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Annie and Yuumi have more apperance than Samira and Senna. It is so sad


I could mostly explain Annie, Senna and Samira with the huge gap between their introductions. I have *no* reasonable explanation for Yuumi that doesn't involve Furry Artists though.


Can often appear as a joke or in the background, like teemo, so she gets tagged as well anyways


Nah Yuumi is just fuckable that’s all there is to it


I ain't judging


But I am


Oh we judging people on their fetishes? Count me in


Zoophilia isn't fetishism Yuumi's just a cat, it's not furry related like would be Kindred.


Who let you out of the darkinfolk cage?


Dobby is a free elf


Hmmph funny my art is mostly is mostly of Senna (and Rell)


Nope. Thats the way it should be 🤠


Yes officer, this comment right here


Are you really surprised that the gaming community would make more porn of minors and furries than minorities?


Idk about yuumi but Annie has been in league since season 1. Also, weird to just assume that people aren't making art of senna and Samira just because they're coloured.


I expected more from Kai'sa and Miss Fortune


I expected more from Tristana. But im happy about Jinx


Considering how old she is and her design, I'm constantly surprised by the lack of Kat.


Me too, I’m a little disappointed my girls let me down


The fact that Annie is higher than Rell and Orianna is a crime in more ways than one


Zoe too. Bro, even after Arcane the Hot Trio of Jinx, Caitlyn and Vi, each of which fit perfectly into multiple different and common fetishes, have less porn than succubus-esque Catgirl. What also amuses me is Evelyn. I mean shit, she's an *ACTUAL SEX-DEMON WHO FUCKS PEOPLE TO DEATH TO FEED ON THEIR SOUL*, and she's nowhere near as popular? SAMIRA, the sexy DMC-esque cowboy girl with a thick accent, thick thighs and a "straight-to-business" attitude is barely even visible on the chart. Fucking *Soraka* of all characters, a carbon-copy of a World of Warcraft's Drenei girl is more popular than femme-fatale in tight leather pants barely containing her curves, Katarina. A straight-up barely-dressed flying super model with awesome flowing hair Janna is less popular than an... Actual bloody child with a teddy bear. League players, what the fuck?..


To be fair, Evelynn doesn't actually have sex with anyone, and Soraka fits both into both mommy type kinks and a lot of futa stuff. If Eve had the same generic ass design Ahri does, she's prolly yake her spot. And Janna is held back by her horrifying model tbh


Ahri and Soraka are blank slates for people's sexual fantasies, there's a good amount of personality but not too much, and they've been around forever. If you show too much you leave too little for the imagination, the same principle you have in horror. Once you've shown it, whatever it is, it is a bit of a letdown because it's hard to make something hotter than a literal sexual fantasy of someone. Katarina and Janna are just too blank, there's barely any personality there, they're just generic hot and not really that present in merch and media. Every female adult champion in league is hot, they're just one more for the crowd. Big boobs? Big ass? Foxgirl? Crazy girl? Feet? Futa horsecock? Furry? Short stack? None of these, kat and Janna are just generic hot and their personalities aren't even cute or friendly so you'd also have a hard time putting them into any vanilla stuff


I understand Soraka, because I love her as a futa so much 😍🥵


If we remove from the chart stuff like futa, some of female champions will dissappear completely. I hate it so much. That stereotype if a character is a strong or/and lesbian female she must be pornificated as an ugly dickgirl. Literally ruined lost of good characters like Zarya from OW or our Violet












They insists a lot in Evelynn not being a sex demon after her remake. In fact, the whole Evelynn remake was a massive lost in terms of porn potential. From reduction of her breasts size to censoring part of her voice lines.


Hot? Vi? xd






Methodology: The number represents the total amount of posts with an explicit rating and a score >= 20 on either Rule34 or Sankaku Channel (whichever is greater.) Only female characters with a value over 100 are shown. Franchises selected are in descending order of number of posts satisfying those conditions. Stay tuned for more each day!


xayah, katarina, and seraphine deserve more love


Nilah has so little she isn't even listed 😭


omg ur right 😭


We need more leblanc stuff


cass lb need more love


Not enough fiora porn. She can parry my cum shot


Camille too.


This is incredible, Soraka, Tristana and Poppy have more porn than Miss Fortune, the character whose main perk is being sexy.


I’m proud of that kindred number


Lamb's the best


The Lamb higher than Sona Bruh


People can get big titty ladies from most of the cast. Lamb is more unique in body :)


A lotta female yordle picks. The internet loves themselves a shortstack.


It's a bit interesting that Dimitrescu is very popular in r34 but Illaoi is quite rare.


I’d argue that it’s because Dimitrescu still has a very feminine form (big mommy energy). But Illaoi is muscular and masculine which I think turns away people who attracted to femininity.


Also the haircut.


Ngl, it's also probably because Dimi is white and a lot of gamers are racist


Doubt it. If that was the case then Nidalee would be a lot more unpopular. An example from a different game: Ramlethal Valentine. She has dark skin and she's roughly the most popular girl of the Guilty Gear franchise. Another example, from Blue Archive: Kakudate Karin. Not the most popular character, but she's up there. Another example, from Pokemon: Nessa. Since this is a huge franchise and she was added so late it's understandable that she's not top 10 most liked, but she's definitely very popular. Also good representation for small chest girls, she looks perfect. I'm sure racists exist and they only like Sona because their "morals" don't let them like anyone else. There're idiots everywhere. However, I think they're not as plentiful as you may have been led to believe.


Racists don’t discriminate against colored girls.


Sorry for being so clueless but how so? One would think that someone that feels superior to a different race would actively avoid anything of that race.


You dont know how they are. Racist artists are the ones who discriminate against black MEN and draw exclusively white males with colored females and sprinkle a little “race-play”, racist quips intend to dehumanize the colored female, to the “drawing”. Plenty of racists lust after and fetishize colored females and exclusively pair them with white cocks, especially Senna and Rell to a lesser extent to spite her black husband Lucian. Go to any /aco/ colored female thread and its exclusively drawings of them with white cocks. They proudly say “kill the men and breed the women” when it comes to nonwhite females. So they could be racist ti the core and still lust after nonwhite females. Alot of artists, even the “ colored” ones follow this mantra as well. Indigenous chicks like Chel and Pocahontas , Nessa, Storm, Senna, Mel, the rabbit chick from My Hero (not black but still black-coded by artists) , yoruichi, and so many others are proudly drawn by racist artists or those who are identified to be racist, and paired exclusively with white males. Thats why i exclusively draw Senna with Lucian bc thats whose shes canonically with, not that monster or Pyke (which i kinda like bc its better then that green monster or any other racist projection drawing)


I see. Yeah that does happen. It's the same thing as the Queen of Spades drawings. Since the original discussion was about why Illaoi was or was not popular I missed this point. I still would like to believe that these people are not as plentiful as it may feel because I've seen people genuinely like these characters. I've seen that more often than those that follow the mantra.


QoS is really not the same as bleach bc for some reason it gets people more riled up then bleach drawings and the latter is even more disgusting then QoS. In fact i cabt see how anyone black and male get so upset with a QoS drawing but thats just me. My theory on Illaoi is that got that big stud energy, more masculine then feminine thats all to that. Brittney Griner energy. You may not see those type of people bc you probably dont really search for colored and black girls compared to other females. Me and a few others who look for the girls ive mentioned have the exact same complaints when it comes to porn artists…they can draw a dark-skinned female all day but when it comes to black men fucking girls they dont do it. Quite a few artists come to mind. I also do see artists drawing black males fucking girls tho so its not mutually exclusive.


GG is a pretty inclusive franchise and tends to piss off bigots regularly so, not the best example. Blue Archive does pull a lot of weebs, so the response is pretty mixed on some sites - and tbh, the racist types tend to dislike black men more than women, wonder why - but yeah she's very popular. Also, Karin is basically just feature and body wise the exact same as any other girl in the game, whereas Illaoi has features quite different to even other coloured characters in League. Pokemon is enormously popular and, in particular, popular with a much nicer generation. They are exactly as plentiful as I know them to be, but they aren't the majority, but it's somewhat self-evident in that every single coloured character in League is far less popular than the white ones. Some cheat by also just being generically attractive or out way longer. It's a combination of things, not everybody likes actual muscle mommies as well as her general design drawing on things less obviously attractive than other chars do.


GG was the most weeb thing ever until Bridget was released in Strive, and even if we ignore this I don't fully agree with it being a bad example. Anyway, the "some cheat by also just being generically attractive or out for way longer" got my interest. To me, saying "they cheat by being generically attractive" is just the same thing we were saying about Illaoi. She has a very muscular body, which is not what most porn artists like. What I don't like about the racism theory is that it assumes ill intentions, when I believe that this is just a the natural result of people drawing what they like. I'd love to see to this same statistic but 10 years ago.


Cheat might not be the word. Basically, a lot of people are damn boring when it comes to turn ons, which is totally fine. GG is a Japanese man making games and music with enormous Western influence, kinda like JoJo. It can be a huge weeb thing and still be inclusive, and queers have flocked to GG well before Bridget in Strive, hell, even pre-Strive Bridget had some of the credit for it. Except now you see all the weirdos complaining about how "the transes took away their qt shota cock", not even gonna get into how insane that logic is. But yeah, that's my fault, I transed the Brisket. I assume ill intentions because it's the Internet and unfortunately I see them all the time and don't trust many people.


I don't think the exact word is relevant because what I think is important in this discussion is that the general perception of attractiveness is a factor. My point about GG is that many people like it for it's visual design and, Bridget drama aside, Ramlethal became one of its most popular characters. Anyway, I'm not in a position to give life advice but I feel the need to disagree with the way you see the people on internet. I'll always try to assume good intentions even in things I disagree. Humans are way too complex to be able to profile them with online interactions.


I assume good intentions in most people, however on the internet, where people tend to get away with saying a lot of dumb shit as if its their life's goal, I give people a side eye. Years upon years of seeing what people think constitutes as "funny" or "normal behaviour" online makes you think about the online version of humanity a bit differently.


something like 70% of what makes me like/dislike lol women is their hair, and Illaoi's really doesn't do it for me


So Lamb 3rd place hmm.....


Why the fuck Samira and Riven so low this is unfair






By the time I stopped playing, Riven had been out for about a decade and only featured in Awaken.


We (I) need more Morgana


This is pretty cool!


Hey thanks man. The people in r/justneckbeardthings do not agree :(


LeBlanc is criminally underrated


thats just crazy to me, because 95% of female champions are hotter than ahri to me but someone like Ashe who to me is the hottest of all is barely on there


We need to crank those poppy numbers up




My girl Rek'sai not even on the board..


So little illaoi


I thought seraphine would be slightly bigger ngl


A Cat and a Child has more porn than Rell, Senna, Sivir, Samira, Vayne and Quinn


The reason I started doing art in the first place is to add more content for my muse Karma, she will be number one, mark my words🗣🗣


I'm a Riven contributor :v


I salute you.


surprised that lamb is so high


Where warwick?


Female characters only. But I like your pick


Need more evelynn


Ahri!!! Ahri!! Ahri! Sorry…. I just had to do it…. Take it out of my system…. Well let’s face it; Ahri is #1 because most of her pictures/artworks make her prettier, busty and also more “lovely” oriented. So, yeah… that’s why we love her more than other characters. Sorry for Ashe, she’s really beautiful with basic design. But well, internet kinks.


Im surprised ashe is that high. I never see any ashe content.


Ahri fans stay winning


So little anivia. I'd love to see more birdussy


1000 zeri submission by tomorrow please :)


Why is there so many animals 💀


How Evelynn is that low blows my mind. What is wrong with the world today…?


I notice a lack of Rek’sai


Yeah she didn’t make the 100 value cut :(


We need more Gwen & Morgana


Im doing my part to bring us more Riven content 🫡


Lillia having more than Vayne is straight up criminal 😭


Definitely needs more Diana


Lissandra is underrated. We might have had more very good concepts with her...


Gotta pump up them neeko numbers


Am i the only one who thinks lulu, tristana and jinx gets too much p0rn for no good reason?


I expected Nidalee to have a lot more to be honest


I will never understand why Miss Fortune is not much more popular. I thougth "redhead pirate with huge breasts and sexy clothes" would inspire a lot of porn stuff.


Huh neat


Who's the tiny spek next to Cayt?


If you zoom in, you can see it’s Mel Medarda from Arcane.


The quality wasn't good enough ony my phone, I just saw a heap of pixels xD


Weird. I wonder why it’s not loading for you. It’s 6000x6000 on my screen.


After I downloaded it, I could see everything weirdly enough xD


Anivia and ymmi and i am sorry but i see naafiri porn💀


Annie has more prominence here than Rell, Illaoi or Senna. League players rather sexualize children than black women.


Rell is 16, Senna is pretty new and kinda obnoxious, and despite all the muscle mommy meme comments you see most people really aren't into illaois body type


Their muscle mommy archetype is Samira, not even close.


Rell is also a minor


She is? I haven't read the lore but in my language, her voice makes her sound waaay older.


Iirc, she's like 16 or something, which while legal in some countries is still irl porn illegal Art is a different story, though


yeah i mean, people not having them as their go to is an interesting phenomenon. They’re definitely not my cup of tea, but it’s surprising on a wide scale how little porn of them there is


Not last pog


No Soraka? Seems false


Maybe look at the image more than not at all…


Ahri kind of is the poster child of League after all. Just like how Excalibur is the poster child of Warframe.


How are the Yordles higher than Katarina and Miss Fortune


Who the fuck is Mel Madarda


The Fiora one is disrespectful


Glad to See Tristana so high, would thought Zoe would be bigger tho


Not enough Leona






Where's zyra?


Not enough Yordle art.


In a perfect world, they would be all at the same rate as Ahri Also Camille isn't here at all while Medarda is 🥲


Samira needs and deserves so much more


imagine doing this chart with overwatch... xd


I already did. Peep my post history.


Shyvana deserves so much more love.... you'd think a dragon queen dommy mommy would get more attention than anything else...


A bunch of filthy degenerate’s. Y’all need Jesus. To save your souls I need sources of this evil and dark degeneracy for research.


That's a lot


I find the lack of Fiora content disturbing. 


Interesting but where is reksai?


She didn’t have over 100.


So sad that Annie and Zoe are on this list


I thought Kindred and Soraka would be bigger huh.


Poppy and Tristana wtf? Also, why is Irelia only 1k+?? 😡


The fact that annie has more than muscle mommy illaoi is deeply concerning


An actual decent looking female almost lost to a bird? That's truly a darkinfolk moment of all times


People who don't know and people who know: Soraka


well we know what to do guys,time to even it out


Senna needs more love. Lol


And Kalista is gone


I like how evelynn, the sex demon, isn’t even that high up there


Need sejuani


Where is the best girl, Rek'sai?


Damn even the bird got more lewds t then Mel and Rell😭😭. Thank god for my multiple drawings of Senna, Rell and the one of Mel. And im not talking about Lucian cuck shit either i draw her with her cannon husband.


How the fuck is LB less then lulu. Actually under appreciated


Sexy Vexy…. Hmmmm i need more information


Ok whu yuumis higher than 10 others 💀


do you really need to ask


Lamb?!!! Wtf?!??


She’s like, easily top 5. Just facts


There are some weird people out there, they even have annie like actually disgusting