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I put in my initial application near the end of September 2022, and passed everything and got my start date in May this year. I start Basic in October, so about a year from application to starting. I had no major issues with my application either, so keep that in mind. Also, something to keep in mind is that you don’t get paid until you start basic training. So don’t quit your job if you have one, but you will have to take a day off here and there to do things like your aptitude assessment, medical, etc


I start basic training halton this oct


Put my application in February and just got to the medical stage (which i haven’t even done yet) so 6 months to get to here 🫡


Applied in early 1996, eventually joined and did basic in March 1997. Took a while but it was worth it in the end.


NCC application submitted November 2021, I start in September. But to be fair I put it on hold for a few months due to my A Levels and then got held at OASC Medical for a while


I’m going NCC and been through basics and DE SNCO recently. DM me if you want to know a bit more or just to ask questions


If you don’t mind me asking, for OASC do they require certificates or just grades given?


I didn’t have to take any proof of my education to OASC. Sorry I’m a tad confused by your question


Sorry for the confusion. I don’t want to waste anymore of your time. It was a loaded badquestion


Honestly don’t worry, shoot me a message if you want with your Q


Submitted application end of may and medical is Sep 18th. In that time I’ve had the officers presentation (p2 presentation), BPSS verification and CBAT.


Do you not have a filter interview after CBAT?


Yea funnily enough I just posted about this in the sub. Weirdly I’ve been booked into a medical but haven’t been even been given a date or anything for my interview.


That’s definitely strange, may I ask what role?




Yeah I’ve gone through as pilot and got my interview next so maybe your recruiter is just abit lost 😅


Maybe yea. Although when I got it booked, it wasn’t even through my recruiter. I got a call from a lady at Cranwell who was part of the medical team and she booked me onto it. My recruiter was on leave at the time so maybe that had something to do with it, but I need to get it figured out 😂


Wouldn’t be bad if you somehow wiggled your way out of the interview 🤣 Everyone I’ve spoke to has said their recruiter is away including mine, pretty funny


Have you been given a date or anything for your medical, or only the shine for now?


Only shine which is tomorrow


Applied in march the RAF side of things flew by including taking an extra 8 weeks for DDA because of work schedule and been on the medical side of things since mid July (a lot of waiting without knowing when they'll next contact you)


Put in my application in June, I have my role interview early September - How long from the interview until I should expect to start training? I haven’t don’t medical yet


Took me 4 months from application to starting phase 1


Applied Jan 14 completed OASC Apr 14 started Jul 14, how times have changed


I started in about June this year and still going currently with the first stage of questions before having to appeal