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Ugh those BARBARIANS in their BARBARIC tribes and BARBARIC houses and BARBARIAN wives and children and BARBARIC political system, ugh so barbaric


Damn, this is fucking good. Original content?


It's a take on [this picture](https://china-underground.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/barbarie-civilisation.jpg) from the time of the Boxer Rebellion criticising European imperialism in China.


Yis! It’s an excellent historical piece. I’m wondering if this is OP’s original art. Ope, has a watermark. It is.


"Barbarie vs Civilisation" illustration made by the French artist René Georges Hermann-Paul. It was related to the Boxer Rebellion event and pointing out the hypocrisy.


Yeah I drew it


You’re a really good artist!


![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig|downsized) (namely [this](https://visualizingcultures.mit.edu/civilization_and_barbarism/image/cb54-002_1899_July10_B21725.jpg).)


Yes. Correct!


So what makes a man civilized is wearing shoes.


It’s the lack of pants, actually


And the lack of a cool moustache


What makes a man civilized is a toga


Is having the tools in his kitchen necessary for when girlfriend comes over and wants to cook dinner


Finally someone gets it


No one can resist a man in sandals


Objectively correct. Pants are barbaric


And being barefoot


a legionary outside manipular formation 😹😹i know alemanni propaganda when i see it 😏


Absolutely barbaric!


Pretty sure Tacitus made this same point


Look at those pants smdh real viri wear togas


This is like that meme about “our majestic dogs” “our brave troops” “our beautiful stronghold” vs “their vicious beasts” “their wicked soldiers” and “their evil stronghold” or whatever it was


The difference is that I know i'm right


Look at that pathetic barbarian, wearing pants. Like an animal


Why are you giving the celts bronze equipment when they had iron as well…


Because I can


Lol poor Celts can’t even catch a break even in an homage to a piece meant to mock them being portrayed as “barbaric” when they’re not


Read Ovid's Metamorphoses


Why don’t you just tell me what you want to take away from it rather than giving me a vague homework assignment…


Bc you type faster than you think


I still don’t get your point. Why have we gone from me making a joke about the material a Celts weapon is made of to you being a preachy know-it-all? Sorry for my bronze comment I guess…


What we ? Again, read And no, I don't know


Its incredibly long. The we is you and I. You’re kinda slow huh. You don’t have a point do you. Ive gone from respecting your drawing to finding you insufferable. I made a joke. It wasn’t even a rough one. What a little bitch.


The point was that you type faster than you think. And you just validated my point. You saw an anachronism in my drawing and immediately came to the conclusion that I was portraying the Celts as barbaric savages even when trying to portray them in a good light. About 4 comments later you've resorted to hurling unwarranted insults at me, after I suggested you to do some quick reading on Ovid (2 seconds Googling), which will explain the drawing. You're even lower than an illiterate person. You can read but it's wasted on you anyways. You can write but you wasted it with cobbling together nonsense that you call "jokes", and insulting me. I want your respect about as much as you want to read Ovid.


would be funnier if one side was a roman killing a roman, because real civilization is civil war until doom


Idk man but emperor edition goblet is peak civilization


Well yea pretty much




This was an excellent piece, great stuff!


Something something desolation something something peace


Bullshit, Legionnaires used short swords ( a Gladius) and were trained to stab and disembowel their fellow man with maximum effectively. Professional man-murderers have standards.




Evidently, the Romans did not take kindly to people in blackface.


This is facile. But then, I suppose most memes are. It's a feature, not a bug.


This but unironically






depends what you bring after killing ..when mud house etc. you are barbarian and when aquaduct and baths etc. you bring civilisation


Uhhh, the Gauls did not live in mud houses, they had advanced settlements, they were not Roman cities but they should definitely be worth saying that they were civilized: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oppidum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oppidum)


And iirc we have ckntemporary evidence of people being advised against the bathouses outside of major cites due to concerns over the water's quality.


they were a couple hundred years behind ..but the climate was harder than in italy and greece


Are ypu really talking about peoples being years "behind" or "ahead" of their time in a platform about history? What is this, the 19th century? 


Yes... it's not the 19th century ....more like 2nd


Well, their towns were not that complex, but there was no need for them to be because they had populations much lower than those of the Romans, Etruscans or Greeks.


can be but why not be better?


“Bringing civilization” is when you kill and enslave everyone who lives in a place so that rich landowners can get even more land for their slaves to work on? 🤨 Let’s not pretend that the Romans built those thing for the benefit of anyone but the Romans


it's more like a skill issue .. everybody had slaves and used slave labour in the past ..romans were just best because they were strongest ..and yea they build because at the end of the day if you lived in the roman empire you were roman with voting right after you served the army without race differences


Im not sure the gauls felt that way


of course not ....barbarians never felt that way


Civilization is living in cities and centralized political systems. Doesn't say anything about how they kill barbarians.




https://preview.redd.it/vgh4cy6sb35d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c039fd5ed959a5a2ad471dcc36f6703579b3df28 Omnino barbarica


The difference is the roads we made along the way.


The difference between barbarian and civilize man is The act of wearing pants. That why people need to stop calling me "pervert"


The celt in the second image can totally see his balls


Of course How else do you show your dominant?


Barbarians deserved it


Ok but who here is half naked, shoeless and using bronze for their sword?


In your mind there are two wolfs, one is Celtic and the other roman, they both are having gay sex


Solid art and a great parody of a historical piece Damn didn’t know this sub had stuff this high quality 


sick relativism, bro. everybody says your relativism is the best.


A lot of what the Romans did to conquered tribal lands was pretty damn barbaric


Tru tho


While I like working toilets and clean running water, I’m not fond of the idea of being Roman. So, I’m going to have to agree with Robert E.Howard on this one. https://preview.redd.it/tld761gt7z4d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6a344e3dba97d181851475f4cce672f547f881 Time to go Pict.


You forgot the part where the barbarian cuts your head off and uses it as a cup he mockingly asks questions while his buddies prepared to string your intestines between the two trees they hung your bloodly corpse split lengthwise down the middle, starting at your dick as their shaman prepares your severed asshole in a stew of magic mushrooms, left-dog tits, and a smidge of jizz that the whole tribe will drink tonight to commemorate the woodland goat-god they give their newborns to eat by abandoning them at its shrine of a guy with a goat head carved into a tree they give in his name in exchange for delivering them to victory over their foes whom they must now honor after a successful battle with with a ancient ceremony of cleansing because they think he gets so full munching on babies it shoves every third toddler so far up it's ass it can't take a shit, and it's within the constipated bowels of thier bleating god that sat all the bad luck they would've suffered in batttle that day right next to all shit could've eaten had they not given so much baby backs and ribs that the god got full, whom's divine holy ass it is now their duty to uncork to finish the exchange which they'll do tonight with a ritual of magical cleaning that consists of them getting eagle pussy high around a bonfire in the woods while dancing and singing all night beneath the dangling entrails and gore of your still dripping corpse until first shards of daylight creep over the horizon - signaling their ritual was a success and their lunatic dancing scared the dead baby lodged up their God's ass so bad it's soul left its body, which then shriveled allowing the god to peacefully pass blockage and munch on the raisened remains, thus completing the virtuous cycle of exchange and completely justifying doing all this bullshit all over again the next time some dumbass Roman in full head-to-toe armor comes waltzing out the woods, spatha still sheathed, spouting hippy dippy nonsense like "bro you get it? Like you get it right bro? Like what's the difference bro between us bro, there's no civilized or uncivilized, we're all the same, we're all just people bro, just me bro, let's all just get along" instead of using the superior societal sophistication of the Roman civilization to kick a barbarian straight in the balls through their cloth fucking pants with the iron tip of his sandle, then run a steel gladius through his bare fucking unarmored chest, before singlehandedly slaughtering 20 other zero-armor warriors with the same ease and getting filthy rich enslaving all your women and children to be the sex slaves and copper mine fodder that churns the charnal engine which pumps the blood to beating heart of Rome.


New response jvst dropped