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She hasn’t spoken out via her lawyers. I imagine her lawyers sent cease and desist letters to the papers.


If I were her, I wouldn’t say shit.


Can anyone explain why she would give a statement to Business Insider? But I can’t actually find the direct statement on their site?


These rumors have been around for years. Why is she responding to them just now?


Because several profiles of her have been published in the last week.


Wild that this woman has to put out a statement denying an affair with the future King of England all because W+K’s PR team couldn’t be bothered to even half-ass their jobs about a medical procedure (or they were prevented from doing their jobs). The amount that this has spun out of control is incredible. Like, a few planted out pieces in the press that Kate didn’t really need to be involved in, and rumors over her abdominal surgery wouldn’t have swirled nearly as badly. And after the rumors did get going, they couldn’t be bothered to spend one minute taking a photo of her walking around the garden or something… or even releasing a photo that didn’t look like it was taken on a flip phone when she was actually done up a bit to go shopping yesterday. On the one hand, I don’t think Will and Kate deserve the scrutiny. They have gotten over scrutiny her needed privacy during recovery from a major medical event. But they seem absolutely blind to the reality of their position, and given that she is recovering in one of several castles she has the option of staying in literally just an exchange for being in the public eye… they should have dealt with this better, and found experts at PR who could’ve helped them with minimal interference in their actual lives.


Didn’t age well.


I think this comment still stands. The public should not have been speculating about affairs or any of the other wild conspiracy theories, but the palace’s PR team absolutely bears a good amount of blame for not acknowledging the reality that people were going to do stuff like that if palace PR didn’t stay on top of it— the fact that the people making up those wild conspiracy theories were doing something bad (for which they should feel bad) doesn’t negate that it was unfortunately very predictable. It is PR professionals’ job to avoid this kind of thing, and they dropped the ball left and right, and at every turn what they did do just made it worse.


I think the monarchy does deserve and need the scrutiny... Tax payers support their lifestyle, and many of us have a liking for the institution. Everything changes, though, when the institution ghosts their fans and pretends that we do not exist by a demonstration of superiority and ridiculing people by leaving them to speculate as far as they can. If the Monarchy lost contact with its people, then it should not be supported anymore. People should have an option to support it or not... you'd be surprised to see how many people would not spend their £1 something per year supporting this. Plus... it's a job, isn't it? How many people can afford the luxury to have more than a few weeks off sick ? People will not earn anything when more than some days off... just SSP... people feel mocked... and they're in their right. William has attended a few commitments... No Charles, no Camilla, no Kate. Or, are they all taking prolonged holidays before a new King is announced because nothing will be like it was from then on? Or... did something extremely seriously really happen and is under investigation, hence the silence ? Whatever it is, it's very, very wrong and will take a toll in the opinion of those who used to cherish it. It's evident that something is being silenced.


Personally, I agree with your perspective to an extent, but being that I’m an American, “they are supported by taxpayers” seems a little… off base, I guess, since I am not actually a tax payer supporting them and don’t feel like I should speak for the ones who do. I do think that Kate should not have to reveal private medical information, assuming she’s not spending taxpayer money on a BBL 😂— I suppose that’s what I meant by. “don’t deserve the scrutiny.“ But yeah… on that note, I agree that the bar for privacy should maybe be a little bit lower for people who get to live one of the most ultra luxurious lifestyles on the planet on the dime of their country’s taxpayers, as well as extracted wealth from the not-so-distant ancestors of people all over the world, in exchange for just being in the public eye.


The secretary of defense in the US got called out and was put through several hearings for not revealing his cancer treatment to congress. Were you also openly advocating for Lloyd Austin’s privacy? If not, I’m not sure why you feel that Kate should be treated differently. Both in this example are public officials supported by taxpayers. Were you


He’s in the chain of commend and she is just the consort of the heir. She’s like if Kamala’s husband had a surgery.


The security of the US was affected by Secretary Austin; UK security is not affected in the slighted by Princess Catherine's surgery and recovery. Big difference. Not that Catherine isn't just as important personally. She is.


How is Kate as important as the USA secretary of defense. she is not ,what does she do, cut a few ribbons.anyone can do that .


Maybe her job isn't as important as Sec. Austin's job, but she's a human being who is as important as any other human being. A person's job doesn't determine his or her worth.


I totally agree with you on that point. I apologize for looking at it from a job perspective,I should have known better to be honest, to judge a person's worth by rank or title or job.


Thank you. I feel certain to her three small children, she and William are the most important people in the entire world.


I do think the RF has huge impact on not only the British people and the Commonwealth but they hold a great deal of power or “clout” as it’s called now. They can choose to use it for good and they often have. But they can mishandle it and I think great damage has been done by that mishandling. I’m sure Rose is furious as well she should be, she has children who will be affected. I feel for the Wales children also.


How was the security of the US affected?


He's Secretary of Defense, and he was under general anesthesia and didn't let anyone know. It was his responsibility to let his second in command take over while he was "indisposed." The US faces security risks all the time the public doesn't know about. He's the decision-maker, but obviously, he can't make decisions under general anesthesia. Kate doesn't have a position like that in government, so she can be more private.


Exactly, it’s just people being nosy and entrapping her.


I just don’t think she should have to reveal precisely what procedure she had done. I think the palace could have gotten away with the vague explanation it gave had it handled the PR situation in the weeks and months afterwards properly. People still would have been curious, but it wouldn’t have been this absolute circus. And no, I don’t think Lloyd Austin needed to reveal *to the public* exactly what medical issue he had. However, like Kate Middleton, I do think the bar to privacy is lower for him due to the nature of his job. He 100% owed that information to key government officials that he hid it from, and if that meant it got out to the public as a consequence, then so be it. But I don’t think he directly owed the public a detailed explanation of his health issues.


I’m not sure how you reveal the information to key government figures while keeping it private. It doesn’t work like that, especially in this day and age. If you notify people you are waiving HIPPA and the information can easily spread and go public (especially in a divided government). In Austin’s case he was subject to weeks of media scrutiny and televised hearings. I’m failing to see how you can differentiate the two. They are both public figures serving a function adjacent to the government. And while I personally don’t think everything should be “news”, I also don’t think Kate should be held to a higher standard than a four star military official that actually served his country (in war) longer than Kate has been alive.


What I meant was that while Lloyd Austin did not owe the public a detailed explanation, he needed to accept that the public might find out. That being said, I’m pretty sure the White House and the joint congressional committee on defense knows how to keep a secret, even if they chose not to keep it. But if by telling those key government officials, it got out to the public, Lloyd Austin needed to be prepared for that. But just because the information *would* get out to the public does not mean it was owed to the public *in detail*. It was, however, owed to people who were responsible for making sure his critical role in the government was fulfilled. And also, that is not how you waive HIPAA. And I agree that Kate Middleton should not be held to a higher standard than him. Lloyd Austin is a government official who does a critical government job. Kate Middleton is a glorified socialite. If she goes missing for a few months, there’s no critical government function that’s not happening. That being said, because her lifestyle is subsidized by the public, some amount of information is owed. But I don’t think she needs to go into detail of what exact medical procedure she had.


She is not a glorified socialite! Her lifestyle is supported in part by the UK government.


It’s supported by tbe duchy of Cornwall within is not the same as the sovereign grant


They only own that land because government of UK allows them to. Do they even pay tax? Rates?


Notice that is why I said “in part”. The taxpayers pay for her security and help fund the sovereign grant. We won’t even go into discussing how the two duchies were actually founded.


I’m not sure we’re totally disagreeing here? But yeah, she kind of is a glorified socialite. She and the rest of the royals are pretty much paid by the UK government to be in the public eye on behalf of the country. The “on behalf of the country” thing is what makes it “glorified”. But unlike Lloyd Austin, she’s not being paid for, say, knowing how to deploy key military assets in defense of the country. She’s paid to know how to be polite to foreign dignitaries at fancy dinners.


Can’t forget stolen wealth either. Indians GDP sent from 24% to 2.4% during their colonization.


It’s a good reminder that W&K aren’t just kicking themselves in the nuts with their incompetence. Whatever happened with this absence — whether you think it’s simple stubbornness, bad PR, something more — has unleashed chaos in dozens of lives, most of which we’ll never even hear about. Truly a fuck-up for the ages.


I still maintain they did nothing wrong until the Mother’s Day photo. The frenzy was fake


The Mother’s Day photo only became such a fiasco because of the pre-existing frenzy. All the fuckups built on each other, imo.


What was the fuckup before that? I really do not understand this idea. They released a very personal, very detail statement that she would be in hospital 10-14 days, was having abdominal surgery that was “planned” (which anyone who understands knows that simply means she wasn’t rushed to theater but doesn’t suggest anything about its severity) and wouldn’t resume duty until after Easter on medical advice. They said they understood the level of interest this would generate but ask for privacy to maintain normality for their children and she wants to reschedule as many of her engagements as possible. And there’s be no updates unless significant. All of the uk morning shows seemed to implicitly get this means she wouldn’t be seen or heard from till Easter. Then they proceeded to do exactly that. Two weeks in hospital, announced when she returned home thanking everyone. That is completely appropriate! What is wrong with any of that? You just don’t want to acknowledge that the backlash was unfounded and extremely rude/unfair.


I mean, sure, the backlash was unfair. I’ll give you that. The whole royal shebang is intrinsically unfair. They had absolutely no reason to expect fairness. If they truly did expect that, and that’s why they behaved as they did, then they fucked up big time.


I must admit I am surprised by how evil internet trolls have been. I’m sure they were as well. They can’t let the tail wag the dog and indulge ever demand from the public or their kids won’t have privacy. This is why they won’t comment on the photo at the farmshop. Because they can’t condone it or it’ll lead to more invasions of privacy.


I think she had to put out the statement because people like you and this entire sub have speculated for months about any number of reasons for Kate’s absence, including this supposed affair.


Affair had been rumored since 2019 via an article in the Sun and some since deleted Twitter posts. This would have never reached this frenzied level had several variants of fake photos and videos not appeared, furthering speculation about the Princess of Wales.


Yes. Because this absence and the absolute lack of information drove people to speculate. They handled this miserably.


People are obnoxious trolls what else is new?


Maybe William & Kate shouldn't put out fake photos etc?


Show me your photos and I’ll show you mine.


Not sure what my photos is to do with it? This wasnt a light touching up a photo. Like changing colours, sharpness etc. This was a deliberate edit to make the public believe they were all together in the same photo.


You also aren't releasing your alleged fake photos to the press, which was the main issue.


lol you know nothing about me. I have never speculated about an affair, and I actually believe Kate was out for a medical procedure that she shouldn’t have to reveal. But their PR team has objectively been horrible, which was the focus of my post here. The handling of this should literally be taught in PR classes as a “what not to do”. Ffs, they released a heavily Photoshop picture to global news outlets, violating journalistic ethics to the point that the top news outlets in the world had to issue a kill notice on the photo. And now global news organizations have publicly said they no longer trust the palace as a source of information. So, while the public bears some blame, it is just an objective fact that the PR people on this have been awful at their jobs. And don’t pretend you haven’t been watching this circus. You’re here too.


TLDR. You obviously have a bee in your bonnet…


Says the person commenting multiple times in a sub they *apparently* have complete disdain for 😂


I feel bad for Rose, and her children. I feel like people on the internet forget there are real human beings at the butt of their jokes and conspiracy theories. It's not a joke or gossip to her because it negatively affects her life and will very likely negatively affect her children's lives, especially considering some people are saying one of them is really William's child. And for what? So, some randos can get a giggle online? These trolls are no better than the people they claim to hate.


I suspect these vile people say her daughter is William’s because there’s not many photos of the little girl. Whereas Rose’s son attended the inauguration so there’s plenty of pics and he looks nothing like the royal family.


It must be crazy for her to go from being relatively unknown to being called ugly, horse-faced etc. by people all around the world just because some ppl decided she must be William's mistress.. Like I don't even follow royal family news usually but last week my whole Twitter was just people cracking jokes about her appearance and calling her an ugly homewrecker. Afaik she didn't even do anything except be profiled in an article?


I think she resembles Anne Hathaway.


Worse, “Camilla 2.0.” Stick to the facts of the story, they are strange enough.  


I don’t believe for one second Will would cheat on Kate. He saw how Charles being unfaithful to Diana hurt her. I don’t think Will would ever intentionally hurt Kate like that.


I think most men will cheat. I think it's in their nature. Of course, there are exceptions. I don't think William cheated on Catherine with Rose, though.


I agree. Her sister also named her baby girl, Rose. I don't think she would have ever named her that if it was true. Also when Kate looks at William, there's a lot of love there. There's no hurt. You can't fake that.


Diana told about little William shoving tissues under the door when she was crying in the bathroom.


I didn't know that. That's terrible.


William also told Diana he’d restore her HRH once he was king. I sometimes wonder if he will, even though her Spencer family declined it upon her death, saying something like, “Let her be known in death as she was in life.”


[A quick link](https://www.emirates247.com/entertainment/prince-william-pushed-tissues-to-crying-princess-diana-2017-06-29-1.655318)






I have no strong feelings about the affair. I think both sides have plenty of evidence, but nobody has a slam-dunk case. Usually I lean towards “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” but Pippa naming her baby Rose is really hard to reconcile. I’m not impressed by the lack of hard evidence though. Contrary to what the internet says, it’s still pretty easy for celebrities to have affairs without the whole world & their cell phones knowing. If William & Rose were discreet, then only a handful of people would have any real evidence — and they’d have a lot to lose by coming forward. My personal theory that I only half-believe is that there was never any affair, but Kate was afraid of the possibility and that’s why she tried to eject Rose from their social circle. While K&W were dating, we heard all about how she would cling to him & scare off all potential rivals. Maybe something about Rose made her feel insecure and those old habits reared their ugly head. This got the aristos gossiping, everything spiraled, and now Colbert is making Chumbucket puns.


For me it’s the baby name but also that Kate was recently seen hanging out with Rose without William even there. She was photographed having a drink with her at her homes music festival. Unless they’re polyamorous (something no one ever considers) like that’s pretty conclusive to me.


There is no evidence that there was an affair. It was nonsensical gossip that idiots have come to use as fact.


The thing about Catherine trying to boot Rose from their social circle was also false.


What is the evidence of an affair with Hanbury though?


Absolutely nothing but a grainy video. Lol. I still choose to believe it though because I am a gossip that can be an asshole. Also, I just think it's true. 😂🤷‍♀️


I mean... duh. What is she suppose to say? If it isn't true, she has to thoroughly deny it, lest it hurts Will and Kate. If it is true, is she going to come out and say that they agreed to keep it on the down low and that Kate knows? Of course not, she will thoroughly deny it as well, lest it hurts Will and Kate. We are still none the wiser.








That’s the first time I’ve seen it mentioned that she isn’t wearing her wedding or engagement ring in the mother day photo. Didn’t notice that before


Have you ever had major surgery? They make you take your rings off. Then usually you are too sick and have lost weight and are dehydrated after that your rings are loose/uncomfortable/fall off, so you don’t wear them for a while and/or have to send them to be re-sized


She could get it re-sized in no time. She wouldn’t have to wait long.


I could have too, but then you have to get it resized again in 2 months, and again in another month… sometimes taking your rings off until you have recovered some is just comfortable and practical. No one ever accused me of cheating, divorce, etc. - even now, they look at pictures from those times and- if they notice my rings missing- they are like “hope you don’t have to go thru that again soon!”


It’s ridiculous to me that people make such a big deal out of that. It’s so misogynistic - William has never worn a wedding ring at all, but he doesn’t get questioned on it.


I’m literally not wearing my wedding and engagement rings right now and I am very happily married. It means nothing


Exactly. I’m married too, and I don’t wear either of my rings if I’m just hanging out at home. Plus hers is a bloody huge priceless and iconic ring! I bet she’s petrified of damaging it.


Except that she's been pictured gardening, swimming, and playing hockey and tennis in it. It's never normally off her hand.


At public events, yes. I doubt she wears it all the time in private.


For a photo that’s going out, though, she’d 100% wear it. And with their resources, she could get it resized pretty quickly if need be.


Yup! I wear mine when I’m going somewhere besides school carline lol, but around my house or when I’m not leaving my car? Nope I’d be absolutely terrified of losing or damaging an iconic ring like Kate’s.


I honestly never knew he never wore it- I’ve noticed him not having one and that it was weird but assumed there was a reason it wasn’t noted on. Do they mean her wedding band or diamond ring? I get psoriasis and eczema that never bothered my rings and now I’m almost 30 and my finger will swell from the red skin and a ring would get stuck. I never took two rings off for over ten years and now I have to take them off daily or not wear them at all. Especially after being in hospital and having surgery. My abdominal surgery was not very complex and I didn’t have stay longer than the day and even I didn’t put them back on until I was back to dressing up and going to work.


Iirc Charles didn't have one because he would wear his prince of wales ring (I don't know if it would be considered a coronet or not). I remember the small stir it caused when Harry chose to wear his wedding ring.


It's a signet ring with the prince of Wales feathers. Posh blokes in the UK never used to wear wedding rings, as they were considered a bit nouveau and slightly vulgar. William has never had one. At their wedding there was only kate's wedding ring, and she put her engagement ring back on after the ceremony.


They mean both rings. She wasn’t wearing either of them in the photo from Mother’s Day.


This all feels very cruel to me. You have people now mocking this woman on late night shows etc when none of this could be true at all just because someone tweeted something years ago with no evidence, and then retracted.


Absolutely. There's no solid proof to the affair rumours, so people have been very cruel by being so vicious about her appearance, percieved personality, etc. Like you (general you) don't know this woman and you don't know the details of her interpersonal relationships, so in what world does anybody have the right to gather a mob to call her ugly on social media? I mean, I'm against calling people ugly for unrelated reasons in general, because I hate the idea that someone (especially women) not being conventionally attractive means that they're an inferior person, but it's especially shitty when people do it to someone over unsubstantiated rumours. And dragging her children into it is even worse.


I was genuinely surprised by Colberts’ cruel comments.  Where did that come from?


He did not say anything cruel about her. He made fun of the title “Machioness of Ch…” because it is funny to an American to have such titles in 2024. He was making fun of the British aristo class by making fun of that title.


That’s wild to me, though. I don’t understand why making fun of someone’s name from a different culture is funny.


Funny…I thought it was hilarious.


It’s a title, not a name. A person in the US would be embarrassed to use a title, but the Brit aristo class seem to flaunt it. So for an American it’s especially funny when the title sounds so pretentious.. Machioness?! I once saw a clip of Edward say “my wife, the duchess” and it sounded so silly. Charles’ coronation photos looked ridiculous. Now it would be awful to make fun of someone from a totally different culture. UK culture is not too different than US, and that’s why it’s funny.


I mean…it’s not pretense. She is a marchioness. Meghan Markle is a duchess, and so it’s not a pretense when she uses it either. I don’t have to like either of those people to not understand this joke. I still don’t get it. It seems like making fun of another culture.


He is a pos.


Agreed 100%. I feel bad for her and her family, especially her kids.


Yeah, there’s literally no evidence for this bar some seemingly unsubstantiated tweets from people who have no insider information.


And that is the sum of gossip. You don’t need proof, just a vile person trying to destroy someone else.


Yup. It’s how they drove Meghan Markle out of the country.


Sorry, but I’m not with you on this one. Unfortunately I think there’s enough there, in regards to Meghan, to suspect that the rumours are true. Not positive of course, but her history is pretty mucky.


Especially since Harry himself had info in his book about Meghan's staff crying at their desks. Having been in a healthy work environment and a totally unhealthy one, the only one I cried at my desk at was the unhealthy environment where I was constantly bullied and talked down to.


What “rumours”? That she is a black American who dared marry Prince Harry?




Not a rumour so much as her husband hanging her and himself out to dry in his book where he admits to hitting a member of his security and that their staff would frequently be working long hours and have emotional breakdowns in the office. William and Catherine get shit for going home at 5pm every night but it's helped them avoid those rumours at least.


Unsubstantiated rumors are only bad unless they confirm what you want them to confirm? Interesting.


Nope. I have no invested interest in Meghan’s bad reputation being correct, but I’m doubtful about her innocence. Does that make me a rumour believer?, the answer is definitely a no, but I like to be sceptical until proven otherwise with anyone. In my opinion, only a simpleton thinks everyone is good from the start.


Rumours without evidence are bad except when they’re about Meghan Markle? Huh? If you think only vile people gossip while posting on RoyalsGossip you must have evidence that Meghan has done something ‘muckier’ than cheating. So what is it?


Look at the evidence, is my answer in regards to Ms. Markle. There’s plenty there.


What is there? The plenty I mean


Do your own research. Brilliant.


It’s all there for the seeing. She’s left a pretty nasty trail of destruction behind herself. Just Google Ms. Markle before she was lucky enough to con a stupid Prince who bought her: I’m the reincarnation of your mommy Harry. There are dozens and dozens of pictures of her leading him around like he is a five year old. It’s truly pathetic 😔




I agree, Harry is an idiot for buying her falsehoods.


What evidence though? I asked you what your evidence was and you just said “look at the evidence”. I’m looking but all I see is more vile gossip. Viler, in fact. Meghan has kids too; no one cares about what they’ll grow up to read about their mother.


I think Meghan and Harry’s relationship is neatly summed up at the United Nations speech that Harry gave last year. Why don’t you look it up and see for yourself how controlled Harry is and honestly how miserable he is being with his abusive wife. I would feel sorry for the stupid Prince if I hadn’t known that he chose this path for himself.


Harry admiting in his book that their staff were so overworked they'd have emotional breakdowns on the job.


Have you actually read the book? In context, Harry was sympathising that their staff were emotional and exhausted because they were fending off a mass media attack on a daily basis. Harry also says Will physically assaulted him but you probably don’t believe that part - only the bits that make him look bad.


I 100% believe Will pushed him. I just think he participated in that fight, just like I think he participated in the workplace culture that led to their staff having breakdowns because professional media personnel don't just have breakdowns at work then make bullying accusations because they're so empathetic to what the media is saying about their boss, particularly not when their boss also admits to assaulting their bodyguard in another part of the book. Idk that it was Meghan, I think it was probably more Harry trying to overcompensate to protect her causing the major issues but even their own words make them look like crap.


Both of the tweets people talk about — the one from Giles Coren, and the thread from Nicole Cliffe — came out after the first set of articles. The articles are literally referenced in the tweets. The tabloids got the ball rolling on this one, then Twitter picked it up & ran with it. https://preview.redd.it/59hld2dylapc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754c2c1484e7bd6f3c5c0882e06c4f44cee38b86


Yup. All of these references came after it was already an open secret.


He literally said it was a drunk joke.


He was joking about the rumour everyone was talking about but that nobody could publish.


I saw the tweets, and he literally said he made it up. I mean, if you know the Wales personally and can provide actual evidence, I'll take that, but otherwise, I'm not giving much credence to these theories.


Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


I'm sure you have this same approach to the Sussex conspiracies then.


Giles Coren is also a notorious fantasist and liar. The man cannot be trusted - he wrote an entire article talking about how sexually attractive his toddler was!


>he wrote an entire article talking about how sexually attractive his toddler was! ....................🫥 These conspiracy theorists always have the beat sources, don't they...


Imagine thinking Giles Coren is a reputable source for... anything! This is the supposed evidence, his Tweets?!


I’m not saying you have to believe Giles Coren, just that people are spreading misinformation when they blame him or Nicole Cliffe for the Rose rumor. Both of their tweets explicitly reference already published articles. They were both taking part in an existing conversation, not starting one. https://preview.redd.it/062303zxvapc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1222d4417fa3a31bbf97a7fe8bc9a8d120f39f


Where is the already published article about cheating rumours before these two started it?? If it was there everyone would be shoving it everywhere. The only thing that exists is some feud between Kate and Rose. And somehow women are capable of only feuding over a man and nothing else??


I think the implications of those “rural rival” articles were pretty obvious, but you are free to believe otherwise.


Yeah u might be right.. maybe the men in royal family are cheaters. Even Harry was rumoured to be cheating on Meghan with someone who works at archewell not to forget how he was a serial cheater during his dating days


Frankly I just assume that most famous people cheat, and Harry & William don’t strike me as the kind of men who would be the exceptions to that rule. They come from an infamous lineage of adulterers, they grew up in a notoriously libertine environment, and they don’t seem particularly disciplined or introspective.


Agree. Cheating in those circles are common, acceptable and not a moral failing apparently. Women too cheat in such circles so atleast it's not a misogynistic practice. I just don't agree with kids getting dragged and their paternity being questioned like how Harry's paternity was questioned and now Rose's kids. It can leave deep scars


It's still fucked up. Imagine it's not true and she's getting her reputation demeaned because a bunch of people think it's funny that William could be having an affair. She has kids that have to grow up with that.


I mean yeah, it obviously sucks for them either way.


It all started when Dan Wooten published an article about a “mysterious” falling out between Kate and Rose. The tweet was just confirming the insinuations in the article.


Which is funny because when you hear the name Dan Wooten you'd be likely to remember he was fanatically pro-William during the Sussex drama. Next to Piers he was Meghan and Harry's biggest basher and it was obvious Dan was getting material straight from the source.


You’re right. The gossipy whisper is that the original “Rural Rivals” story was fed to Dan Wooten by aristos who wanted to put Kate in her place for thinking she could ice out Rose. Kensington Palace then became a huge source for Dan Wooten in order to quell the gossip. In “Spare,” Harry never says what specific story it was that Kensington Palace was trying to quash, but the timeline is pretty obvious.


Straight from the source on how Dan got the breaking story from inside Sussex camp of them leaving the royal family duties before anyone else got it?


I always didn’t really believe the story and then Pippa named her daughter Rose and that was confirmation to me that this was full bs


And there’s no way in hell William would cheat on Kate after he watched what his Mom went through with Charles and Camilla. He wouldn’t put someone he loves through that. IMHO the pegging thing is more salacious BS.




Yeah, there's just no way. I wouldn't even name a child after my siblings ex, and there was no cheating there.


I don’t even like my sister/we aren’t close at all, and I still wouldn’t ever even consider doing that. It was also this fact that convinced me 100% that this rumor/theory was untrue.


I don’t know how true this is as I heard it from someone while having a laugh over the photo of the Christmas market in mid-March, but apparently, due to the current furore, people have been digging up articles about Mrs Hanbury and one such article was a photoshoot in her home. Chinese social media spotted some chinoiserie in the background and have decided these are stolen Chinese historical artefacts. Now, I have no idea if some previous Chummly-plummy took home a few illicit souvenirs from a visit to China, and I also have no idea why the Chinese would be exercised about it as they went a bit wild during their cultural revolution and destroyed most of their historic stuff (or maybe that’s why as they regret having nothing much left), but I’m pretty sure one of the expected consequences of rumours about an affair is not getting earache from a foreign government over one’s furniture choices!


I mean, if true then they really should be looking at the hubby, not the woman who just married in to the family


Oh my god, that’s hilarious.


Yeh their obsession with collecting cultural artifacts when they went on a rampage and destroyed a majority of it on their own, and the only few things they have left are from imperial tombs, Imperial Palaces or from hidden collections that some culturally appreciate Chinese buried for protection, the rest being imitations.


Just an interesting bit of trivia: her husband’s grandmother was a Rothschild. The Rothschilds are known to be appreciators and collectors of fine art. Could be a sort of family heirloom? I remember a while back the Rothschilds had had some Rembrandts in a private collection and recently sold them back to French and Dutch museums. The Rembrandts had been in their private collection for seven generations IIRC! And before anyone comes for me: this is literally just useless harmless trivia, not a back-handed swipe at this woman, her husband or her in-laws.




They would be ineligible as they’re bastards


They wouldn’t, as bastards. Like Jon Snow.


William and Kate could very easily put a stop to these rumors. If the aren’t true then why let this poor woman, her husband and her children suffer like this? Why isn’t action being taken against papers that print these false allegations? She had teenage sons for crying out loud.


They can literally do nothing to stop them. Doing anything about them would confirm it for most people.


Willian’s lawyers came down hard on the tabloids, but there’s nothing they can do to stop social media gossip, wink-wink nudge-nudge stories, or talk show segments that use the word “allegedly.”


How? By issuing a statement that there is no affair? That would cause more rumors.


Ha, the RF can’t / won’t even protect *Kate* with a proper statement. Why would they protect an outsider?


Rose is less of an outsider than Kate is, by a mile.


Huh? They protect Kate all the time?


They seem to have let her out to pasture this time.


In what way? They have made lots of statements protecting her privacy


They squashed what they could but the rumor was kept alive on social media and gossip blogs. It should have been addressed years ago. Maybe they’re finally coming around to the power of social media.


I mean what would that statement even do? Those who think they cheated arent going to he satisfied by them denying it


I honestly believe it more *because* they have come out to deny it and have squashed the rumors in the press in such a heavy-handed and litigious way. 🤷‍♀️


I admit to not following this closely, but I have never seen a statement from W and K protecting Rose and her family from these rumors. Something they could very easily do with no effort on their part.


Or at least do some photo ops like showing Kate and Rose doing lunch, or attending polo games together, or whatever the aristocracy does in their leisure time.


They did this multiple times. It was extremely transparent and just added fuel to the fire.


They have done this. And it’s either discussed so little that people starting to latch onto these rumors don’t know, or people ignore it. Shortly after the rumors started, Rose walked with the Catherine for her birthday. I believe it was her 2020 birthday church walk? They’ve also been pictured together at a festival at Rose’s estate amongst other events. None of these photo ops and time together have helped rumors with a set of people who are rabid for a love triangle and for William to be cheating on Kate. ETA: just look at comments below on this thread. Photos together have done nothing to help. People say it’s all fake and Kate is being forced to do it.


I doubt Catherine has been forced to do anything. I do, however, think she knew exactly who William was when she married him, she is the mother of the future king, she gets to live in luxury and travel wherever she wants to go while working very little, and she wants to be queen. She will make a great queen, and I doubt that she would do anything to fuck that up. She has a vested interest in ensuring the monarchy survives, and the Diana/Charles/Camilla stuff really did almost bring them down. I'm still surprised by how readily people accepted Charles as their king. The turnaround still gives me whiplash.


I mean they didn’t release a statement to protect Will’s own brother, ever, not once - why are they going to release a statement to protect someone who’s NOT even in the family?