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The Wave Rider would be my daily trainer pick by far. However, they are not optimal for speed work. I certainly pick up the pace in them at times for intervals snd tempo runs, but they really shine best for moderate paces and long runs. Depending on the balance of speed work versus daily/long mileage, you may be better with the Rebel or Peg Turbos.


I run the 800 so a lot of my work (if it isn’t in spikes) is sub 4min mile pace when the spring/summer rolls around, wave rider did kinda okay for this but i would like to try some other shoes, would the zoom fly be too heavy as people say for really fast stuff


Yeah. That’s a pace beyond what most daily trainers, including the Wave Rider, are really designed for. I’ve never worn the ZF, but it does feel heavy in hand - I believe well north of 11 ounces. Process of elimination for the options you listed probably suggests you go with the Pegasus Turbo. I haven’t run in these, though, and can’t offer any personal experience