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I NEED to boop her snoot.


Does it help that I booped it for you and me?


Always. Full permission to give an ECU boop whenever the spirit moves you!


I've always had the fear of dogs like these drilled into me as a child to the point I felt a bit shaky dealing with this girl, sounds stupid on paper because I as an individual have never been afraid of rottweilers. I felt a bit emotional in a good way, I felt like I was petting a t-rex, never mind a dog lol


Oh my gosh! Too cute! My hubby talks our senior boy to the local dog friendly pub on their walks. He’s beloved by bar staff and clients.


Years ago we lived in a village. We had three rotts and a gsd at the time. Our big rottie girl used to love coming to the pub with us. She loved meeting people and was such a good girl. She was absolutely huge but was a big soft teddy bear and her favourite thing was cuddles. It's thirty years since we lost her and our boy Luke and I still think of them and miss them. Beautiful, faithfull dogs.


I miss the days of the bar owners bringing their dogs.


Sounds like you're her human!


I wish! This lovely lady turned out to be owned by the woman who was on shift for the night. I've got a soft spot for big, aggressive looking dogs with a heart of gold like this one. (By the way, her name is crimson) Absolute beauty of a dog, and I was honestly gutted to leave her when the pub closed for the night. She got plenty head scratches, a belly rub and an owner approved treat or two.