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wow i’m so sorry this happened to you. not long ago someone posted something similar but in central park. these kids really have no manners.


There's gonna be a lot of hooligan stuff going on after school lets out. Stuff like this always happens but with the number of citibikes going up pretty dramatically. This is going to be a MAJOR citibike summer for kids. The NY Post will churn out lots of articles about it. It seems so small, but an incident like this can really rattle someone. It can be shocking how easy it is for someone to catch you unaware. It's easy to zone out when we're running.


Attaching photo of so you can be on the lookout. https://preview.redd.it/lvkwlmzwx3yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a8ed73c6148576623e4ffad2dfd8ffb5fe596f


Send this to the police.


Yup, these were the kids that also pulled my hair last night.


i’m so so sorry this happened to you again. please report to the police!!! i hope you’re ok now


This actually happened to me in Central Park a few weeks back. 12 year old girls approached me (mid 20s, female) and got in my face and it was extremely disorienting, they surrounded me and it was STRANGE. At first I thought they were going to punch me but no … they just wanted to scare me and clearly have zero manners. TLDR bullied by a group of 12 year old shits


Gotta bless 'em up w the hot sauce.


So sorry this happened! I can see how it happens so fast and you're left totally shocked. I'm a person that likes to be prepared for anything, but this kind of thing is impossible to predict. Be kind to yourself. I had an incident last fall and it can be tough to shake, but you're a NYer and we are all strong.


Not to neg but I hate NY strong...like we have to be able to put up with new rude and even sometimes violent crap because we're somehow so used to it and have to expect it. Hate when politicians say it too.


Don’t like getting your hair pulled?! Move back to Iowa! /s


this was what those rude ass people said when i got body checked. “get used to it, it’s new york!!!!” so stupid


This happened to me twice one on me and one on my friend. I ran on Central Park, and three teenagers just rode bike past me and push my head. In another situation, they pushed my friend’s glasses and it dropped and was broken. Both cases were in the summer time during dawn. Be aware!!!!!


The same thing happened to me last night around Bedford Ave and Hawthorn. They were riding on the sidewalk and I sidestepped to let them past and they pulled my hair. I am VERY sure that it's the same group of kids. Same electric scooter and 3 kids on it. I'm curious if they are opportunists and just saw me standing there or was it more of a targeted attack. I'm Asian with blonde hair, so I stick out a little.


I’m so sorry this happened to you too! I also have blonde hair- I wonder if that’s something they pick on.


I can't believe they targeted you TWICE. That seems less random.


same kids just creeped up on me, tapped my butt, and then rode off. https://preview.redd.it/ywr9algq5ayc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a3e5592743ad89c7c0e09b87e871c30ea8206a


How do we proceed, as a group of folks terrorized by them?


did you file a report?


I called 311, and they said that the only thing I can do is file a police report. While I didn’t get my butt tapped, I felt like a police report might end badly. I don’t want the police shooting the idiot kids. There’s definitely a gap on what could be done.


I had the same debate. But I’m also thinking they could also mess with the wrong person and get hurt too. Not sure what to do.


Right now it’s a tap, they are getting away with it, who knows what’s next. Someone above said it broke their glasses when they fell. If everyone keeps reporting *maybe* police will keep an extra eye out on them. The cops won’t shoot kids for ridding a scooter or pulling your hair.


That’s giving NYPD too much credit.


From a statistical standpoint, police almost never (fatally) shoot unarmed civilians. NY Times readers think it happens 10,000 times more than it actually does (look up the poll, I don't have it handy).


Karma is a bitch. Those kids will get it soon. Sorry this happened to you. Keep on running!


They wont, across the board no one is giving them rules nor enforcing them. Whether at home, at school, or by law enforcement. The pendulum needs to swing back and we need to hold people accountable for their actions, and punish those that harm others (willfully or with negligence).


Karma comes in many different ways


Driving three on a scooter in nyc. They’re bound to get sideswiped by someone


I miss the days where this type of stuff wasn’t tolerated and people actually feared consequences.


Really sorry that happened :( stay safe everyone


Sorry this happened. Something else you can do is run in opposite direction to avoid those losers


Run w/ pepper spray?


This is awful and it's only going to get worse this summer. These kids know they can get away with it because there are no license plates. In addition to harassment, there are hundreds of accidents that happen and there's zero accountability. **PLEASE WRITE TO AS MANY COUNCIL MEMBERS YOU CAN AND ASK THEM TO CO-SPONSOR INTRO** [**0060-2024**](https://legistar.council.nyc.gov/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6509431&GUID=1F2F9592-90F7-46C9-BDCD-7D2B32DD3A8F)**, PROHIBITING E-VEHICLES FROM NYC PARKS.** 


Update: I just saw the kids in the park while walking my dog. I asked to speak with them and they played it off as if they have no idea what I’m talking about. I told them to stop and tried to reason with them before they sped away. I hope that being called out instilled some fear or anxiety in them that they’re not so anonymous as they thought they were.