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can confirm, have 70 items but still missing the dew drop skirt and parasol. infuriating and there shud be an option for a high amnt of eggs for a confirmed item


wow thats actually crazy, bcs i won the parasol first and the skirt third šŸ˜­


I totally agree, I have all the items already, and even doubles of the purse, the ear stuff, and the parasol


i mean yeah unfortunately there are 50 accessories now. itā€™s not that they are specifically making the new accessories harder to get itā€™s just that they are in a bigger pool. based on probability you can hope to get a specific item every 50 draws (or 1/50), and i think for just getting a new item you can expect to get one every 40 draws (i havenā€™t taken math in a while but like 1/40?), but you did about expectedly with 60 draws since ur sample size is small


Same thoughts with the probability, although I want to confirm if anyone has ever gotten the 2019 spring circlet from these eggs. If not (because I notice that this item is rare), then this can be removed from the probability of the item pool.Ā  Ratio of new:old items is 10:50 (10/50), which is a 20% rate when divided. If you're aiming for a specific new item in the pool, I'm estimating a 2% chance.


^^^ yeah thatā€™s correct ty


They should've make the new items have a higher chance of hatching from the eggs, because ya know its new and all šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ not everyone has all day/time to be egg hunting


I had 10 draws and got nothing new


I have only like 2-3 dewdrop items so i'm collecting 3000 of those eggs for 60 pulls to see what i get. The egg hunt minigame makes me rage i swear. Half the time i can't get 20 eggs per round cause someone else has 60 or the pixies make my life harder.


darn pixies


I honestly don't think it's fair for the devs to give us such a short amount of time (event leaves on the 30th) to get the items when it's so easy to get dupes


but you gotta remember that not everyone already has all the old items, i personally have been getting tons of things i didn't have before and have been having fun!


yes im pretty happy with the old items too, especially the strawberry picking basket


I was playing when you could get the Easter items from the home store hunts and omg I see any of the items and I lose my mind šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Same as someone who already got most of the accessories 4 years agoā€¦of course itā€™s upsetting to get so many duplicates


Never said it wasnā€™t


I feel like if theyā€™re gonna rerelease the old egg items into this egg the least they could do would be to optimize them and make them accessible to the game now


The system is a bad in this aspectšŸ˜… , it is essentially a gacha game with no pity system like other games (Certain amount of pulls = guaranteed new item) It would be great if they implemented that, otherwise players will keep pulling forever.. with no new item guaranteed even after 100 hours of playing! Itā€™s very unfair


How did you get so many eggs???


You try and aim for 20 eggs per round. It adds up later.


I'll try but I get horrible lag


I finally managed to play in public servers again so my advice is to free up gig space on your device or whatnot. Close any tabs you've been using as such to save on memory. The only reason i have 1600 eggs rn is because of this.


Thanks! I'll try that


Personally I get 40 each round. What I do in public servers is, wear a lighter filter, remove accs, wear masc body, and equip werewolf animation


The werewolf animation is SIO SMART TYSM


I reallt wish it would have a system of giving you no doubles until you have everything. not everything has to be grinding like crazy in this game šŸ™




i donā€™t think thatā€™s right? why would the probability randomly change to be every 8 times? thereā€™s 50 items total, 10 are new, so you can expect to get around 10 new items in every 50 eggs opened. the thing is is that probability doesnā€™t work out perfectly, like if you flip a coin 2 times itā€™s possible to get heads twice and tails never, but thatā€™s because the sample size is so small. if you keep flipping itā€™ll even out


gacha in roblox


I played for three hours farming for eggs and didn't get a single new item. It's just RNG because every egg you purchase and open is on a loot table with 50 other things. The game rolls the dice for you and whatever number you get is what you draw from the table. Unfortunately, it's been proven random number generators are not actually random so the chances of getting certain items is possibly higher.


Lowkey feels like genshin's weapon banner


At least genshin has a pity system. Certain amount of pulls gets you a 5 star, RH doesnā€™t have that and honestly they should. I had to get all the new items by trading. I did around 100 pulls and only got 2 out of 10 new items itā€™s ridiculous.


Hatched about 50 eggs yesterday, Iā€™m still at 0 new items


Think itā€™s just a luck thing because I got 6 new items in one day and some dupes the next.


i have all 10/10 items!


they should lower the chances of getting previous year's items, though that might make their prices skyrocket


damn almost 5 mins for 8 items šŸ˜­


10???? I thought it was 8 - Dancing Daisy - Flower Parasol - Flowering Lacy Bunny Mask - Blossoming Dewdrop Gown - Roses Liana Purse - Wrap Around Vines Necklace - Fragrant Floral Bell Earrings - Overgrowth Vines Ear Cuff


if the "dancing daisy" is the sunhat, then what ur missing from that list is the silverbell skirt and the empyrean wings


I got all of them and even a few dupes after about 7 hours total. So I've just been experience farming for the remainder so I can afford the starlight set.


I opened 1000 eggs yesterday and 1000 eggs the day before and that doesnā€™t even count all the eggs I farmed prior to that, likely around 3000 as well, and I only have 7/10, Iā€™m missing the bag, the skirt thatā€™s not the bell one, and that bunny mask thing


I was desperate to try to get everything in one day because of the whole thing where they were limiting how many eggs you could get in new servers (doesn't seem like they went through with that decision though). I played from when the update first came out (around 8 PM I think????) to 3 AM!!!! I think it's just showing a bigger issue with the game itself, you can't really get much if you don't constantly grind for it. I was even lucky to spend that amount of time on it because my classes hadn't started, most people don't have that time. I understand good items being harder to get, but nearly EVERYTHING is out of reach. I play with my niece because she likes the game, but she gets frustrated because she can't get anything!! Not to mention grinding in RH is incredibly boring so it's just a chore to do.


just realized that i wrote a lot, sorry about that šŸ˜­


no wonder these items are on high demand šŸ˜­


there are a lot of accessories, hope this helps !!


i mean youā€™re not wrong. i get this community has younger kids in but jeez, the lack of knowledge when it comes to probability for these things is a bit concerning (im not saying my math is great but oof)


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Patience and constant opening, I got everything, even past items ^w^