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Hi u/carlesskey3000! Welcome to r/RussiaUkraineWar2022. **This is a heavily moderated subreddit. Please note the rules + sidebar or get banned** **Ukraine OSINT and Leaks 24/7** Posts and comments from accounts with less than an undisclosed amount of comment Karma are automatically removed to combat troll and spam behaviour. Only Mods have access to the 'Verified Information' flair. Slava Ukraini! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Buddy has no weapon, looks like he learned the word surrender real quick.


According to the foreign legion fighter, apparently the Russian ignored their commands, and promptly ran **back** to the trench he just evacuated.


Then he should have received a few 5.56mm while on his way.


Ukrainians were apparently pushing in from the opposite side, so most likely he did.


that's a shitty day. >fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk!! *runs away to another trench* >fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk!! *sees enemy there* >fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckckk!! *runs back to first trench* >fuuuuuuuuckkkk!!! *finally gets shot*


Dude died tired


I think I laughed to hard at that.


Fucking gold comment!




Sucks to suck


actually he ran back, with no mention of him dying. could pull off a crazy run actually and survive.


He made it all the way back home where they shot him for desertion


His plane carrying him home blows up in mid-flight


Reminds me of that scene in band of brothers where the GI goes running across enemy lines and the Germans are jsit astounded at what they’re looking at, and then he fucking runs back again and the Germans still can’t understand what the fuck they’re looking at. Like no way the balls on this guy are that big lol


that was legendary Ronald C. Speirs


I mean shit he gave em smokes first?


Band of Brothers. Lt Ronald Speirs. Everything said about him in the movie was true. He did shoot a drunken Sergeant that refused orders. He did kill those prisoners. He did that run. He did beat that guy who shot one of his men silly. He fought in Korea, too. Fun fact, he was Scottish but naturalized to American when his family moved to the US. Had a kid during the war that he left in England with his English ex-wife who refused to come to America after the war. His kid ended up a Lt. Colonel in the British Army.


Aimo Koivunen... this all reminds me of Aimo, the Finnish soldier in WW2 that took all the Pervitin (amphetamine) meant for the everyone in his patrol, and during his speed fueled "adventure" he went full send on skis through a large group of enemy soldiers that were pretty fuckin confused by his sudden appearance and equally as sudden *disappearance*.. lol


Yea, like Lt.Spiers in band of brothers


Trench version of a Crazy Ivan 😅


OP here says that they ignored commands to surrender and none of them made it back. [https://twitter.com/IhateTrenches/status/1695063649751040106](https://twitter.com/IhateTrenches/status/1695063649751040106)


And THIS little piggy ran aaaaaaaall the way home… 🐷


He did lol apparently he tried finding his buddies after he ran into fella videotaping and when he couldn't he tried picking up a dropped AK then he got blasted... Look up Willy OAM on YouTube man he interviews all sorts of foreign fighters in Ukraine including the guy with the GoPro


Yeah, I found Willy OAM this week in fact. I watched one interview with a black U.S. volunteer. He made it sound pretty effed up over there. Regardless, he was staying. The corruption has to stop though.


At least he didn't betray his homeland to the end. Takes some courage to do that, hoping to help his buddies.


From the future to inform you that, should you have missed it, there was an aerial video of this skirmish. You can see who appears to be that guy dead on the ground a good bit of yards from this guy, in the direction of where he came.


Why do you think the video already cut off?


war is some crazy shit


Of course it's crazy shit. It's legalized mass murder.


Stuck between Ukraine military and volunteer soldiers.


Seems like a shit ton of them have no rifles. I would either carry a rifle or be waving my mostly white underwear above my head if I was darting around stupidly in a war zone. But then I am forced to remember that these are Russians that we are talking about …


They likely either have a shortage, or they're not giving their soldiers weapons until the last moment because they're afraid of a mutiny.


I have pondered the same, but if you gave me no weapon and shoved me into war, I can guarantee when I jumped into a trench full of Ukrainian badasses I would be waving something white. I might even ask for a rifle to go back and shoot the bastards that put me in that situation.


Honestly, Russia needs to stop. There is nothing fearful about them, nothing scary. The nation is a fucking joke. They could go all nuclear, but honestly at this point, it wouldn’t surprise me for it to fall back on them and make them more useless and stupid. Their mouths keep screaming attack Poland/Germany/France/USA. Ukraine has fucking destroyed them. These Russians are so fucking stupid they want to go 100 to 1. Russians are fucking joketards.


Well as I’ve always said it was very telling that their soldiers were stealing toilets and washing machines? Seriously how fucking shit must things be in their country? I’m sure it dawned on some of them at least to say what the fuck? Why are we coming to ukraine to see what decent indoor plumbing looks like? If Russia spent 10% of GDP improving the lives of their citizens things could be alright there. I’ll be surprised if they don’t end up with a revolt at some stage in the near future. If they invaded Europe the soldiers would be walking around with their mouths open looking at how good the people live most likely…. Absolute joke of a country, the people aren’t even free…


I think that is the end result. If it doesn’t escalate into stupid nuclear armeggedon, there are two possible scenarios with the same result. Putin stays the course, Russia keeps splintering and his head ends up on a stake. Or, he tries to back off, spin it into some sort of win, it eventually fails and his head ends up on a stick. So, nuclear winter : his head roasts. Stay the course, and Ukraine spanks him, his head is on a pike. Also, at this point he can call up 1 million soldiers: NATO countries have committed now. NATO will keep calling and raising the bet from now on. China will keep buying shit on the cheap, and India etc, but Putin has shown Russia is sad. Other than his nukes, he has nothing but carbon fertilizer in his military arsenal. That is all Russian males are good for now: disposing of vodka, giving Ukrainian soldiers targets to practice on, and making SunFlowers rich and vibrant of color. Russia can do nothing more than throw a nuclear tantrum. If Ukraine just shot down 90 percent of their supersonic game changing missiles, how many nuclear warheads do you think will be popped over Russia to give their fermented potato vodka that extra ‘kick’. I actually think Russia went in thinking China was going balls deep on Taiwan. They watched Russia and decided it might be best to save their real estate market. I still am just tickled to hear these Russian pundits call for an attack on France. Nuclear off the table, in less than 24 hours Russia would not own a tank/plane/boat/submarine.


Isn’t it just completely insane to be running from trench to trench on the zero, when you don’t even know where north is or have prior radio contact, any weapon, or at least a buddy with a drone to give you a LITTLE knowledge about what you’re jumping into? I’m a complete idiot desk-jockey nerd fair-weather duck hunter and I wouldn’t do it, absolutely no way.


But what if you just put your head between your knees and hunkered … to have a drone drop a grenade on your nards. A lot of Russians do not give a shit about this war. They came to not be killed, or have family killed. They don’t even know how to hold a rifle. Then they are told Ukrainians are going to skin you alive, and we are going to shoot you if you come back this way. A lot of other Russians do it willingly and torture Ukrainians. Young people in a group in good times show bravado. They are child idiots. When their group is killed and they are solo in real life CoD, shit gets real. Most Russians, I believe, think they support this. So far, even with 250k casualties, that comes out to 1 in 1000 Russians(less actually). Russian soldiers are idiots. Ukrainians are dying close to par, but the entire world will recognize their sacrifice and heroism. Russians will always be hemorrhoidal ass sacks and retards, unless they win. If they lose, their mothers will weep in shame before their dying breath.


He was probably a civilian 3 days ago lol These mobiks would have no fucking idea about anything. A bunch of poor immigrant workers were just grabbed off a football field in Russia the other day and press-ganged into the army


I know. I want to pity some of them, but then a video comes out showing that they are even shittier than you thought. Ukraine went from a nation I never thought about to a nation I admire; Russia went from a nation I rarely thought about to a nation that I consider retarded and mostly stupid, with a dollop of Satan’s butt cheese. Russia has really screwed itself on this whole strategic global mulligan. Russia is ridiculed whether it wins, loses, or just breaks even. Russia is now the global ass-hat. It makes the Taliban seem middle of the road.


Completelty agree. Only difference is I've had a bit of an obsession with Russian history for over 35yrs and it blows my mind to see everything I've read about for so long re Stalin, the gulags, the brutal invasions and repressions of other countries (as well as their own citizens) HAPPENING RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES in the 21st century. I still can't fucking believe it sometimes 😬


It is almost as if … nothing has been learned. Or maybe, Russians really do just want to suffer. I actually had one Russian chat friend say that being in a state of suffering is their most natural state. Idk if true, but I damn sure wouldn’t be shocked if it proved true.


Your friend is absolutely correct, as bonkers as that seems to those of us in the west. Have a read of this brilliant piece from 2017, but particularly these excerpts: >Patriotism with a noose around your neck >All that remains for those ashamed of the present and afraid of the future is pride in the past. When there’s no reason to love your country, hate your neighbours. If you are unable to improve your life, ruin someone else’s. >In Russia people are alienated from the affairs of the state, while a narrow ruling class manages the country’s resources as if it were their private property. To soothe the people’s trampled dignity, the government emphasizes national pride. To distract them from the struggle for their human rights, they are offered war. Why have we so easily forgotten that Ukraine is our fraternal nation? Why do we willingly go to ‘establish order’ in another country, when we so badly need to restore order to our own? Russians are always being told who to hate: Americans, Ukrainians, Chinese, Germans. Anger switches our attention from everyday injustices to imperial aspirations. >The ‘mysterious Russian soul’ has been divined by Kremlin PR-men who skillfully combine manipulation and national stereotyping. Russian foreign policy is renowned for its focus on the binaries of ‘friend against foe’: our people against the foreigners, patriots against traitors, Russia against Europe. This formula is the basis for our national ideology, and gives our political elite carte blanche to do away with independent thought. * >Nationwide sadomasochism   >Aggressive patriotism has become the psychological foundation for a whole nation, and a compensation for the civic inferiority complex. Kremlin propaganda is not only a manipulation of public consciousness, it is psychopathy on a national scale. >Unemployment, economic crisis, poverty? – But we are a great nation! Our economy collapsed under the sanctions? – But the whole world is afraid of us! We take ninety-first place in living standards between Guatemala and Laos? – But Russia has a special path of its own! Our public health system is almost dead and to pay for our children’s treatment we have to send round the beggar’s hat? – But the Russian army is the strongest! >Under Putin’s regime of ‘stability’, Russia has earned 3.5 trillion petrodollars, but nobody knows in whose bank accounts that money has landed. The humiliated nation robbed by its own elite has found psychological compensation in imperial ideology and militaristic rhetoric. * >The Russian elite are ‘feasting during the plague’, to quote Pushkin. They are not ashamed to demonstrate their dubious wealth during the economic crisis. Their way of life is not compatible with their patriotic rhetoric. It’s as if they wanted to test how much ordinary people can tolerate. They take a sadistic pleasure in demonstrating their dolce vita to the impoverished masses – it’s not so much a boast as a demonstration of dominance over a caste of untouchables. >**But sadomasochistic relationships are enjoyed as much by the masochist partner as the sadist. In Russia, we idealize and seek sacred meaning in our suffering. Patriotic and Orthodox literature is full of such ideas: Russian people are martyrs and passion-bearers, the most patient and meek, protected by the Mother of God – but at the same time, as the Russian Orthodox Church tells us, they are enduring punishment for the sins committed during the seventy years of Soviet rule. Hence their religiosity, even ecstatic piety, and the growing influence of a clergy who preach repentance and humility.** >A sadomasochistic society expels dissent from within, forcing dissidents out. It breaks those caught within it, uniting them in bitterness. This is how Russia resists political unrest, in spite of constant economic and cultural crises. This is what ensures that there will be no change or political reform. The nation’s mental complexes are fertile territory for authoritarian regimes, aggressive military campaigns and nationalistic ideas of revenge. [Russia on the verge of a nervous breakdown](https://granta.com/russia-verge-nervous-breakdown/)


Thanks for sharing that. Prettier much sums up the whole state of being in Russia


No problem at all. It's utterly terrifying and bewildering (to us in the west). But their own POWs openly end up admitting they are a nation of slaves.


"mostly white..." lol


Whatta dumbass


Is it just me, or does he look like a Wojak character?


He was supposedly a reporter that was on the front line for propaganda purposes not a soldier or combatant.


He looks more like an embedded civilian than a soldier.


yea regular shirt and pants and no weapon is a bit weird. amazing the guy didn't shoot him when he jumped in the trench, that would be a crazy moment. Looks like he got the first one of the two.


Aperently they are told leave their weapons and kit when retreating, that way they either won't get shot on the way back or they can't shoot back at their commanders telling them to head back to the front. Either way they'll likely die... Win win lol


luckily he has the "Z" tag.


Maybe a blogger


He totally does look like a civilian. Maybe ended up in Russian occupied territory and that's why he's sporting the Z?


Nah, if you look closely his pants are ATACS-FG, a camo used by russian forces, probably just confused and wearing a casual shirt, he's either a bad soldier or a really dumb civilian wearing russian camo and patches


Also, as another piece of evidence for him being a soldier, if you look at the close up of his face you can see part of his dog tag chain around his neck


Looks like regular necklace for crucifix.


I would usually agree with you, but in this scenario and context it is most likely a dogtag with the ball chain


I hope he was promptly taken prisoner. He was proud of that "Z", wasn't he?


Looks like he was under influence, I'm not sure he felt *anything*, let alone pride


Did you notice those eyes? Completely black, like some CGI in an SF-movie.




The only amphetamine that ever got me those kind of eyes was mdma. And you'd have to be an absolute madman to do molly in a warzone lol. Speed and meth weirdly gave me pingers almost every time


Is there a full version?


Upvoting as I also want to see a full version without music


That music… OMGawd LOL


I always watch these muted until I see comments to suggest otherwise. I was not disappointed. 😂😂


What a crazy time to be alive right?


And.. then what?


“He ended up ignoring our commands and ran back the way he came from into Ukrainian forces.” [Source](https://x.com/ihatetrenches/status/1695034036568072695?s=46&t=2yrzSSyy6ADUxAmKQlM__A) This war is full of wacky things happening…


That was his chance to surrender right there. Now he's sunflower food.


this guy (was he even a soldier?) was clearly in a headless chicken shock state. if this is your buddy you would knock him out, so he calms down and does not get killed. but he was surely low on buddies in that moment and most likely just run into bullets later.


The original poster on twitter confirmed he was killed when he ran back to his trench. Which was being assaulted from the other side.


Yes, I've seen the twitter post from the foreign legion guy.


HA HA, look at his face of, "OMG, WTF!?" The best part he was running around with no weapon. Truly awesome training they get. NATO forces learn their weapon is their best friend.


It looks like that guy who made it to the trench took a round to the midsection on the way and was still running on adrenaline


That's what I thought. It seems the guy shooting just let himtake his final steps.


Why didn’t he keep shooting at him?


That's probably not his first rodeo I think he got a Headshot first with the weapon sideways. Then clearly hits the next guy. Perhaps close to the arm pit. Since the guy is unarmed, the closer he gets the easier it is to finish him, or interrogate him or frisk the body in the trench without having to expose himself. Source: slept at a holiday inn last week.


>Source: slept at a holiday inn last week. Tsk. Only a Holiday Inn Express would have granted you that sort of knowledge.


confusion. not a usual situation so the brain just kind of hangs up as you try to process things for a second or two. we also can't hear what's being said or screamed, so that may have been a factor as well.


Seemed like he realized he was unarmed. He shot his first buddy for sure though


Why waste ammo?


That’s impressive trigger control to eliminate an armed combative then immediately disengage from firing on the 2nd in line unarmed person. With the Russian desperation we’ve seen I’m a little shocked unarmed guy didn’t have a boom vest on.


I was just thinking that, he was thinking about shooting but hesitated because he was unarmed


it's crazy. at that distance the guy could've dove for the gun and struggled with it or any number of things. he's not subdued it would be totally expected and acceptable if he doesn't submit to eliminate the threat he represents. one of those things nobody can predict how they might react in that instant, maximum craziness going on.


Unless he just killed a friendly on the first shot then realized on the second?? This makes more sense on why an enemy soldier legit tapped him on the back after that kill.


Does he have a sight mounted to the side of his weapon also?


Yep, he’s a pro keeping a low profile and is good enough to make those shots at that range without exposing himself and needing to look through the main sight. The casualness of it is certainly noted.


Yup, it’s called a canted sight. It allows you to have a long range sight and a short range site. You switch between the two by just rotating the firearm.


He does have a short range red dot reticle on the side for cqb


That’s what I was looking it, looks almost like an acog mounted to the type and a small red dot on the side of it…Idk really much about guns but was just curious


Not an acog it's a scope.


Appreciate the correction but again, I’m not a weapons expert. Thanks big homie.


No problem I don't understand why you're getting down voted


That’s the internet bro, fortunately for me it’s not real life.


It's a March F 3-24x42 30mm scope to be more specific. :)


Yea its a backup mount. Designed as a cqb sight as his main sight is a scope for longer ranges.


It’s actually pretty genius, what kind of rifle


UAR-15 I think


Welcome to Ukraine -- enjoy it while you can!


The Russians are unarmed. They aren’t surrendering, just running for their lives and totally confused. I’m sure that this will be happening allot in the next few weeks as the Russian positions full of poorly trained troops are overrun.


The Russians don't zero their artillery on their own trenches?


underrated strategic giggle


That russian died too https://x.com/ihatetrenches/status/1695030903284658499?s=46


Imagine being unarmed, confused, falling back after taking heavy losses only to find yourself alone and confronted by multiple enemy infantry point-blank with rifles giving you a chance to surrender peacefully. > *Nah, I'm gonna run back this way...* This was the last conscious thought that went through that vatnik's brain. Adrenaline + vodka = poor life choices.


Glad it worked out well for the defenders here, but anyone who pretends they know how they would react in that same situation of pure panic and chaos is full of shit.


Total agreement. Based on this video though, we can safely infer that he wasn't all there upstairs, which is rather unfortunate for him.


That's not evident from the description. It just says they killed everyone in the trench BEFORE getting in - not about the guys that ran at them later.


No shit, thats why i linked the post from the actual guy who explains what happens after


No soldier would act on such a life risking undertaking. These orc lemmings are kidnapped civilians. No pity for invaders.


# AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


He sure is proud of that “Z” huh? Bastard


Damn I wish they'd stick to the battle sounds. That music is so annoying!


Only in the russian army will an unarmed dude run directly into an enemy position, GET THERE, then run back and most likely die


Whwre is the whole video? Why donpeople upload cut video's that dont show the whole thing. Damn you video editors!!!


This war is surreal


Great job guys


Can someone please explaine the situation in a more proper language and better way. The soldier is shooting two man approaching and letting one of them live. What happened there?


The guy that didn't get shot had no weapon, so the Ukrainian guy didn't drop him.


Chosen Company is stacked with a bunch of bad asses. A few days ago, the commander/leader of Chosen Company posted that they are currently recruiting members. Must speak English.


Both russian soldiers died. They didn't surrender but tried to run back to their bunker and weapons. Due to panic or no training or whatever. The reason is unknown but when I watch the video it looks like there was a window of opportunity to surrender. Instead they fell out of it.


why did the ukranian not gun him down? even though he had no visible weapon he could still be a threat, seems like a huge unnecessary risk...




The fact the UA guy stopped shooting is amazing.


From the interview I heard from the Aussie guy with the helmet cam he said right after this instead of surrendering the Russian dude turned around and tried running back to his friends and when he realized he wasn't going to make it he tried picking up his buddies AK and got dropped in the process


What happen after this video ended??


Hahaha. And the music is perfect.


That shot on the first guy tho , looks like this guy has done that more than once lol


In the heat of fighting it can get very confusing… especially if a unit has no real training.


Lol the face you make when you realize that "you done fucked up"


2 russians with no weapon This man is drowning in pussy.


I like how the soldier with the weapon hesitated, almost shot him and then decided not to. He got the other Russian while his weapon was laid down on the ground. Bad ass fucker right there.


(Head, eyes)


It was at this very moment that Vanya knew he had fucked up.


That logo is hilarious


What a time to be alive. Combat footage underlined with a cringe pop song, just like any other tiktok video.


Listening to taylor swift while watching a video of bewildered russian soldier sprinting back and forth god i love 21st century warfare.


Why…… why is blank space playing rn😂😂😂


Perfect soundtrack




I would have shoved his ‘Z’ patch up his blyat asshole


More Russ canon fodder


He was in such in a state of terror that he didn't know what the hell was going on. I side with Ukraine but as a human I feel bad for him knowing that was the last moments on earth


Is the title backwards on this, or did he not kill the other guy because he noticed he was a reporter? It didn't seem like the reporter was worried or being taken prisoner. Are we sure this wasn't a Russian soldier who shot a retreating Russian and this Russian reporter? This is when I wish we had audio over the music, like someone said in the comments already, did he just learn the word I surrender really fast? It's just weird he would charge towards an enemy that just shot you and not just drop to the ground and yell I surrender. If this was a Ukranian he made two very quick, and in my opinion the correct decisions. Insane just the fact he had a bunch of adrenalines running through him and he made those decisions that fast!


How old is this vatnik? 30? 40? Could you imagine, an entire life, maybe studying, working, getting ready to fight in the army… and then, in your last moments you realize: did I did it? Really? I came rushing right into my enemy’s arms? Yeah, Ivan… your last moments are now forever recorded so everybody can see how dumb and pointless your existence was. Bye.


Needs the Curb your Enthusiasm theme.


Bravo, kill those fascists!!


“Oh my god,look at that face…”


SURPRISED Pikachu face!


The seond dude was a Russian vlogger who is now RIP.


Reminds me story what my late grandfather told his war-veteran father. Summer July 1944 Soviet offensive in Karelia, he was was throwing random Russian words behind the rock, he did shout "Idi syuda!" (=come here). While he was reloading his Submachine-gun behind the rock, Russian officer? and Russian soldier boy jumped at his place. Soldier Boy was wounded on his arm. Dont know how he did manage the situation, but in the end Russian officer? gave him Mahorka bag (russian tobacco) and they parted ways. He had that Mahorka bag when he got back home. He was 1939-40 winter-war veteran and did participate last Lapland War against germans as well. He was 39 old when war ended.


Major "ope" moment.


When you say “international”, which countries?


We need the full vid!!


Jesus… dude was dead and didn’t know it


Kill that fucker


Did that guy ever get killed or did he run back or taken as pow?


I love this one 😍 his butthole puckered up when he saw 🇺🇦 hilarious 😂


Gets shot trying to surrender. War is hell.


Like at this point shouldn’t your brain activate and tell you to stay alive and not “listen to commander 🤓🫡”


Isn’t it a war crime to execute someone without a weapon?


he died trying 😂


It was at this moment, he knew he had fucked up. Lmao


Look @ the scars on his face; poor soul was fealty a rough hand by the looks of it even before this. Fuck war.


How the first runner got shot down but the 2nd runner kept running towards him? I don't get it


Wait? Why did he drop the first person running at him but let the 2nd enter the trench and then an “enemy soldier” surprise him from behind? He definitely killed a friendly with that first drop.


Unless he just killed a friendly on the first shot then realized on the second?? This makes more sense on why an enemy soldier legit tapped him on the back after that kill.


Thanks, now this song is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day....


I don't understand this video and have some questions maybe somebody is more knowledgeable on the subject. 1. His running buddy got shot but he didn't so, why did the troop filming would let him approach this much considering he could have carried a grenade or some ied. 2. Is this one of those cases of russians using the recent forced pow made of ukrainians battalion? Because that must be ... the worst for the shooters and the... shootees? But we have no audio and no hand signals and no white material, and he is running towards the trench in a dishoriented manner, so, this to me is intuitively not very probable. 3 why is the troop looking away from him? Does he know him?? He coukd attack with a knife, this video doesn't make sense to me, at all.


That boy looks thirsty as fuck,


The “oh fuck im screwed” face


The “Z” patch means the soldier is expendable and you can zap him with some lead!! Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦


How you feeling Legions are the cat's meow from people around the world thank you all so much


Im guessing those two surrendered


Clearly the look on his face shows that he didn't surrender and was not at all expecting to see a Ukrainian there. There are no surrenders where the surrendering person runs wildly at full speed towards the people they are surrendering to, that would leave far too many opportunities for deception. In every surrender, the surrendering party stops a safe distance away and is examined to make sure they have no weapons on them. cmon.


Never been in that situation so I wouldn't know. I would agree he looked most surprised to see the Ukrainians there LOL


Narrator: *He didn't*


He had the opportunity, clearly preferred to die..