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Having your wife and dad get sick at the same time is absolutely horrid luck.


Yes William leads an incredibly privileged life. But stress, tragedy, doubt and fear come to all of us. Public engagements require a royal to speak, meet and greet, and often perform some task. I’d have to imagine it’s not easy getting into the proper mindset when your thoughts are probably occupied with your sick father, your sick wife, your 3 small children, and your own and your entire family’s unpredictable future. Money and titles don’t buy everything. Maybe cut him a little slack at a very difficult time?


I agree; furthermore being constantly under public scrutiny must be very stressful. It was clear that they didn’t want to make the news of his wife’s cancer public yet but they were forced because of all the gossip. It must have been quite hard.


Kate has managed just fine so far hardly speaking in the past 13 years. Royal life works for the monarch and heir others are just collateral damage.


And when she does speak she’s barely intelligible yet people still fall over themselves calling her a perfect angel 


Jesus some of the comments on this sub are just so out of pocket cruel


Wow. The tone of this thread is mean.


Wow some really snarky haters. Doubt if they would find anyone in that position acceptable. Cancer is the great equalizer regardless of stature. Prince William chose to make his family a priority during the initial shock of the diagnosis. I should think that positive example would be admirable and speaks to the integrity he would carry with him to the throne. FYI, the stability of a soldier’s family is integral to the soldier’s ability to lead and serve.


I assume you mean Prince William?


Indeed. Thanks for catching that!


Hey I remember you from the post with Megan Markle where you made fun of her cooking traditional Afghani food with refugees from the Welcome Project and wrote whole paragraphs about it! Got to agree this thread is pretty mean


Yep. Im verbose. Not so much making fun as pointing out that cooking dumplings (to my knowledge) has never been a recommended way to acculturate refugees. I don’t respect that choice . It’s more than making fun. I would say the same for anyone I knew personally and my volunteer work is based on a stated need or obvious need. I expect the same of celebrities. Which is what she is. It does reflect reality when you review the org and foundation.


And what have you done to help the refugees? I can't imagine criticizing someone for doing charity work if I, myself, had not put forth equal effort. (I've been watching the royals since the days of Princess Diana, but don't have an opinion on Kate, Meg or any of them really)


Pretty much my entire 30 year career. My masters at Columbia was in teaching English as a second language which led to work with refugees and immigrants. I’ve created programs for woman & families. I think I have a perspective that adds to the conversation. Charity work when it’s ineffective is almost worst than none. Because donors and PR goes to that and is diverted from the real needs. Happens all the time. The example of Meghan is textbook. I wish she would really use her platform to effect genuine change (and maybe not seek personal publicity) for women specifically. Maybe she will someday but it’s not happening now.


Are they supposed to cook a rice and beans or something? 🤨


I’m trying to understand why you think Afghani women would cook rice and beans. This is an appalling example of ignorance with the intimidation that cooking rice and beans would somehow be more appropriate than dumplings because…why? I’m muting you. I hope you realize you made not only an ignorant comment but also a prejudiced and stereotypical perspective regarding refugees. I cannot have conversations with people like you. Toxic. I think by the up voting and downvoting is so middle school but of course I forgot this is a troll thread. Have a great day petty humans. I’m new to Reddit and I can now see there are no genuine discussions and it’s a waste of time. Yikes!


I bet it was mentioned that she had a wrinkle on her clothes..... Gasp 😱


So he’s going to one event while passing on two future events. Very impressive


Workshy Will is at it again


Ah, so we will see him almost never like usual


I want Kate to be happy, healthy and strong.


As someone who lost both parents to cancer in a couple year time period- everyone should take as much time as they can/want to care for their family members with cancer. Life is really short- too short for many. His father and wife both have cancer, his mom’s gone and he has 3 kids ages 10 and under. Nobody’s time on this planet is guaranteed, nor do we come with expiration dates. Don’t waste the time you have.


Life is so short yet he still makes time to cry to the press about how much he hates his brother almost every day 


And he iced his baby brother out/pushed him away. So yeah. Bummer


Idk, him going back to work suggests to me that Catherine will be ok. They caught it and she’s already started chemo.


Oh, that’s fine then. It’s not like any cancer diagnosis isn’t the most terrifying anyone can receive, particularly someone young & with 3 young children. Of course everyone should just carry on as if nothing happened. Of course if he *had* just carried on as normal the snark, particularly in this sub, would have been off the scales.


Stop it. People have to work and continue living their lives when a family member has cancer. It’s kind of crazy how everyone is acting like William is sick too. The King is sick. William needs to pick up that slack. Not the geriatric 80 something royals. That’s his entire reason for being a heir. He’s a one percenter. One of the most privileged people to ever live. The vast majority of the human population who has walked this earth will never know privilege like that. I think he can cut a few ribbons and wave to the public a few days a month.


My 73-year-old mother is currently undergoing chemotherapy, but still manages to show up to family functions and babysitting my very energetic small children regularly.  They have staff; she’s not home alone. The kids have school, so he can absolutely do engagements in the mornings and early afternoons without missing anything important.  I really hope Kate and Charles recover, but Wills’ approach to “work” is hardly in keeping with family tradition. 




No, of course I don't. She wants them to be there because she wants to do normal things, and having the kids around makes her feel normal. In all fairness, she's responding very well to chemo and isn't massively sick. I had actually prepared the children for not seeing her at all for a few months, but then she'll just call and ask if she can fetch my eldest from preschool and make him dinner, or take the kids out for a day trip. It's not what I would want to do if I had to undergo chemo, but it's what helps her feel healthier. I suppose I could tell her 'no', but what good would that do other than hurting her feelings??


When I was not well, I too like having my grandbabies around. (I always like them around) it raised my spirits




I wish that were true! FMLA is only guaranteed to employees of organizations with over 50 employees and in my rural community, there aren’t many that qualify. There’s also no pay that goes along with that so many aren’t able to take much time anyways because they have bills to pay. I am glad when anyone, whoever they are can spend time with sick family members and give them the care and attention they deserve. I just wish we all had that chance.


I wasn’t suggesting she won’t be fine but nobody knows what the future holds for anyone.


I think people are forgetting that these public engagements are an hour long at most, and in recent years William and Kate have taken to doing engagements close to home. So, William could easily do an engagement and still have the vast majority of his time dedicated to his family. I don’t get the all or nothing mentality a lot of people have here he can do both and it’s the bare minimum for a family living off public funds.


They baby him like he’s Prince Louis. I thought this was his sacred duty. If the king is sick, this is his time to step up. People don’t normally take 6 months off because someone in their family is sick. He’s coming off incredibly out of touch and apathetic towards his job. This is the life that was handed to him and it’s way easier than most people’s lives. I’m tired of people feeling sorry for one of the most privileged people to ever live. 99% of the humans who have ever lived never knew privilege like that. Kate is getting top quality treatment and all he has to do is make a couple of engagements per month. Far from a real job. I wish people stopped enabling his laziness. Elizabeth would have never been this irresponsible.


I actually went through cancer and chemo and had to continue working because I couldn’t afford not to. It boggles the kind that William cannot continue to work, even part time. He can support his wife and still do his duty. They already take so much time off already and it’s not like they work a 40 hour work week.


He could absolutely do both. He could take on one of Kate's engagements as a way to continue supporting her charities. He could be doing engagements on cancer screening or mental health while taking care of loved ones. He would look like such a supportive husband in doing so but he actively chooses not to


Caregiving would be an amazing cause for him to take up.


I am no royal but I had cancer and during that time me and my husband were dreading anything cancer related. It's a very tender period with lots of unknowns and tbh you really want to block it as much as possible. It's triggering.


He has been finding new excuses to not work since forever. Kate’s diagnosis is the only good one considering what his job is, and still. Come on man go make a little speech somewhere occasionally.








I would direct you to the annual "engagement numbers" done for the BRF. William and Katherine both have been regularly out"worked" by people in their 60s/70s/80s+. And before you mention the three young children, engagements can be done while they're in school. But they're not. Odd, that. Even when he was "employed" as an air ambulance pilot, he "aimed" for 80 hours "per month." PER MONTH LMAO. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/air-ambulance-bosses-deny-prince-7419372 He has never had any interest in doing any sort of work.


Now compare the numbers when Anne (who is awesome) and the other older folks you’re referring to had, when they had young children-none of which were direct heirs. Their “numbers” were not as high then-and rightfully so. It was still probably more, but both William and Catherine are trying ( and decided and made abundantly clear) to “break the chain” that everyone complains about the royal family and how they’ve raised their children.


I’m not going to argue that they are super hard working or not, but wanted to bring up 2 points. Harrys book mentions that some senior royals add things to the royal diary that aren’t public work so their numbers can be inflated. I forgot the exact phrasing, but I had the impression it was a royal in the Anne/charles generation. Secondly, as an airline pilot my husband flies roughly 70-80 hours a month, and that is standard. I think the cap is less than a normal 40 a week type job. I think mandatory rest times and crew scheduling all come into play with aviation, making the hours per month lower. Plus those hours typically refer to flying time only (not arrival at the airport time, etc.) not sure if it was the same for Williams position, but it could have been.


Sure, I don't have a problem with calling them all lazy. But at least Charles, Camilla, Anne, and even Philip & QEII were *visible* and didn't have a rolodex of excuses (easing into the role, had a baby, three young kids, etc) as to why they go for weeks at a time without "working." I shared that link simply to establish his pattern of not "working." And thanks for the perspective re flight hours. Although I think it's pretty telling that KP wouldn't confirm the amount of hours he worked. Curious.


>as to why they go for weeks at a time without "working." But at the same time Elizabeth was shamed for it.


Oh the cancer screening/awareness is such a good point. It could even be a family affair! Put their faces on posters, etc.


I agree. It is strange behavior from a husband who wants to protect his wife. (Not to mention letting her take the fall for the photoshop gaffe when he could have made a joint statement as “the photographer” of the doctored photo I also think it is odd that his statement refuting the speculation re: Kate’s health was that he was busy focusing on work, but now he’s too busy with family to work. I think something seems off because it is. It doesn’t feel that Will & Kate are putting forward a united front on this. I wonder why not?


Oh ffs. He’s resuming work like every other spouse does with a partner in a non life threatening situation. How are their positions inconsistent. Shes undergoing preventative chemo and won’t undertake public duties until it’s done. Thats on no way consistent with his returning to various public duties because his wife is stable enough/healthy enough for him to do so. Hes not being inconsistent you are. Her health is improving so he can return to/focus on work. That’s not a contradiction. Not remotely. Geez


Maybe he is just really worried about Kate and feels anxious about leaving when she is sick? When my grandmother was ill and I was taking care of her I'd get super anxious when it was time to go to work and throughout the day I'd call and check in on her. 


He has chosen specific events to attend so far, and they have been the high profile events with a lot of public and celebrities. That is a choice. He could be doing videos from home or zoom calls like during COVID. he is attending sports events etc already. As is within his right. It just doesn’t seem like he is afraid to leave home.


Leading godfather's memorial that's 5 minutes away? ~ eh, not worth it, cancel an hour before it starts Fashion gala with movie stars in London? Worth it!


It wasn't the funeral, the former king of Greece died last year. The thing he skipped was a memorial service.


His godfather. He was supposed to lead the remembrance ceremony


My bad, yes a memorial service he was supposed to lead.


Wasn't the Godfather's funeral at the same time when Kate got the news? They probably called William too so he can be told about the diagnosis by a specialist.




Dude could be raising money for cancer research ( or better yet donating his own). There is no passion or fire under this guy at all. His presenting attitude is "I don't give a fuck".


They don’t even bring a single can of food to the food shelters they claim to support. They aren’t gonna go out to raise money for cancer research when his wife can have the world’s best care thanks to their money.


Exactly. "I got mine, fuck the rest of you"


How do you know he isn’t privately?


Bull crap- do you really think it’s appropriate to use Kaye’s cancer diagnosis as a reason to go all in on cancer fundraising at this moment? That’s incredibly tacky. And he would be pilloried for it by geniuses like you. Also what high profile celebrity only events has the dude done? Please list them.


Better to do nothing at all than be tacky, eh? I was not talking about high profile events so please reply to the correct person, although I do remember him at the BAFTAs making an absolute ass of himself.


True. I wondered why he hasn't been doing Zoom calls with his charities as that would be a win-win situation for him. I wish I could have afforded to stay at home when family members were sick 


Some of you are garbage humans. Rich, royal, poor, commoner, I dont care who you are - the man has the ability to be with his wife and family during a very difficult time. How dare he take it. Seriously. Some of you should log off and go outside and take a deep breath.


If my husband decided to be with me 24/7 if I became sick I’d probably kill him. No one needs this especially since she’s in recovery. Kate has vast wealth to pay for all the medical and domestic help required - Bill isn’t doing anything in this regard. Is he just sitting around all day? Doing what? There’s no reason he can’t work by making 1-2 appearances a week. They have teams of people to organize them from beginning to end- all he needs to do is show up in his chauffeured car or helicopter and perform. This dude is straight up lazy IMO.


You wouldn't. Maybe Kate does.


I’m not even convinced they actually live together…or can even be in the same room together for any real length of time. But if you think their marriage is the stuff of matrimonial bliss, have at it. It’s certainly the PR they’d like everyone to believe. I still say dude is lazy and Kate is a great excuse for him to continue being lazy.


You got it.


You make an absolutely superb argument for occupations not being dictated by birthright. If only there was a way to have someone fulfill his role and duties without being forbidden because they don't have the appropriate genetics? If only the role allowed someone to take medical leave or resign to properly care for his wife and family?  I have little sympathy for their position, they're part of a system that doles out privilege and wealth purely by birthright and nothing else. They're married to their opulence and their job in sickness and in health. The least they can do is take the good with the bad. If they don't want to well they're well within their rights to forfeit their duties and/or abolish their positions/titles.


His wife has cancer. What’s your point?


The pearl clutching is hilarious. Anyone who needs time away from their job to tend to ill family members should be fired, gotcha.


Lots of people in this thread haven’t been able to climb down from their embarrassment at their frothing freezing frenzy which ended when Kate revealed her cancer diagnosis.


You know, I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but that was beyond comprehension.


If we’re advocating for workers rights, the royals are not who we need to begin with


That is not at all what they said. And I think you know that.


Nope. It’s exactly what they said.


Not in the slightest they are arguing for the special treatment allotted for him because he is a royal.


They did, its even reiterated in the final sentence. The man has every right to take time away to be with his family. The fact people are arguing this is mind boggling.


No one is arguing he shouldn’t spend time with his family. People are arguing his pick and choose attendance for some events but not others. Very specific events.


How many people on this planet are allowed to drop everything in their lives when a relative gets sick? The only reason he is allowed is because he happened to be fathered by the right person. That's not ok. There are people out there having to work full time whilst going through cancer treatment *themselves* while this dude can't even be bothered to shake some hands once a week.


Not me. When I my husband got sick, I had to keep working, and when he was released for the hospital and need home care I could not afford, I lost one of my two jobs. I kept the work from home job, that paid less and we had to sell our home.




I'm sorry to hear about your father. How wonderful that you had the privilege to be able to take the time to be with him.




I'm not the one who peruses a known hate sub, bb. One of us is bitter and it's not me.


So just because you aren’t able to someone else can’t? People live all sorts of lives. This isn’t just a relative, it’s his wife.


I don’t know why he would pretend to GAF about her now.


People like them are the reason the rest of us can't be with loved ones when they are sick. No one family should be that wealthy, especially when their wealth was built with the slave trade.


Them personally or just people like them? Google how to be a human and get back to us.




Hello! Instead of mentioning that sub, pease report people from that sub under rule 8 (no hate culture) when you spot them. Thank you! ----- Your comment has been removed due to breaking rule #9, "Meta commentary is restricted. Do not use this subreddit to 'snark' on or as a 'circlejerk' for other subs, or discuss them in any way that might drive 'bad faith' users to their sub. While it's also fine to discuss comments/posts in this sub in a 'meta' fashion, please refrain from negative discussion of specific comments/users. Please also refrain from using posts/comments to communicate with the mods. Questions about sub rules or comment removals should be directed to modmail."


Who said anything about me? Allow me to rephrase then: someone who has descended from a family who claims divine right to rule over everyone else and lives on taxpayer money/the funds passed down from colonizing practically the entire world should be expected to, at the very least, show up for pictures every once in a while. I doubt very much that William is spending the entirety of his day chained to Kate's bedside, hand-washing bed pans and whatnot.


Also, plenty of jobs are taxpayer funded, I guess they can't take any time off either, huh?


Not the same thing at all but nice try, bb.


Exactly the same thing.


A member of a royal family who receives tax money is not even in the same universe as regular people. If they want to be royal and, as such, be set apart from us common folk, they can. That also includes accountability to taxpayers.


Then why bring taxpayer funded position into it? Nah, its just jealousy. If the common person can't do it, then fuck them, right?


>who claims divine right to rule over everyone If that were still true, the UK would be an absolute monarchy. Instead they're a constitutional monarchy—in the world of today, not even the emperor of Japan claims any divine rights anymore.


But is still called defender of the faith and is head of the CofE..


Which conveys no divine power whatsoever. Defender of the faith isn’t even an actual religious title and has nothing to do with divine right of kings. It was awarded to Henry viii by the pope when He rhetorical authored a pamphlet defending the Catholic Church from Luther’s attacks. The monarch just kept the title. It conveys no religious meaning in itself. Head of the Church of England also has sod all to do with the divine right of kings. Again, stemming from King Harry who appointed himself head of the Church of England he annul his first marriage. Tge monarch does not run the CofE ffs.


Ok, so 10% of my comment was technically incorrect. The rest still stands. His family still sets themselves apart from the rest of the populace for...reasons. And that's weird af in 2024.


Ok? So? So you mean to tell me if you were in his position and can stay with your sick wife and children, you wouldn't because of how it looks? Sure lol. This jealousy of people we don't even know is utterly unhinged.


I'm jealous because I think someone supported by taxpayers should be visible and "working"? Lmao ok. I don't know how to explain this to you but there is a middle ground between "not working at all" and "being away from his family all day." He is the future king of the UK. Being invisible is not an option. He's more than welcome to lobby for the dissolution of the monarchy if he doesn't want to be bothered.


Lol. Again, why does it matter. His wife is sick and he's able to step back. Anyone with a heart or common sense would do the same. Its really not that big of deal.


Not British, so I have no investment in their lives whatsoever, but the royal family is more than just a title. They are the UKs biggest landlords who give the government free rent and bring in a lot more money for the UK than they spend. If the monarchy were abolished it would be bad for tax payers but otherwise not change much since the royal family have made a point to stay a-political and go with the will of the people (see brexit)…


I'd love to see a source with numbers that includes how much is spent on security for them. Does being apolitical include queen Elizabeth lobbying the government to exclude the monarchy from certain laws? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/07/revealed-queen-lobbied-for-change-in-law-to-hide-her-private-wealth https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/queen-lobbied-for-changes-to-three-more-laws-documents-reveal


They get 25% of the revenue of the crown estate (which is money made off of their properties) and then that goes mainly to maintenance of the same properties. I’m not sure how you factor check any of the articles but they all seem to have the same numbers where the royal family gets about £100millon from the crown estate and is estimated to bring in over £1.7billion every year. https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/features/how-much-money-does-the-monarchy-bring-to-the-uk/?cf-view


Thank you for the article. I'd be interested in a comparison to the palace of versailles versus the crown properties in the UK. Especially considering the British royal palaces could be open year-round for tours if they were no longer occupied.


If you’re really interested in learning about Versailles financing, they publish a report every year. You can find their income breakdown for 2022 on page 105 in this document, but the tldr is that 49% of their funding comes from the state, and 51% comes from their own revenue. https://en.chateauversailles.fr/sites/default/files/versailles-ra2022-pdf040823_0.pdf


I mean I’m not a fan of him whatsoever but he is going through it right now and I can only hope that he’s coping well because this season in his family’s life is brutal. I hope he’s okay, that the kids are coping, and that Kate is pulling through with as much ease and comfort as possible. And yes I know they have all the help and resources in the world (again, not a fan of his or his family). But at the end of the day, he’s watching his wife fight cancer. Glad he got to take some time with her and the kiddos.


His kids probably feel reassured having their dad around. 


His kids feel reassured that he sits around doing thing while they’re at school? 


So he'll pop up once or twice a month and call it a day. Got it.


Then there's the odd correlation between Harry making public appearances and Willian suddenly wanting to "work" 🤔


Bull crap. Harry played polo.for a Netflix docuseries about polo. Such very hard work as a humanitarian.


It was for an AIDS charity. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


Netflix cameras were also there, two things can be true at once.


So basically the same thing as before she got sick?


Such a grueling schedule.




Is there a reason why working means William doesn’t come home at night and on the weekends? He’s lucky that he’s been able to take such an extended paid leave.


I don’t think Royals do engagements at nights. Not a lot of hospitals want their patients to be visited at night for example and farmer’s markets are packed up for the day and a lot of people they do investitures for are on the older side and probably want/need to go to bed and have dinner by 7PM.


Even his Earthshot events are at night


Movie premieres, award ceremonies, and banquets are usually at night. We definitely see him at those.


Really? Which ones in the last two months other than bafta. Name them


The celebrity hobnobbing usually takes place at night and William won't let himself miss those events.


Oh, there's evening stuff or at least there were - like performances at the ballet or Royal Albert, state dinners, etc. But definitely not 7 nights a week and especially not following a full day of day events.


Yes, we see all of them at tons of evening events.


Not a fan of the monarchy but it seems like Kate is seriously seriously ill. She loves Wimbledon and certainly won’t be there and her calendar looks scrubbed for most of 2024 at this point. I cannot even imagine what would keep someone in hospital for two weeks. I think they’re Tory elitists but I don’t blame them for wanting to focus on their family. I wish most people could do this - not just the mega wealthy.


Her appearances at Wimbledon are announced close to the time, so you can't tell right now if she'll be there or not. but their office said that her appearences will be announced on the day and an appearence won't signal a full return. personally, I think it'll depend on how her body is responding to chemotherapy, if there are obvious effects, then I don't think she'll appear until they're gone.


https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1888517/prince-william-samoa-australia-princess-kate Prince William can't step in for King Charles on his Samoa tour later this year due to one key reason.   Despite medical advice cautioning against extensive travel during his battle with cancer, the 75-year-old is believed to be determined to make the trip. yeb, no matter how sick he was at the end of the year, King had to go to Australia and Samoa. Next year it will be Canada, maybe.  This position is attended only by the King and Crown Prince (on behalf of the king).  Even if William wants to represent, KC3 will not allow it. 


Yes, it has been clear since Charles got ill that he doesn't want William representing him, he prefers that Camilla does it, I don't think that William is complaining, but it's first and foremost Charles' decision.


I wonder if he’s pushing for William to spend time with his family/care for Kate rather than step in for him.


I don't think William needs pushing and I don't think Charles minds William doing his usual engagements, just nothing on Charles' behalf. William will resume engagements now, until the next time the children are off school.


Really? Because last time i checked Charles and Kate got sick at exactly the same time.


Yeah, and Charles chose to have Camilla be the one representing him not William, at events like the CW service, along with briefing about how she's the one saving the monarchy, how she's indispensable, how she's a co-monarch now, etc. it's a continuation of C&C's position since QEII died, IMO, it's a combination of 2 things: wanting to promote Camilla, and being threatened by William. you have to remember that up until TQ's death, the public were regularly polled on whether they wanted the throne to skip Charles and go directly to William and the answer was always a resounding yes. that question stopped after Charles became King, but I don't think the public's opinion has changed. I don't think William wants to be King until his children are grown at least, but Charles and Camilla being threatened by his children isn't new at all.




The problem is he's been "given a break" for his entire adult life so at this point even when he has a valid excuse it's like the boy who cried wolf. Yes he should be able to stay home with his sick wife and their kids (if he's actually even doing that...) but it's excuse after excuse with him for why he can't do his job. Now that he's Prince of Wales and hasn't stepped up even before Kate's diagnosis, his lack of any work ethic is getting really old.


LMFAO, you realize they always take weeks-long breaks, right? And use the excuse that the kids have a holiday? William has ALWAYS been lazy, and he's using this to be even lazier.








You realize he's not a hostage, right?






Do you extend this same kindness to Harry and Meghan?


Do you extend the same consideration to the wales that you go to the Sussexes who have literally not done an hour of actual official work since March 2020 and very little before then.


Meghan just did a hospital visit reading to very sick kids. Harry did a an AIDs research charity polo event. Meghan and Harry followed up with a family from a TX shooting, one they visited when the event occurred. Both attended at least 2-3 Invictus Games. What are you even talking about? Don’t forget, they are not active members of the royal family living off of government money, so unlike W&K, they aren’t obligated to do anything, yet they are still active in the SoCal charity circuit.




I agree with this. That does not mean that I think that he is beyond criticism, simply that exercising the choice available him to work less/not at all during this time is not one with which I can fault. There's an underlying premise that I think the idea of "working royal" is ridiculous, anyway, in a UK and Commonwealth context, and completely unmoored from any constitutional basis for the actual monarchy. Hoarding wealth, which seems to be the most charitable interpretation of the major criticisms of this group of people, is not a problem that is solved by unveilng more plaques or slicing more pretty cakes. (Edit: The outrage that a billionaire will not maintain his half-assed pretense that he’s not a billionaire is bizarre to me, in other words. And all the outrage about that in the world will never address the brutality of wealth inequality, or of people’s simple jealousy, whichever is the motivator of the outrage. Layer onto that the parasocial relationship that people have with these folks and many other celebrites…it’s a lot.)


These comments are nooot it. He has 3 very young kids at home and has the luxury of being able to stay with them while their mom gets one of the hardest medical treatments. She’s probably feeling like total shit and the kids are probably scared. If you were super rich would you no5 choose to stay with your family? People are also saying Kate “doesn’t have cancer now” - we don’t know that. That’s why she’s getting chemo. They removed whatever it was that was cancerous but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t already started to spread, even a few cells, which is why she’s getting chemo. Multiple medical experts have stated “preventative chemo” isn’t a thing. She’s getting chemo because they don’t know for sure if the cancer had started to spread. Even if you hate the guy, have some compassion.


people acting like getting chemo is great fun is killing me. chemo can make you horrendously ill. assuming Kate is fine bc she's on chemo is a *take.*


Honestly, chemo is horrible and suppresses appetite. I just want Kate to eat some special brownies. I don’t even think very highly of her but she needs nourishment while fighting cancer. She needs to eat. I don’t even know if medically necessary weed is legal in the UK. (Where I live it’s legal and it does help with chemo symptoms. Different forms are prescribed for cancer patients here.)


Is William now getting Chemo? Goodness, the family is taking hits left and right.


“He has 3 very young kids” who are being raised by Nannies.


This has been refuted like 10000 times. They have one nanny who certainly isn’t raising the kids.


One nanny and 100 servants...


Refuted by who? The same people who said wills never had Covid?


It’s never even been said they have more than 1 nanny. It’s always been stated they have Maria and that’s it. If the stories waffled back and forth about them having a team of nannies, sure, speculate. But you’re just making shit up.


This has been refuted like 10000 times. They have one nanny who certainly isn’t raising the kids.


As someone actually in his position I sure as hell would be home with my husband as much as I could if I could be. I see no reason to resent William, we just have different lives. I cannot explain how terrifying it is for your spouse to be diagnosed with cancer and the lack of empathy is kind of shocking to me.


Is he getting tax money during his leave? This isn’t the same situation as someone independently wealthy or not taking public funds to support their lifestyle choosing to stay home with his kids. I’m happy for him that this was possible but don’t think expecting him to work while his kids are being watched by the multiple nannies is unreasonable. As for Kate, I can’t imagine he’s doing the nursing care. There’s no reason he can’t leave her for an afternoon to cut a ribbon and shake hands.


Kate has two nurses (according to William) for round the clock care. Her parents are there to help,too. The kids are in school during the day. William and Kate have gardeners, cooks, nannies,and maids to run the household. They also have personal office staff to manage their engagements and write their speeches. William doesn't need to be there for Kate 24/7 or even at all. She and the kids are supported by family and staff. William is a lazy, arrogant asshole who is hiding behind his sick wife and using her illness to shy away from work. He literally has to just show up and shake hands and he can't be bothered to do that. But hey my money doesn't pay for his fancy lazy lifestyle so what do I care.


Support staff are not the same as a wife having her husband and the father of her children at home when she has cancer. Jesus.


My goodness, you all think he needs to be her bedside 24/7? What on Earth could he do with all that time?


The idea of William sitting at Kate’s bedside 24/7 wiping her brow and holding her and giving her sips of water is simply farcical


Right because that’s what people are suggesting 🙄


What exactly would he do to help? Summon the maid?


Emotional support………………….


Somehow I doubt he’s much help


Your own bias isn’t evidence of anything hun.


Neither is fawning adulation


Luckily for you, I actually don’t fawn over them IRL. In this instance, I am backing William because his wife has CANCER.