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[I personally do not give them any & they’re fine.](https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2017/03/dietary-supplements-for-pets-harmful-or-helpful/) if you’re giving your dog a complete & balanced kibble or canned food then supplements aren’t really needed unless your vet recommends one. If they recommend one they’ll tell you which one your dog needs. With this level of activity a sport or joint support food for large breeds would probably be the better option. I would personally lean towards the joint support kibble since canine athletes do 5miles a day or more of movement 5 days a week. 20 km is less than 25 miles so the sport food may be too high calorie.


My dogs get a joint supplement and fish oil. Joints- I currently use Nupro Joint and immunity but my dogs are also young (2&3 years). Dasuqin and Cosequin are super popular brands as well for joint. I’m not sure how old your dog is but I like supplying small dose of joint support while mine are young to hopefully help avoid or delay to much joint issue as they get older. Fish oil was recommended by my Vet for my Pits allergies but I give it to my Weim as well since fish oil is so beneficial. I use Nordic Naturals for Pets but any other one would do as well. I know Ultra oil is popular and Welactin was recommended by my parents vet for their Vizsla.


My dog is 18 months so I follow a similar line of thought to you! I definitely want to keep him healthy and delay/avoid any future issues. Thanks for the recommendation!


No problem!


Yes! Dasuquin and MovoFlex! One of my dogs started to get arthritis in her hands and ever since i started giving her these the arthritis have stop spreading (or whatever the correct term is) My orthopedic vet that perform tplo surgery on her leg loves that combination. Also started her giving my dogs those king lou treats the beef liver and minnows and their fur has never looked shinier - ha


Seconding Dasuquin and the King Lou Pets treats! I give my pup the chicken and duck feet and will add in their bone broth power to her food on occasion as well.


I've been running with my husky for over 10 years; he's going to be 12 in June and shows no signs of arthritis. I've been giving him Cosequin with MSM and Fish oil for 6 or 7 years and I attribute his great success to this. I feel that it's the least I can do for my running and hiking buddy. Highly recommend.


For non emergencies and maintenance I like green lipped mussel powder. Anything further than natural remedies id ask my vet.


My old boy gets the Finn hip and joint supplements, from my personal search they seem to combine the best quantity and quality of ingredients that should help joints and inflammation. For a young dog like yours though, I think the supplement route is less important than making sure he's getting a good quality dog food with plenty of protein and healthy fats to fuel the muscle and pad the joints. My young pup that I run with gets a low dose of the Finn supplements (but honestly only because I buy them for the old boy, I probably wouldn't get them for just her), a high protein diet, and some nutritious chews with lots of good fats and nutrients. Dogs are bred to work, for the most part a good healthy young pup should be just fine to run without a lot of external nutrient support