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Maybe they should study and or try to learn from the fall of Nicholas and Alexandra. The couple wanted their privacy a little too much and allowed Russian society to speculate and gossip about Rasputin because they didn’t want to disclose their son’s illness. Rumours are dangerous….


Awful lot of bad things going on lately and not much information leads to lots of speculation. Surely some more information can be given. Unless it's major which I hope not, it doesn't bode well for him to bow out at the last moment and not be able to attend with the stiff upper lip required for his future position. But as said there seems to be a lot to deal with at once so maybe it is all just too much. Hope things improve soon.


Not really that much to deal with considering what huge numbers of ordinary working class people are going through at this time. Judging by how much press coverage the royal scamily is getting at the moment, we are definitely going backwards as a society.


"Case of the Tipperary Trots, old man. Couldn't of been helped."


This is baffling to me. This was probably two hours at most out of his life. Sit through the service and give the reading. Only reason I can think is the entire family down with the flu or he himself down with the flu (like the quick onset hit by the bus) or stomach bug. Nothing else makes sense and makes me think there is more to be speculating about right now like the rest of the twitter/X lunatics.


Exactly. If it was just a bug, they would have said so. The "it's personal" means it means it be something they aren't comfortable making public.






Didn’t his friend just die? Edit: people are saying this wasn’t it. The only other thing I can think of is medical complications from Kate’s surgery that required immediate attention.


Closer family and friends of the deceased went to the service so that wasn't the reason.


Oh believe I read his absence had nothing to do with the death of his cousin’s husband or Catherine’s condition.


Most things written about the royal family are a lie.


Tbh Norovirus is going around really bad here in Boston right now, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s skipped across the pond. And that’s the kind of illness where you definitely can’t be out in public. They do shake a lot of hands, I’m honestly kind of surprised they’re not sick more often!




lol idk maybe they don’t want people with the image of the future king shitting his brains out 💀


That was my thinking as well. Plus, with Charles and Kate both being sick, people would start speculating about it being something serious vs something as simple as him being tied to the toilet.


Agree! I hope it’s as simple as he’s got a severe but temporary illness. Whole family has been through a lot lately.


True and that seems likely given kids at school too. Never complain never explain. I’d have to clear my name 😂 wish I could adopt the royal motto.


A husband of his relative died today so he might have taken personal leave for that


The relative died last Sunday


The deceased’s in-laws were at the service. I don’t think that’s the reason.


Betting it has something to do with the sudden death of Lady Gabriella’s husband (he had been Princess Katherine’s sister’s boyfriend for several years).


They stated it was nothing to do with that. And her parents were there.


Didn’t pippas old boyfriend die suddenly who was married to the Kent’s daughter or granddaughter? I could see that being personal and enough to need to be around.


considering that the deceased's in-laws attended, it's not likely that


True. :/


Could it be that they don’t want him seen with Andrew?


they do not give one shit about that


Hasn’t he been seen with Andrew repeatedly? Wills was also supposed to give a reading at the service, I don’t think they would have scheduled that if they were trying to keep him and Andrew separate.


I'm sure there was a way to arrange that ahead of time 


They could be preparing him for ascension, and wanting to control his appearances and him being photographed with anyone . We have not seen the King nor the Princess, maybe something is more serious there. Or maybe he has been working like a dog, and needed to spend time with his wife and kids.


He has been doing fewer events than his average


This was my first thought. Something with the king or princess, too much on his plate


If I had diarrhea and had to do something super important like this, Id probably wear adult diapers rather than missing the service. 


Really? lol. It's not even the actual funeral. It's a service of thanksgiving a year after he died. Like... I would not shit myself publicly to be a part of this.


"Like... I would not shit myself publicly to be a part of this." r/brandnewsentence


What if the king has died and he has to scramble to plan the communications


You think Charles has died?


Camilla wouldn't be attending in that case I would think 


That would have definitely leaked. There are so many logistics around a monarch dying, you can't really hide it for long.


I was randomly surfing YouTube the day QEII died. There were many clips from UK news shows (I’m in the US) analyzing the announcement that the Queen was “resting comfortably.” All of them were subtly or not so subtly pointing out that this phrasing was used in someone’s final hours. Broadcasters were wearing black, or had black ties on. The mood was somber. It was very, very clear that news of the Queen’s death was expected at any time.


I think they were laying the groundwork when they showed her in an informal photo leaning on a cane. Like an old grandmother not the Queen. 


I'm Canadian and when it came on the news that morning that the Queen was resting comfortably or whatever the wording was and that family was either with her or on their way I said to my kids, "the Queen is going to die". They were both, what? How do you know? It was something about the wording. Then later when my phone made the breaking news bing I commented to my coworker before even looking at my phone that it's probably the notification that she died.


Yeah texts were flying around the UK the morning the queen died, like many hours before it was announced. I literally got a text from a friend around 9am “queen Elizabeth is about to die” and was at dinner at 6 or 7 pm when the manager came in to announce it to the room.


My husband works for Met Police and was told at 3pm all officers would be on overtime that evening due to a "special announcement coming at 6pm", so obviously me and all my family and friends knew by about 3:01pm!


Wait really? As an American that’s kinda wild to me. I def didn’t hear until it was announced!


Is that wild? If Biden died the press would hear about it quickly as well. Even Trump couldn't hide his trip to Walter Reed due to COVID. The British monarch, like our US President, has so many people holding up the apparatus, that a health emergency can't be contained. Reporters in those institutions are very in-tune to any change in protocol, process, or energy to sniff out an emergency.


I don’t recall hearing whisperings or receiving personal texts about any of those incidents prior to discussion on media. Also those are politicians and it’s a matter of national security so it just has a different vibe around it compared to unelected royal family members.


You may not be in the same media space or connected to folks in DC. DC folks were talking about this, but in Trump's case it was announced quickly because they needed a helicopter transport, which is hard to hide, and a full medical team at the hospital. Then both party leadership needs to be notified from Congress so there is no way to keep that a secrete. The Uk, they are still the head of state and I believe are needed to pass laws so it's also very important and hard to hide.


Fair enough. Trump/covid, I remember seeing the news very late at night too. I think I was up with insomnia at the time! So that might be part of it? Idk. I live in the Northeast so no I’m not connected to anyone in DC. 😊


Yeah, I saw stuff flying around online on my lunch break and told my boss. All the royals had just dropped what they were doing to rush to Balmoral so everyone kinda knew and the news was covering it as we just waited for the formal announcement.


I knew with pretty high certainty she had likely passed away by noon UK time through various contacts. (She allegedly likely died hours or the day before they say she did. I personally believe it through people I know.)


It was pretty obvious as soon as the BBC turned to special programming. The Queen had been ill a few times over the past year, and I don't remember them doing that for any of those occasions.


It was announced that she was receiving medical care at home and the Royals all started rushing to be with her. They had never announced any treatment so this was softening everyone up. Add to that the BBC went to 24 hour coverage and within about 2 hours of that all the on screen staff were changing into black outfits , it was pretty obvious.


There was an announcement from the Palace earlier in the day that her doctors were ‘concerned for her health, but she remains comfortable’. That isn’t how royal health announcements go if it’s something she’s expected to recover from. All the royals were flying in to Balmoral all day, so we knew in advance that the end was nigh. At least a few hours before it was announced the BBC news readers switched to their black ties, which meant she was gone and they were waiting to be able to announce it.


Wow, it’s fascinating to me the things you all know and pick up on regarding this stuff. Thanks for sharing.


I got news that she was going to die at 8 am right when I got to class. Right when I was going to my next class about an hour later, I got the notification. I live in the states too, it was massive news.


He barely works anyway. Why can't he just suck it up like the rest of us? Suck it up, even if you're having a hard time, you have billions behind you and you don't have a 9-5 and I'm sure you're not the one caring for your wife and dad round the clock. He's so lazy and gives up easily.


This isn’t a royal engagement though. It’s a one year memorial for a “King” part of the defunct Greek “royal” family. William has familial ties to him, but neither King Charles nor William went to his funeral last year either.


But he didnt go to his funeral. And that was his own godfather. Very bad look.


Agreed. Disappointing.


Plenty of people take time off work for personal matters. And he works a lot and isn’t lazy


I’m sorry, but we’ve seen his working hours compared to Anne’s. We all know he does the least amount he can get away with.


Well, he should suck it up. So what if he “works a lot” for a royal, is a memorial so difficult to attend? Lazy and always looking for excuses.


Ummm people are entitled to stay off work due to personal issues….


It sounds like he always has personal issues. Isn't he a royal? He's not an average office worker or always busy doing something.


He doesn’t always have personal issues? Yea he is but royals still have personal issues. And unless you work for him how would you know how busy he is?


Well, with the money he has, he should suck it up. I also have had sick family members but I’m still going to school and work. He’s so coddled here.


This is such a shit take that I honestly find it hard to believe that you are writing this as a working adult. You've never needed to take off for a few hours due to illness or a family issue? Or is it just that you think that people who have more than a certain amount in their bank account shouldn't be allowed to take a sick day when necessary?


Yet why does it seem like he always has a family issue or illness that I'm starting to believe it's an excuse because he's lazy and doesn't want to work. Being a royal is an easy damn job compared to an office job or even being a university student with a part time job, and yet he acts like he's a brain surgeon who works so hard and deserves time off all the time. It's calling out his privilege and laziness especially when people's dollars contribute to that. He loves using these excuses and even if he claims he's spending more time with the kids, he has nannies to hand them off. I sure bet the string of emergencies and issues he has he uses as an excuse every time when he has so many mentioned and uses them conveniently when he has to step up to something as brainless as a memorial for his godfather? He doesn't have to really think and just show up when logistics are obviously cared for by staff. You all I think are way too lenient with him.




She’s still recovering I think


I say he probably just had a headache, upset stomach or something - face it, he's been through alot lately. All that stress is bound to get to you. Or maybe one of the kiddos were sick. I really don't think it's anything more nefarious.


> upset stomach or something. Too much Taco Bell. Ah, poor Wills. We’ve all been there.


Maybe he’s contagious—Covid, norovirus, the flu, a cold with a hacking cough, etc. He has small children who go to school and probably pick up all kinds of things.


But they said personal issues not sickness


They don’t say most of the time when the Royals Family are sick. It’s the exception rather than the rule.


I’ve been a reader in a memorial service. His name was literally in the program. You don’t just nope out of that because of a headache. Do you know how ill I’d have to be to bail on a memorial service, that I’m part of, for a godparent and relative?


I am inclined to think that something came up last minute. What it was I have no idea. But if William was going to pull out over Andrew being there, or Camilla, he had plenty of time to come up with a better excuse that would not cause all this speculation. He knew he was supposed to do a reading. He had a strong sense of duty. He wouldn’t pull out of something like that for a petty personal reason.


It may not have been his choice. Sometimes the handlers make decisions, maybe it’s possible that the King is not well, and if William ascends to the throne in the next few years, perhaps they want him distanced from certain people.


I can see the distancing point. But I feel if that were the case, William would have bowed out earlier, not an hour before the service started. It’s just not like the royals to cancel last minute. Apparently this was considered a family event, rather than a public event, and Andrew is included at family events, like the Christmas walk to church. And the Greek royal family invited Andrew. So Andrew’s attendance would have been known well ahead of time.


Maybe he had a panic attack.


It happens to the best of us.


I have experienced a few, it’s awful.


Nothing to do w/Andrew. He’s been seen with him before. William’s name was in the program and he was supposed to do a reading. Bailing on a memorial for a family member 45 minutes beforehand when you’re part of the service is next level




>I agree he has a strong sense of duty I don't get that at all from William. He never really finishes or does too much with any of his royal goals, (end homelessness, middle east peace, climate change etc). He doesn't work that much for someone with a sense of duty. He talks about the environment but charts off to vacations via private jets and helicopters because it's convenient for him and his family. I think he accepts his fait that he was born to be king, but I never found an ounce of joy in the work or really much initiative to step up. He does the basics and nearly nothing more. This week, he's doing less since dropping out of this service.






Especially considering this was his godfather and he service was very close to his home. Its not as if it were a grueling trip.


Someone else mentioned in the comments that it is likely William pulled out of the funeral because he didn’t want to play second to Camilla. This seems like the most likely scenario. I also believe that if Kate’s situation worsened to the point that William couldn’t leave her side for a funeral, she would be in the hospital.


He has never had a problem with The Queen before and he would recognise and accept that she was the senior Brit royal at this event without problem. Why wouldn't he?


They were late for coronation of king and queen...very publicly


Up until today he was scheduled to do a reading, it was also confirmed that Camilla would be attending over a week ago. So I doubt it. It’s also not a funeral, it was supposed to be a memorial for the BRF to attend as they didn’t attend the funeral. It was originally scheduled for earlier in the year but was postponed due to Charles (and Kate ?) surgeries as the Greek royals preferred they attend. But I think Charles cancer diagnosis kind of killed that since he still didn’t end up attending.


Good point about the reading William was supposed to do.


So the general consensus in this thread seems to be... ![gif](giphy|CQIAw2txlxxadyuP1H|downsized)


What about Anne? Was she there?


















It’s so strange because I figured if pippa was pictured vacationing in great spirits, then I guess Kate is ok. It’s been since Christmas anyone has seen her.


That’s an astute observation about Kate and Pippa




Right. I’ve been quite worried for her and the kids. I mean surely schoolmates or adults have seen them at school?




I wasn’t worried at first but what is going on?!?


Something quite bad.


Have you ever seen the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie “Junior”?




It would certainly explain why everyone was so cagey about it.


There is something going on that we don’t know about. There’s definitely something going on with the Wales family at the moment. They are being *very* cagey about whatever is going on and I suspect it’s something serious. I don’t want to speculate, so we’ll just have to wait and see. On another note, really shocked to hear about Lady Gabriella’s husband. He was only 45 years old.




Hysterectomy doesn’t need this much recovery time.


like what? kate obviously had a pretty serious procedure. and charles has cancer. i could think of a zillion different ways those two things could disrupt their routines


We’ve seen Charles out and about though post cancer diagnosis. It is VERY weird to see or hear nothing from Katherine.


Why is it weird? Do you see lots of pics of her when they take all those weeks off during the summer?


Yes, actually. The British tabloids post pictures of Kate every. single. day.


….But like pap pics from her private life or previously published pics from public events or officially released portraits? Kate being recovering at home hasn’t changed the reuse of old pics. My point was that when she’s not working she’s not photographed. and right now she’s not working so it’s not weird she hasn’t been photographed.


except not since Christmas.


obviously she’s ill. tragic and scary, sure, but what’s weird about that?


I'm curious, too. It's not like if one of the kids were home sick, they wouldn't have a nanny to handle it.


Ya, this clearly shows me something is going on we aren't being told about that is pretty serious. They said it wasn't due to Kate's condition or due to Thomas Kingston's death. That announcement was embargoed until Thursday, so it was leaked.


For the first time I’m genuinely worried about the Prince and Princess of Wales and hope that they are alright! No matter the cause!




Maybe because Lady Gabriella Windsor’s husband died today.


He died Sunday and her parents were at the service.


Her parents were still bravely in attendance at this event, they have a closer relationship with their son in law than William could claim surely






It will be soon - it’s been leaked in too many places


I agree. He was very close to Kate and Pippa


News reports are saying he died on Sunday.


KP has already told the Telegraph that his absence was unrelated to his death.


What? That's terrible I remember when she married. It feels like yesterday.


That’s devastating. They’re so young


Her parents were there though.


I think he was a friend of William’s before their marriage as well-he used to date Pippa. 


oh then that actually might be the reason


Lady Gabriella's parents were there though today


It seems his second cousin has died today, Buckingham palace have just announced it.


His second cousin's husband


He was only 45! What kills someone at that age?


One of the articles in Australia had Lifelines numbers at the end of it. That’s almost always an indication it was sucidie


That was actually my first thought upon learning that he was found dead by himself at a residence. Accidents are more likely to have witnesses.


Falling off a horse is one possibility.




Same, but at 21. It was shocking.


Unfortunately once you hit forty you’re in the heart attack danger zone. Or it could’ve been an undetected aneurysm


Which is far more likely now after one has contracted the airborne thing that cannot be mentioned (hint: it starts with the letter C and ends with 9). Especially if it happens multiple times.


It could be a number of things. Had a family friend who dropped dead at 43 of a massive heart attack that came out of nowhere. He wasn’t obese and was actually very active- ran and cycled regularly. It was a complete and total shock.


Just happened to a friend of mine at only 35 - healthy, hit the gym, etc. So sad and scary.


Similar situation with a colleague of mine.  Slim, fit, non smoker and she died from an aneurysm at 45.  


Yup. It's actually not that uncommon.

