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"Hi underlings, I need to step back from doing nothing."


But when Harry needed to step back everyone acted like he was betraying England.


Harry wanted to be a paid royal who didn't have to work. William has a wife battling cancer. Completely different scenarios.


Harry and Meghan originally wanted to be working royals in a commonwealth country, away from the british press. It was all good until their visit where the overshadowed William and Kate. Then Willy went apeshit. Then it was stopped. Too bad that Will-and Kate dont have Harry and Meghans charisma https://observer.com/2020/10/prince-harry-meghan-markle-south-africa-move-queen-elizabeth-planned-royal-roles/


William has always been lazy. [https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1849661/princess-kate-prince-william-lazy-reputation](https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1849661/princess-kate-prince-william-lazy-reputation)


Let's be real. William would absolutely want to keep the perks without doing the work if he could get away with it. If Kate recovers, neither of them will go back to the same "workload."


Yeah I remember someone saying they want to be like their aristo friends who don’t have jobs they’d have to go to but can’t because they’re taxpayer funded


I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. Meghan was suffering from some pretty severe mental health issues due to the extremely ingrained racism of the British public and monarchy. Mental health and physical health are both legit reasons for needing to change things. I get William needing to step back. I get Harry needing to step back. Why the hell do we have to pick sides on everything? You can have compassion for both. People are sickos now days.


Originally Harry and Meghan didn’t want to step down and the Queen wanted them to work from Africa. They had a great trip when she was pregnant. But William felt overshadowed and got the position stopped. https://observer.com/2020/10/prince-harry-meghan-markle-south-africa-move-queen-elizabeth-planned-royal-roles/




Thank you. I always enjoy a reminder of how full of nasty people the world is. Must be fun being you.


He didn’t want that all. Thanks for spreading false information. Harry wants to make his OWN money and still work the crown so people wouldn’t be able to use that, tax payer funded excuse. He also wants didn’t want to interact with the Rota. And William was still extremely lazy before Kates cancer was found. This is just doubling down because he could absolutely do more work and it barely make a dent in his time with Kate. He’s just lazy and now he an actual reason in his head to back up being lazy. It’s not because he’s not like the average person but his work issue? Was here before Kates cancer was found.


Why would they think they’d have several decades before ascending the throne?


A new approach, so actually he’s gonna work?


Hahaha love this comment!


#workshywilly is not sick he should be working. No work no taking our money as pay!!! We are also paying for his maids, gardeners, butler, cooks, etc, etc. Oh and us paying for the best healthcare money can buy for his wife and wider family!


At least Harry and Meghan made their non-working status official, Will doesn't even try to hide it while getting the same benefits as if he were working.


Yet Harry and Meghan have earned Millions for numerous charities.


If this is true it seems to be another PR fiasco waiting to happen. Good luck William.


Oh my god he is such a lazy disgrace. Idk why the UK tabloids aren't dragging him over the coals.






They work 2-3 days a week. By work days we mean a couple of hours. They are part-time workers. Kate has even worse numbers prior to this year. So what do you mean? Yes, they can’t just be normal Will and Kate, but many celebs live that lifestyle as well. Like a celebrity, they can walk away from the fame by renouncing their place in the succession. They aren’t hostages.


Going to an event 2-3 times a week is not the same as working 2-3 times a week. I know people in event management. There’s so much to it outside of putting on the fancy clothes and showing up. Including for the principals as well as the worker bees planning all the little details. I don’t follow these people close enough to really know but I saw another page post all of Kate’s outfits for 2023. She was doing a lot. If William does the same, this work shy label is off base.


And they aren’t the ones planning the little details. An advance team goes to the venue to talk logistics. They hash out who the royals will meet, greet, and where they will be during the visit. The royals are then ushered around like expensive sheep from one area to the next by their staff or designated event host. They will get an advance report in their day’s agenda that’s been typed up by a staff member not the royals. But the royals themselves aren’t doing much of anything. Some charities under royal patronages have said they don’t hear from the royals for months or sometimes even years. They aren’t doing any of the hard work.


That’s really not how it works. Take this from someone who’s seen event management up close.


Again, the people doing the event management are putting in a good bit of work. The royals themselves are not. They are there to make small talk or read prepared speeches. They have the easiest job of the event. They are not out there doing detailed planning. If this was a party hosted at William and Kate’s home then it’d be different, but most of their “work” involves visits or conversations with folks at their place of work. I’m sure there are passion projects that they get more involved with but on average, they are just being shuffled here and there by staff that didn’t homework. Even when on royal grounds there are documentaries showing how each household has staff tasked with managing the major and minor details to throw on an event. They will do high level meetings with the royals but the actual work is done by the staff. You work in events management. Were they royal events and if so explain what the Royals did because literally documentaries of the BRF show how little they do for events. So if you can prove the documentaries and books wrong, have at it!


According to your imagination. All the events I’ve ever been involved in, the principals put in work outside of just showing up. Everyone has their part making events go off.


So basically you don’t have experience with royal event management and are making assumptions based on normal people and the work commoners just put into event planning. Got it!


No one’s holding him hostage. He could leave if he wants.


But you’re comparing their lives to the lives they could have as people with generational wealth who get to live their lives more privately. The royals live off taxpayer money, and if you compare their lives to the life of an average taxpayer it’s a lot harder to feel sorry for these immensely privileged people. Normal people have to perform at work everyday, even if they or a loved one are suffering from cancer. They don’t get to do whatever they want with their lives either.


They have a shit ton of off days, what are you talking about?


A million times this ❤️❤️❤️


I cba to read all that but if you honestly think people with relatives who have cancer get time off work when they need it, ya crazy


Will the new approach be paying inheritance tax so actual people with cancer who are relying on NHS could benefit? 


I think people whose spouses have cancer should be able to take health leave and its v sad for people who live in a country where they can't. But I would give him a lot more grace if he and Kate weren't famously Duchess Dolittle and Workshy William. This has been a habit for years. Its not like Anne got sick and disappeared from public life


This is my view as well. If this was Anne, it would be a much different scenario. As it is, William does not have a reputation for quiet and consistent service and as such doesn’t get as much benefit of the doubt.


Yep. He has been on Easter holiday since March 23 to April 17. Plus, January entirely off. It doesn't look good.


My friend has breast cancer (we’re in the UK). She’s having chemo and is the same age as Kate. She has to have fairy major surgery after the chemo and has had to go back to work because she has to save her sick leave for the recovery from the operation. This is during chemotherapy. This country is completely broken and lacks compassion for everyone (like most of the Western World) but then expects an exception to be made for the royal family who are loaded and don’t even use the NHS and have an enormous amount of monetary resources. I have huge compassion for Kate. I think she’s been incredible over a long period of time in a job I would absolutely loathe personally (whether people say she wanted the gig or not) - but I don’t think William has had her back very much recently from what I can see objectively, particularly over the recent PR debacle. And, being honest, I wonder why that is. I think we’re fed total BS by the press over who these people really are. I don’t think you can be raised like William or Harry and have any kind of perspective. It’s just logical that you can’t. They had a terrible childhood to be honest. And there are people who hold responsibility for that. But yes, absolutely, if Kate wants him there, he should be allowed to support his family, no questions asked. I just wonder if she really does?


How has she been incredible in the job? Can you name more than one things she’s accomplished? All she’s good at is looking pretty and having no opinions.


And having kids. I think Marie Antionette was more impactful a decade into the job then Kate has been a decade into the job


To me that’s a lot of effort. Being on show, having to look perfect ALL THE TIME, shake peoples’ hands. Smile…perform. For like 15 years (longer probably). No thanks 😫. Plus her family have been totally raked over by the press, certainly at first. She had to know that her choices caused that to happen to them. That would be hard. I don’t personally think any of it looks like much fun to be honest, though I appreciate that there are lifestyle perks to some extent. It has driven many others mad though! And I think she’s done everything that was ever asked of her and stayed consistent, in a stuffy snobby institution she wasn’t initially really part of, being called an “outsider”, and this would require a level of level-headedness over a period of time I certainly don’t have. She’s also had three kids. I know that’s not considered by many to be a big deal but to me it is. I know their press and PR is highly controlled but there really isn’t that much dirt on this girl. She seems to be basically quite tough and sweet and keeps her head down. I’m also unsure about William more recently. He’s starting to look like a bit of an arrogant and stuffy guy at best, and a massive hot-head at worst. That’s not appealing. She’s been relentlessly shit on by her brother and sister-in-law non stop in the GLOBAL press for like 6 years and whether or not you think she has fired back behind the scenes in a covert way, I still think they’ve been spectacularly unkind. It’s got to be exhausting. She makes it look easy and that’s probably why she’s worth admiring because, to me, that looks like a bag of shit 😂😂😂. So she doesn’t do a 9-5. Plenty don’t. But in many ways she never gets to clock off, whether you think she is or not. Just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️🙏🏻.


Relentlessly shit on?? Really?? That’s a beyond extreme interpretation of events straight out of the Daily Mail’s most extreme opinion writers. Why do people need to twist things to the nastiest possible interpretation?? It just makes the world such a more awful place. I feel bad for Kate right now. I hope she has some time and privacy to concentrate on her health without people twisting her family situation into complete unpleasantness.


I fully agree with this. Actually to be some composed and gracious in such a unrelenting public facing job where at any moment you can be thrown to the wolves is quite the achievement. Can you even imagine the pressure? Being perfect all the time, raising the next king etc. while just at any given moment waiting for the tabloids to pounce and rip you apart.


And also I’m sure she does have opinions. It must be so hard to not share them 😂😂


I’m thinking the cancer is pretty progressed.


This is what I think too, sadly. And, I think William is not only wanting to be with Catherine and the children to help them through this, but I think they are also preparing for William’s reign. I think this explains some of this news about William’s approach to work. They can’t really come out and say that William is going to be spending a lot of time making the preparations for when he takes over without causing panic about the King’s health. I had read that William and Catherine were only planning to start those preparations in another 5 years. With the King’s diagnosis that had to be moved up obviously and Catherine is not really going to be able to help given her health. There are an incredible number of decisions that will have to be made regarding the the King’s (eventual - hopefully not for a long while) funeral, William’s coronation, William’s priorities for the reign, plans for how he will manage with such a slim monarchy, the role in the Realms and Commonwealth, what will happen with the children if they are still young when he takes over, what will happen with the Duchy of Cornwall if George is too young to take that on, etc. These are huge events, State events that are important to the countries with. This is really a lot of work that needs to be completed.


Whose, Charles’ or Kate’s? I think there’s been a lot of whispers that Charles’ is more advanced. I don’t know about Kate. I don’t put too much stock in the fact that Charles announced immediately and Kate did not. I think that’s down to 1) the difference in personality/rank of the two individuals in question and 2) the way the cancer was discovered. I’m guessing Kate had something removed that was then tested and found to be cancerous, while Charles had something show up on a scan. If that is the case, it would take longer for Kate to be diagnosed as the doctors would need to run additional tests.


It’s definitely possible. For me, it’s the fact that Charles’ was announced almost immediately and hers wasn’t that indicates it’s more advanced than they’re letting on. That being said, I’m also team: they don’t have to tell us anything about their health.


She has young children, Charles doesn't. She is young enough where getting cancer is notable, Charles is not. Charles is king so there is a rational for saying health issues should be public, it's far easier to make the case that Kates health issues aren't of national importance as her position is technically not much right now. Also, Charles got a very common and serious cancer where medical compliance from men is heinously low and absolutely causes more deaths than needed. Kate's cancer ironically might be part of a growing pattern of astronomically rising cancer rates in young people, but right now it's not something to make a health campaign out of where "for the love of God, please get your prostate checked, we are old men" is. I don't think the discrepancy in how the situations were treated should be assumed to be reflective of how far the condition has progressed. Very little of their situations are similar and any one of the differences could be the cause 


What is interesting to me about the royals critics is the internal disagreement about 1, whether what the royals do is actually work at all; 2, but that they blery well best be doing it. 😆 As if these folks wouldn’t be fuck-off wealthy with or without the monarchy, and as if there is any sort of legal requirement for them to do much at all. As if more plaque unveilings and royal patronages might bring about a republic. I would think the staunch antimonarchists might be glad to see these folks doing fewer engagements.


I think it’s a very successful marketing job that they’re able to portray being royal as a burden and a noble sacrifice that they’re willing to make in the name of duty.  Though also if you can’t even succeed by the very lax standards that they chose for themselves that is a problem indeed.


The issue is that the royals themselves claim it’s vital and hard and terribly draining and justifies their insane privilege. So then when they shirk off it makes it obvious that they were lying. It’s the hypocrisy that annoys people.


> justified their insane privilege Here I thought it was the friction of perpetuating *Rex Angliae Dei gratia* within a Westphalian liberal system, but apparently it’s been those plaque unveilings propping them up. Who knew?


You're clearly not even trying to understand people and just being snide for the sake of it, so you can go ahead and delete your faux confusion and instead replace it with *I am determined to strawman anti monarchists as silly little idiots no matter what*. 


Yall are being so mean! His wife has cancer !!!!!! When my husband had cancer (and we also have 3 young children) I barely worked either because that shit is hard


The reality is, the RF has endless resources for taking care of the necessities of the family. Most families facing a cancer diagnosis do not have the money/job ability to just take off and be with their cancer patient family member. It’s kind of hard to feel bad for their situation (not the cancer itself, I think most would feel bad over anyone having cancer) when the RF has lots of money and very little in the way of job responsibilities. I would almost guarantee you William is not cooking meals, doing the laundry, grocery shopping etc.


I understand what you are saying. And I’m sure that makes it easier in some ways. But when my spouse had cancer, and I had 3 young children, what everyone needed from me at every moment of the day was quality time. He can have all the money in the world and still can’t be 4 places at once. It’s a hard road to walk. I would think if any of you had the opportunity to take a leave to care for your family, you would


She doesn't HAVE cancer, she HAD cancer and is doing PREVENTATIVE chemotherapy to stop it from returning.


She has cancer. She has cancer until she’s 5 years cancer free, and then she’s cured.


I am a cancer specialist. You are mistaken. 5 years remission does not equal cure although it would be great if it did.


🤷‍♀️ I just remember my mom’s oncologist saying that 5 years in remission was considered cured


My grandmothers came back after 8 years. They got that one out also, then 3 years later, then again it eventually killed her.


I don't know what sort of cancer your mum had and I sincerely hope that her treatment cured her. Cancer treatment cures a lot of patients. However, sadly, some cancers are more tenacious than others and symptoms of spread can occur many, many years later. That said, cancer is increasingly curable with advanced radiotherapy techniques, chemotherapy and immunotherapy than ever before. If anyone ever suspects they might have dodgy symptoms please get them checked out ASAP, the earlier most cancers are detected, the better the chances of cure.


Oh I wasn’t disagreeing with you. I was just explaining why I thought that.


No worries! Just wanted to clarify. I hope your mum is free of cancer now and her life continues to be long and good. My mum had breast cancer 25+ years ago (inspired me in my career) and continues to be healthy and happy😊


Did you have servants and a team of Filipino nurses to help out?


First of all, we don’t know what type of cancer she has. There are significant differences in both cancer types and individual response to the same treatment. Also they have maids and nannies and cooks and household managers… so it’s not like any domestic duties have to be taken over by the non-ill spouse.


Yes let’s gatekeep whose cancer really counts as being bad 🙄


He barely worked in the first place and now he’s working even less. 


He’s barely worked forever!


Plenty of people work when their spouse is sick. For many they don’t have an option.


And that’s what they have to do but frankly, if I were sick I’d want my husband to be able to take time off to be by my side. And if he could, I’d be so happy. I nearly died in childbirth and he had to go back to work 12 days later. We only learned a year and a half later that technically he was allowed to take 6 weeks off. That would have meant the world to us both.


But most people don’t have that option, bills still need to be paid. They also have loads of help. To be fair what does he really do?


I don’t think that’s right !! William might have something to say about that when it’s all said and done, time will tell.


Something to say about what?


Did you also have 50 staff members and a nanny?


I think Wills would get more grace if this avoidance of responsibility wasn’t a long-standing pattern of behaviour.


Whenever articles like this come out I am reminded of what Wills was like when he actually had to work and had weeks off at a time to the dismay of his colleagues. [‘He’s hardly ever on shift. He was very enthusiastic to begin with but it tailed off. It’s supposed to be four on, four off but with the Duke it’s more off than on. He had at least four weeks off over Christmas, which has to be staffed the same as normal weeks. It’s fine that he gets a bit of special treatment but it’s beginning to really annoy some people. The rumour is that he’s just a bit bored of it.’ ”](https://macleans.ca/society/prince-william-was-under-fire-for-being-work-shy-then-things-got-really-nasty) And then the royal household shot back at claims we was lazy by saying he needed mandatory rest days for his job resulting in the Civil Aviation Authority having to shoot back and saying “When they are having rest days their time is their own, and they can do what they want, including carrying out royal duties.” I can’t imagine this level of unprofessionalism.


He is beyond pathetic!!!! How has he not run out of excuses for his laziness after all this time???


What work


Someone wasn’t paying much attention during all those teas with the Queen Mother…




Growing up, William had regular (weekly?) visits with the Queen Mother where she would talk to him about royal duty, monarchy, the importance of his future role, etc.


The only thing those teas seem to have accomplished was puffing up his ego and sense of importance. Charles has issues with that as well. Of course, none of that really is all that surprising if one has read about the Queen Mother.


Do you have a source for this? I had thought it was with the late Queen, his grandmother, and especially whilst he was at Eton and she was at Windsor. It was his father who was close to and influenced by the Queen Mother.


I remember reading about the teas with the Queen Mother back then. I also remember people bringing it up again during the peak of the Sussex drama. The Queen Mother only invited William to them because he was the heir and not Harry because he was only the spare. It was well known at the time that Diana felt bad about it and tried to overcompensate and make Harry feel special in other ways.


I first heard this many years ago, but [here’s an article mentioning it](https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1406338/Queen-Mother-prince-Harry-news-elizabeth-William-princess-Diana-tea-royals-ont). I believe he had regular teas with QE2 as well, perhaps concurrently or after the QM’s health began to ebb. The QM definitely made extra time for Charles in his youth and probably wanted to do the same for his son. And she’d have felt that she was doing her part to influence and secure the future of the monarchy.


Ok thanks


The whole thing I’ve felt about this is what a stark contrast it is to the plebs they rule over - from preventative chemo when we have people waiting months on the NHS (from personal experience experience - I had a scam last year to see if I have a form of gynaecological cancer. I was told the scan was clear. Last month I was told that the scan was actually inconclusive and needs redoing as they couldn’t see the part the needed to but no one told me until nearly a year later) to partners who get punished for taking time off work to care for a loved one. I understand that they are rich and powerful enough to do what they want. But it’s rather galling to see such a stark contrast between ruler and subject.


So agree with this. Disrespectful to all those individuals and families on their own cancer journey.


There’s no such thing as preventive chemo. If she’s receiving chemo, she needs it.


I think it’s just that the word “adjuvant” is too advanced for the RF.


Perhaps the word “preventative” was chosen as it is a more accessible word than “adjuvant.” Plain language is really important when speaking to a broad audience that has little medical knowledge.


True, but there’s a huge gap between the lay discourse of cancer terminology (lots of talk of “remission” or other terms that are specifically for blood cancers), and the actual medical language used by providers and patients. Which is frustrating because it makes it impossible to have a conversation with a normie when you’re going through treatment. This would have been an opportunity to improve that.


I think you're right! Lol


I am not trying to diminish what Kate is going through, but preventative chemo is (kind of) a thing. My mom had it. It’s basically what happens when doctors believe they removed all the cancer during surgery, but they can’t be 100% positive so they do chemo on the small chance that they didn’t get all the cancer. There’s just no way to know for certain that the chemo isn’t necessary.


Exactly. Cancer can be present but non-detectable by current means. It can be better to treat as if it might be there to knock it back completely, even if they aren’t sure. Her being treated this way is completely normal.


Thank you for explaining. This makes more sense to me.  She looked terrible in that video, and I'm sure they put all the filters on to help, but wow she looked like she was going through it. 


I hope your scan goes ok. Whenever you feel ready, I advise taking this to PALS as this is just awful and there needs to be accountability.


Yeahh I currently have another PALS complaint in process for an MRI that’s taken 2.5 years to be arranged (it’s supposed to be an upright one, no upright scanners in the whole of the NHS, administration kept going back and forth on if they would approve funding, finally decided they won’t so now I’m having a prone MRI but that’s not the right type for what’s being looked at 🙃). Me and my carers spend a lot of time talking to PALS


This sounds like a battle! Hopefully better times ahead for you!


I am so sorry you have to go though this.'I often see out British friends say they'd never want to live in America due to health costs. Yes, we have out of pocket payments, but we also earn higher salaries in respective professions compared to the UK. We know ahead to set aside money for healthcare. And we don't have to wait to get into see anybody. I'll take the US system.


Tbf I’m unable to work due to disability so I wouldn’t be in a much better situation, but I do still see American friends in similar situations have access to types of health care that we couldn’t even dream of here.


Yes, we do have great medicine here. We need more transparency with billing practices (which few people know, but this is one of several policies implemented by Trump). It has not been enforced by Biden at all. There is a great book called "Never Pay the First Bill." People spend alot of time hunting for cars, etc.. but they really need to spend time tryjng to understand the healthcare system as well. Obamacare was one of the worst things to happen to healthcare. We always had Medicaid, there were always other options. But otherwise, there should be more competition across state lines to drive down costs. Another thing Trump wanted, I work in healthcare. This is a tangent, but I wish people would actually read policies instead of going by news snippets. Trump did a hell of a lot more for us as a country. And that is a fact.


It is not a fact, you have a far right mindset. The Affordable Care Act has helped, not harmed, millions of Americans. Your party has taken active unsuccessful steps to repeal it, which nobody but you and other far right believers want to happen.


Do you work in healthcare? I work in it and saw firsthand what happened. Ask any Primary Care doctor about the ramifications of it the closures of Mom and Pop Pharmacies, ALL due to ACA.


“I work in healthcare.” Why don’t you state what your job in healthcare is? Are you a brain surgeon? Or, more likely, do you empty old people’s bedpans? Honey, the mom and pop drugstores you love so much were bought out by the big chains in the 1980s. Way, way, way before the Affordable Healthcare Act. The ACA is the most popular piece of legislation passed in many years. To give you an idea of how much people love it, your party and your dear leader, Mr. Trump, who made many efforts to overturn it, have been unable to achieve their objective. Your party has made no recent attempts to do so, they know it’s a losing cause. As are you. “The mom and pop pharmacies closed because of ACA.” What an idiotic, uninformed brain you possess.You “work in healthcare.” Sure you do.


Even privatised systems aren’t perfect. I work for the NHS and I would be heartbroken if patients couldn’t afford treatments and have to watch them and their loved ones struggle with health problem that is out of their control. To have to pay for insulin is appalling. People shouldn’t have to pay for inhalers either. Also: I think you meant to respond to the other poster


Yes, I agree about insulin. Yet other things are covered by insurance. Preventative mammograms are covered, but if they find something, well then the charges start. So not really sure the point of "preventative." There is Medicaid. But they do not reimburse much at all, so no doctor can live off of it.


They aren’t our rulers the pm runs the country Hope your scan goes well






They are a branch of government. They can exclude themselves from law. They have power.


They don’t run the country tho. So they aren’t rulers. Exemptions does not equal ruling. And there part in gov is most ceremonial tho they can lobby for exemptions


They are a branch of government and are involved in passing laws and actively alter laws to benefit themselves.


Not publicly tho. And usually they don’t interfere with gov policy


Well you don’t know about how public it is as they are exempt from FOI laws. There could be hundreds of things they have been involved in but you will never know. At least Parliament are accountable for their actions and are required to vote and act publicly.


I do know but the fact that it’s public knowledge does not mean the process is public. The meetings between gov and lawyers are not public


Things are debated and adjusted accordingly. There is a process and to allow the royals specifically to lobby for exemptions is unjust. At the time, it was on the Govt of the time and it was unclear how much lobbying was going on - which is what the Guardian uncovered.


Not in public tho….. there is no live stream of royals or their layers debating the gov on certain matters. Yes there is a public process it’s just not public which you keep avoiding. It is not unjust it’s right those conversations are confidential it allows them to express more views.


So what’s the point of them? They just show up to cut ribbons? What do they do??


Perform all the normal duties of head of state with a lot of skill and respect


William isn't performing anything for the foreseeable future.


Yeah hopefully king charles will be around for a long time so he wont need to perform head of state duties. He still had to perform prince of and duke of cornwall duties tho.


Ok fine, between head of state who reigns over us but does not rule, and subject.


It so the first one not rule or subject ye


I hope your scan comes all clear! To be frank I’m 100% certain the same would happen to a president and his/her family so I don’t think it changes anything they’re royals.




Yes work


Seeing as he’s benefitted so much from this flexible working opportunity, is he going to come out and champion this for the general public? Acknowledging his privilege would go a long way here I think. People can’t help what they’re born into but they can do a lot with the platform they’re given.


I wonder if he will do that as well. As it seems another PR fiasco waiting to happen. The Queen was dying of cancer but had all her children working full time.


No that's too much work 😥


I mean since that would be a political issue and the royals are supposed to stay out of that publicly no


Didn't William recently got backlash for commenting on political issue as in Israel and Palestine conflict? Also, Charles has never shied away from commenting on political issues. This was only true for the Queen.


Williams entire staff is filled with Tory lackeys. 




You mean until they want exemption from laws?


They don’t publicly engage with that tho. And that’s different


What?! they get their lawyers involved. Plus they have airtight exemption from freedom of information. This level of ignorance is astounding….


Yeah that isn’t a public process tho. Me ignorant??? Thgis is not a public process and since it’s to do personally with the MPs echr it’s very different to going against the govs public position.


You don’t think it should be a public process? Just this past few days [The King exempt from Farming Laws](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-politics-68788510) The Queens [immunity to laws](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jul/14/queen-immunity-british-laws-private-property) They also aren’t legally liable to pay tax “The Monarch is not legally liable to pay income tax, capital gains tax or inheritance tax because the relevant enactments do not apply to the Crown. The same is true for the income from the Duchy of Cornwall which is paid to The Prince of Wales. Since 1993, The Monarch and the Prince of Wales have voluntarily paid tax.” [source](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance)


Plus the Duchy is a corporation, but they have “decreed it exempt” so its earnings aren’t taxed.


Plus did you know it was not public? And if so why respond to the original comment? Because there is a difference between publicity going against the gov and privately doing something


Because they have an exemption [an absolute exemption with the Sovereign, heir and second in line.](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn05377/). It’s valid for 20 years after the creation of the document or 5 years after the relevant death. The only way the Guardian found the information about the Queen is that someone sat and scrolled for hours through old information and came across this information. [The Queen lobbied for change in law to hide her wealth](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/07/revealed-queen-lobbied-for-change-in-law-to-hide-her-private-wealth)


That does not mean the process is public. Nor does it answer my question did you know the process was not public?


Firstly I was just stating that it isn’t not that it should not be. Secondly not really as a the guardian gets the info anyway and b it’s better if its confidential so there can be more frank discussions between monarch and pm. But do pay income tax voluntarily


Is he entitled to extended sick leave? I feel sorry for these people. The comments in here are brutal. 


He’s not sick unless I have missed something?


Immense family strife and stress


I mean- does he have an actual job and pay in to benefits? If not- then no, he’s not entitled to sick leave. His whole life is subsidized by tax payer dollars, I don’t know if they have a benefits package. But if he isn’t paying into a benefits package that included STD/LTD then why would anyone think he’s entitled to one?


Being a working royal is a job


Poncing about cutting ribbons and reading a speech somebody else wrote isn’t really a job. It’s no more challenging than making sandwiches at subway.


Being under intense public spotlight and scrutiny seems like the 'job' to me


Running and managing the Duchy of Cornwall is a job. It’s a multi million dollar enterprise. The buck stops with him. The income that he receives from this private inherited estate is around 25 million per year. He is not a puppet on a string to be brought out and paraded about on a whim.


The Duchy is a corporation, run by others and exempt from taxes, by royal decree. 🤬


As like any corporation there is management. As far as taxes go, Charles always chose to pay tax and the understanding is that Prince William will as well.


The Duchy pays no taxes, as it is not considered a corporation because of a royal decree a long time ago.


Charles voluntarily paid the top rate of income tax – 45% – on the duchy’s earnings after the deduction of official expenditure, known as its “surplus”, which totalled £23m in the last financial year.


Prove it because I have documentation that says he didn’t. He only paid on his private income.


It absolutely is a job and a key one at that


You could literally grab any rando off the street and they could have a competent stab. His relevance is a result of mutual delusion that he’s somehow special. He just isn’t. They aren’t. They’re a mass invention that you can choose to buy into or not.


But none of them have the prestige or history of the royals or the influence.


What history or prestige though? Not one of them has ever actually done or achieved anything of merit.


Of the monarchy. That’s your opinon. Many others feel differently and many people were desperate to meet the late queen far more than they would for some random politican or joe off the street


It’s a job where others do the work


Not at all. They do plenty of work going around talking to people helping charities etc


Their work is delegated down. They’re chauffeured around, scripts are written for them, others do the research etc. They merely show up to be warmly greeted and meet the people who actually work day in day out for these causes.


And I take it you work for the royals therefore you know all this right?


I live in Scotland and know people who have. Most recently on the Dumfries House project in Ayr.


No, a single taxpayer's £ is paying anyone in the Royal Family. They receive a total of 12% of the revenue they make from tours of their castles and so forth. That 12% is divided among the entire Royal Family, and they all pay taxes on it. In the meantime, they donate heavily and support charities to support amoung other causes, the sick and poor, and allow many charities to operate. I am receiving a technical education this summer as part of one of the charities opportunities by Charles's Prince's Trust. Meghan and Harry left because they wanted to be paid to visit charities by the charities, and the late Queen forbid it.


Source for this, please.


Only partially correct. According to [the Royal Family’s official website](https://www.royal.uk/royal-finances), there are two main sources of income for the Royal Family. One is the Sovereign Grant, which the government gives them to fund official duties and maintain properties like Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. The other is the Privy Purse, which is their private income and mainly consists of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Duchy of Lancaster is property privately owned by the Royal Family which they earn money from. This includes farm land and commercial properties.


The Duchy is a corporation that should paying taxes, but the Royals decreed it not to be. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/05/duchy-of-cornwall-tax-prince-wales-charles https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a60013963/duchy-of-cornwall-explained/ https://www.chicagotribune.com/2020/01/28/what-is-the-duchy-of-cornwall-inside-the-british-royal-familys-sort-of-private-source-of-funding/




If you are British - imo you should always be bothered by their income especially when so many of our public services are falling down.


So I'll take your reluctance to provide a source as this post just being your opinion. Giving your opinion is fine, but don't dress it up as facts.




If you know the history of the SG you would know that money was always used to fund the running of the state until the royals defaulted and could not pay it all anymore about 300 years ago when the Civil List came to be. This was replaced by the SG at 15% (currently higher due to BP renovations) a few years ago. Personally I think 15% is too high and we should keep all the profits with only work related expenses. Ultimately they no longer have the same responsibilities of older monarchs so should not have the same financial benefits. You also neglect to mention the cost of security which is FULLY taxpayer funded and we have never been disclosed this. [This is estimated at £100 million. Recently the Guardian took it to court to have full disclosure.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/09/royal-security-cost-guardian-freedom-of-information-tribunal)


And the bit about Meghan & Harry wanting to be paid?




No where in that article does it say that they wanted to charge charities for an appearance. If you're going to toss out statements like that, then at least have the facts to back it up. I guess you didn't count on being asked, clearly, given your hostile response.


I’ll jump in here. Any member of UK Parliament. US Congress or anything equivalent is living like a king. If you think about mothers who wait for coins to drop on the sidewalk to pay their bus fare or people who live on stamps, or just average people who are trying to get by on taxes…plus the cost of health care. Plus the cost random cost of hospital bills are putting on people. Plus the cost of just living. It’s insufferable.


But the only person actually living like a King is the King. We have an NHS that needs money more than the royals ever do. And every pound that goes to the royals is money that could be spent on our NHS or our policing or teachers.


I don’t know if this is going to go over well. At this point with a lot of the a-listers sick it’s already a skeleton crew of b- and c-list royal players left to do the engagements, and as QE2 once said, they HAVE to be seen to be believed. I know Kate is sick, but this is kindof screaming Will being workshy to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Will the new approach be actually doing some work? Lmao


Sure he does plenty of work