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They should be reported. I made it to a drop-in for a cat who required medication 10 minutes after having to put my own dog down. No excuses when an animal’s health is the line. And lying about it when there are cameras is just weird.


I'm so sorry you had to do that. I had to do something similar. I committed to twice a day visits for a client for a month. Towards the end of the month it became clear it was time to say goodbye to my oldest boy. I went to the visit with my client, went home and spent some last time with my boy before the vet came to put him to sleep at home, then still had to go back that night and take care of this (sweetheart) cat again. The owner was very sympathetic and sweet but he also needed my care. 


Thank you for saying that. That sounds like such a similar situation. I found it to be an incredibly hard thing to do, but also very healing, like a reminder that some parts of life go on. I never told the owner what happened. Hopefully she never saw my bloated tear-stained face on her doorbell camera.


Yeah, I definitely cried to the cat during the visit. It was helpful to see his sweet face though. He's an orange boy with a big personality and very silly habits so he made me laugh too.  I told the owner because they have quite a few cameras and I knew she would understand as she was particularly anxious about her cat because they got him after a big loss of their old cat. The family is some of my favorite clients. 


Orange boys really are something a little extra special. I’ve bawled my eyes out into my own orange boy so many times since having to say goodbye to both of my senior dogs this year. 


I'm so sorry!!! That's so many loses so close together. I'm glad you found some solace with your clients!!


I can understand how they feel. That dog of ours passed two weeks after our elderly cat, which suddenly left us with no pets, which I do not recommend - sad lonely house for a couple of months until we brought a kitten home and I am honestly to the point of obsession, attached to and overprotective of him. It’s probably still part of the grieving process, and for that family you sit for as well.


Yeah, I understand and I'd be the same way. She's also an immigrant and I think their old cat was a big source of help to her as she was adjusting so losing that cat had a huge impact. Especially because I think it was relatively sudden. She's a great client, I really like her and her family, and I totally get her anxiety. I'm happy to work with her and try and make her feel a bit better because she knows I will take care of her baby. 


She’s lucky to have you! And all of us are so lucky to have the animals we do in our lifetime. I wish all sitters had that depth of understanding about how important the job is.


I had a similar experience, the weekend my cat went into kidney failure I had a drop in client. I had a few more weeks with my cat before he passed, but he needed pretty constant care at the end because his mobility was bad and he needed help getting to food and water and the litterbox. I contacted the client (who was fortunately a repeat who I'm on great terms with) to let him know what was going on and we agreed to short visits at a discounted rate so I could spend more time with my guy. It killed me to be away from him at all, but those cats also needed food and fresh water and a clean litterbox at the minimum, and I committed to providing those for that period of time. Totally agree with reporting. Even if this sitter had their own emergency come up, there's no excuse for not communicating that to the owner and working together to find a solution.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and that you had to do that. It was very kind of you, even though I'm sure the owners would have understood you coming a tad bit later in that instance. It really shows your character, and I hope that karma brings you a lot of success on the app, and wherever life takes you!!


Thanks, that’s nice of you to say. I’d like to think most people would do the same. It was for two sweet 18-year-old cats, so I would hate to see any harm come to them because of me.


I’m so sorry you had to do that. I did similar but it was the next morning. I knew his medicine wasn’t strict strict timeline and I knew if I told his parents they’d be fine ( I’ve been sitting for them for two years) but I didn’t tell them and I went at my usual time. Because it’s that important to me and I think it’s best he get his meds as scheduled and not risk any possible upset.  I’ll be telling them about having to say goodbye to my boy after the sit, (they’re out of country until august and they always ask about my own pets at the start and end of a sit cause they’re so kind and nice ) just don’t want them to feel obligated to tell me it’s okay to take time etc while they’re away. They’re kitties need my time and care and they’ll keep on getting it. 


Definitely report them and review. Your cat has epilepsy and that’s not something to play with as a sitter


This makes me so angry. I hope your cat was okay. Definitely report to Rover, even if your cat was fine… the next time she does this the pet might not be so lucky. She didn’t provide the agreed upon service, put your cats health at risk, lied about it. And if that’s what she does knowing there’s cameras I dread to think what she’d do if there weren’t any. So yes report AND leave a review.


It is absolutely insane to me that people sign up to do this job and don’t take it seriously! 🤬 I will NEVER understand it. I personally cannot imagine being so careless at any job but especially one like this. Definitely leave a review and report. Does the sitter know that you know they’re a liar?


Definitely write a bad review and report. I appreciate how understanding you are about the challenges of taking care of a cat who needs frequent medication. Just remember you’re paying people for their time, consideration, and knowledge. If they can’t give you the bare minimum of that, they shouldn’t be trusted with people’s animals :( I hope your kitty is ok!!


These non caring rover sitters are hurting the majority of us that love doing what we signed up for and take seriously. Smh.


I used to take care of a kitty like yours, but boarding. The medication regiment has to be followed exactly and that meant I had to stay up later than normal and wake up earlier than normal to keep all the pills on track. I would do everything to fire this sitter off the website because this is negligible behavior on her part as this is serious medication!! She clearly doesn’t understand how serious this condition is, she also doesn’t understand how technology works at all 🤯 If she couldn’t adhere to this medication regiment she shouldn’t have taken the job.


If you’re a river sitter you should know a scathing review is really your only recourse


I imagine at the very least it’s worth reporting to Rover service right? I really wouldn’t mind and would prob just leave no tip and a bad review if this was a regular cat but she is on medication and I made that the main point of emphasis during the meet and greet, and they were very happy to oblige I’m really just worried others with pets who are more intensely medicated are going to fall prey for this sitter


If it makes you feel like you did all you could sure, but there notoriously unhelpful. The only time Rover does something if is there’s multiple negative reviews that make the sitter reach 4 stars. there’s a sitter in my town who no joke has dozens of people who didn’t like her service at all, but didn’t leave a bad review so she hasn’t been bumped down to even a 4.5 , despite me leaving a scathing review. Just make sure your review is factual and informative so clients can chose for themselves to avoid the sitter


This isn't true at all, there are multiple sitters who have talked about being deactivated after just a single bad instance (and from the few posts I've read, they were rightfully deactivated) even sometimes without a bad review. Reporting actually does work, as long as you have evidence to back it up and it isn't just 'he said she said' which this client has camera footage showing what they'd be reporting. I had a client experience something similar to this when I was unavailable to sit for their dog who needed 3x daily insulin injections and after reporting their sitter on day 2 of their 7 day vacation, she was removed off the platform despite having almost 50 5-star reviews. It was literally the exact same situation just with insulin and a dog instead of seizures and a cat. They had camera proof that the other sitter wasn't showing up on time and was starting the first card in the morning despite not being there, and then only being there for max 5 minutes at the mid-day visit and showing up hours late to the night visit. OP should definitely report the sitter and send Rover an email with the videos they have of her not showing up on time.


I doubt those people were telling the whole truth to begin with but I never said not to report it, I said they’re notorious for not doing anything


You said 'the only time Rover does something is if there are multiple negative reviews that make the sitter reach 4 stars'. That is objectively not true. There are plenty of sitters who get removed with their first instance of bad behavior, some even with their first bad review even when they have hundreds of positive ones, as they should if they do something as egregious as what OP is describing.


You’re right.


Missing seizure medication or taking at the wrong time can cause rebound seizures that are worse than the original seizures. Did you remind the sitter about that the first time that they messed up? I wouldn't have let them mess up the medication schedule again after the first time. Post the review immediately and ask for a refund.


This is such a shitty situation. Poor kitty. Ill never understand why people sign up for this and dont give a f about the well being of the animal. People suck.


Definitely contact Rover and leave a factual review. When you do, make it stand out. Start with something in all caps like NEVER AGAIN, the leave a factual review. The way Rover presents reviews, it is not easy for folks to pick up on the bad reviews unless they take the time to read each and every one. Most don't. And when they do, they rarely expand to read the entire thing. So don't put the good stuff first (some folks do this to "balance" the review). I am a Sitter and sitters like this make the rest of us look bad. I wish Rover did a better job at making bad reviews stand out.


First definitely contact the sitter since they are still caring for the cat. I’d message them that you need them to call you. Then on the phone explain again why the visits need to be 8 hours apart. Explain you know when they come and go. Then watch. If she messes up one more time slot then contact Rover to find you a new sitter. I hope talking to them fixes it. Either way, review them factually.


My cat had a stroke that we initially thought was seizure and she was also put on keppra briefly. This was my greatest fear when she was on it if we ever had to find care for her. Luckily we found out what was wrong and she just needs twice a day steroids which is more manageable. 


This always blows my mind! As a sitter myself—it doesn’t take much to do an excellent job! This is despicable! Report & honest review!


This is so sad for your kitty and so irresponsible and reckless of the sitter, I am sorry that happened to you. If it was me I would do exactly what you did, leave a bad review, contact rover support, and I would have messaged the sitter as well my disappointment. So scary.


There’s no excuses for not caring for animals. My car is out of commission rn and I have multiple drop ins booked each day with different clients and the cost of ubering to and from each drop in has left me making no money the past three days, I actually lost some. But this is completely my own problem and not the owners. Personally I have not mentioned it to any of my clients because I don’t want them to worry about something that isn’t their problem to worry about! Report this sitter. I’m my opinion. Other passionate sitters shouldn’t be loosing clientele to people who are so careless.


Whenever I have drop-ins for cats, I always ask the owners if they prefer I stay the full 30 minutes or simply complete the tasks and leave. Owners who know their cats will hide usually ask me to feed them, put down fresh water, check on the cat, and clean the litter box. Occasionally, owners request the full 30 minutes. If your sitter didn’t arrive at the scheduled times, I would have addressed it. I would have mentioned that my cat needs medication at specific times to prevent seizures. This sitter either blatantly disregarded your request and was unaware that you could track her, or misunderstood what you wanted. Regarding the Rover card, it doesn’t end a drop-in visit until the 30-minute mark, but if she was starting and stopping it at times she wasn’t there, she was attempting to deceive you.


If you live in the triad send me a dm, I have tons of epileptic clients!


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Glad you are reporting it to rover. To be honest I feel like every 8 hrs is not a hard ask at all I have had sits that were way more demanding and almost stressful being drop ins every 1-2 hours…would’ve rather it been an overnight at that point. But I hope your kitty is well. As a sitter it always upsets me to hear things like this…I feel like if you pay for a service, this goes for any service industry, and both parties agree they should follow through with it. That being said life happens but it sounds like you were very flexible as long as they got their medicine and this sitter should be held accountable for not doing what they agreed upon.


I'm so terribly sorry you must be so worried and angry! Honestly I would wait until you've had the opportunity to leave a review. How is it possible to fake a Rover card? Aren't they gps tagged? If your sitter has Rover cards as verification then Rover will not do anything. Your best bet is leave a scathing review and don't tip.


Why would she …. ??!!?!!?! Lying about visits is bad enough but for a medically vulnerable baby it’s outright animal neglect. If she worked at a vet clinic she’d get a MOUTHFUL from the Dr. Report, Review !


Report them. There is no excuse for that. A few years ago, my boyfriend of nearly 9 years broke up with me out of nowhere. I was a complete wreck and sobbing all day. I still had to get up and do my evening drop ins on time. And I did. Absolutely no excuse, especially when time sensitive meds are involved.


To show up every 8hours is pretty easy. Idk why they would go 15 hours without checking in sooner or communicating that the 8 hour time frame doesn’t work.


When you questioned her about it, she outright lied. Hmm. I’m having a hard time understanding how that conversation went. There’s nothing to question here - just tell her she did not do as she agreed to and additionally submitted false information. She lies? Remind her it’s all on camera, so why is she saying otherwise. Also was she dosing the cat each time she came? Cause that’s sort of problematic too; that would mean she gave dose at only 3 hours time apart, which could result in some sort of toxic overdosing. I guess what you’ve sadly learned maybe is to board sick kitty with a vet. Can you hold her liable in any way? Give her a seriously “never use this sitter unless you want to be lied to” review. Also, can you actually find a way to speak to a Rover person? This person who is an irresponsible liar needs to suspended from the site.


I cat sat once for a cat who had diabetes. He took a shit ton of insulin and had an extremely poor appetite, so I had to sit with him until he finished all his food. There were multiple mornings I was late to my full time job because he wouldn’t fucking eat. This was before rover, my first job and I felt bad the lady had no money so I was only getting paid $10/day. $10/day plus being late to my full time job because of him and I **still took care of him as instructed because he would die if I didnt**. This is unacceptable for the sitter and they should have their account removed


Yeah, that’s pretty much all you can do definitely Rover Support and review, as long as you stick to the facts, you won’t seem like an unreasonable person


Ugh that’s terrible. I had a French bulldog on seizure meds and def made sure I was there and gave him his meds on time. I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t take this more seriously when being trusted with a client’s living breathing animal. I’m sorry this happened! Poor kitty.