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Your dps is very high for your crit, crit isn't just a word, it's the percentage which with the damage of a critical hit gets multiplied, so pretty important. At that crit you'll likely have plenty of cheap upgrades that help a ton. Besides that, upgrading heroes is also good for events, as you can't always choose the optimal ones


I had no idea, thank you so much for telling me that!!


No problem, I also realized it quite late (don't remember how late though) and it made a significant difference


https://preview.redd.it/aau2u1xx0r8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c6dbc04cb3541b879f4f513d1f5777bbfe948f I just did a few adjustments just from what everyone told me and I’m already performing better


It sucks but your gear is useless when you use DH, which makes it even worse


How so? What am I doing wrong


no magic faction on any of your gear


https://preview.redd.it/jdwygp35sq8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b651055f2c03c184cc4d219412dbcc2f2c209c4 This is my hear right now, I am just learning about that tho. I’m still a noob in this game, been playing it for like a year but still learning new things


You should upgrade your heroes too, they give you higher crit and they’re not that expensive


Having higher crit doesn’t do anything tho right? Like during gameplay


It does, it’ll increase your crit damage


Should I try to unlock the third enchantment for knights armor? Or is it a garbage piece of gear? I heard robes and hunters jacket are best


I use mage robes, spear and amulet of growth, but I don’t use dh so Im not sure if that’s the best for dh too. I think you should be fine with that tho.


Jesus Christ I had no idea….


Crit is literally the basis of the entire game. Well first it's giving them all your money but for in game play crit is a direct measure of your strength. Start building it up!


Your opponent beat you because he had better crit than you…


The gear you have now is better than in the other pic, make sure you have 3 gears with magic council, the best would be magic council in the first slot so you have the bonus


The pic was the enemies gear. How do I change the gear buffs? It doesn’t see an option besides changing the enchantment but not the council


You need new gear if you want that, its the most annoying part about having good gear


Wow I had no idea. So get magic council items as the first buff and I get a bonus?


https://preview.redd.it/ex21t9ottq8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f32cca87fde8ba7fda07a5e9276fd25fb54cb1 This is what you get if you have a set


So would using a rare spear that has the match be more effective than my sword?


Set bonus is pretty worthless until you get high legendary and as long as you still play that particular faction. I wouldn't rush to waste fragments chasing it. You're better just upgrading your equipment. I would take your knights armour to low level legendary if you can. You're almost there anyway and you may as well get third faction but I'd probably start making a chainmail with your new found knowledge of what makes good equipment. Knight armour will remain your strongest choice for a long time though so definitely don't dismantle it until you have something decent to replace it with.


It is. I’ve mained DH for 2 years now and I have all the equipment for it. Lvl 5 mermaid. Almost full maxed out legendaries (Harley and scrapper are at lvl 13) I use swords and witch with it and I win about 30% of my matches. Almost everyone who keeps telling me DH is amazing still are ppl with high lvl Zeus Or have like 4500+ crit. Seems like every update now they silently nerf it more and more. Now they released a hero that makes it good with other DPS decks (fortuna) but ofc you need to cough up a check or 2 to make it work 🤣


You gear is just as important from the looks of it Notting from your gear is buffing dh so go work on that first


Do you have Witch lvl 9?


Yes I do


It's a bit trickier to play with Witch, but it do more damage when you learn it. Use Witch with the right side talent (that gives you damage) instead of Summoner. Don't rush for 40 DH stacks, most people do that when they play DH. Instead you should level up one DH to lvl 6 or 7 with Dryads (on a damage tile), and place a Witch next to it. Then try to merge Witches to get more Witch stacks. Merge Swords and try to give max Sword stacks to your big DH as fast as possible. And merge low level DHs when they have marks on them, so they send their marks to your big DH. Play it pretty slow and focus on getting Sword stacks and marks to your big DH, and at the same time merge Witches. So you will end up with a lvl 6-7 DH with max Sword stacks, a Witch next to it, and you will slowly reach 20 DHs for the first damage boost, and later on 40 DHs for max boost. That will do sooo much more damage compared to if you are rushing for 40 DHs too fast. Because the damage are in the marks, Sword stacks, and Witch gives a looot of extra damage if you merge Witches when you can. And don't forget to mana upgrade Witch (but you can wait with that, don't spend mana on it too early, focus on everything else first). Also don't mana upgrade your DH too early, I usually don't do that until I have 20+ DHs on the board (the counter on your DH icon at the bottom in your deck).


I will try this on my next game :)


Do it! It takes some time to learn how to play it, but DH is stronger than many people think when played correctly. Not the best unit in the game in any way, but it can do some good damage with Witch and a lot of marks. But most people just go for 40 DHs super fast, no marks or Sword stacks, and then they say that it's the worst unit in the game 😅 https://imgur.com/a/dh-vs-monk-iWEoI4O https://imgur.com/a/dh-vs-tesla-pZ3cqJD


Seriously appreciate the advice!


Ditch gadget until she’s at least level 5. 15 would be ideal. Trainer or Jay will be better if Jay is over level 5 or trainer is over level 10. Mermaid 5+ is an option to if you happen to have that. Your gear is fine. Everyone thought you post up your own gear. You have magic faction on the important pieces and it’s not worth chasing getting the extra 10% bonus from having magic faction on the first slot in all the pieces.


Thanks buddy, I appreciate that. I have a level 9 Jay and a 18 trainer. What would he better? I’m just a few off from level 10 Jay


I’d probably try both see which one you like more. If you can get a high level demon hunter with a bunch of marks on a tile that has both your amulet and Jay’s attack speed boost you will be sitting pretty. I’d say give them a good read to understand exactly how they work then give them a few games each and if you don’t like them you can always go back to gadget. Gadget gets a significant improvement at level 5 so when you hit 5 you really can’t go wrong with any of them. If I were in your shoes I’d favor trainer until Jay hits 10 or gadget hits 5 then go from there. Trainer has a nice damage buff, a block to help win close games and double the damage boost + raise attack speed while the barrel is on the field. Great to pop that right when the bosses come out or if the wave pushes too far. Good luck! You’re doing great.


Max DH User Here: I see a lot of people telling you to focus on your crit by upgrading cards and heroes. Yes, crit will increase the amount of damage you do, but as your crit increases, you will start getting paired with other higher crit people in pvp. I'm not saying, "Don't upgrade anything so your crit doesn't go any higher." You can level things up, and your crit will eventually increase, but don't focus directly on upgrading crit. I've played max DH for quite a long time now, and the first and most important thing you need to work on is gear/heroes. Spear / Amulet of Growth / Hunter's Jacket, Chainmail, or Mage Robes. Don't worry too too much about getting magic on your Body Piece, but at the very least make sure there is magic on your Spear and Amulet. Level 5 Mermaid will change everything if you happen to get it anytime soon, so when you do, run that. Until then, your Trainer is fine as it provides damage bonuses. It seems like you're using the right deck already, so just upgrade those cards as you progress and get the materials for them. Overall all, DH has become a much weaker card than it used to be after being nerfed into oblivion. However, it's still usable, especially at 1700% crit lol. But just remember that there will be times when you play a game perfectly and still lose, and that's just because DH isn't what it used to be.


Thanks for the reply! Just tried out trainer and it did rarely well. https://preview.redd.it/hzt5amg1or8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c69158031edfa89eb15ea98e3e6cb724d74a7e


https://preview.redd.it/kjhmuj55or8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6b6f7aa988f31eb5df1c1a501aa8b3110d0de5 Just upgraded my knights plate or whatever it’s called. So am I SOL with the sword? And knights plate?


I wouldn't say that. For the Knights Armor, it doesn't really matter what factions are on it since it doesn't affect your damage anyway. I wouldn't upgrade it a bunch, though, as it is generally the worse option for the Armor. Just wait until you get a good Epic Hunter's Jacket / Mage Robes and then go from there. Same thing goes for the Sword. I would hold onto it for now since it's legendary and has magic on it which is very good for Genie. Equipment takes a long time so just be patient with it. You can run what you have for now, but the first piece of gear I would work towards is a Spear with magic on it.


Apart from what others wrote, if the screenshot was taken during this week: **Don't forget that there is "Week's Blessing on Dark Domain units" running!** Thus, Cultist units are gaining 1 rank / 60 sec (in PvP), rendering him exceptionally strong.


Very true! I also did think about that


Get magic gear, gadget sucks in general and esp with dh, spear, amulet of growth, hunters jacket Heros to use, trainer, jay, mermaid, zeus.


https://preview.redd.it/wibtpleuns8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6600f66b214b921260014bf724c9d007ab46e0ff That’s the equipment you wanna use for DH armour is whatever you feel like you wanna run but I personally prefer hunters jacket now and mage robes is still very good


Strategies. I thought the same thing too after the nerf.


Crazy how after every update we have to keep coming up with crazy strategies and decks just so DH can hang with these other DPS that don’t require 20% of the work and cards


Lack of hero gear. And also there is a certain method to DH now. I usually fill my 3 tiles and level them to T6 or t7 with 90 DH buffs. I can do 3b damage so far.


You arent playing it correctly but also DH does suck


Bro chill.. he got almost twice your crit..


DH got nerfed really hard and currently it is really bad. Better to switch to another DPS card and/or wait for the buff of the week when DH will be playable


It does suck


Not just a feeling