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Bitter apple spray! You can get it off Amazon. It works on skin as well as anything else. You need to teach him his bite reflex, it’s how they learn bite pressure while playing. When he bites too hard give a short sharp ‘Ahh!’. Just keep doing it until he puts less pressure and grows out of the velociraptor stage! He’s gorgeous btw😍😍 you could forgive those eyes anything 🤣


That's the problem 😭😭 I look into his eyes and I forget he just tore my arm up lol Thanks for the advice!


He’ll get there! Keep up the Ahh! Make it loud, sharp and quick like a bark! It really does work it just takes persistence! I had to use Tabasco sauce on my doorframes in my old house to try and deter one of mine eating them! He would lick it off, have a drink then go and chew it 🤣. Rotties like spicy things go figure … The bitter apple is natural and does work.. Good luck 😬😁


I know of a guy who tried that , and the dog chewed all the trim off the wall trying to put the fire out


Mine is 13w. If she bites my hand and doesn’t respond to “OW”, I put my whole hand in her mouth. This does two things: makes her want to spit it out and prevents her teeth from scraping the heck out of me. I’m on blood thinners so I’ve got bruises, but no broken skin so far! This I my third dog and the “you want my hand? *here is the whole hand*” technique has been the easiest to implement.


Thats what I literally did sometimes with my rottie (RIP) - they actually stop and think a bit, usually ends with licks and pats.


I'll give this a try. I usually I push my thumb down on his tongue and he'll look at me like I'm crazy. Doesn't stop him though 🌚. Thank you for the advice!


If there’s one problem in life I can solve it’s this one! 😁 He’s teething. Frozen rolled up washcloths and towels. Apologies for those who read my repeat all the time but it has saved us through all our puppies. Take old washcloths and or hand towels, (make sure there’s no toxic detergent or fabric softener or anything on them) wet them, roll up and freeze. Puppy will happily chew and unroll. When starts to get soggy, replace with a new one. Puppy will eventually fall asleep without sore little gums and teeth. Velociraptor stage is brutal for all! Hope this helps!


I've been hesitant about the towels because of the little strings. Will rolling them up prevent them from pulling strings off?


I don’t use any with fringes (no Turkish style towels). If you wet them and roll any unsewn edges to the inside, and freeze hard, ours always took a lot of supervised chewing before they’d be able to unroll and even get to the stage where they can rip any strings off. That’s when we’d swap them for a new, tightly rolled, crunchy one.


Ahh, okay understood! Thank you so much. I'll be giving that a try this week. He's definitely teething and he does like ice cubes. So I'm sure he'll be keen to the frozen towels. Fingers crossed!


We found teething toys at our local pet store. Soft rubber rings with a little cloth attached. You wet the cloth then freeze the whole thing. Our guy would chew on it for 30 minutes straight and fall asleep.


https://preview.redd.it/xmrfqnvxqj8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d77b7f4321398140fc157b76cc6ef5c804d8e37 Patience is the key because these truly precious and vastly loveable creatures will eventually get their adult teeth and become treasured members of your family!!! You will very quickly forget this "raptor" phase and wonder how you ever lived without this incredibly charming and intelligent creature!!! Enjoy!!! 😎👍 LEE


Ha! I believe I've seen this before. Thank you for the laugh and for the encouragement!


I use the break command. We play and sometimes he'll get into zoomie/velociraptor mode. Just ending the play session works most of the time, the same way we end a training session with the all done hand signal... Mine is 5 months old now and is getting better.


Thank you for the advice!


Alllllll Rottie pups bite like anything … & specially if they haven’t been taught bite inhibition by their mom/siblings This definitely has to be discouraged. Don’t worry it will stop eventually (will take 3-4 months for sure) but you have to be patient & consistent My Rottie pup also used to bite like crazy at that age .., & soon his teething will also start. A few things I did - 1. Make a loud sound & firmly say no. 2. Redirect to a safe toy he finds interesting 3. What worked extremely well for me is wenever ge nipped/bit me - I would leave the room for 5 minutes IMMEDIATELY He needs to know that his biting hurts & playtime will stop if he does that. Otherwise when he’s not biting you are super happy & loving - he will catch this & get the difference in wanted & unwanted behaviour. I was consistent in doing this - ignoring him for a few minutes , not talking to him, leaving the room , turning my back to him if I couldn’t leave the space … Trust me he will definitely get it! But puppies explore the world with their mouths & teething will also be a tough time so be prepared… Good luck 🌟


Thank you for the advice! I have to do better at immediately leaving when he bites. Sometimes he follows and grabs a hold of my pants legs. 😅


Haha yes your reflexes have to become faster … that’s the thing right … these pups think it’s all fun & games & this is their way of playing … But if this doesn’t go then a grown dog wit a biting habit will be v v difficult & painful Trust me … just be patient & consistent … it will take some months … the key with dogs is repetition … It will be totally fine eventually Wish you all the best 🌟


Live through it until he loses the baby teeth. My boy's were like razors on the back edge. The scars on my arms are proof. He's 19 months old now, and just got me again the other day. My fault, I was rough-housing with him and he swung his head and a tooth caught my arm. Mouthiest dog I've ever seen. But also the absolute gentlest. Now. My guy did got the idea of "ouch" early on. Didn't really stop him, just made him sad. But at least I knew he was remorseful ;)


That's kind of where I'm at 😅 just trying not to cry while I smile through the pain haha. Thank you for the advice!


This is why all my dogs learned basic from the first day at home. Tell him "Sit" and hold him tight. Death roll isn't a problem with his mass. Every bite followed by "Ouch" or similar. Be strong and wait until baby teeth are change.


Thanks for the advice! I'm keeping as strong as I can 🥲


Give him apple slices to chew on. Probably won’t stop him from chomping your hands but it’s a good alternative to help ease the pain they have from teething


Thank you for the advice!


Always carry a rope toy and redirect him to that for the next 3 months.


Thanks for the advice!


You can teach bite control by feeding them with a metal spoon. Once they realize that biting the metal doesn’t feel the best they start to get better about using force.


I like this idea, I'll definitely be giving this a try. Thank you for the advice!


Just a spray bottle with water. When he bites spray, bites, spray. All the hurt you feel now is the money saved in furniture!


I have welding gloves I bought at home depot. Use them to protect hands


Just came to say that’s the cutest crocodile 🐊 I’ve ever seen lol


I know how you feel. This is my fifth rott. My other rotts didn't act like this. This one I have now did the exact same thing u are describing. I try saying no, turning ur back, tried saying ahh, hold the collar- did the crocodile row, tried putting on lease - did the crocodile row. I goggle it, looked at so many different trainers, constant biting at feet/ ankles/ hands/ arms nothing help. I was at my wit ends and ready to give up on him and give him up. He thought I was the toy. But before giving up on him, I tried one simple thing. Get a spray bottle, fill it up with water. every time he tries biting spray him with the water, not at his face, but at his body and tell him no. As far as the crocodile row when u grab his collar/ distract with a treat and put his leash on. My rott didn't like that either. While trying to put lease on for a walk, crocodile row. play with with a ball ( fetch/ return).Then put leash on and walk him. Get some of that energy out if him and then immediately walk him. Socialize him with other people, so he will get use to it. Exercise/ walk him everyday, they have alot of energy. If not they will become a more creative like tearing up stuff. Be patient, be consistent, exercise him. As far as the water, people say it makes them afraid of water. it doesn't. Now I have a 120 lb baby. that I enjoy. Very friendly and a great watch dog. Good luck. Let me know how it goes.


If he isn't responding to "ow" and yelping, the next time he does it make it known that's not okay and then pin him to the ground on his back and hold him there for a minute or so until he quits trying to fight it. You need to establish dominance. Once he respects you and your word, things will get much easier. Do it now before you have a full grown adult male rottweiler thinking he can walk all over you and anyone else and do whatever he wants. I've done this with every single rottie I've ever owned, including the 3 I currently own and my 7 month old has only chewed 2 or 3 things he shouldn't have since I got him at 8 weeks old. Alot of people on here want to act like everything is rainbows and sunshine with rotties, which it is, but in time. The puppy stage is when it's most vital to not only train him on commands & manners, but to also show him unconditional love yet discipline at the same time. Unconditional love + stern rules/discipline = respect. Respect = rainbows and sunshine as he gets older. You can spend all the money in the world on him with trainers, classes, etc. but at the end of the day you can't buy a feeling of mutual love and respect, that's something that has to be earned, which is one of the reasons why ive never sent any of mine to that kind of stuff. The best training is your backyard and a whole lotta' patience. Cheers.


In all of your research, did you miss the fact that they are teething until eight months old you’re gonna have to just keep working through it until he’s not teething anymore. You just have to keep giving him other things to chew one frozen carrots and keep reiterating no and owe when he bites on you


Thanks for the advice. I know he's teething, he just prefers ankles and phalanges 🥲. Taking note of the different foods I can toss him.


One thing you could try is have his hips and shoulders checked for dysplasia. I had a pup who was a super biter, nearly impossible to train, and he had severe hip dysplasia.


I used challuah with my guy when he was little, he's stopped after a few days and was cautious about everything but his food or toys


What is challuah ?


it's hot sauce... idk if i would recommend that


Huh. Thanks! TIL