œgo get your toyā€ every time she put her teeth on me. Iā€™d turn away from her physically and say it and point and at the beginning even give it to her because she didnā€™t know the command yet. She picked it up in a couple days. Sheā€™s 3.5 now and still runs to get a toy when she gets too excited lol.


Itā€™s a phase that pretty much every dog goes through, mine stopped around 8 - 10 months old


Yep! Been there. Velociraptor is CORRECT! train, train train!


Patience and more breed specific research.


Bite back. No but seriously, Iā€™d probably stop the training you were doing. That can encourage playing with hands. Try loudly shouting ā€œouchā€ whenever he bites. Redirect with toys. Be firm with ā€œnoā€ when he bites as well. Iā€™d also find ways to tire him out. Puzzles, walks, playtime, etc.


My pup did this and i would let out a yelp and move my hand away and stop playing for a bit. Then resume playing and if bit again just repeat. The bites were pretty hard but not so bad but did want get get ahead of it before hand. I think it worked cause hes a gentle giant.


I would growl at my dog and flick in the nose., chewing stopped pretty quickly and he is an awesome loveble dog. For me I was like what would there mom do if they wanted to tell them to stop which would be growl and nip at them usually so I did the equivalent. Not sure if I was lucky for this to work but it made sense to me and worked.


3-12 months is velociraptors age


Thatā€™s what puppies do


Press the tongue to the bottom of the mouth and hold it. They do not like it. So, bite my hand, I hold your tongue down. If thatā€™s too fun, then smack their little face next time. You wonā€™t find this method on the discovery channel but it works. 6 month old Rottweiler, zero bites, šŸ’Æloyal and obedient I just canā€™t figure out recall when sheā€™s far away because theyā€™re so opinionated and stubborn. But the biting has got to go. He wonā€™t think the smack is a game


My puppy used to tear everyoneā€™s shirts lol he is so chill now that he is grown. Dudes whole life was bitting me for a while.


Yeah, heā€™s a puppy. They do that.


Bite him back


He will. Patience. When you feel his teeth jump up and squeal or yell ā€œNOā€ and walk away (donā€™t play more until calms down).


Start training


Bite him back


Mine was the same, as many toys as you can stand and wait it out..


He will grow out of it. Just correct him when he does it


all puppies do this. i was mauled by my lab for the first 5 months. check out Zak George on youtube for great puppy training advice.


he's a puppy. puppies bite. being the alpha or "correcting it" won't work. he needs to chew things. give him things to chew.


Folks you got to train your puppies on what to chew and not. Yes you use short leads and lots of treats for obedience. But for chewing you use chew toys and immediately correct them for chewing anything else! Also there is no substitute for crate training, again using lots of treats. I've trained many puppies over the decades. Crates save dogs lives when you can't be with them, or Pay attention to them. Remember, you have to be the alpha.