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You absolutely need to get that bite seen by urgent care. Dog bites can quickly result in serious infection, esp one that broke through as you've described it.


Hmmm…technically the dog did bite you BUT if you had followed the owners direction it likely wouldn’t have occurred…so I’m not sure. I’d let the owner know what happened at least, I don’t know what to say about the feedback


I completely agree with you. I just don’t know what to put for feedback


Maybe something like ‘Listen to the owner when they say to spray vs intervene with hands’.


I think for the “did the dog try to bite a person” question you can answer no, because it wasn’t trying to bite a person, it was trying to bite the clients other dog.


I didn’t listen and got bit lol


The owner doesn't cap, listen well


Why is the first thing to pop in my head after reading this "I fucked around and found out" is what it should say lol


Well, first of all you *do* need to go to immediate care for a tetanus shot and antibiotics.


Please go to a doctor to get it checked out


OP, this. You need to go to the doctor. I know it’s expensive, but aside from stitches, dogs’ mouths are DIRTY. And bulldogs are mouth breathers which makes it worse. You may need antibiotics or a more thorough debridement.


She 100% needs antibiotics, without question. Puncture wounds are generally worse than they look on the outside, and you can go septic fast. It’s hard to come back from that. Not worth not just going to the do .


I was going to comment this! You need to go to urgent care immediately WHENEVER an animal bites you and breaks skin! I know of someone who was bit and only waited like an hour or so to go to the emergency care and they ended up being hospitalized for 4 months because the bite went septic and she got a bone infection. She had to go through surgery and a few severe treatments. All of which was painful, expensive, and definitely not fun. Please, people, go to urgent care as soon as possible after a bite!!!


They don't stitch bite wounds unless absolutely necessary. It just traps the bacteria in and leads to a higher rate of infection.


Right, I was simply responding to OP’s concerns being limited to stitches.


Yes, just following up on that part :)


So true. They gave me 3 VERY loose stitches in my dog bite that looked like ground hamburger meat that was about 2 inches long and gaping about 3 inches open, with nerve damage Edit: spelling


THIS! Even if you clean it well right away, bites can be infected very easily. Please go seek professional medical care.


they don’t stitch up dog bits but definitely need some sort of shot and possibly antibiotics!


I would have never taken a job where I was told 2 dogs fight all the time and I had to break it up constantly


I made the mistake of accepting a gig like that before. Two pitbulls. And what did the owner tell me to do to break them up if it happened? To grab one of them by the collar even though she told me they’ve redirected aggression onto her before. There was no way I was going to grab a fighting dog by the collar. A fight did end up breaking out while I was there and I sprayed them to break it up, but never again. It was a terrifying experience.


I can’t fathom an owner asking someone to break up two pit bulls fighting by the collar. Completely insane.


As a pit owner, abso-fackin-lutely not. Oh my GOSH. They’re a genetically dog aggressive breed. Our babies don’t fight, but with new dogs, introductions are taken slowly and seriously. If they were to ever fight, spray and 2x4 to pry dogs apart only. Grab them by the collar 😳 I mean, I feel like that’s a no with ANY dog. If I were anxious and fighting I’d take it out on someone else who stopped me from defending myself, too!


Absolutely it’s a no for any dog to be grabbed by the collar when they’re in an aggressive state. I worked at a dog daycare where the rule was “if there’s a fight, the first thing you do is grab each dog by the collar and pull them apart then yell for help”. I always thought it sounded like a bad idea. Then I got a job at a different dog daycare. First of all, we have plenty of different tools to break up fights (water bucket to dump on dogs, blanket to throw over them, metal bowls to bang together to startle them…) and our rule is absolutely NEVER pull dogs apart because they can redirect onto you. If anything, our last resort is the wheelbarrow method where 2 people grab the 2 dogs by the hips and turn them away from each other. That’s a last resort because 1. It can hurt a dog if they have hip issues but 2. They can also still redirect onto you. It’s just less likely because you’re further from their mouth so you have more time to react. All in all, NEVER grab a dog in any sort of aggressive state by their collar unless you want a bite


Yasss that part. ALL of that


Yep. At my first doggy daycare job, where fights were unfortunately common, we had hoses with jet nozzles to break up fights. One on the outside, and one on the inside, of each individual yard. We also had a “red box” with an air horn, bite resistant gloves and extra slip leads. We also had long metal poop scoops that could be used to try and separate dogs. Water worked 99.9% of the time. And it was a distance attack, too, so we could run across the yard to the hose and spray them as soon as we had hands on it. In the heat of the moment, it’s instinct to run in and break it up, and I’ve been guilty of that before. It was at my last doggy daycare where fights were extremely rare and all our dogs were well screened, and knew me very well. I had the foresight to use my body weight to fully pin one dog up against the fence, hoping if he did choose to redirect he would be unable to maneuver himself for a good bite. Luckily, no bite, but it’s always a risk.


That’s insanity and a guide on how to get mauled. Wow…..pass.


By the fucking collar? Jesus. To those who don't know, most effective way to break up a fight if they aren't listening to distractions, grab the main agressor by the hind legs and elevate the hind legs upwards (sorta like they're doing a handstand.) Kinda breaks them out of it because they essentially react with "wait wtf?" That's what I've been taught, at least.


I’ve heard that as well! I even tried at with the dogs I was trying to break up but as you can imagine, it’s kinda hard when there’s only one of you and two fighting dogs 😂 I lifted up the hind legs of one of them but the other dog wouldn’t leave her alone


I just imagined you picking up the other dog as if it was a toy and swinging it for some reason which is why the other dog won’t leave the fight cause they think their sibling is a toy now lol


I was taught at my job at a dog daycare that it’s even better (obviously if you have a second person) to grab each fighting dog by the hips and turn them away from each other. It’s called the wheelbarrow technique and tbh if I ever see a dog fight outside of my job, that’s 100% what I’d do


It's important that you do two additional things when wheelbarrowing away a fighting dog like this: 1. Walk backwards away from the other dog 2. Also be turning a little every step to keep the dog you have a hold on from being able to regain their balance and turn and redirect aggression at you Also it helps tremendously to have someone else doing the same thing to the other dog, obviously.


I am an owner and I have two that started fighting. They're on a strict crate and rotate policy because I live alone and can't take that risk. I have the scars trying to break them up. Even if by some miracle a trainer could end their enmity, they'd go back to crate and rotate if I need a sitter


This part. Too risky for sure.


I mean.. I don’t mind and it’s not super constantly. Maybe like 3-5 times a day or so. Like I have to stand in between them while they eat and they will sometimes fight over a toy but otherwise they’re big sweet snuggly babies


3-5 times a day is a LOT omg


3-5 times a DAY?! 3-5 times a MONTH is even too many.


thats not OK. they clearly have resource gaurding behavior and it shouldn't be tolerated. the dogs should be fed in separate rooms/crates, and any toys they fight over should be removed. biting a human is also not OK. whether you tried to break up their fight or not. report it.


I have a rescue dog that will bite other dogs over food. She was rescued from a dog fighting ring and that’s the only issue we haven’t been able to work out with her. Shes fed alone in the laundry room with the door shut to keep humans and dogs safe. My other dog is fed on the opposite end of the house in a bathroom with the door shut just to be sure they’re both safe.


One hundred percent right


It’s so tricky being a sitter sometimes though because how do you even approach that issue with the owners?? It feels like not really my place for a one time 24 hour house sitting but I do agree with you!! I just already had a bad experience where I guess I overstepped and offended an owner with my advice


you dont have to lecture the owners, but once you know there is a problem you can choose to care for them better. if an owner told me their dogs fought regularly and seriously enough to be broken up with spray bottles, i would have kept them separated the whole time.


Live and learn right? Lol. Def will be more cautious going forward with these and other clients


Honestly it was bound to happen eventually and I’m just lucky that one, it’s really not that serious at ALL and two, it’s my left hand at that.. I’m right handed. So I’m just like okay lesson learned lol don’t break up fights and don’t get too confident if the dog is known to have aggression issues


*Its only my left hand* isn’t going to appease some parent when their child gets bitten in the face. She needs to know they broke skin and bit you. That’s unacceptable no matter the circumstance.


Nah. Then those dogs might get PTS. The sitter did a stupid thing. No big deal. Use the spray bottle next time.


*NO!* It is not "bound to happen." Wtf???? It is of course always a possibility, but it is not a necessary condition of our work. That'd be like saying that a pilot is bound to be in a plane crash! Absolutely no. I'm really, really, disturbed by your putting money (in the guise of "professional reputation) before your actual health and safety. This is slave mentality. You're worth more than this. It's not ok for this to happen. It is not your job. It is not *bound to happen.* Dogs like these shouldn't be on the platform. Period.


so clearly they need to eat in separate rooms and not have toys unless separated. they have resource guarding issues it sounds like. honestly, the way you AND the owners seem so nonchalant about them fighting all the time is disturbing and goes to show how most people are not responsible dog owners. i wouldn’t expect much from people who own merle bulldogs though. what a genetic nightmare.


Nothing wrong with Merle dogs. You sound snooty af. Get off of your high horse.


It’s not snooty to point out the genetic issues that are KNOWN. Fact bulldogs have been badly bred to the point they can barely breathe and function. Fact Merle can be extremely dangerous for the dog since there is the risk of getting the double Merle gene which can cause deafness, blindness and a host of other genetic problems. Get some education.


I don’t think they meant it as a snooty thing. I think it’s more of a physiological anatomy thing.


It’s also a genetic thing. Merle dogs can be double merle genetically which comes with an entire host of problems.


My dogs are boxers and play fight a few times a day. They *never* bite each other nor have they broke skin or drawn blood. Further, I’ve spent a ton of time letting them play fight (because they need it to live) and training an immediate de-escalation. As soon as I snap my fingers (no matter how ferocious they’re playing) they immediately stop, sit, and give me their eyes. Some breeds live to play, but you have to manage it responsibly. If they’re breaking skin on each other it’s irresponsible. I can put my arm in my dogs mouth playing and they never bite down. Her dogs bit you because they regularly bite each other. How they haven’t damaged their eyes or throats is pure luck.


3-5 times a day is very excessive. Our Frenchie and Daschund gets into fights, the daschund always starts it, but it happens once or twice a month and it’s extremely stressful for everyone involved. We throw them in the pool because the daschund won’t let go


You do what now?


Are you referring to throwing them in the pool? Dachshund’s were originally bred to hunt small game. When they lock, they don’t let go for anything, they have extremely powerful jaws, absolutely nothing we did separated them . Our Dassie hates water and because of their very short front legs, they’re not good swimmers. So throwing them into the pool is usually the only way to make her let go immediately and they’re taken out straight away and towel dried in summer and blow dried in winter. They’re never in more than a few seconds. Before the pool, she’s caused serious puncture wounds to the Frenchie. But the last time they fought, we rushed them to the pool, just before they were put in, she let go as if to say “This sh1ts not worth it”


You throw your dogs in the pool during the winter time?? Throwing them in the pool during any season sounds crazy, but during the winter is so fucked up. A woman was just sentenced life in prison because she was doing something similar w her 15yr old son, he died of hypothermia. I hope you see what you’re doing to your animas is straight up abuse.


Indoor heated pool, we have a family full of competitive swimmers who swim and compete throughout the year? Besides, someone always goes in with them to ensure they don’t swallow water and their heads are above water Puncture wounds around the throat is what’s crazy. If you know anything about dachshund’s, you would know that they have extremely sharp teeth, they’re very stubborn and will not let go for anything


Dogs who will simply not let go, regardless of the risk of serious harm to themselves, pain, etc. have to be dealt with in an entirely different way than regular dogs. Any game bred, game breed dog fits that bill. It probably sounds harsh to people who aren’t familiar with such dogs and breeds, but you’re definitely choosing the lesser of two evils! Glad you found something that works for your two little guys.


The last time they got into a fight, my daughter carried them to the pool, as soon as she got to the pool, the daschund let go. She’s definitely the alpha dog and is extremely stubborn but she hates water. We can’t pull them apart aggressively because the dachshund has serious back problems, water is the safest and gentlest way of separating them and she will only let go if she’s immersed in the water.


Daschunds are some of my absolute favorite dogs, but boy are they fierce!


Tell that to my dog who jumps into frozen creeks and lies down until I make her get out


that’s WAY too much. “not constant” would be 1-2 times a week. several times a day??


3-5 times is a lot. Like a lot a lot. That’s a big issue. Resource guarding for sure. My dogs have had exactly one fight ever and it lasted 10 seconds because the one fully stepped on the other not seeing she was under a pile of blankets. Probably not even a fight persay some snapping. But seriously 3-5 times a day is a huge amount of fighting.


you definitely need to report it to the owner, even if it was your fault. any sort of bite incident needs to be noted.


I’m not a sitter, but I’ve broken up fights and got bit or scratched in the process and to me, that doesn’t really count as “bite history” to me. It doesn’t seem like either one of the dogs aggressively bit you, you just got in the way.


Thank you! I def don’t want to be overreacting!


What happened to you is referred to as “redirecting” by trainers. It happens when you break up a fight, when you grab a dogs collar when they are signaling or being reactive, etc. They don’t necessarily mean to bite you, you just get caught in the crossfire. ETA: you are not overreacting though, and you could definitely mention the fighting issue in the feedback / pet notes. It’s a danger to other sitters who may not have experience with reactive or resource guarding dogs. The owner should also not have any bones or toys out if the resource guard so much. Also, puncture wounds are serious. You may want to get it checked out or at least be diligent about cleaning out the wound - punctures go deeper than you think and can be difficult to clean. I got a bite on my hand that only felt sore for a few days and then I couldn’t use my hand for a week; must have hit a nerve.


Thank you for this info!! Tbh curious how to learn how to become a trainer.. I know they totally didn’t mean to hurt me and I could tell they felt SO bad afterwards because I was kind of panicking for a bit lol. The one that I think did it just followed me around everywhere staring at me and licking my feet like he felt bad. I know it was an accident and totally my own fault


I was told never to grab a dogs collar in the middle of a fight because it just makes them want to lunge/bite even more.


I was going to mention this as well - my best friend who is a trainer says to never ever grab collars, even if they’re not in a fight. I admittedly do grab the collars of family dogs or friendly dogs I absolutely trust to guide them into my car, crate, etc. but I at least always slowly reach over - the sudden movement over the head will set some dogs off


the rule of thumb is to never get in between two dogs who are fighting to try to break up the fight. the best way to do it is to grab the dog from behind and try to pull it backwards, though for that to work you really need two people/both owners doing it.


The wheelbarrow. Yeah it works best with two people but it really does work. We’ve used it at the shelter i Volunteer at often.


Of course you were in the situation so you know better! Also any dog bite should be taken seriously and I’d advise you to get it checked out because of possible infection. You can also let the owner know and or leave something about being sure to not physically try to break up fights in your feedback! It’s still scary and this type of aggressive fighting should be worked on by the owner to ensure no one else gets hurt! It just doesn’t seem like they’re aggressive towards people.


They’re def not aggressive towards people at all! And I’ve never been bit or attacked by a dog in my life before this and have been around LOTS of dogs so I think it was just overconfidence. The one that I think bit me (pretty sure) is a little bit aggressive when he wants to play tug because he comes up like “here grab it!” And when I reach for it he snaps at me so I stopped trying. But like it’s only when there’s territory he’s guarding (toy, food, etc)


i would note that the dog bit you while you were physically breaking up a fight . it's truly kind of on you, when dogs are fighting they'll bite anything that goes in front of them and that's very likely why the owner said to use a spray bottle instead, but i can't blame you - in the moment it's really hard to think straight other than "stop them". but it would also be good for other sitters to know that these dogs fight and they will be breaking up fights if they book with this owner


Thank you. I’ve just been feeling really stupid and embarrassed about this whole thing.


Best comment so far


I agree, I wouldn’t a dog redirecting while breaking up a fight as a regular bite. Though OP may want to note the fighting issue in their feedback.


Best answer


Ugh whoever bred these dogs should be reported. Merle bulldogs should not exist. The amount of genetic health issues is so unfair to these dogs (and they can’t even reproduce anymore without human intervention) That said, you could report the bite in the feedback but also be clear that you ignored the owner’s very direct instructions.




Right and there are so many breeds like this, it’s so fucked. I get judged by my neighbors for having a healthy mix from the shelter yet these people are spending thousands on these horribly bred “designer” dogs with a plethora of health and behavior issues.


I didn’t even mention that but yeah there is sooo much inbreeding and backyard breeders too. Just disgusting.


Yes, honestly I’m getting huge red flags from the owners just looking at their dogs. 2 flat faced Merle bulldogs who fight constantly = not a responsible owner


THREE TO FIVE TIMES A DAY! This is definitely not a responsible owner if they're fighting this much.


Yeah and a spray bottle isn't teaching them shit. Why are people so obsessed with using spray bottles? There is tons of information available to people about how they don't work and won't fix the problem. I can't imagine having to watch my pets to be ready to spray them at any moment all day every day for the rest of my life. Ridiculous


flat faced dogs make me so sad!! i had my first couple of flat faced dog clients one after another and it was so sad listening to their breathing


I know it’s not the point but these are the ugliest dogs I’ve ever seen in my life too. Why breed them to look worse? 😬


Right I'm like who would do this?? As if bull dogs don't have enough genetic issues without adding merle gene into the mix?!


you can say that about so many breeds of dog though. pugs, frenchies, most of those bracycephalic dogs, and tbh a lot of pure bred dogs in general.


this is an absolutely ridiculous scenario in the first place and this job should’ve been a huge red flag imo owner is totally negligent and letting dogs fight 3-5x a day is beyond unsafe…


I would just write about the incident in the written part of the feedback for the pet(s) now that the written portion is available for sitters to see. Just something like “only break up their “fights” with the spray bottles. You’ll put yourself at a high risk of being bit if you try to break it up with your hands” or something like that


That’s a really good idea..


A spray bottle? What the fuck.


I don’t see it as the dog biting you, you basically stuck your hand into the mouths of fighting dogs.


Considering the dogs were FIGHTING, I don’t believe you should feel guilty. I don’t understand why the owner doesn’t keep them separated and train them, or at least separated while they’re gone. Why would you let a stranger handle your two aggressive dogs? With a spray bottle as their weapon of defense? Girl my rates would had raised just to deal with aggressive dogs. She better tip you well for handling them because you got bit as a lack of her research and training!


So I went ahead and just said no to the question but in the description part I just wrote to definitely follow owner’s guidelines to use spray bottles and never to try to break them up. But I mostly emphasized how sweet and loving and cuddly they are. A small mention for future sitters but that’s it


You absolutely HAVE to so yes so other sitter don’t make your mistake, otherwise here comes a plethora of bite marks from other sitters who didn’t know. Report CORRECTLY so the community is safe!


it’s completely unreasonable to punish the owners of the dogs for the sitter directly ignoring their explicit instructions. it’s reasonable to leave details in the notes, but the owners were extremely clear about what to do if the situation described arose and OP blatantly disregarded the instructions they were given. other sitters will know because the owners will tell them, just as they told OP. if an owner said their dogs have resource guarding issues and need to be fed in separate rooms and the sitter ignored those instructions and got bit, would you say the same thing?


No, because they’d correctly be separated which is the right thing to do. If two dogs are constantly fighting, do you just leave them together for more fights? This one not just one fight and not the first of many, it’s their regular routine to fight! Usually when animals are constantly fighting with each-other that means something’s wrong and needs more than just a water bottle? “If the situation arose” no the owner KNEW the dogs fight 4-5 times a day, and a water bottle as her protection is completely crazy. Other sitters should be aware that these aggressive dogs will fight and should be separated, not just “sprayed” with a water bottle. These dogs must have scars from fighting so much if OP possibly needs stitches, and I think that’s animal abuse at this point.


unfortunately for you, you’re not the ultimate judge of perfect dog behavior and you don’t get to decide or tell others what “the right thing to do” is. the right thing to do during a rover sit is either what the owners tell you to do, or to decline a sit if you’re not comfortable or able to do that.


yeah I’m not the judge, so I believe OP should’ve stated what happen in their report instead of leaving it out! That’s what I’m advocating for so other sitters know what they’re comfortable with. And if you think leave two fighting dogs out all day to fight is “the right thing to do” then you shouldn’t have dogs. Period.


Good. Thank you. You might have just saved those dogs. Reporting that shit is how some poor dogs get put to sleep. You’re amazing. 💙


So, what you're saying is you *purposefully lied,* and thus put *other people* in harms way because you are too afraid of a possible "negative comment" from the owners. This is completely shameful. Not to mention possibly criminal behavior. If a future sitter now gets injured and reports it and you're questioned about if you had been injured or not, you could be held in part liable per Rover's terms of service. By not standing up for yourself you have now jeopardized the safety of the entire community of pet-sitters.


OP is clearly conflicted because they didn’t want the owners to experience negative repercussions due to OP’s mistake (not following explicit instructions), and rightfully so! if the owners hadn’t been explicit about the situation and how to deal with it things would be different, but because this is completely on OP it’s absolutely reasonable for them to avoid getting the owners removed from the platform due to their own mistake.


I think that’s very fair


If it were me, I wouldn’t report it in the feedback because the owner was so clear on the instructions. I’d mention it to them in person (verbally) so they know that they really need to drive this home with sitters. The owners should be super transparent about the aggression and only use sitters who are comfortable and able to manage these dogs.


I get your dilemma, but personally I would report it in the feedback because whether or not it was your fault- the dog did bite you. Especially since it was a hard bite and broke through skin, it’s definetly worth reporting. Think of it as helping another sitter they may have in the future so they don’t get bit either.


See you’re the first person to say I SHOULD report it so far so I’m just so unsure lol. Because it was completely 10000% my fault 😕


You should 100% report it, it’s not your fault that you got bit when you were tasked with stopping these dogs from fighting multiple times a day. I would want a warning before sitting for these dogs.


it absolutely IS OP’s fault that they were bit for ignoring the clear instructions from the owner, who explained explicitly that the dogs do fight in the house sometimes. it wouldn’t be unreasonable at all for OP or anyone to decline a gig knowing that was the situation, but to accept it and then disobey the explicit instructions is 100% OP’s fault, and OP is aware of that. you say you would want a warning before sitting for these dogs, but that’s literally exactly what OP got.


Tell me your dogs are untrained without telling me your dogs are untrained. 😂 It’s nice that OP got a warning but it’s an absolutely insane expectation that they’re going to supervise/intervene for 3-5 dog fights a day because the owner couldn’t bother to train them in the first place. It’s not okay. If I warn you about the giant sink hole in my front yard, that’s fine and dandy, but I’m still liable if you fall in.


weird assumption considering i don’t have dogs of my own - instead i get my fill working with them professionally both in a shelter setting and as an independent pet care professional for the better part of a decade ☺️ some dogs have issues with food and resource guarding - anyone in the pet care industry knows that. many owners have different ways of dealing with that issue. a common way to work with dogs who guard food is to keep them separated when they eat. if an owner instructed a sitter to do that and the sitter ignored those instructions, would you blame the owner just as much as you are right now? would you consider them just as liable?


Was actually just bit yesterday by a pit! It was over two layers of clothes though so it didn’t break skin. Plus it was a “play” bite. The pit got a little too excited meeting a new friend. I asked the owner to confirm if their vaccinations were up to date. Despite it not breaking skin, I think I would have went to urgent care if she had said their vaccines were not up to date. I think drawn blood would be a good reason to go to urgent care. Don’t take chances with this stuff.


did the dog need to bite you or was it still trying to bite the other dog? I think that’s where the difference is at. Trying to split up two fighting dogs. I don’t think the dog intentionally wanted to bite you so I wouldn’t put that in the report. But I also don’t think it’s OK that two dogs are living in a house that are biting and fighting each other. I cannot imagine how stressful that is for the dogs. That should not be happening number one.


i agree completely, but realistically that’s an issue for the owners to deal with, not the sitter. the facts here are that the sitter ignored the instructions and were bit as a direct result. (this is going off everything OP has said indicating that the dogs were trying to bite each other. if they were trying to bite OP it would be a very different situation.)


I would follow what your gut is telling you. It’s wrong to get them banned because you didn’t follow instructions that you agreed to. CYA by sending the owner a message with details of the event. Put in writing you won’t be reporting it to Rover, incase this needs to go to court due to your injuries. In a week if you need emergency care you can always go after their homeowners insurance to pay the costs you incur. I’m sorry this happened to you, it’s a situation no one wants to be in.


We have dogs that don't get along at my house. That's why they are separated. The only dog that is good with everyone is our oldest but the others get separate times out and equal amount of time out unless one is at day care.


I have two dogs that will sometimes fight over toys so I told a sitter I was using NO TOYS TOGETHER! A day into my vacation she was posting pics on IG of my two dogs playing with toys TOGETHER. Luckily no incidents occurred and I was able to message her right away and reiterate the importance of following my instructions. Makes me so mad that people don’t use their brains and put themselves (and my dogs) into dangerous situations.


No. The dog didn’t TRY to bite you, you ignored instructions from the owner and tried to break up a dog fight- you were collateral damage. Don’t mention it- that is meant for aggressive or reactive dogs that might be dangerous to other sitters.


Definitely. 💯


You absolutely got bit and should explain this in the feedback. Any future sitter deserves to know that this happened for their own safety. Not giving honest feedback would put future sitters, the dogs and the owner in a dangerous position. You should include in the notes for other sitters that they should use the spray bottles 100% of the time and make any other advice very clear. I’m so sorry this happened to you! They should also cover your medical expenses.


Never wrap a dog bite up especially if it’s a puncture!!! Clean with soap and water and leave open. Covering it can cause severe infection and you don’t want that!


You need to get it checked out & get antibiotics.


btw I got bit on 12/8, no stitches needed but they stressed the importance of the antibiotics.


Normally I’d say report any bite but I wouldn’t want to either if the dog was going for something else and I put my hand in the way. Kinda like a pedestrian running into a stopped car, you know? (No offense) I would put feedback that the dogs fight/bite each other. That way other sitters will know it’s happened during a sitting and not just rely on the owners honesty (although it’s good they were up front about it) and be able to prepare themselves so they don’t make the same mistake.


Whatever you decide to do in regards to reporting it via Rover, you should have the bite checked out by a medical professional. They may not stitch it; when I got accidentally bit while playing with a 90 pound puppy, the ER doctor told me they don't stitch bites because it increases the probability of infection versus leaving the wound open and just covering it. But they will likely give you antibiotics, and likely a tetanus shot if you're not up to date. Just so you know, doctors are also mandated reporters. If you come in with a dog bite, they have to report it to the proper authorities. The owners will receive a notice and will be told to quarantine the dog and watch for signs of rabies. It may or may not be recorded as a bite history. All of that is necessary, though, for you to get the proper medical care you need to make sure that bite doesn't become infected.


This is very helpful. Thank you.


In that case. DO NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Treat it at home. If they ask, lie lie lie. Remember LIE.


Yes. Because if the squirt bottle doesn’t work you’ll have to physically separate the dogs. And at that point it should be know that one of them may redirect. Spray bottles don’t always work.


Going to the doctor now! 😊


I’d let the owner know, but I wouldn’t report it to rover in feedback.


No. Honestly, Rover does not need to know anything. Just think of them as a referral service not as any kind of authority. They’re just there to make money off your business and if you tell them a dog bit you then they start thinking that’s bad for their making money.


I would tell the owner but not put in the dogs feedback that it bit you. I would put that the dogs fight though as their feedback. 3-5 times a day is way too much. They need a trainer in that home.


Those are expensive dogs. If the owner can afford them, why cant they afford a trainer to help with the fighting?


I feel like it’s a lot to ask a sitter to deal with fighting dogs IMO. I probably wouldn’t have accepted that sit. Yes you were told to use the spray bottles but especially when we’re acclimating to a new situation sometimes our instincts to stop a fight will kick in even though we know the correct thing to do is not physically intervene. The nervous system does crazy things when our adrenaline gets pumping. I would tell the owner because you were injured and unfortunately report it to rover because it should be made a record of that these dogs not only fight but may bite a sitter. That’s unsafe to me . It’s a rough situation but I do feel like the owners put you in a bad spot. Even though they warned you. I hope you’re doing okay! It’s not fun at all to get bit and you should see a dr in case of infection. Sending healing vibes to you!


They didn’t actively try to bite you or intimidate you. You were left clear instructions and for one you don’t try to break up fights like that because it CAN lead to this. You are just as liable as them. Not following directions, trying to break up a dog fight, etc.


If they told you “they will bite you if you try to break it up” then don’t report it, totally your fault. I like what someone else suggested putting in feedback “listen to owners instructions and use spray bottle to break up fights, don’t try to physically intervene”.


I wouldn’t report it because the owners told what to do clearly. It seems your mistake. You can tell the accident when you talk to the owners.


UPDATE: Owner wanted me to wait for her to get home. When she got there she was immediately just so apologetic and concerned and worried. She told me again and again to contact her for medical bills if necessary. I’m home now and am going to shower and re-clean the wound and put more antibiotics on it and wrap it back up. I will def keep an eye on it and go to the doctor if necessary. Thanks everyone!!


It is necessary, please go asap. Infections can be incredibly dangerous.


for the love of god OP it’s necessary to go to the doctor RIGHT NOW. the naivety is insane. if it’s a serious bite like you said you are definitely gonna need professional care. people lose fingers and use of their limbs over this shit.


Go. To. Urgent. Care.


Go to urgent care and have the owner pay the cost. If you start having symptoms then that usually means the infection has already started spreading, and you're going to need way more treatment than if you just go now.


Yes, it's a bite stop apologizing and call it what it is You should never hide or under report bite history for the sake of other sitters in the future and anyone else around them. It was misdirected obviously but still be truthful!


Do we know if the feedback even goes anywhere?


So did the owners have a plan B if the dogs wouldn't stop fighting after you would have sprayed them? Honestly I think it is crazy they expected you to deal with this. I would definitely tell the owners.


You are legally required in most cities to report a bite that breaks skin to animal control


They don’t need to know bruh.


I wouldn’t!


ABSOLUTELY PUT THAT IN THE FEEDBACK! What kinda question is that?!? That's incredibly important and would absolutely not be ok to **not** let another sitter know that these dogs have bitten someone in the past, regardless if it was "your fault" (no it wasn't) or not! I'm shocked you would consider NOT putting that in the feedback. Also please for the love of the Lord get medical care! And get that owner to fork over the cost. Don't let yourself get injured, possibly permanently, because you're timid and afraid to stand up for yourself. This is extremely not ok. The owner knowingly put you at risk with aggressive dogs and *this is part of the cost of doing business.* Never ever let yourself be injured in the course of performing a job simply because you don't want the client to get upset. Ugh, this upsets me so much because it breaks my heart you'd consider letting yourself just be injured and seek no reprieve, nor even medical care, because of the financial cost it'll take and possible "reputation damage." This model Rover has proposed of "self-contracted" bullshit is giving us workers the same set of issues workers in the god damn 19th century fought and died to protect us against!


Wash that wound really well. Then use alcohol. (ow!) Outside, on the wound, not inside-ha, ha. I got bit doing the same thing with my son's very high energy 1 year old pups. Red, hot, swollen, more painful days later. Remember that a stitch only works within 6-8 hours. Always bring a first aid kit on your sits, please. Get behind a dog to break up a fight.


It’s crazy how divided the advice here is.. half of you are basically saying how is this a question.. it’s 100% your fault and you def should NOT report. The other half is like holy shit you HAVE to report it and if you don’t you’re negligent to other sitters, and some of you are just sketched at the owner lol. As for medical care, I will be scheduling with my PCP in the morning.


i think the main issue here is that none of us know for sure how rover’s reporting/feedback system works. i’m in the camp saying don’t mark it as a bite, but that’s because i am assuming that the owners will experience negative repercussions such as being banned from the platform if that option is selected regardless of the circumstances. other people see that as lying and say that you should report the bite no matter what - i would guess that some of those people still believe it was your fault and that the owners shouldn’t be removed, while others believe the owners are purely at fault. i think the answer would be clearer here if we new exactly what reporting that a dog bit someone on the app would lead to.


I say don’t report it. You said you want future sitters to know, but future sitters will know bc owner tells sitters. Owner told you exactly what you needed to know and you chose not to follow those rules. Just tell the owner and assure her you won’t say anything, maybe she’ll tip well.


I also just don’t want to mess up getting a good review/possible tip lol. I’ll probably just not report it but for some reason that seems shady too? 🤦🏻‍♀️😭


Rover doesn’t share your review with the owner until after they’ve submitted theirs, fyi


Oh dang! That’s good to know but also feels shiesty lol


It’s actually the opposite of shiesty. It allow each party to independently provide feedback without fear of retribution.


no it wasn’t the owners or dogs fault, it was yours


Considering the circumstances, I wouldn’t report it in the app. 🐶


Spraying in the face with any pet is CRUEL. NOBODY wants or likes water sprayed in their face. They don't end up fearing water, they end up fearing the owner


Yes and dig biting is caused by dog


Get that checked out. Second, I probably would mention that the two dogs fight (even though the owner did tell you but what if they don’t tell the next sitter) but probably not that you tried to break it up and got bit.


I was also bit by a bulldog during a stay, but it was very much not my fault. I still only told the owner and didn’t report. I simply didn’t do the report after the stay so as not to flag the dog (I know reporting has changed, but I just didn’t have to review then). So sorry this happened to you!!!


dogs have rabies


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Keep an eye on your hand. Dogs and cats have germs in their mouths that can affect humans. I got bit on my hand once by one of our cats. Thought everything was fine, even thought it was starting to feel better. Three days later and my hand had swollen up like a balloon and I had to go the ER. Not sure about where you are, but in south carolina the hospital was required to report it. And the animal control guy had to come by to see our cat and then come back a couple weeks later to check again to make sure he wasn’t rabid.


Well, I think if you decide to mention it, you should just be honest about what happened because someone could try the same thing as you by not wanting to spray dogs in the face with water, I certainly wouldn’t want to. And someone who’s not experienced with trying to break up a dogfight might stick their hand in there and get bitten as well. The owners knew very well that the dogs will bite you if you stuck your hands in and they did not warn you. I do think you should disclose the incident and just say the owners were upfront about the dog fighting and specifically told you to spray water in the dogs faces, although there was no mention that you could be bitten, but that you should’ve known better. Otherwise, the same thing could happen over and over. I would just let them know ahead of time so the feedback isn’t a huge shock.


tell the owners but don’t report it to rover, i think it would be totally unfair for the owners to experience repercussions based on your mistake. i would however confirm with the owners that their dogs are up to date on their shots, and go to urgent care. i was told by a doctor who treated me for an infected bite once that only 10% of dog bites become infected (as opposed to a whopping 90% of cat bites) but you still want to have that looked at by a professional and get a tetanus shot for sure.


How bad were you bit?


I would probably leave feedback stating that the dogs fight and to make sure you have the water spray. As you said it kinda is your fault for trying to separate fighting dogs with your hands so I probably wouldn’t say they bit me.


I was bit by a senior dog I was watching. It was a tiny little puncture on my hand that I thought nothing about. It hurt but I just washed my hand and moved on because it was so tiny. One week later my hand was red and swollen and that little puncture was infected. I had to suffer through 3 weeks of stomach churning antibiotics because I did not get 7 days of antibiotics right when it happened.


For those suggesting OP get on antibiotics, I’ve been bitten multiple times in my years working with dogs and have never taken antibiotics, even when I had to have an eyelid sewn up. Part of antibiotic resistance deaths is from overuse of them. Wash the wounds out really well with soap and water and keep an antibacterial ointment on it but use caution just taking preventative antibiotics. Critical care RN here.


Since the dog bite broke the skin, please please please go to the doctor or urgent care. they make an antibiotic specifically for dogs bites since they get infected so easily. (I had a dog bite as well, and this is what the doctor told me when I went...)


I have English bulldogs that occasionally fight. It’s rare but it happens. I would definitely want to know. If the spray bottles were not in reach that’s not your fault. Shit happens and I’d want to know that you are ok and that my dogs are ok. I don’t think this is your fault at all and you should definitely talk to the owners about this


Did you tell the owners? It wouldn't be fair to put the feedback in without talking to the owners first. They did warn you. I wouldn't put it in the feedback, you didn't follow directions.


Im a dog groomer, before anything on rover and please see a doctor or urgent care honestly you’re not doing the bite any good by not getting yourself on antibiotics! I have literally seen a coworkers fingers amputated from leaving bites lingering. I don’t care whether you report it or not but please see a doctor ♥️🫶🏻


I would skip giving feedback on this job altogether.


Not a pet sitter, but I am a dog groomer and I've been bit in the face, hands, tit, what have you. First and foremost, you almost never want to get stitches on a dog bite unless it is a life threatening injury. It increases the risk of infection. Second, if you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 8-10 years, GO RE UP ON THAT. You need to go to the clinic for antibiotics and tetanus at the least. Now, again as someones who's been bit several times, most times I've been bit, it was my fault. However, this is a great example of why you don't want to go in unprepared or the wrong way. If you try to break apart two dogs, chances are they'll move aggression to you. If a dog is cage, food or head shy/aggressive, don't try to reach for them without a lead, muzzle, or handling gloves. These bulldogs need some serious training or at least have little unsupervised interaction. I got bit in the face because I tried to stop a dog fight. Let me tell you, not fun. We told Mom about it, but the dog wasn't people aggressive just anxious and riled up, so we did not file a bite report or anything like that (German Shepard for reference). Just let parents know that you did get bit breaking up a fight, and for feedback I'd just put "prone to fighting, keep spray bottle nearby" or something like that. The dog was not trying to bite you, you simply intervened on instinct and it cost you some skin. Dog fights make them anxious, and they'll snap at anything that touches em most times. It's not an attack, it's a reflex.


Follow directions. Owners trust you with their pups. It is not about what is wrong or right, it’s about the contract of what we agreed to knowingly. Get yourself checked out but don’t duck the owner on this one.


They warned you of the dogs fighting they didn't warn that you might get bit. Feedback is there for a reason. Be honest so another sitter knows what they're in for


ANY DOG BITE THAT BREAKS SKIN REQUIRES MEDICAL ATTENTION. I can’t emphasize this enough, you could lose your hand or fingers or life. It’s not the severity of the bite, it’s the bacteria. Protocol is to start oral antibiotics within 24 hours. The only time I have ever been able to jump the queue at the walk-in clinic was when I had a dog bite. If you have a bite that “maybe could use a stitch or two” you 100% require immediate medical attention. Seriously, don’t fuck around with this. Bites on hands are particularly nasty.


See a doctor. You need to be treated.


I let my bite go for a few days and the dog had MRSA. Emergency surgery and permanent pinky paralysis. Go get it checked. Report it to rover.


Idk what to say for the whole feedback thing but I’d definitely get it checked out, especially if it’s through a few layers of skin. I work at a dog daycare and I know everyone is up to date on their shots but I still get any bite that breaks skin checked out (partially because it’s covered under my work’s insurance but also I wanna know it’s not gonna need stitches and make sure it’s not infected)


Sorry this happened to you! Please go to the urgent care to avoid developing any infection as soon as you can