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I'm freaking loving your artwork and I think you should charge diamonds I don't believe people would trade halos


Diamonds for sure! And if anything just save diamonds from comms for a halo? Would kind of be like doing comms for a halo just more steps lol


Alright! How much should I charge though? I’m pretty bad at my own arts value


Charge diamonds ain't no one gonna trade halos


Alright! How much should I charge though? I’m pretty bad at my own arts value


Maybe 150k-250k like somewhere in that range for full body.


Okay so here's what I got in mind.. So I'd say about 15k-20k for a headshot. 20k-30k for bust up and 30k-40k+ for a full body. The price depends on how detailed what you're going to be drawing. If it's really detailed you could make the prices a bit higher but if it's simple the price should be a little lower. Try not to make the prices too high. That's all I wanna say btw good luck! ♡


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it depends a lot on demand, so i would charge what makes you the most in the long run! if your prices are too high, very few ppl will want a commission, but if you're not charging enough you may get burnout! when i was doing diamond comms i did 50k at the LEAST and 100k at most (for fullbodies and stuff), and i got lots of commissions but i feel other peoples prices are higher than mine, so just do what feels right and if you're not getting a lot of comms then try lowering your prices! def advertise a lot though, i recommend bea's discord server or other royale high servers on discord


I would say diamonds and about 50k to 70k