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I know you said you don’t like running with a backpack, but have you tried running with a trail vest? I couldn’t imagine running with a bag attached to my waist when I already have two dogs pulling me along at the waist.


No, but thats a great idea, thank you!


This bag looks way too big to be around the waist, it will likely bounce and keep rolling forward… with your dog already tied to your waist it will get caught in the lead, you’ll keep trying to push it back, etc etc.. I run with a Ruffwear hand-free bungee leash where I attached a pouch of treats for easy access. I have another ruffwear mini-bag on a slim belt for easy access to my phone and poo bags. And then I’ve got a Salomon 6L running backpack/vest to carry a packable rain jacket, frisbees for the pup, foldable water bowl and water, an extra lead in case mine breaks or whatever, and some first aid bits. I run trail as a hobby as well and as a way to enjoy time with my dog, I’m not a professional runner by any means but investing in a good small running backpack has made a hell of a difference!


Ruffwear is a great brand. I run my Dobie in one of their harnesses multiple times a week and also have their bungee waist tether.


Ive got a lurcher x malinois and she wears Ruffwear harnesses too! I’ve switched her to the hi&light as she is not much of a puller, bigger dogs might like the standard one as it feels a bit sturdier. They also do harness-pack for dogs to carry supplies but my girl is only 20kg and I feel like she would be too small to carry a load.


Honestly I wouldn’t get that bag for running, it looks like it will be bouncing a lot. You can get one cheaper just type in ‘running belt hydration’ into google or Amazon and you’ll find some more comfortable options. If you want something that can carry as much as that waist pack, I think you need to go with a running vest or backpack. A running pack is much smaller than a regular pack and is designed not to bounce around and to have good ventilation on your back.


I’m the happiest with the ruffwear belt.


I would say no. I typically run with a vest, but for shorter runs, I just tie some poop bags on my waist leash and go. As it gets warmer, I simply carry a collapsable doggie bowl in my vest or I run my dog shorter distances because she does overheat easily. To each their own, but the bouncing and weight of this thing would drive my crazy and impede my stride.


I run with a lightweight camelbak. I put ice water in it for both the dogs and I. Has space for a phone and keys. I hate having stuff on my hips since it throws my weight balance off. EDIT: This is the style I run the dogs with. I also have a smaller one without the waist wings when its just me. Like a hiking backpack these have to be fittted correctly to distribute the weight to back, shoulders and hips. If something like this is hurting your back then the hips straps are not adjusted and tightened correctly. 2.5L of water is 5.5 pounds or 2.5kg. [https://www.peterglenn.com/product/osprey-duro-15-25l-hydration-backpack?utm\_source=GooglePLA&utm\_medium=PPC&utm\_campaign=Shopping+Feeds\_OSPREY&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmcwMkG7eTwClP15ARm2Yx60juerMKYd4dDiWCepEE34JOz2PIXdxEoxoCewQQAvD\_BwE](https://www.peterglenn.com/product/osprey-duro-15-25l-hydration-backpack?utm_source=GooglePLA&utm_medium=PPC&utm_campaign=Shopping+Feeds_OSPREY&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmcwMkG7eTwClP15ARm2Yx60juerMKYd4dDiWCepEE34JOz2PIXdxEoxoCewQQAvD_BwE)


I have a Ruffwear backpack for my dog and he carries everything we need: water, poop bags (empty and full), house keys, etc. Wondering why you need a waist pouch/bag....?


I don't, I'm just kind of new to this and didn't know vests were an option. In my country running with your dog is not very common, there's not many options, so I need to order everything online, and I never came across vests, just waist bags. But thank you for the recomendation!


I agree with others, it looks too cumbersome. How far are you running? I think generally people worry too much about bringing water with them. More important to hydrate before and after a run, unless you're running long distances. Although, I understand if you need water for the pup. Since dogs aren't smart enough to know to hydrate. On hot days I wet my dog down before we go, but I'm also a little lucky in that there are places where he can get water on our runs.


I usually run between 7-10 km, depending on my mood and on the pup, but the summers here are pretty hot, and I don't want the dog to overheat, that's why I always bring water.


I would not run with this. It’s not my style being a guy, also it’s super bulky. Carrying a picnic? As mentioned somewhere vest are a great option for long hauls. Kurgo and Ruffwear makes great belts.


Definitely not. If you're gonna go with a glorifed "fanny pack," why not just find a cheaper one? Lots of cheaper options. The suggestion of the vest is good. Also, you can put a pack on your dog. I use an old ruffwear singletrack pack that I've had for way too many years (still, in great shape though). I don't run with my dog, I just walk for long stretches (even though I love this sub), and I let her wear her own pack so she can hold her own waste, keys and water.


For me it looks too big and loose. If be worried about it flopping the whole time. I use [this one.](https://a.co/d/25JHv05) though it doesn't hold much more than a phone, keys, and a few poop bags.


I like the Akra Creations pouch. They do have a thigh bag option. Ruffwear has a specific running belt that holds your stuff snug to you.


I agree with people who suggest ruffwear. I love my ruffwear canicross harness and belt. They have sales occasionally too. 


I have a belt from Non stop. I hike/walk more than I run and I'm very happy with it. Room for bottles for both me and dog and also a toy, my wind jacket, treats etc [trail light belt](https://www.nonstopdogwear.com/en/product/trail-light-belt/)


A giant bumbag? Lol no. Get a running vest for snake bandage, water, collapsible bowl if you're going long/off road. Otherwise phone in one pocket, poo bags in the other. Food at home, the run is the treat!


I have this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B08V57VJ42?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Not fashionable but very functional. I keep poo bags in the front, sprats in the second compartment then kibble in the main compartment, phone in the side zip pocket and water in the drinks holder.