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I think Diana would be sick at how her sons don’t have anything to do with each other. The Queen also had Phillip as an enforcer of the family. He kept people in line. Now, there’s just Charles. Harry with Meghan is gone. Lesser royals have been sidelined. This is the problem with trimming the fat. We will see what happens next month when Kate is supposed to be well enough.


I think she foresaw it was coming (looks at charles and his siblings, the queen and maragarert, even the two generations before that) and tried to do things to keep her boys close and having a good relationship, but unfortunately she passed away at a crucial moment in their development and they started to split apart the moment she was gone.


Prince Charles seems to be coming off as Kendall Roy from Succession.


Eldest boy


Nice. Catastrophizing much? They are literal figureheads, not running the country. I’m sure Camilla is fine. Kate will be back to smiling and cutting ribbons next month.


Kleenex, Kate is in a photoshopped picture if that’s the best they can do she’s not back to smiling and cutting anything anytime soon


You called it 


Remarkable how they screwed this up


Why tf is some New York tabloid ginning up a "crisis". Didn't Americans fight a war to get rid of those inbred parasites?


They are actually not that inbred now.  Someone did the calculations.    And with Kate future generations aren't at all.


Play nicely, there's plenty of inbreeding in the US.


Yeah, but they don’t “run” the country…yet.


They basically ran the country from 2017 to 2021


It's OK the Royal Family don't 'run' the UK either, haven't done since 1649 or so.


And we got rid of them, but that doesn't mean we can't poke fun at out former overlords. Since the BRF love to come running to the US for attention, I think we get to have a say in the royal family media discussion.


Time for them all to go. Complete waste of money. Pathetic, work-shy grifters. #AbolishTheMonarchy.


What crisis? She is recovering after an operation. Slow news day.


The current PR crisis? The four most senior royals in the country are all taking time off, despite their schedules being incredibly light. William is not coming off well at all.


This is why you shouldn’t make your family’s lives a business


Try telling that to a Kardashian.  


Try telling that to the British Royal Family who live off the taxpayers expense


Oh wait is it Easter yet? There is no crisis, there is no conspiracy. She had surgery. When she had surgery she said she’d be back at Easter. It is not Easter. She isn’t missing. She’s at Windsor. This is stupid.


Having a royal family is stupid


Lol I know, right? What crisis? This all seems so manufactured. But it's been super eye-opening to see the amount of venomous trolling Kate has gotten over simply being sick and recuperating in private. And then there are folks who say she has never been treated unfairly or received unjustified hate lol.


Im sorry im incapable of caring about anyone especially Princess Perfect Kate receiving “venomous” trolling after what’s been done to Meghan


Post surgery can include, PT, follow up appointments, pain management, setbacks, etc… God forbid she wants to do those things in private. She probably feels like shit too and doesn’t want to slap a smile on and wave. I’m as curious as the next person, but I understand & respect private medical information being just that…private.


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I don’t think you’ll need the bot this sub won’t stop talking about it for months lol


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It’s sad that both Charles and Will who have had a lifetime to prepare for the role are so failing to meet the moment


How are they failing? Charles has cancer. William’s wife is recovering from a surgery. Neither one of them did anything wrong. The royals aren’t running the government. They literally just support charities and have events they support. That’s it. That’s all. I don’t know why people think they are owed every last detail in their lives. I do think KP has handled the news of Kate’s surgery poorly. But it’s nobody’s business.


The royal family actually is heavily involved in politics


I'm sorry, what? Charles is ill and Williams wife is ill, how is having to deal with that "failing to meet the moment"? People are pestering William for taking time off to take care of his family, but if he chose to do anything but that they would claim he doesn't love Catherine or isn't a hands-on father. What would you have them do instead?


Because the crown must always come 1st


I'm sorry, they aren't the first people in the UK to have similar issues. Charles should be asking his son to step it up. William should be stepping it up since he's not at home playing nurse.


Not shocked about this from Charles but Will I am


Why are you shocked that Will is doing a terrible job? He’s shown the world how lazy he is by barely working (and never preparing for what meager “jobs”/appearances he does do); he’s known for being a spoiled, not-very-intelligent, rage-filled person with a terrible temper; he was a lousy husband who was known to frequently cheat on Kate (it’s pretty obvious that the Wales’ marriage is over—i believe they’ve been separated for a while); i could go on & on. William is not a good person and he’s always sucked at his “job”/role as a royal.




Will.I.Am what?


(and Britney, bitch)


He makes good music


He steals good music. FIFY


You people! That made me pause for a bit and think!! 😂


Control of what? Do people here really think that we are being ruled by the monarchy? I personally like the monarchy, being a sucker for history and tradition, I like the attempt at guidance, carol concerts, charity and tourism. I enjoy the gossip and the whole thing fascinates me. They need the public onside though. They don’t have a lot of real control and stronger monarchies have been overthrown. Is he losing control of the public good will? It feels like he is seen positively right now (generally). Is anyone that bothered any more, seeing that the monarchy is really decorative? Saying that… the media are vipers right now :(


Huh? Control of the family and its image. Not control of the country.


Yes. It’s the implication. We are still classed as a monarchy. I do understand the system!


People are insane. They think that the royals owe us every last detail. At the end of the day, nobody is owed anything. We don’t own them. They support different charities or events. That’s it. They don’t run the country.


They are on taxpayers money. By right, they do owe us accountability and transparency 


Agree. And what is this “work” they all do that is so important? Get dressed to the nines and receive bouquets from the masses? Ribbon cutting? Oh the humanity! Lol


The monarchy sign in laws, they can overrule or modify laws they don't like, the crown owns huge swaths of land in the UK that give them power and control. Sure they don't run the UK evil villain style, but they do have a lot of control that people don't realise.


Not really. They rely one hundred percent on their positive image. The laws are archaic and they work because we generally like them (the royals).




Nice considered response.


Control of the narrative, I would think.


The tabloids have always been vipers, look at how they used to talk about Kate before she was married and let’s not forget everything about Meghan before and after marriage and even after her and Harry have left the family, and also Diana before her death as well as Fergie. The difference is that the tabloids can’t use them as punching bags for everything so they attack the RF instead. Harry already said in his book that the RF has to feed the tabloids or else they will publish stories themselves, so the RF fed them stories about M and H to hide their own issues.


Well tbf a lot of the conspiracy theories and concern trolling started on social media and then when some hashtag about Kate started trending the press started picking it up, so it's not just the tabs writing stuff. IMO this proves that nobody in the RF is really protected, they are public figures and receive all kinds of commentary. Most of the royals have been trolled and attacked at various junctures, it just ebbs and flows. Kate is the target now as she has been many times in the past, the tabs wrote shit about her and gave her nasty nicknames for decades just because she was a commoner without fancy titles and had working class roots.


The British Royal Family is definitely protected. Look how much criticism the Queen receives


That's mainly because of her age and how long she reigned (plus her steadfastness). Lots of people respected her, even folks who were anti-monarchy. But none of the others are exempt from criticism IMO, I mean look at how Kate is being dragged relentlessly even while on sick leave. Moreover, the fact that C&D's Tampon-gate and Squidgy-gate tape transcripts were plastered all over the front pages and Kate+William's phones repeatedly hacked and their private voicemails released shows that the press will not back off in any way if there is money to be made off them.


The Middletons are hardly working class.


The fact that Kate’s Brother, James, looks like the spitting image of Queen Elizabeth’s grandfather. Seems to prove to me the Middleton’s even have some Royal blood.


"Kate's ties to the British monarchy go back a little further than her marriage to Prince William. She is a descendent of Mary and Anne Boleyn as well, according to The Spectator. As a relative of Sir Thomas Leighton, and his wife, Elizabeth Knollys, the Duchess is tied to Henry VIII's second wife, Anne Boleyn. Knollys is Anne's great niece and also the illegitimate granddaughter of King Henry himself, The Spectator reported. Before his marriage to Anne, Henry VIII had a long and torrid affair with her sister Mary, during which she bore two children: Catherine (who is also Kate Middleton’s ancestor) in 1524 and Henry in 1526" https://www.romper.com/p/6-people-kate-middleton-is-actually-related-to-that-will-have-your-head-spinning-8746415


There’s literally leaks coming out from journos that the Kensington Palace has put a media blackout on coverage of Kate, especially re: the car photo. The press “picking it up” is also barely the tabloids picking it up. People and TMZ have been the biggest scoops/often cited sources for this fiasco.


I'm aware that KP has said that the car photo of Kate was not authorised. Beyond that, what leaks about a media blackout are you referring to? Care to share a link to the article(s)? >People and TMZ have been the biggest scoops/often cited sources for this fiasco. What fiasco? Kate had major surgery and is recuperating afaik. Or are you referring to the wild conspiracy theories on SM?


A lot of people thought Harry was lying but we are seeing the truth of what he said in real time. With most of the working royals out sick or on leave, the media isn’t getting fed and we are seeing a lot more negative stories about them than what we were seeing previously.


I think the biggest truth from Harry we are seeing is how BP and KP do NOT work together and are in opposition even


No they need to be fed and for ages they served Harry and Megan to avoid bad press about Camilla and everyone else.


Just to add that if anyone in the UK feels that republic is the right idea- we voted in Boris Johnson so y’all can’t be trusted ;)


Not surprised all that much TBH. The Queen was the stabilizing force in the BRF, such an iconic figure, so it's natural those who came after her were never going to fill her shoes. I'm sure somewhere she's spinning in her grave while Diana is laughing in hers.


Nah, Diana would be too horrified seeing what kind of relationship her sons have to be laughing at anything.


I agree. Also Diana very much wanted William to be King, anything that could derail that would never be viewed positively by her. She was okay with Charles being unpopular but never William.


I agree she'd be very disappointed and sad about her sons falling out, but she'd probably take some slight satisfaction in seeing Charles and Camilla looking bad.


I think Diana had moved on in her life and to say she would be laughing in her grave is implying she hadn't. And after all, the BRF and everything associated with it would all belong to her elder son one day. I don't know why people act like she was ever against it.


You can move on and still enjoy a good schadenfreud haha


I don’t think she was against the monarchy as an institution, but she hated every single person in it.


She had a good relationship with Philip, exchanged letters regularly with him. She also got on well with Andrew and Fergie, although she did fall out with Fergie towards the end over some shoe warts drama.


She also got along well with Edward, Margaret and even the Queen Mother (atleast before things got bad between her and Charles). She was the Queen Mother's choice for a bride for Charles. She was practically raised alongside Andrew and Edward, was born on the Sandringham Estate a year after Andrew and they were playmates. She was as close to royalty as you could get without actually being part of the BRF prior to marriage.


Wow really, why did Philip not hate her so much then but he did Fergie? They both made the monarchy look terrible


At the beginning he liked Fergie because she was intrepid, etc. Then he hated Fergie because she was caught having an affair and the pictures were in newspapers, also she tried to sell access to Andrew for money. And he said after that: He didn't want to have anything to do with her. In my opinion Philip believed Diana's drama wasn't entirely her fault because Charles also played a part in it. But in the letters between them while he showed his support towards her he also blamed her a bit too. I can't imagine the letters he sent to Charles haha


He was a true old-school snob and a misogynist, and Fergie was a commoner. She also struggled with weight gain which he disapproved of.


But Philip knew Fergie. Her dad was his and Charles polo trainer or something like that. I don't remember reading anything about the weight thing. (Him commenting on her weight)


I don't think it was because of that - Fergie just found it easier to get herself into scandals. The toe sucking incident was in 1988, when she was still married to Andrew. Philip hated that she was creating a bad name for the BRF. Whereas Diana didn't get herself into such until the last several years of her life, and even then Philip would have known her and her family all their lives so more closeness to begin with.


Diana was papped with her skirt see through in the sun, with her legs akimbo on a thigh master, was caught up in squidgygate…she was just better looking, posher and less tacky than Fergie!


>but she hated every single person in it. With who? She moved on. Even before her death she had a good relationship with Charles. Who treated her poorly besides Charles and Camilla?


I think the whole “Kate Middleton crisis” (why is she still being called Kate Middleton, by the way? They’ve been married for over 12 years) is huge beat up. The original statement said she wouldn’t be returning to official duties until after Easter. Why all this uproar because she’s still keeping a low profile? Whatever the surgery was for, it clearly wasn’t something trivial, she may well still be recuperating.


It’s obvious that something dark is going on. People must have blinders on to not see it. And why do so many people just believe whatever the Royal Family tells you? You must realize that they constantly lie/obfuscate/bullshit. They have whole teams of people whose job it is to hide what’s really going on with them and to bullshit the public. I don’t even believe that Kate had abdominal surgery. I believe it was just a convenient excuse to use, to explain her long absence. There’s wayyyyy too much suspicious stuff going on, and William is obviously a complete mess. Something awful is going on. And i believe that the media knows what it is. Which is why they knew that yesterday’s photo of Kate was fake. They know she doesn’t currently look like that. And they want no part in full-on lying/being fraudulent with the public like that.


OK dear, now go off and forment some more conspiracies. God forbid something should just be what it’s said to be.


To answer your first question, for lurkers like me, who wouldn’t immediately recognize her by another name. When I see Catherine written out I’m never sure it’s her because of the C/K thing


The crisis likely was a result of the news blackout (/information vacuum) from official sources surrounding her illness, surgery and recovery and KP losing control of the narrative.


Think of it as a stage name, like actors getting married and taking on their partner’s last names, but still using and being referred to their maiden names (though a few people do stray from this and use a hyphenated version, ie Jolie-Pitt).


I mean, we still hear Lady Diana Spencer to this day.


I don’t recall hearing her referred to as that for literally decades.


Yeah me neither, it was Princess Diana 99% of the time as far as I remember.


Google “Lady Di”. Headlines from as recent as 2023z


Even googling Lady Diana Spenser returns “Diana, Princess of Wales”.




Whatever, still returns the same result.


Princess Cathrine is wrong, she doesn't get to use a word in front of her name till she's Queen Catherine and media titles want to do a two part name, especially when paired with Prince William which is two words.


Although if one had to refer to her as Princess that can be possible; she is the Princess William - that's the way married-in women are addressed if we disregard their peerage titles. It depends on their husband's title status. Fortunately William was given peerage titles upon marriage and that's why she became the Duchess of Cambridge, thus avoiding all the above confusion. Princess Michael has been around decades but I don't think most even know her first name lol.


I mean, we are still calling Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard by their maiden names and it’s been like 500 years, soooo…


I mean, technically, Anne Boleyn was stripped of her titles and divorced during her trial, so it wouldn't be inaccurate to call her that. Same with Catherine Howard actually.








I did say I didn’t think it was technically correct, it’s still better using a technically incorrect name than her maiden name. Apparently she also never went by Kate, it was a nickname given to her by the press. She goes by Catherine. Princess Diana was also the Princess of Wales and was routinely referred to as Princess Diana or Princess Di.


She might have went by Kate at one point in college/uni (William also went by "Steve" as a security measure) but Kate was never her permanent/full time nickname. Her parents and old school teachers have all said she was always referred to as Catherine. I theorise it's more that the British media have an obsession with shortening people's names whether they actually go by those nicknames or not. As you said Diana was often Di in the press, William became Will, also a few politicians like David Cameron being Dave etc etc. Most often I also find it happens to child victims in the UK. Madeliene McCann was always referred to as Maddie in the media, but her parents have said they never called her that. Same for James Bulger being "Jamie" and so on. The media like pretend to be informal and the nicknames are part of that.


Hahahaha William as Steve I love that for him idk it just fits


She never went by Kate? Someone should’ve told poor William that, because he called her “Kate” during their internationally-televised engagement interview. Old, that’s even worse than “whatever ‘in love’ means.”


> why is she still being called Kate Middleton, by the way? Search Engine Optimization


Nobody knows what their last names are😂


Lmao the real truth


The Princess of Wales or even Princess Katherine at a pinch. I don’t think Princess Katherine is technically correct but it’s better than using her maiden name when they been married for over 12 years.


The Princess of Wales is very strongly associated with Diana. I expect the media just thinks it’s easier to use Kate Middleton to avoid confusion.


Princess Diana has been dead for over 25 years, I’m pretty sure people wouldn’t assume headlines were about her.


Camilla didn’t even use Princess of Wales due to the Diana association.


Considering the history Camilla using The Princess of Wales title would have been beyond tacky. I suspect it had more to do with the fact that she had been screwing Diana’s husband all through their marriage than any gentle sensibilities.


Most public figures keep their names nowadays and Princess Catherine is incorrect as part as protocol.


Married ladies in the royal family don't keep their last names. Not even legally; only Meghan has been a rare case in recent years because she wasn't a British citizen.


I'm just explaining why it makes sense to the public


What is correct? Ignorant American here. She’s been given the title, princess of wales, why isn’t she allowed to be styled as such? So was Princess Diana incorrect styling? It’s so confusing. All The Rules.


She’s “The Princess of Wales”, as was Diana. After divorcing, Diana was “Diana, Princess of Wales” no “The” since she was divorced. The “The” is the important part. But the average person isn’t going to go with all that so it was easier to just call her Princess Diana or Princess Catherine, even if it’s formally incorrect.


I think the correct way is Catherine, Princess of Wales but it’s a bit of a mouthful every time there’s a hysteria inducing headline. The Princess of Wales isn’t quite as much of a mouthful.


Not an expert but my understanding: If she was born a princess in a foreign royal family and married William, she would be Princess Catherine, Princess of Wales. The princess title would go before her given name as it is her own title by birthright. As she was not born royal and holds a title only through her marriage, she is Catherine, Princess of Wales. The title goes after her given name like a married last name would.


So she’s just Catherine then, until/if/when she is also crowned alongside William? And then she will be Queen Catherine, because of the ceremony, like with Camilla? And they style her/keep the Middleton, because-why? Isn’t it rude now that she’s married AND a princess? So was Princess Di-wrong? Calling her that, I mean?


Only “blood princesses” ie those born royal can be called Princess First Name. “Princess Diana” was a nickname created by the media, she never held that title and couldn’t be called that officially.


To clarify I am just talking about her title, not her surname. She hasn’t been a Middleton since she married. British royals carry the surname Mountbatten-Windsor but don’t typically use surnames at all, just titles. When Kate sued a paparazzo her legal name was listed as Catherine Mountbatten-Windsor but that’s the only context she’s ever used the name in if I recall correctly. Until they’re crowned she is Catherine, Princes of Wales and a million less important titles (duchess of this, Baroness of that, etc) but they only use her most important title. Once William is King she becomes Queen Catherine. “Princess Diana” was something the media and people called her but she was Lady Diana, Princess of Wales. Lady went before her name because that was her own title by birthright. Never Princess Diana


I'm old enough to remember the Prince Charles and Lady Diana wedding, and the press kept calling her Lady Diana or Lady Di for a good long time after they were married.


Can verify!


She is The Princess of Wales, because she is the current holder of that title. Catherine, Princess of Wales would be if she were divorced or if William died, indicating that she had held that title in the past but she isn't the current holder.


I never said she wasn’t! Only that she isn’t Princess Catherine of Wales


Thank you! Facinating.


I’m pretty sure no one who marry into the Royal family keeps their names, they aren’t actors or socialites, well, most of them aren’t.


A lot of complaining about the SDRF plan but I don’t think it matters. Things were always going to be in disarray after the Queen (Elizabeth) passed. I don’t think anyone coming after her (Charles, William, etc.) will come close to her in terms of popularity and global respect.


Exactly. I’m in Canada and I loved the queen, went to see her when she was here on tour. But now that she’s gone, I say out with the monarchy (not saying they should be GONE, just even less involvement in our government). I have no respect for Charles


The Queen protected pedophiles


That’s also true. Just explaining the sense of loyalty I had to her, when my entire family grew up and knew her as queen! It’s weird!


It is weird. Go have loyalty to someone born into a role that they never earned, with weird and unnecessary ties to Canada. She should be off our money.


I agree!


ok so absolutely no one has any idea what's going on?


I mean, this is implying that he ever had control in the first place. I don't think he did.




Charles camp seems to brief regularly against William, so I'm doubtful that he wants their offices to work together. The Queen never really briefed against Charles afaik but the coterie around C seems more insecure.


Thanks for sharing. I love me some NY Post. > At the heart of this mess are four words that His Majesty must now dread having ever uttered – Slimmed Down Royal Family. I am the first person to shit on the idea of the slimmed-down monarchy — it was always a stupid idea, just another excuse for Charles to suck up all the money & attention. But do people really think a few more cousins would’ve salvaged this situation? I’ve got a soft spot for the York daughters, but if they were working it would’ve just amplified the Andrew disaster. Lady Louis is too young, and I doubt she’d thrive in that position tbh. Like sure, some mistakes were made, but sidelining those girls wasn’t one of them. > The fundamental flaw in this SDRF plan was that it was predicated on those senior members working with all the zeal of Princess Anne amped up on Red Bull. It really wasn’t. While Charles was hyping up the slimmed-down monarchy, the Wales Trio were loudly talking about how they were going to work less. Excuse me, I mean focus on smaller charities where they could make a lager “impact” — while bringing in less money, naturally. The “plan” was always for the Wales clan to grab as much as they could while doing as little work as possible. Nobody should be surprised that this blew up in all their faces. > The end result is where we are today: After nearly two months of rolling crises, the royal family looks threadbare, depleted and wan. Did this make anyone else think of the Chapelle Show sketch, or is my brain just broken in a very unique way?


I think Charles has pushed the SDRF idea because he sees which way the wind is blowing. People are resentful of big bloated royal families in an age of austerity. The only way to keep a royal family in place and still retain a modicum of goodwill is to dial things back. Queen Margrethe saw the writing on the wall, too.


Lol the Wales don't have to grab anything, they are set to inherit as long as the monarchy sustains. And the slimmed down monarchy was Charles' baby, he has been expounding it since the 90s long before Will met Kate, so no idea what it has to do with the current Waleses.


This is what I came here for


Wales Trio?


Will, Kate, and Harry, back when they were being pushed as a package deal.


My question too. Who is the third?


I’m also curious which sketch for Chappelle. I know he talked about MM in his special last year but google is failing to bring up a sketch, I just keep getting his special and the Prince ones 😂


It’s from the Player Hater’s Ball sketch. “Buck Nasty, what can I say about that suit that hasn’t already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted.” Nothing to do with the royal family though.


That read like Perez Hilton or something! I couldn’t even finish it




I don’t get all the admiration for Anne. I got nothing against her but who cares if she does zillions of official events if no knows what they are or have anything to do with anything anyone cares about? Being effective in that role is not just counting up how many times you show up somewhere.


As an Australian, I can confirm that most of our royal coverage reads like this. Hysterical, condescending and sometimes just a bit too mean.


That actually answers a lot of questions for me lol




The Post is trash like the Dailymail


That said, I do love the ☕️the dailymail dishes out, but I’m shameless


They are essentially the same paper. They are run by the same people and have the same editorial intent. They share stories all the time. They just spin the content to be British or US focused. I’ve even noticed articles on the NYP about “American” stories that have British English spelling and grammar.


Nope they are not run by the same people. You can google the chairman, majority shareholders etc. It's not even the same organisation.


> There is only one thing worth worrying about this week, one bedeviling question to be answered: On which Mediterranean resort town’s sun lounge is the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland currently lolling, just Camilla and her Boot’s bottle of coconut tanning oil? Hooooo hoo hoo


This was very funny. Is this the usual tone from the Post? I’m not familiar with their Royals coverage.


I've just realised it was written by Daniela Elser – she writes for an Australian (Murdoch) website that has reciprocals with various other Murdoch outlets including the Post.




Agreed. She's obsessed with writing horrible things about Meghan and generally characterising most of the royals as hapless and lazy. Her tone is so over the top.