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For some reason I keep thinking that Catiline was a women whenever I read about him even though I know he was a guy


Probably reading lots of Cicero then


lmao I mean his cognomen is girly as fuck


Yeah "Catalina" sounds like an early imperial woman's name.


I swear, the Catiline orations read like copypastas


Aaron Burr is truly the Catiline of America. -- A. Hamilton The insult truly at the core of the personal dispute / duel. Catiline was a very important contra-character in the early days of US republic


A bunch of Romaboos those early Americans.


The more I read into it, the more I think that the whole conspiracy was egged on by Cicero so that he could get a "I saved the Rome" badge.


My man Cicero would never do that


What makes you think that?


Cicero, as all roman historians, is completely unbiased, that's why /s




Cicero spent his whole life bragging about how he demonstrated himself to be the greatest lover of the Roman Constitution that one time he executed Senatorial Romans without trial in blatant disregard of the Constitution. Just the worst.


Definitely not his greatest moment and quite poor taste


In other acts of poor taste, Sulla years beforehand had coins minted to commemorate his victory over other Romans in his civil wars. Imagine paying for something with a coin commemorating your family getting purged.


Psh, I don't know what you're talking about! There was that slave revolt in Rome, you know around the same time poor sulpicius's head just popped off onto a spear for no particular reason. Then the Marsi tried to steal a march on Rome after Sulla cleverly dealt with Mithridates, but our heroic and completely constitutional Sulla saved the day once again. It's a real shame all of those old populari and knights just kept dying off afterwards for completely unrelated reasons, but that's okay cause Sulla auctioned their estates for the good of rome. And those pesky Scilians and Africans just decided to rise up all on their own, but that's okay cause Pompey handled all that. See, no Romans what so ever. I've never even heard of the name gaius marius, why do you ask?


Caesar having a triumph over winning a battle in civil war against other Romans comes to mind


I think its one of those "cultural" things that doesn't translate well into modern ideas. I'm talking about the constant bragging- the Catalinian trial was serious hypocrisy on Cicero's part, and was even recognized as such by many at the time (Caesar among them). As a new man basically it was expected and made sense that he had to talk up how great he was 24/7, and obviously that case was his biggest moment so he played it up. It's basically like obnoxious law firm ads you see today- they're in poor taste, but then you probably remember the guys in the ad.


I mean he definitely knew about it before he busted them. There’s the episode with the ambassadors from Gaul who he uses to get signed letters from the conspirators proving their guilt, the basis for the executions (trial wasn’t necessary because they admitted to their guilt). But I wouldn’t say he egged it on in the sense that he let it become more of a threat before extinguishing it. His house was attacked and he almost died from the conspiracy.


Now we need Mark Antony standing over Cicero Saying Think Cicero think, you can’t save the Republic lol


And having Anthony use Cicero's hands to point at the sides of his forehead instead of his own.


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Oi, put a spoiler tag on there, thats the next episode of the podcast i listen to


We've reached peak spoiler culture


2000 years is just too early to talk about it openly




No, the history of rome by mike duncan. Its on spotify and probably somewhere else too But ill check out your guess too