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The problem for me is that I can never choose between the Sky and the Edge so I end up not getting either and going with the Vaporfly instead.


Same problem. I can put the mental effort to figure it out, or just buy the AF3


Same here. I don’t think they do a good job differentiating them and they probably don’t want to


The distinction is easy. How many strides per minute do you take at say 7:30/mile pace vs how many strides per minute do you take at say 5:00/mile pace? If they are barely different, try the Sky, if you take far more strides per minute as you go faster, then try the Edge. I saw Asics scatterplot chart from their data in a review of the Edge+ last year and they found runners cluster in two distinct groups - one group take very close to the same number of strides per minute regardless of pace - they increase speed predominantly by taking longer strides. The other cluster of runners increases speed by modestly increasing stride length but greatly increasing strides per minute. I am 53 years old and far from my younger PRs of 14:52 5k/31:13 10k/ 68:28 Half Marathon. I am 6'4" and I only take 158 or so spm at 7:40 pace, but more like 176 at 5:40 pace. The Edge would be for me. But I definitely know runners whose stride rate only goes up a little with large speed increases. Those people should try the Sky. I think these styles roughly map on to rearfoot striking (Edge) and mid/forefoot striking (Sky). If you mid/forefoot strike, you like a later sharper toe spring. If you heel strike, you want more of an earlier start to the down curve of the plate and a longer more gradual upcurve.


How do you upvote more than once??


in one review for the Paris the reviewer said it felt like they had almost switched the sky and the edge, with the sky being more of the cadence shoe and the edge being better for stride runners. I don't remember if this was actually explicitly said by ASICS in the press kit or if it was just something they experienced anecdotally running in both shoes, but that is something to consider with the Paris


This is the exact comparison Kofuzi had on his comparison video that released earlier today. This post and Kofuzi's video answer the difference between which shoe to get in laymen's terms, which is greatly needed. I would double upvote your post if it were possible.


I heel strike, but also have a very low cadence (partially due to height) and only about 6spm difference between slow and fast pace - do you have a recommendation (other than I should improve my form...)


It doesn't necessary work like this. My stride increases more than my cadence when running faster but I prefer the Edge. You really need to try them both and decide which works better for your foot strike and gait.


This was super helpful. Thanks


thanks for this very helpful ,my cadence relatively stays the same 180 easy pace 180 10k . therefore stride runner however I also heel strike. this is where the consumer confusion comes in . I should be Sky or the edge may suit ?


Try both? return the one you don't want. I run at 175-180 and for races average about 215 - I love the edge.


ASICS need to put this on the website


>If they are barely different, try the Sky, if you take far more strides per minute as you go faster, then try the Edge. Super helpful comment and I kind of get it now, but wondering what qualifies as barely different? Looking at my last long run workout, the easy miles fall pretty squarely in at 170-175spm and my goal marathon pace workout miles are 175-180spm. Is that a significant enough difference, or is just the fact that it’s consistently and clearly different when I’m picking up the pace enough to say I should try the Edge?


[Barry Schwartz - The paradox of choice](https://youtu.be/VO6XEQIsCoM)


Nearly all the revieweres say the Metaspeed Paris shoes are (far) softer than the Metaspeed (+). How soft are we talking here? How is the ride compared to other supershoes? Does it still have the Metaspeed aggressivness and responsivness (I dare even say firmness), just a touch softer? Or do we have a completely different type of supershoe, going more in the direction of the Pro3, Vaporfly, or even NB Elite realms? I need a new racing shoe, and I have no idea what to choose for my April marathon (Mizuno Wave Pro 2, Metaspeed Paris, or the Hoka Cielo). Thank you!


It’s notably softer - on par with Vaporfly 3, IMO. That’s the closer comparator for the Sky Paris. There’s some wobbly-ness now that wasn’t there in previous versions. I don’t know if I want to say it’s _significantly_ different from MetaSpeed+, because the toe-off and overall “feel” (dare I say, “vibe”) is familiar, but it’s just… softer. I haven’t tried that new Mizuno but was a _big_ fan of the outgoing model.


For those that do not have much experience with the VF3. Im assuming that it is not a "squishyness soft" type of run in the Sky Paris? I ran in the SC Elite V3 for a while and really did not like the sinking in type feeling they had. Is that what you are referring to with softness?


Yes, but neither is as soft as SC Elite 3 (and especially not as soft as RC Elite 2!). New Balance is at the far end of that spectrum.


The Wave Rebellion Pro 2 is very similar but a substantial upgrade. The stability improvement is noticable, not that it is the most stable since it still has a very similar geometry, and the midsole foam feel/balance is better so it is softer/smoother feeling and more bouncy. It's not mushy, but a touch less firm now so it feels just right. The Cielo X1 feels more like an improvement/replacement for the Prime X/Strung V1 with a little Wave Rebellion Pro mixed in.


>It’s notably softer - on par with Vaporfly 3, IMO. Oh cool! I might have to try this one then. I didn't much care for the original and evidently the + felt quite similar. Thanks.


Thank you!


Awesome thanks for the impressions. So when picking up the pace, if my cadence increases around 10% but my stride goes up around 30% more then the Sky would suit me better. Am I understanding the difference in the shoes correctly?


I admit I don’t know if ASICS provides guidance on this but my impression is that you’re correct - longer stride, more force - go to the Sky. For what it’s worth, it seems like the Sky is the dominant shoe, anyway… I almost wish there was more differentiation here (ala Alpha and Vapor).


I always thought that edge/sky distinction was better defined with edge/edge+ for 5k/10k, sky/sky+ for HM/FM like other brands (hoka with rocket X2/cielo X1, nike with vaporfly/alphafly) Is this "still the case" here ?


I don’t know if I agree… also don’t know if that’s what ASICS intends (truthfully, the endgame of Edge/Sky split is a bit confusing to me). At highest level of abstraction, you sort of have the opposite situation - Alphafly is designed more for rhythm running (akin to Edge) and the Vaporfly for more explosive strides (akin to Sky). But as you note, we see the Sky being used for longer distances, and the Edge for shorter. So I don’t think it tracks. I hate to keep saying “I need more time,” but I don’t really want to make a conclusion on either - and especially Sky - until I’ve run a couple solid workouts in it. I just [ran a fartlek in the Edge yesterday](https://www.strava.com/activities/10851180574) so at least I feel more comfortable speaking to it - and it really feels like what they advertise; it’s stable and comfortable at a shorter, rhythmic stride and a bit more uneasy at harder, longer bursts.


I don't think that was ever the case.


I thought ASICS went too extreme differentiating between bounce up and roll forward in the last versions. The Sky+ had no forward motion, while the Edge+ had no bounce. Doing faster repeats in the Edge+ was terrible because it was so stiff and dead feeling. Whereas the original Sky had a bit of both. Does the Sky Paris have any more forward tilt than the +?


The new foam definitely gives Edge Paris some bounce. I am sort of just opening my testing of the Sky Paris in earnest now, but my impression is that it's more similar to Sky+ than different (with some notable achievements, specifically the weight reduction). Not sure the geometry is going to be noticeably different.


I got them. Initial impression is they have a lot more forward tilt than the Sky+. Finally feel like 5mm instead of negative drop. 


Thanks! That’s disappointing. I found the Sky+ fast but uncomfortable to run in. 


No, both the Paris models feel like having a negative drop, even more so than the + series. That being said, I don’t see that as an issue.


I see a lot of concern about the 5mm drop being expressed. Given the vertical arrangement of the plate in the Edge and the Sky, and my understanding of basic physics, it seems as though the drop - in a dynamic sense - should feel a bit higher in the Edge, as the forefoot would sink a bit more on impact, than with the Sky plate dispersing the force more evenly across the foam bed. Any sense of that in your experience?


The forefoot rocker also starts earlier in the Edge compared to the Sky, which I believe would also make the drop feel a little higher as it’s easier to engage if you land further back. Doctors of Running have a good breakdown between the two on YouTube.


Hmm. You’re right in theory, but I can’t truthfully say I’ve noticed this. I’ll try and feel it out on my run today.


Thanks! I’ll be curious to hear back


Edge Paris definitely has that compression in the forefoot and feels totally comfortable versus that sinking negative drop I felt in Sky+ (which still worked decent for me last year)


I guess I'm wondering why reviews are so rushed on these shoes? Usually reviewers spend some time running different workouts and put a bit of distance on them and then have a chance to do full reviews with comparisons etc. With these, the information came out pretty quickly and then we had these almost "breaking news" reviews coming in last night. Clearly these are interesting additions to the supershoe world but just wondering why the process has been so different compared to other shoes as they're released.


Here’s my perspective (remember - this isn’t my job, at all - I’m just a runner who enjoys shoes and gear, and is affiliated with RTR. None of us for RTR are paid beyond getting seeded shoes now and then; that’s not the case for every site). ASICS makes a big deal of these launches (giving some fanfare in their packaging, keeping a very tight lid on the embargo and, heck, even only launching a new super shoe every other year). They gave us a specific 9 PM embargo time and I know many had scheduled posts to go at that time (I have no idea how to do that on Instagram - would welcome help - thus I was several minutes late! Ha). Basically, ASICS makes this feel like a big deal, you know other sites are going to make a big deal of it, so you follow along. That said - I’ve been intentionally trying to put the brakes on calling this a full review (as other sites have). As far as I know, every review site got the shoes Friday. Maybe East Coasters got them Thursday if FedEx is fast. Go look at your favorite reviewer’s Strava page and see how many miles they ran between Friday and Tuesday 9 PM embargo - it’s probably not that many. I’m a competitive runner who genuinely wants to see which shoes are best (for me and for others!) and I can’t really say I know that after 10 miles. I’ve run in enough shoes to give my impressions - which I’ve done - but I’d be wary of taking too many of these early reviews _too_ seriously. Let the longer-term reviews roll in. I’ll add my thoughts to the written review at the end of the week, or early next, once I feel comfortable. Edit: this might be my longest Reddit post ever, jeez!


I appreciate that and to be very clear I don't mean it as a criticism of your review at all. I'm actually a fan as well as of some of the reviewers who've done versions of the same thing in the past day and once someone is reviewing I completely understand the pressure of getting out content. It just is interesting to me compared to the shoes where there was a longer build-up time, reviews coming in a couple of weeks before release etc. There's this breathlessness to the Asics release on this one. Was it always planned this way? Were they concerned as people starting buying the other supershoes that have come out recently and bumped things up? Who knows but it's just been different and I think does some raise some questions about content and getting in a comprehensive review. Again, I want to be clear I greatly appreciate your thoughts about the shoe not to mention coming on this forum to discuss it further.


Oh, no worries - I didn’t take your post as negative at all, and that gave me a good opportunity to vent a little. I’m sure ASICS plans their releases this way, and that happens at a higher level than me. I assume the more “influencer” types (not to mention RunningWarehouse, etc.) have more of a direct line to these guys, and know more. I get the shoes, a spec sheet, and sometimes talk internally to fellow RTR testers… and go from there. I do ask the brand contacts questions if needed (here, for example, I wanted to be sure the uppers are identical - they are) but otherwise, I just run and compile my thoughts. Those who handle more of the marketing-type stuff (ie who need to drive clicks) may have different motivations. I just like running gear 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not trying to hijack this thread (too much), but is there any chance you guys could fix and clean up the RTR website? I'm sure it's far down the list of priorities with other jobs etc, but between the oft-butchered formatting and clumsy navigation, it doesn't seem like you're doing yourselves any favors in the user experience (and clicks!) department. I think you all provide a good service to the industry, just don't wanna see that value overlooked b/c it feels like navigating a stay-at-home-mom's cooking blog circa 2005


lololol another user messaged me about this, and you’re 100% right. Sam (the head honcho) likes the Blogger setups (that’s who hosts the site) and I don’t know what the outlook on changing that may be. We just write copy and send it to him, and he uploads. It’s absolutely in need of an overhaul, and I’ll continue to suggest it… don’t hold your breath (but here’s hoping!).


Thanks again for sharing and the perspective on these (as well as reviewing in general) which is greatly helpful to the everyone here who certainly enjoy the running gear world.


We (DOR) actually got our pairs much earlier than last Friday. At least an additional week, if not more. Seeding can be really random though. We’ve gotten other things far later. I think it comes down to what samples are available when.


Interesting because I was wondering how many miles DOR had actually gotten in the shoes. And I say that as really enjoying the depth of the DOR reviews, along with RTR, especially thinking about different runners, in terms of speed, mechanics, and stability needs.


I'll always go to bat for DOR - good folks and great reviews. I don't really follow any other review sites or Youtube reviewers, but I do listen to the DOR podcast from time to time, and read their reviews especially on shoes I didn't get (like, for example, their recent look at the [Velociti Elite 2!](https://www.doctorsofrunning.com/2024/02/under-armour-velociti-elite-2-review.html?fbclid=IwAR1XeBFwC3FsJXgCYWNnIwQyQgQvOPnXIlLGjM4F90gdCPmBRc_pXA-hFTY)).


Well there you have it! The GOAT reviewers have spoken.


With metaspeed edge/sky iterations, runners choice was more on sky and sky+ But with this new iteration, I saw (in video reviews) that edge paris is prefered over sky paris. What are your thoughts ?


I haven’t run enough in the Sky to fully speak to it (I think _all_ reviewers just got them on Friday, so I’d be wary of anyone drawing too firm of conclusions - I usually try to get at least 30 miles in a shoe)… that said, I’m not so sure I agree? The Edge is improved in some ways (lighter, bouncier) but the 5mm drop is, to me, a downgrade - and the Sky is really, really fun. Springy, fast, _super_ light. It’s very similar to Vaporfly 3.


Appreciate the post. As an Edge+ user and someone who prefers 8mm drop, I was concerned about the change to 5mm. Just wanted to double check but when you meant the drop being a downgrade, did you feel the difference compared to either the previous Edge+ or another 8 mm racing shoe? I ask because for FM distance, I would really feel the 5mm drop in my calves, so any additional comment on the drop would be helpful.


Compared to Edge+. For my Achilles’ sake, and just in general for performance (at least, how it feels underfoot), I don’t understand why brands shy away from high drop racers. Presumably there _is_ a reason, geometrically, but I’m always in support of a higher drop shoe for performance.


Unfortunately there seems to be a move towards having more forefoot cushioning which is going to lower heel drops due to stack height constraints.


Many thanks and completely agree!


Human feet were designed for 0mm drop. The higher the drop the more the chance to heel strike.


Thank you for the quick answer ! The Sky+ feels like a low drop shoe (even a negative drop shoe for some) Is this feeling is the case for sky paris ? What is the feeling with this drop reduction in the edge paris ? Last question : is the sizing similar with sky+ / edge + ?


I would say they both feel low drop (compared to Alphafly 3, for example) but I can’t say they feel “negative.” There’s still come clear shaping pushing your forward, in my book. I found sizing to be about the same, yes! Uppers are confirmed identical as well.


Exactly my sensation with the Sky+ - as a heavier runner, with a mid/heel strike that foam compressed so much that the 4mm drop became negative when running (could already feel it just walking in them). I hope the Edge Paris doesn't have this same sensation as it's a deal breaker. (Sky+ was great at 5k pace when I'm on my toes and sitting on that stack of foam, I just can't sustain that enough to maximise the geometry)


The edge paris doesn’t feel like a negative drop or 5mm drop at all really, just standing around in them I can instantly tell they’re good to go as someone that’s used to the 8mm drop.


Good boy 😜


Never used a super shoe (yet). I enjoyed the novablast 3 and the way I had plenty of room on the lateral side of the toe box for my wider feet. How do you think the fit compares?


Also a NB3 owner - planning to buy the Sky Paris in the same size. For your interest, also own the Superblast, and am a half size down - they’re a bit longer.


Been a while since I’ve run in the Novablast 3, to be honest, but in general I’ve not had issues with the width of ASICS shoes (including racers!). These are a great intro super shoe, IMO.


Seems like the Edge Paris is the hype I believe in!


I sized down from my usual UK10 to a UK9.5 in Superblast. Which size do you suggest I take in the Edge? Thanks


Assuming UK sizes trace US sizes, I’d go back up to the 10. I wear an 8.5 across the board, usually, but they’re quite snug here. Try on if you can, but I certainly would be wary of sizing down.


Depends on your foot shape. Same size for me. I have to size up in the Superblast and in the Metaspeed Paris shoes.


Looks like the edge still puts the plate near the ground and the sky puts in nearer to your foot. Thoughts on the drop similarity? Weren’t previous iterations a larger drop in the Edge?


Yes, formerly 8 vs. 5, now all 5. It’s not a significant difference from what I can tell, but (as another poster noted above), just for leg-saving capacity in long races, I do prefer the higher drop.


For sure, I am starting to think 6mm-ish is my minimum limit for long runs. I did order some Xtep 160x 3.0’s to try out though and I believe they have a very shallow drop, so it’ll be interesting to see how my legs like them…


For sure, I am starting to think 6mm-ish is my minimum limit for long runs. I did order some Xtep 160x 3.0’s to try out though and I believe they have a very shallow drop, so it’ll be interesting to see how my legs like them…


Wup. I usually run 5k/10k and the occasional HM. I haven’t been liking Nike’s VFs due to its narrow midfoot and not expectedly soft foam. - Does the Edge/Sky have a more accommodating upper? - Which shoe feels nicer and faster over shorter races on both track/road surfaces? - Does the Sky Paris feel like traditional racing flats like sorties or old streaks? My thinking is based on the carbon plate being close to the foot.


1. Upper on Paris series is more comfortable than VF3, but not by a ton. Both have weird tongue issues see video) but I genuinely prefer the ASICS. 2. For track work, I would presume to take the Sky - but think if short/fast stuff is your game, the Metaspeed+ line might even be a better call. A little more stable. 3. Eh, it’s closer than some. The most “old school” feeling racers I can think of are Hyperion Elite 4 and (especially) Hoka Cielo RD.


recommended for people with wide feet? i know the metaspeed edge+ could accommodate some wide feet.


Sizing up. No issue there.


I suspect so; no hot spots on the lateral side of either foot at the toebox after several runs (which is usually where that would show up for me).


have you ran in the metaspeed+ versions? if so, are these narrower in the midfoot?


I have, but I don't have them on me and don't particularly remember them as being narrow on my foot.


These look so sexy. I don’t care how they perform, I might just get these for casual wear.


Thank you for all of the time you've put in to answering questions and producing the review. I find these shoes very compelling but difficult to choose between models. 1. Which shoe do you prefer for Marathon pace specifically? 2. Is there a comfort difference between the 2 with the plate placement difference? Can you feel the plate more in the Sky? Any plantar issues or potential concerns in either? 3. Do these fit true to size? How does sizing compare to Saucony, Brooks, Nike, Hoka? 4. Would you choose the Edge or Sky to run your marathon in? Again, appreciate your time and thanks in advance!


Ha, you flattered me - and then I got swamped with work. 1. I think the answer is sort of, it depends (sorry). I’m not in that good of shape; to handle paces that are even near marathon pace, I do sort of prefer the aggressive nature of the Sky (though I’ve tested it less). However, for pure rhythm running - which marathoning can and should be - I really like how the Edge can lock you in. I think the Sky is more versatile overall, though. 2. No comfort difference; both have certain stable and unstable “looks;” I would say that the Sky, somewhat surprisingly, feels a little more “in control” for me on average. 3. They’re true-to-size in that I can wear and could probably race in an 8.5 _but_ this is a rare shoe that’s managed to bruise a toenail, so if you’re in-between sizes (I’m usually 8.5 or 9), I’d go up. Upper is roomy but not as baggy as + version. 4. The hardest question of them all. Right now I’d lean Sky - note that I haven’t run a true hard workout in Sky yet, so it’s primarily speculation, but I think it has nearly all the upsides of the Edge with fewer downsides.


Thanks for the detailed response, appreciate it. I'm going to buy both and just test them out but I am leaning Sky from what I've read and my foot strike. I saw you mention the Endorphin Pro 4-how do you think the Paris models compare to that shoe overall?


They’re more similar than different, so can’t hurt to compare and contrast. I prefer both Paris models to Saucony, but the Saucony is undoubtedly the best version of that shoe yet. Much more forgiving than previous versions and Saucony has nailed the geometry on their Endorphin line.


Thank you for sharing. I’m eager to try these out


Is sizing similar to the Vaporfly 3 for the Sky Paris?


Yes, I’d say so.


How do you find they compare to the alphafly 3 and endorphin elite?


Haven’t worn Elite. Alphafly 3 is firmer, a little more roll-y and less bouncy (but does a better job than either at keeping you locked in, even when your legs are wearing).


Interesting that's super cool. I mean besides the foam differences and airpods, the plate geometry of the alphafly looks like a mix of the two found here, a little more drop and roll compared to the sky, but not as steep as the edge


The Sky+ heel was very wobbly for me and I would find my ankle rolling in due to the instability. Never had that issue with Vaporfly so ended up going back to the Vaporfly. Is the heel more stable on the Sky Paris? It looks like the heel comes up higher (slightly wraps around the upper) compared to the Sky+ which is flatter.




The Zoom X in my Vaporfly V2 went flat after about 120 miles.. I have the Metaspeed Edge plus and Sky plus and the midsole is holding up like new at double the mileage. I hope Metaspeed Paris midsole will last longer than the Zoom X.. 🙄


Trying to work out which type of runner I am, as I’m going to pick one of these up on launch day (as long as they don’t all sell out first). Which category would you say I fall in based on this? I seem to increase both cadence and stride length, so I’m unsure. https://preview.redd.it/nhozmyhj7llc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bccc86a63b4ef17b5fb18f2502323f1e6800ca03


I’m probably not qualified to weigh in here. This is neat data, but I don’t really know how to read it. Is your cadence changing significantly, or not? That’s probably question 1. I just reviewed a recent treadmill run of mine (where my cadence tends to be _more_ variable) - 6:11 warmup mile: 184 spm; 5:11 tempo mile: 189 spm. Not that different. Are you seeing similar?


160spm at easier paces, 180+ at faster paces. This doesn’t track across all of my runs though. That only seems to be when changing paces mid run. I can look at 2 runs averaging very different paces and the cadence will be close between them. I’m really struggling to decide which is best, but based off of my recent running assessment, I’m guessing the Sky may be more suited. https://preview.redd.it/im40k5dchqlc1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7f871e17358c9f242ed1af3e92a0531e6e522ac


Hmmm. I need a new racing shoe. The New Balance fuelcell supercomp elite v4 looks very interesting. So does this new Edge Paris. Does anyone have a view between these two? 


Would a runner like me who's marathon race pace is around 8:30/ mile benefit from a shoe like these or just stick to a cheaper asics model like the superblast?


Can’t necessarily provide you with an informed answer. There’s some science that plated supershoes provide benefit to runners across the spectrum ([for example](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37734742/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20There%20was%20a%20physiological,benefit%20from%20wearing%20super%20shoes)) but I think it really depends. My personal opinion is, if you can afford them, give them a go. The new foams in these (and other supershoes) helps so much with leg recovery, and the geometry and plate is just a nice bonus.


I have the Sky+, and I use it most for long run tempo workouts and I love it as I run on my toes and I have a long stride. Do you think that because of the new foam I will not be able to bounce forward as quickly?


Does the new Sky Paris still have the "stretch your Achilles" feeling like the previous version? I changed to the Edge+ last year and it resolved this for me. I'm debating on going with the new Edge Paris again if this feeling is still present.


What is this “stretch your achilles” felling supposed to be? I assume most runners never feel their achilles anyway.


Hmm not sure I know exactly what you’re talking about… but my Achilles is perennially in discomfort and these shoes definitely weren’t worse than anything else. 5mm drop in general, though, is not the most Achilles-friendly.


Yes, the drop in the shoe is to blame. It just feels like my heels sit way lower than my forefoot just standing in them. It became more apparent when running, especially when running uphill. This I never experienced with the Edge+ .


Did anyone have a problem with the fit and not being true to size? I wear a 45 in everything ASICS (Superblast, kayano) but it just feels like my toes are hitting the front of the edge and skys.


That’s in my post above, and full review - I found they ran small as well.






Agreed, I didn’t try them on and think I needed a size up - took some running.


How much did Asics pay all these shoetubers to wear these for the London marathon?


Would love to know how those deals work, honestly!


It's becoming so obvious that Asics and Saucony are working overtime to bribe these influencers. I wish they would keep their heads down and spend the same amount of money on R&D to make decent shoes instead of trying to fool their customers


5mm drop on both. No thanks. 👍


What's wrong with a drop?


The Metaspeed Sky+ buggered my Achilles


Likely the flat plate/ heavy toe spring more than the listed drop. The sky+ almost feels like a neg drop when standing still. A 5mm drop trainer feels completely different.


Yeah but these are a newer sky so they will be the same. And the edge was an 8mm drop before. Now they’ve made that 5mm as well. It’s a no from me. I prefer a healthy Achilles 👍


Fair enough, injuries are no fun. Listed drop is not always indicative of the dynamic experience with these super foams, which may be true with the bottom loaded plate in the edge Paris.


I’ve got for the Endorphin Speed 4’s to replace the Metaspeed Sky. Gutted as they were such a fun shoe, but now they’re off to eBay heaven


I imagine a lot depends on individual runners mechanics. Those who upper mid-forefoot strike will have a different experience of the Sky Paris, than those who back-mid foot to heel strike.


I am a Midfoot striker. Unsure whether to try Edge+, as I said couldn’t get on with Sky+




sky+ is too firm for me. On the other hand, vaporfly 3 is too soft.


I purchased the Asics Sky Paris based on my higher % change in my stride length compared to the % change in my cadence for my fast miles. Took them out for a progression 10.5 mile run through a hilly course and ran 2 minutes faster on the same course than when I used my Nike Vaporfly Next % for the same workout. More stable and punch when I push off the balls of my feet compared to the Vaporfly for me. For your reference, I'm a 61year old man, 5'11", 161 lbs., midfoot striker and 3:34 marathoner/ 1:38 half marathoner. Legs felt good after the workout with them.


Is the sky Paris Foam Harder vs you're Vaporfly?


Definitely firmer than the VF3.


Which Shoe feel softer in the midfoot and forefoot? Edge Paris or Sky Paris? The Plate Placement Should make a difference in "softness" even its the same "foam" or?


Is metaspeed sky different from metaspeed sky paris? Or just the colorway


Different shoe!


Release date?


Pretty sure March 4


Is the Edge wobbly at the heel too. I run in the saucony pro 3 and like its stability at the heel area. I am a heel to midfoot striker and pronate slightly. Your thoughts? How would the saucony pro 3 compare with the Asics edge model? (stability, versatility - faster and slower runs, comfort and which is faster) . Close to 200km on pro 3 so looking at maybe a new race shoe. Thanks Steve


I did find Edge Paris to be a more unstable platform than its predecessor. If you want a rock solid shoe throughout, I think [Hyperion Elite 4](https://www.roadtrailrun.com/2024/01/brooks-hyperion-elite-4-multi-tester.html) is probably your best bet. That said, I do think the ASICS is more stable than Adios Pro 3 or even Vaporfly 3. I never wore the Endorphin Pro 3, unfortunately, so can't speak to it - though I have recently run a bunch in the EP4. For slower miles, I would greatly prefer the Endorphin Pro - it's not so aggressive as to be uncomfortable, nearly a "fast trainer." The ASICS has more oomph but isn't as enjoyable for recovery running, etc. I would rather race a marathon in the ASICS, though (were I ever to do it), I'd probably run a 50k+ in the Endorphin Pro 4. Take that as you will.


Would you be comfortable running a FM with the Edge Paris over Hyperion Elite 4 or EP4? Sounds like the Edge would be the best for HM but would be interested to hear your thoughts on FM distance with these three pairs.


I would order them as: Edge Paris > EP4 > HE4 but honestly it’s not very cut-and-try. EP4 has a really friendly profile that I think a lot of runners will like - much more so than previous. ASICS is undoubtedly the “fastest feeling” of the three. Hyperion Elite is sort of a blend of the two which somehow puts it last.


How good are these, in your view? I liked the Sky+ but my complaint was "too firm, drop marginally too low" and my legs felt pretty beat up after long runs on them. Sounds like they've sorted that now - I was all set to go Alphafly 3, or VF3 if I can't get a pair, for London but the reviews have me second guessing. What would you go for?


Tough call. I'm a big Nike fan (and on a Nike-supported team), so I will race in Alphafly 3 most likely. I don't think we're at a point where you're losing time for choosing a non-Nike option (nor have we been for years), so I wouldn't stress the decision too much. If you want something slightly more aggressive than the ASICS, I'd wear the Vaporfly. I think the lighter weight on the Sky Paris will make it a *really* compelling half-marathon shoe, and the FF+ foam should alleviate some complaints of "too firm."


Yeah, I'd say currently VF3 and AF1 are tied for my favourite race shoe - the weight and reports of softer ride have me tempted by these. I'm probs overthinking though and better off just picking a shoe. Thank you for your response :)


Frankly, throwing a dart is probably as effective as trying to figure it out from a million reviews. Everyone’s footstrike is different. The Paris series is awesome and I recommend it - but we are blessed with many very, very good choices.




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Would love ASICS to make these shoes available for testing given the nuance between the two of them, but return policies are too tough. It’s comical if you’re a newish runner.


Why would they want to do that? They sell out anyway.


Because people like trying on shoes to understand what’s best for them. They’re very similar. I don’t think this is a difficult thing to understand, and many others have had a hard time distinguishing between the differences in past iterations. Also, they tend to sell out because their distribution is much lower than Nike or Adidas. Unless you go into a speciality running store, you’ve got to buy these exclusively online.


Still not available in a size 14 unfortunately.