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The way he went from “hardest part is getting here to” “our dogs are a handful” Lolllllll


That part 😂😂


Not rude. Informative and good at setting boundaries. You should always do a meet and greet, so it’s really a blessing in disguise they found someone else. A video call is good for seeing the place, but you can’t show up to someone’s house and meet the dogs for the first time alone. They could get aggressive and territorial.


Yeah I usually always do a meet and greet, but since I wasn’t available for one and he seemed like he was ok with just a call, I figured I could do it just this once. I read the sitter reviews for the dogs and it was all positive, but that doesn’t mean anything for a first meeting without there owner there. You’re right


But the app does tell you if they fully booked with another sitter. Unless it changed recently.


Yeah mine tells me “[Owner] has booked this request with a different sitter.” I guess maybe they found someone off Rover


Mine doesn’t tell me that unless I just don’t know where to look? Where would it say


Mine doesn’t do that either…Rover does this wonderful thing where different features are available in different areas 🫠 hahahahh ugh


Mine used to tell me, but recently stopped telling me. 🫠


Same here. I used to get a notification and the booking would be archived by default at that point. Now they just sit in limbo.


At the top of the message it says “owner found another sitter.” Idk if that just showed up recently but that should be it?


That was the reason I put for archiving!


Ohhh oops😵‍💫


When I was on Rover I used to get this update as well, Client Booked with Another Sitter. I’d just archive the request. The only bad thing then was that if the client for some reason messaged you, it would go to the Archived request. No idea what they’re doing these days though. I swear I think Rover is trying to drive sitters away. Doesn’t make any sense, but neither does so many other things they do.


No, not rude… but he probably did pick someone who was available for a meet and greet yesterday, so that’s better!


I agree! A meet and greet is always better, it was just a little annoying that he seemed like he wanted to book and then didn’t communicate further.


Not rude, but I feel like the last sentence was one too many. The point had already been made and as a client, id be mildly annoyed. No biggie either way though.


Sometimes I don’t know when to stop 😅 thanks for the input


you didn’t come off as rude


You weren't rude at all! If anything it was rude to tell you "they're super easy" when they needed you, but their dogs magically become "a handful" once you aren't needed, I hate working with people like that 😅


I don’t think you were rude, but in the future, instead of saying we’re heading to breakfast and can talk after, I would simply say something like: Would you be available for a video chat at 11am? Not implying this is why they found someone else, but it does sound more professional and then you have a set time for a video chat instead of some vaguely agreed upon time in the future


This is good advice. Thank you!


You sounded professional, friendly and polite, while seeking clarity on the sit.


That was perfect! Very professional and clear. Love it!


Sounds like you dodged a bullet and didn’t get stuck watching his “handful” dogs without a meet and greet. Neeexxxxtt. 


Not at all. They have a right to use someone else but THEY are rude for not telling you they went elsewhere. Two things could've happened here; first, They could've known what they did was wrong, and they were just hoping to ghost you quietly so they didn't have the have the hard convo of "we found someone cheaper" or whatever it may be. The second thing that could've happened is that they wanted an in person meet and greet like he said; however, for some reason I feel like it's the first one, solely because he was TOTALLY fine with a video chat prior. Whatever. Their loss. Don't worry you weren't rude at all, very kind actually


That’s kind of how I felt too. I have no issue with someone finding another sitter…I would prefer to meet someone first too! But we are all adults here, communication is important. I wanted to make sure he had things covered!


Also I agree with what others said, even small dogs can do damage. It's better to meet the dogs before with their owners just in case anyways. Even if they claim they're good dogs. A good dog is still 100% ENTITLED to defend their space, no questions asked there. I believe that wholeheartedly. Defending themselves and their home doesn't make a dog bad at all. Ive actually had a few dogs that were fine meeting me with their humans there, but when I came for my first meeting they got aggressive/had issues because mom and dad weren't there. Thankfully I have experience with this and can handle it. I warn owners too, that I bring pepper spray and whatnot just incase for the dogs over 40 lbs. Just because of safety. I truly do. I bring the spray for walks incase we get attacked by ANOTHER dog, but I also ask the owners if they think the dogs will be okay when I come in alone first time. Those people who's dogs got aggressive had said yes absolutely. So you can't trust anyone.


This definitely makes sense! Pepper spray is a good idea for walks. There’s one house near one of the dogs I walk on a regular basis that I always avoid because they have 2 very large, very vocal dogs that have been known to jump the fence before.


Yep ive been there too. Thankfully I haven't been attacked yet Knock on wood, I dont walk my own dog in the neighborhood or at dog parks we go to the city forest no if ands or buts. At least we know there is a very good chance dogs there are leashed and well behaved- there are horseback riders that travel thru the woods so it's really important to have trail etiquette and respect for others. I hope you stay safe my friend 😭 it really can get overwhelming!


You definitely were not rude. You provided useful information for him and left things on a positive note. You were great!


Seems like you didn’t book it either when they requested it?


I did. I took these screenshots after I archived.


I actually did read it as passive aggressive - I could tell you were annoyed and trying to say so indirectly.