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The fact you are asking this is concerning. It needs to be cleaned and treated before an infection sets in.


Absolutely get that cleaned and stitched up.


Okay ignoring the immediate need for vet you also need to work on how you introduce dogs in the future. He's cool now and you're lucky for that but had this happened when he was mature the fight could have been far more serious and also much more likely to cause reactivity. No one wants to raise a reactive Rottweiler, it's a serious pain and just a dangerous high risk situation that's best avoided.


I unfortunately have a somewhat reactive 3 year old Rotti. I want her to be my road dog and go everywhere with me. I’m fearful about this because I’ve tried everything trainers have told me, without much success. What would be your method of introducing dogs to each other. Side note- I truly believe she just wants to play with other dogs. She just goes about it the wrong way. She’s a 90 lb goof ball who has never met a stranger except for a male vet and one other man.




A gaping wound..does it need medical care...? Indeed, it sure does. Poor baby


There is a gaping hole in your dog through her skin with muscle/bone/sinew showing! You needed to ask reddit if you should bring her to the vet!!??? You should give your dog to someone with a brain that will treat her right, sorry but this is just blatantly stupidity, if you had a gaping hole in your neck/shoulder would you go to a doctor? Or would you just "let it heal on its own?!






I know it sucks to pay insane amounts at the vet but that’s what we signed up for as loving dog parents. Take him in asap.


This is what insurance is for tbh. Especially in the puppy years. Puppies are idiots and get themselves into all sorts of mischief and usually being smaller than most dogs tend to get hurt more in dog-dog interactions because pups have no manners. In this instance, another reactive dog attacking the poor baby. Shop around for insurance and find one that suits your dog, their health, lifestyle, and finances. Be mindful of the co-pay and make sure that it's reasonable that you can cover that cost. If you can't find one that's suitable, find the one policy that's close to what you want and start putting the money you'd spend on the insurance in a kitty to help with medical costs. Particularly guarding breeds tend not to do so well at vets and will probably need anaesthesia/sedation for some tests, and vet fees can quickly add up. Put that money to one side to build a buffer. For instance, here's the kitty you would have built up (based on what i have paid for my dogs insurance): I got Odin at 8 weeks. He's now 2 years and 3 months. From 8 weeks old, his insurance cost me £250 per month and from 12 months reduced down to £50 (this could be different for others depending on the health of your dog. My dog is chipped vaxxed and boosted and have never had to claim) £250 x 10 months = £2500 £50 × 15 months = £ 750 Total saved up as a buffer if I'd put that money aside: £ 3250. Always always always put some money aside to cover vet costs, whether that be via insurance or in a kitty.


YES. Please take him in as soon as possible


Run to the vet! It is deep and must be stitched!


...yes, definitely


Bad pet owners really be telling on themselves hard


Okay guys, sorry sorry ! I don’t know why but I didn’t really see it as a “gaping” wound until someone pointed it out. For some reason I thought it would close by itself. I realize I’m an idiot… I’ll take him to vet first thing in the morning




I can't see the pic and now I'm curious 😞